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Issue Home May 5, 2010 Site Home

4-H Club News Four Seasons
It’s A Girl!
Endless Mt. Poultry Association Update
Farm Bureau Hosts Forum
Show Mom You Care
PARSE Update
Engagement Announced Snedeker - Ellsworth
Broadband Expansion In NE Pennsylvania



4-H Club News Four Seasons

The Four Seasons 4-H Club met at the home of the Taylors for their first business meeting of the year.

Certificates and pins were handed out to attending members.

We held an election for officers: President, Nathanial Benjamin; V.P., Ryan Longacre; Secretary, Lillian Taylor; Treasurer, Alex Benjamin; Game Leaders, Alex and Nathanial Benjamin.

Following the business meeting was our annual game night where games and snacks were enjoyed by all. Pictured above, members of the Four Seasons 4-H Club enjoy game night.

News Reporters: The Taylors

Four Seasons

The Four Seasons 4-H Club met at the home of Bethene Summers for their 2nd business meeting to discuss social/educational activities, Camp Brule, enrollment, and that our audit was completed for 2009.

It was mentioned that demonstrations can start at any time.

Remaining certificates and pins were handed out.

Two of our members talked to the club about attending Camp Brule the previous year. They both stated they enjoyed everything they did there and hope to return this year.

The meeting was followed by a new game called Click and Clack and snacks were enjoyed by all.

News Reporters: The Taylors

Four Seasons

We had our group social event at BCC Ice Rink to enjoy time together as a group. A fun time was had by all - parents, friends and attending members.

After skating we talked and ate food that the club purchased for us. Arcade games were also enjoyed by the members. No business meeting was held because we ran out of time from skating. Pictured above, members of the Four Seasons 4-H Club enjoy a day of skating.

4-H Club News

Sizzlin’ Steaks

We met for our second meeting at the First Congregational Church in Harford. In the beginning of the meeting Mrs. Mitchell passed out project books that some people wanted to see. Then we said our two pledges.

We selected club officers: President, Olivia Zick; Vice President, David Bradshaw; Secretary, Autumn Whitehead; Treasurer, Evan Clarkson; News Reporter, Alyssa Clarkson; and Photographer, Evan Clarkson.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 21 at 7:00 at the Harford church's lecture hall. Evan Clarkson will be the first one to do his demonstration at the next meeting. Cory and family will bring refreshments to the next meeting.

For a club project, we will be doing a craft project. We chose PVC toys. After all of the business was done, the President, Olivia Zick, said the meeting was adjourned.

News Reporter: Alyssa Clarkson

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It’s A Girl!

Joe and Michelle Burke are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Kiera Marie, born April 20, 2010 at Lourdes Hospital, weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long.

Kiera was welcomed home with lots of love by her three brothers, Christian, Joseph and Jordan.

Her proud grandparents are Marie and Dave Canfield, Marty Brady and Eileen Wright and Joe and Ruth Burke. The great grandparents are Lynnie French, Maurice Burke and Mary Burke.

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Endless Mt. Poultry Association Update

The Endless Mountain Poultry Association (EMPA) recently met at the Mt. View Restaurant in Clifford due to the fire at Bingham’s. The group has been busy working on the final stages of their upcoming EMPA Poultry Auction to be held May 22 at the Harford Fairgrounds. A large turnout is anticipated and all are looking forward to the event. Doors will open at 7 a.m. and the auction will start at 10 a.m. Volunteers are needed, so if you have in interest in chickens please join the group.

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Farm Bureau Hosts Forum

Susquehanna County Farm Bureau held a Meet the Candidates Forum on Saturday, April 10 at the Harford Fire Hall. President Donna Williams introduced guests and took care of Farm Bureau business before opening the program with remarks by Peggy Maloof of the League of Women Voters. Maloof invited everyone to the LWV meeting, where subjects of local interest will be on the agenda.

Pictured above: seated - Commissioner MaryAnn Warren, Dennis Wolff, Joe Plonski; standing - Ed Zygmunt, Lou Freimiller, Tom Marino, Malcolm Deck, Jim Knapp.

