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COLUMNS: FOREST CITY: William Doud, a well know young resident, died at an early hour yesterday morning, of pneumonia. He was about 16 years old and was employed at the Forest City breaker. “Willie,” as he was known, was a genial young man and his death will be deplored by many friends. He is survived by his mother, three brothers and six sisters. BRIDGEWATER TWP.: At Watrous Corners M. F. Bissel has a fine show of alfalfa, it being 12 inches high now, while James Mead, up near North Pond [Brooklyn], has the champion wheat field. DIMOCK: Jonathon Estus and son, Lee, are building a new wagon shop near the blacksmith shop of C. W. Barnes. ALSO C. C. Mills, who is 80 years old, seems to enjoy these pleasant days by sitting on his front porch reading his paper while he smokes his favorite pipe. WEST AUBURN: The little girls of this place made Mrs. Fred Rider a handkerchief shower and a surprise party last Saturday, it being her birthday. Mrs. Rider received 41 handkerchiefs and a good time was enjoyed by all. MONTROSE: Dr. Henry H. Jessup, a former resident of Montrose, died at Beirut, Syria, on Thursday last. He was 78 years of age, a graduate of Yale college, and had been doing missionary work in Syria for fifty years. His father was judge of this county in the forties. Ten children survive him. ALSO Will the person who took the umbrella from the Court House, on Sunday, April 24, kindly returned same at once and saved trouble, as he is known. PLEASANT VALLEY, AUBURN TWP.: Most of the valley people attended the commencement exercises at Auburn Centre, Thursday evening. We have the honor again of having one graduate in the class of thirteen. We are proud to say it was one of our finest young men, Fred Pierson. We extend congratulations. JACKSON: Roy Roberts is becoming an expert motorcyclist. ALSO In North Jackson two stray dogs made sad havoc, Friday last, in the fine stock of sheep of Amos Potter, killing two of the best sheep in the bunch. Sheep raising has become almost a thing of the past as so many worthless dogs are at liberty and no one seems willing to take chances in the business. CHOCONUT VALLEY: An automobile party, consisting of Wm. Dean and little daughter, Mrs. Margaret Ryan and nephew Bernard Gilroy and Miss Hickey, all of Endicott, called on Mrs. R. Dean Sunday. NEW MILFORD: New Milford people are jubilant over the fact that the tannery at that place, which has stood idle for a number of years, is soon to be reopened by a number of capitalists and the business of tanning sole leather carried on. A man named Hill, of Endicott, and the present foreman of the Endicott-Johnson Co. tannery, are the promoters of the business venture. They are practical tanners, and it is expected that New Milford will be greatly benefited by the transaction. HEART LAKE: An entertainment that will be sure to please will be given at the Heart Lake M. E. Church, Friday evening, May 6. Music, song and story, four hand piano recitals, solos, duets, and recitations. Admission 15 cents; children 10 cents. Benefit of the church. SPRINGVILLE: Last Thursday, J. H. Kelly received a message from Little Meadows stating that Mrs. Kelly’s sister was dying and they engaged Minot Riley to take them over in their (Riley’s) auto, and they got there a few minutes before she died. ALSO Prof. J. Lee Tiffany was in town last week and purchased a horse and buggy of Sam Bennett while here. HALLSTEAD: E. A. Harmes, superintendent of the American Chair Manufacturing Co., has been elected general manager and treasurer of the company. ALSO Hallstead is interested in having a factory that will manufacture a patent horse shoe locate there. The Board of Trade held a meeting Monday evening to consider the proposition which was that a site be furnished and a specified number of shares of stock be subscribed. SUSQUEHANNA: Treasurer John O. Sheatz, on Monday, admitted the right of Hon. C. F. Wright to take the position of State Treasurer, to which he was appointed by Governor Stuart, and on Tuesday the formal transfer was made. The Supreme Court handed down a decision in the matter on Monday. ELK LAKE: Edward Hassen, of Auburn, was seriously injured while working in the woods here on Wednesday of last week. He was driving a three-horse team hitched to a wagon, when his foot slipped from the vehicle and catching in a root was forced backward. The bones in the ankle and leg were both broken. Dr. H. B. Lathrop reset the bones and the injured member was encased in a plaster paris cast. He was taken to the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Hassen, at Auburn, and appears to be doing nicely. BINGHAMTON: Alexander LaHare, a unique old character in the history of the city of Binghamton, called out “Evening papers” for the last time Friday evening. On Saturday morning he was found dead in bed. For many years, the blind newspaper dealer, day after day, through rain and sleet, cold or hot weather, was stationed at the corner of Washington and Court streets selling daily papers. The public was very kind to the old man, and out of sympathy he was given liberal patronage. His death was due to a severe stroke of apoplexy. His funeral was largely attended from the Church of Saint John the Evangelist on Monday morning. NEWS BRIEF: Most every man and woman remembers the shoes which squeaked when new. A few years ago, when a man wore shoes with soles as thick as those worn today, the first few weeks of their services made him think of an overloaded box car grinding through a union station. The squeak was agonizing. One good strong pair of boys’ new shoes could put a school room out of business. “What has become of the squeak?” a shoe sales man was asked. “The soles of most shoes are made from two pieces of heavy leather,” he replied. “Manufacturers learned that by putting a piece of canvas or a fiber of some sort between these two pieces, the squeak would be eliminated. They did this, and that’s why the shoes don’t squeak now.”
