Home → Main News ( January 15, 2025 )
Robert McNamara was sworn into office on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025, as he officially stepped into the role of Susquehanna County Commissioner. Susquehanna County President Judge Jason Legg administered the Oath of Office in the main Courtroom of the Susquehanna County Courthouse. McNamara's wife, Carol, held the Bible during the swearing in ceremony.
President Judge Jason Legg (at right) administers the Oath of Office to Robert McNamara. McNamara was sworn in as a Susquehanna County Commissioner as his wife, Carol, holds the Bible during the Monday, Jan. 6 ceremony (SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY PHOTO)
McNamara was appointed by Judge Legg to fill the vacancy left by Commissioner Judy Herschel. Herschel resigned from the Commissioner's post, effective Jan. 6, to take the helm as Executive Director of Trehab Community Action Partnership, an organization based in Montrose and serving six counties in northern Pennsylvania.
As appointed, McNamara, a Democrat, will fill the remainder of the Commissioner term which ends December 31, 2027.
Pictured (l-r) are: Susquehanna County Commissioners David Darrow, Alan Hall and Robert McNamara (SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY PHOTO)
Commissioner Chair Alan Hall said, "Commissioner (David) Darrow and I are pleased to welcome Bob to the Commissioners' Office. We are confident he will be a great representative of the people in Susquehanna County. His exemplary professional and volunteer experience will truly be an asset as the team of commissioners continue our work to ensure the county's needs receive the attention they deserve. We look forward to working with Bob throughout the next three years."
Hall continued, "Commissioner Herschel will be missed. Although we did not always see eye-to-eye on every issue, we both knew we had the best interests of county residents at heart and could reach a compromise solution. Commissioner Darrow and I wish her much success in her new position."
McNamara is a Retired Lieutenant Colonel of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. He served as the Superintendent of the Blue Ridge School District until his retirement in 2008. Prior to that, he was the Principal of the Susquehanna Community High School and had been a Special Education/Learning Support teacher.
Currently, McNamara is the Vice President of the Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees (PASR) and the Treasurer of the PASR Region 3 Northeastern chapter. He is on the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation of the Endless Mountains. Formerly he served as a member of the Susquehanna County Railroad Authority, NEPA Community Health Center (president), SOLIDA, Trehab board of directors, and Boy Scouts of American, Delahanna District, Baden-Powell Council (chairman).
Among numerous awards and commendations, MacNamara has received the PASR Board of Directors Commendation, Boy Scouts of America Silver Beaver Award, Senior Army Aviation Badge, Pennsylvania Meritorious Medal, Army Commendation Medal.
McNamara resides in Susquehanna with his wife, Carol. They have one son, Stephen.
With Dustin Walker nowhere to be found, Harford Township Supervisors Rob Rex and Kyle Payne made short work of the annual reorganization legislated by the state for the first Monday of January, and in barely 10 short minutes on the 6th (re-)organized themselves right back to where they started. They even reinstated Mr. Walker as their chairman, whether he wanted it or not.
Everything remains the same: meeting dates and times; Kyle Paye as "Road Superintendent"; Carolyn Jennings Secretary/Treasurer with a $2 million bond; Peoples Security Bank & Trust the depository; Jamie Hailstone, Solicitor; 7 employee holidays; etc. Wages will be set in executive session with the Township's auditors.
Not wanting to meet too often, the Supervisors concluded the annual meeting and immediately took up a normal agenda – a brief one, considering they met only a couple weeks ago. An item to discuss a quote for a flail mower was set aside, Mr. Payne saying, "I don't think we need it."
According to the Treasurer's report, the Township ended 2024 with a total of just over $1.5 million in the bank.
The Supervisors are expected to get together again to discuss a proposal from Farnham Associates to take over management of the Township sewer system. Costs under JHA, the current operator, run nearly $10,000 per month; Dan Farnham thinks he can do it for about half of that. One resident attending the meeting thought that $10,000 per month was unconscionably high. The Farnham proposal was received only recently and probably should be reviewed by the Township's solicitor. A decision on the matter was tabled until next month, unless a special meeting can be called sooner.
Farnham already operates the Harford village water system. And Pennsylvania American Water has offered to purchase both the water and sewer systems. But the latter contract could take 18 months or more to complete.
The Supervisors appointed Dale Empet to a 5-year seat on the board of the Harford Township Municipal Authority, which oversees the Township's parks, notably the ball park in Harford village. The meeting of the Authority which was supposed to take place the next day, on January 7, is moved to Tuesday, January 14, 2025 beginning at 7:30pm at the Township office.
The next regularly meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors is scheduled for Tuesday, February 18, 2025 beginning at 7:00pm at the Township office on Route 547.