SCFB Director Joseph Plonski was the coordinator for the forum and began with the introduction of candidates for State Senator and Representative seats up for re-election in 2010. Senator Lisa Baker, running unopposed, touched on the 800 million state deficit and proposals for gas drilling issues. Baker said any tax on gas drilling should not go directly to the state. Candidate for the 111th Legislative District Jim Knapp said he is not looking to be a lifetime politician as he believes in term limits. If elected, Knapp said he would be looking for help for senior citizens, jobs for the young. "I will listen to you," he said. A letter was received and read from Representative Sandra Major, and Donna Williams had received a call from Representative Tina Pickett; both representatives expressed their regrets at not being able to attend.

Candidates for U.S. Congress or their representatives addressing the two questions presented to them - health care and dairy pricing - were David Madeira, Chris Carney, Tom Marino and Malcolm Derk. On the question concerning a fair price for dairy farmers (as dairy problems are a national problem) the candidates all agreed this issue must be addressed. On the health care bill, Marino said no bill should be passed until it is read. Zygmunt, speaking for Carney, said there are different opinions on the health care bill but made the point that children may now stay on parents’ health care policy until they are 26 years old.

County Commissioner MaryAnn Warren spoke an behalf of Arlen Specter. According to Warren, the senator has worked to improve land conservation, provide tax credits for home energy efforts and to help find a solution for the dairy problems.

Candidate for governor Dan Onorato expressed the need to work with Community Colleges so the state's young people come out ready for the workforce - so the workforce does not come from out of state. Speaking about the Marcellus Shale drilling, he said we have to get it right the first time. He also supports keeping any severance tax locally.

Former Sec. of Agriculture Dennis Wolff spoke on behalf of Jack Wagner who Wolff said would use a common sense approach to address state issues. "There is no question that because of Marcellus Shale more farms will continue to operate," Wolff said. Wagner also agrees that any tax should not be used to balance the state budget. Wolff also said that any rollback tax should only be on the areas effected by the drilling site.

Jerry Birmelin retired in 2006 after serving 22 years as a State Representative. He was back in Susquehanna County on Saturday to speak on behalf of Sam Rohrer, candidate for governor. According to Birmelin, the candidate says what he means and means what he says. Those attending were urged to compare what the candidates are saying and select the one who has values that are the same as theirs. Described as a "true conservative," Rohrer is opposed to severance tax, as your property is yours, and should not be taxed, Birmelin said.

Candidate for Governor, Joe Hoeffel, was represented by his campaign manager, Lou Freimiller. Running as a Democrat candidate, Hoeffel knows how to reach out to the other side of the aisle, Freimiller said. If elected, Hoeffel's plans for an excise tax on natural gas would include reversing the agriculture budget cuts; fully funding DEP and renewing Growing Greener.

Susquehanna County Dairy Court members Olivia and Molly Mitchell and Allison Teel served cheese and crackers and distributed milk for a milk toast prior to the luncheon served by members of the Harford Fire Company Auxiliary.

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Show Mom You Care

(StatePoint) She brought you into the world and guided you through it. Now it's time to celebrate mom. Look past those flowers this Mother's Day and opt for lasting, custom gifts or experiences expressing the depth of your relationship.

Don't forget, it's not just your mom you should recognize, but the mother of your children, your grandmother and all the special moms in your life. Here are some creative ideas.

Turn the Tables. How many meals has mom prepared for others? It's time you turned the tables. It doesn't have to be costly: salads, pastas and soup will do nicely. Just add some ambience to the dining room or pack it up for a picnic.

Give a Specially-Customized Gift. She loves her customized ring tones and personalized options built into her car, her computer and even her gym equipment, so she'll appreciate a gift custom made especially for her.

Select a customizable gift based on her personality, such as jewelry that allows you to add different charms and incorporate engravings, or personalized stationery with a design scheme that captures mom's essence.

"By choosing a custom gift, you can rest assured mom will appreciate the time and thought that went into selecting each component," says Amy Myers, Vice President of Creative Services at Things Remembered.