From the Desk of the D.A. A friend provided me with a small newspaper editorial from the Wall Street Journal and it described the reversal rate of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decisions. Of the 16 Ninth Circuit cases that the United States Supreme Court reviewed last year, 14 of those cases resulted in reversal. If considered as a percentage, this means that the Ninth Circuit was wrong 88 percent of the time. It is hard to even comprehend a federal appellate court misapplying and misinterpreting the law at such an alarming rate. Well, add one more reversal to the pile as the Supreme Court just decided the Mojave National Preserve Cross case, which resulted in another reversal of a Ninth Circuit decision. The facts of that case are very simple. In 1934, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) placed a memorial cross on the Mojave National Preserve to honor the soldiers who died in World War I. The Preserve spans 1.6 million acres of real property, and the cross itself was less than 8 feet in height - an admittedly tiny monument in this massive expanse of federal land. Buono, a regular visitor to the park, filed a federal action seeking the removal of the cross contending that it offended him, violated his religious freedoms and constituted an impermissible endorsement of religion by the government. The litigant prevailed at the District Court, and then again on appeal to the Ninth Circuit - and obtained judicial orders that the cross be removed or dismantled. While this was pending, in 2002, Congress jumped into the fray and passed certain provisions that prohibited the use of federal funds to remove the Cross from federal land. In other words, the Ninth Circuit may have ruled, but the ruling could not be implemented without the appropriation of funds to accomplish the removal - and Congress was not providing a single cent. In a way, it was an interesting struggle between the two branches of the government. Congress then came up with a better idea - it authorized the transfer of the government land to a private party so that the Cross would no longer be on federal land and the court’s directive to remove it from federal land would have been accomplished. President Bush signed this law - and everyone thought the fight was over and the Cross was saved. You would think a common sense solution like this would have ended the squabble - but Bruono was not satisfied nor was the Ninth Circuit. Buono returned to court this time to prevent the land transfer, and he contended that the land transfer was a sham and was simply a means to avoid complying with the removal order. Buono argued that this action was also an endorsement of religion as the government was actively attempting to save the Cross. The Ninth Circuit agreed again - and this time the United States Supreme Court jumped into the fray. In a 5-4 decision, the Ninth Circuit was reversed again - and roundly criticized for dismissing the Congressional authorized land transfer as another attempt by the government to indirectly continue its endorsement of religion, as opposed to a common sense accommodation to preserve a historic monument and remove any perceived government ownership of it. Unfortunately, the decision did not resolve the case entirely as the Court determined that the record was not sufficiently developed. The case will be remanded for more evidentiary hearings to determine whether the land transfer itself alleviated the need for injunctive relief. Thus, the Cross can remain where it has stood for over seven decades - for now. We shall see how the courts of the Ninth Circuit handle this latest rebuke - and the stakes remain high. Unfortunately, the Ninth Circuit has a long standing history of being wrong - and seems entirely comfortable with its reputation for judicial activism. On the other hand, the common sense approach taken by the majority of the Supreme Court, Congress and President Bush, was not accepted by every justice - it was a victory by the slimmest of margins, a single vote. Justices Stevens, Breyer, Ginsburg and Sotomayor would have upheld the Ninth Circuit by striking down the proposed land transfer and removing the memorial Cross. The dissenters contended that the Cross “projected a message of government endorsement of religion to a reasonable observer,” even if it the Cross itself was no longer on public land. For the dissenting justices, the fact that Congress attempted to resolve this matter though the land transfer was a further impermissible endorsement of religion - it was an action intended to save the Cross as opposed to a disinterested attempt to avoid entanglement in religious activities. One vote was the difference - and this is exactly why Supreme Court nominations have become so important. A change in a single justice could result in the tortured reasoning of the Ninth Circuit being followed rather than constantly reversed. There is an opening on the Supreme Court coming up with the retirement of Justice Stevens, and this case is just another example of how important the selection of new justice will be to America’s future. Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments to Susquehanna County District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 218, Montrose, Pennsylvania 18801 or at our website or discuss this and all articles at
