
12 February 2025

Mountain View Sets Tax Collector Pay

By law, elected tax collectors in Pennsylvania have their compensation established early in the year of their (re-)election, most of them for 4-year terms. So it was that the Mountain View School Board, at its meeting on February 3rd, approved a compensation agreement for the district's 7 collectors of property, per-capita and occupation taxes for the period January 1, 2026-December 31, 2029. (Earned income taxes and delinquencies are handled otherwise.) According to Board President Jason Richmond, there was no change in the rate schedule.

12 February 2025

Sheriff Benedict Plans Retirement

Susquehanna County Sheriff Lance Benedict announces that he will not be seeking election to a seventh term. Benedict was first elected in 2001 and has been serving as the Sheriff for the past 24 years. He will finish out his sixth term in the office, which runs through the swearing in of a new sheriff on Jan. 3, 2026.

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