Time to Relax. Every mom deserves time off. Package a spa gift certificate with a personalized, embroidered robe or an engraved makeup compact to extend her relaxation time. Instead of a pricey spa, use alternatives for at-home pampering. Create a gift basket with bath salts or oils, paired with scented candles and a relaxing CD.

If mom likes to read, buy her favorite books and include an engraved bookmark with a quote about the joy of motherhood. She'll think of you every time she flips a page.

Musical or Photo-Ready Options. Mom sang to you as a child. Relive those memories with a music box or water globe featuring a special song.

Mothers also love family pictures, so arrange some of her favorite photos in a display. Many retailers offer photo frames, shadowboxes and albums with areas to add engraved personal reflections.

Other than her birthday, Mother's Day is the best opportunity to thank your mom. This year, take the time to do it right.

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PARSE Update
Submitted By Cynthia Sims

The Pennsylvania Association of Retired State Employees, Chapter 15, held their first meeting of 2010 at the Elk Lake American Legion, Susquehanna County, on April 12. The guest speaker was Ed Zygmunt, field representative for Representative Christopher P. Carney, in the 10th Congressional District of Pennsylvania. He gave an excellent report, stating that in Representative Carney’s district the health care reform bill will: improve coverage for 406,000 with health insurance; give tax credits and other assistance to up to 179,000 families and 13,300 small businesses to help them afford coverage; improve Medicare for 122,000 beneficiaries, including closing the donut hole; extend coverage to 22,000 uninsured residents; guarantee that 7,900 residents with pre-existing conditions can obtain coverage; protect 800 families from bankruptcy due to unaffordable health care costs; allow 45,000 young adults to obtain coverage on their parents’ insurance plans; provide millions of dollars in new funding for 13 community health centers; and reduce the cost of uncompensated care for hospitals and other health care providers by $46 million annually.

Mary Ann Warren, Chairman of the Susquehanna County Commissioners, also spoke to the membership, urging them to complete and return their census forms.

Membership Chairman Helen Benio advised members to send their 2010 dues to PARSE. It is important that state retirees join PARSE to receive current information on all health and retirement benefits.

The next meeting will be held at the Zion Lutheran Church, Dushore, Sullivan County on May 11. To learn more about PARSE and/or make reservations, contact President Jesse Bacon at 570-265-2988 or Susquehanna Co. Vice President at 570-278-2380.

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Engagement Announced Snedeker - Ellsworth

Announcement has been made of the engagement and approaching marriage of Ms. Jamie Lynn Snedeker, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Donald Snedeker of Clifford, PA to Mr. Daniel Lee Ellsworth of East Titusville, PA. He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ellsworth.

Daniel and Jamie

Jamie is a graduate of the ACE Christian Education Program, and currently involved in child care.

Daniel is a graduate of the Wesleyan Methodist Academy of Titusville, PA, and is a long time employee of Homer Wood Company in Titusville.

The wedding is planned for May 8, 2010 and will take place at the Stateline Evangelical Wesleyan Church of Great Bend, PA. The couple plan to reside in the East Titusville area.

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Broadband Expansion In NE Pennsylvania

HARRISBURG - State Rep. Sandra Major (R-Susquehanna/Wayne/Wyoming) said the Governor's Office of Administration will host a public meeting on Wednesday, May 12, in Tunkhannock outlining a project to increase broadband availability in northern Pennsylvania.

"The increase of broadband service will be a huge benefit to the many citizens, businesses, schools and local organizations across the northern tier that wish to enjoy the faster Internet and wireless service our counterparts in more urban areas of the state do," said Major. "I encourage all those interested to attend the meeting to find out more about this exciting new project."

The meeting will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 12, at Triton Hose Company No. 1, 116 West Tioga St. in Tunkhannock.

Those who plan to attend are asked to R.S.V.P. to the Governor's Office of Administration online at or register by telephone at (570) 655-5581 ext. 231 to the NEPA-Alliance, Paula Terpak.

The expansion of broadband service is being made possible through a $28.8 million federal stimulus grant.

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