The Healthy Geezer Q. I have a nasty-looking scar that shows only when I wear a bathing suit. I’d like to get rid of it, if possible. What’s available? There is no procedure yet that will make a scar disappear completely. However, there are treatments to make a scar less noticeable. These include: Surgical Scar Revision. This is a method of removing a scar and rejoining the normal skin. Wide scars can often be made thinner. Long scars can be made shorter. Using broken-line incisions can make scars harder to notice. Sometimes, a surgeon can hide a scar by redirecting it into a wrinkle or a hairline. Dermabrasion. A surgeon uses an electrical dermabrasion machine to remove the top layers of skin. This process gives the skin a smoother surface. Dermabrasion is used for treating acne scars, pockmarks, some surgical scars, or minor irregularities. Laser Scar Revision. Another method of improving scars is laser scar revision. High-energy light is used to treat damaged skin. Different lasers are available for treating a variety of scars. For example, a pulsed dye laser uses yellow light to remove scar redness and to flatten raised scars (hypertrophic scars or keloids). Soft Tissue Fillers. There are injectable substances such as fat, collagen and hyaluronic acid, that are used to treat indented soft scars. Punch Grafts. Punch grafts are small pieces of normal skin used to replace scarred skin. A tiny circular cutter is used to cut a hole in the skin and remove the scar. The area is then filled in with a matching piece of unscarred skin. Chemical Peels. This procedure uses a chemical to remove the top layer of the skin and smooth depressed scars. It is most helpful for superficial scars. Pressure bandages and massages. These can both flatten some scars if used on a regularly for several months. Silicone gels. Silicone-impregnated gels can be used at home to remodel elevated scars. They must also be used regularly. Cryosurgery. This technique freezes upper skin layers and causes blistering of the skin to remove the excess tissue at the scar. Cortisone injections. These are effective in shrinking and flattening very firm scars. This treatment is popular for hypertrophic scars and keloids. Interferon. This is a chemical that is injected into the scar. It may improve the appearance of a scar. Cosmetics. Make-up applied correctly can be very good at covering up scars. If you have a question, please write to
Library Chitchat I am an unabashed cat lover - any kind of cat, both domestic and exotic. My family has always had a cat-in-residence. We currently own a geriatric tiger cat, or he owns us, I am not sure. Due to a close association with a local of zoo, I have also had the opportunity to hand-raise a lion cub at home for more than three months and to be hands on with both cougar and tiger cubs. As a result of my interest in cats, I am drawn to stories both in print and on the internet about cats. Please note that I also like dogs and other critters as well. Well, pet lovers, there is a treasure trove of books and sometimes videos or audiocassettes on whatever pet you love to be found on the shelves of the Susquehanna County Library. Visit our website and go to “search the local catalog” on the left side of the screen. It is not necessary to know the title or author of a particular item. Click on “keyword” and then type in the kind of pet that interests you, including snakes, rabbits, guinea pigs and, of course, dogs. A couple of cat books that I have found to be interesting are “Dewey: The Small Town Library Cat that Touched the World” and “Tiger Pups.” Try your hand at searching our local catalog; you might be surprised in what you find. Remember the goal of the Susquehanna County Library is to be your resource for lifetime learning.
Rock Doc No Rock Doc This Week
What’s Bugging You? No What's Bugging You This Week
Dear Dolly, I'm a "seasoned citizen" with three grown children. I’m not ready to move into a nursing home or give away my family heirlooms just yet, but there are some items with historic value that I would like to know will continue to be a part of this family. It would be comforting to have the decisions made so I don't leave a mess that will cause the kids to argue about who gets what, after I'm gone. -Hilda Dear Hilda, Good for you! There are a number of ways to get your affairs in order but I don't think you are asking me for "legal" advice. Have you ever heard of the word "provenance?" It simply means the history or story of a item. When your treasures have provenance, they usually increase in value. But even more important, the history or origin as it relates to your family, can be traced and is not lost when you are gone. For example, if you have a rocking chair that your mother told you was made by your great grandfather and given as a wedding gift to your grandmother who rocked her babies to sleep in it, and gifted it to your mother who rocked you in it and gave it to you when you had your first child. That is a lot of generations to keep track of. My solution is to take a sharp pencil, turn the rocking chair over and in the wood on the bottom, firmly print (using your family names): made by Jeb Walton circa 1850, gifted to son John Walton, gifted to daughter Mary Ellen Walton circa 1890, left to John Walton Smith 1910, gifted to Ellen Smith Jenkins, gifted to Mary Jenkins Jones, etc. End with your name gifted to which ever of your children you want to leave the piece to. If you have a piece of furniture with a drawer, you can do this on the bottom of the drawer. For ceramic pieces get a sticky label, put the info on it and stick it on the bottom or inside. This will work best if you tell your children what you have done. Ask for their impute if you wish - they may have a favorite piece. Be sure to ask them to continue the legacy when they decide who they want to leave their piece of family history to. Hand made quilts are especially important to document. You can take a square of pre-washed cotton material and write with a permanent marker who made the quilt and the date if you know it. After the info is on the material, hand stitch it on the back of the quilt on the bottom corner. All Transcript readers are welcome to submit their questions to Dear Dolly at
EARTH TALK No Earth Talk This Week
Barnes-Kasson Corner No Barnes-Kasson Corner This Week
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