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COLUMNS: HARFORD: By message over the telephone this morning we learn that the Osborne block was gutted by fire, Tuesday evening, and the Steine stock of clothing was completely destroyed. Mr. L. Steine, of Montrose, was in Harford having a special sale. The fire was confined to the one building owing to the efficiency of the water works system in Harford, which never worked better and the prompt and efficient work of the citizens. The fire, it is supposed, was started by an overheated stove or a carelessly thrown lighted cigar or cigarette stub, which ignited some of the clothing in the store. HOP BOTTOM: The DL&W train connecting with the train leaving Montrose at 8:20 a.m. for Scranton, up to this time, has not been scheduled to stop here, nor could baggage be checked, but as a matter of fact, this train has not missed a morning in over two years of stopping here, as it stops for Scranton passengers on signal. A letter from the General Superintendent of the DL&W informed the newspaper that Foster [Hop Bottom] will be made a regular stop for No. 2 daily except Sunday. On Sundays an accommodation train will run ahead of No. 2 for local travel. WARREN CENTER, BRADFORD CO.: Considerable interest is being taken in the outcome of the remonstrance against the Little Meadows Hotel, which is not in our County, but which has been too near by for the good of some of our men. LITTLE MEADOWS: Georgia Garfield, of Keuka College, is home for the holidays. THOMPSON: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gates went to Scranton last week to spend the winter with their children. He celebrated his 90th birthday a few months since and she is nearly as old. They are very feeble and she has lost her eyesight. FOREST CITY: Among the students home from school are: Rexford Maxey and Emma and Reese Davis, from Bloomsburg; Loretta Sullivan from Stroudsburg, Abe Heller from Philadelphia, Hugh Johnson and Harvey Sackett from Wyoming Seminary. NEW MILFORD: Glenn Brundage has bought a farm near Willow Point, NY. AND, Dr. E. W. Park recently purchased an automobile. LYNN, SPRINGVILLE TWP.: Coal has advanced 25 cents per ton at this place. AND, There will be a nice entertainment at the M. E. church Saturday evening. A well loaded Christmas tree and other exercises by the young people will make the evening a merry one. GREAT BEND: Mrs. Frederick Brush and infant child died Tuesday at their home in New York city from pneumonia. Mrs. Brush was the wife of Dr. Frederick Brush, superintendent of the Post Graduate Hospital in New York. The body will be brought to Great Bend today for burial in Hasbrook cemetery. Dr. Brush is a native of Great Bend and his wife was well known in the vicinity. ELK LAKE: C. S. Lathrop is moving his mill from the Lewis farm to the Lake dam, where he will do sawing this winter. RUSH: An interesting game of basket ball was played on the flat Tuesday evening between Rush High school and East Rush, resulting in a score of 4 to 3 in favor of the High school. SOUTH MONTROSE: L. W. Moody and family leave this week for El Reno, Oklahoma, where they intend to make their home. “Lee” says, however, that the country must be equal to the good reports they hear of it, or they’ll come back. MONTROSE: Rev. Mr. Holland, formerly of Baltimore, Md., is assisting at Zion A.M.E. church. He has had considerable experience in evangelistic work and is a genuine “shouting Methodist.” AND, William Spence, one of the oldest and most highly respected colored residents in town, has been quite seriously ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Margie Wilson. In Christmas giving this year, a friend suggests that the good old “son of Ham” be remembered. AND, N. E. Bissell has sold his grocery business to Leo Hamlin, the change to take place January first. FOREST LAKE: Mr. and Mrs. C .C. Larson and children, of Reno, Nev., started on their return journey after visiting Mrs. C. L. Lincoln here, Mrs. Lincoln being an aunt of Mrs. Larson. They also visited at Wilbur Lincoln’s and Judson Clark’s. Mrs. Lincoln’s father was Theodore Clark, who left Forest Lake when 19 years of age, now 55 years ago, and never returned to the East. He died about 20 years ago in Nevada. His daughter now makes the trip East to meet and become acquainted with her father’s relatives, which forms the basis of a very pretty sentiment. HALLSTEAD: Last Thursday morning a bag containing a number of chickens was found near the postoffice. Further up the river, toward “Smokey Hollow,” was found several other bundles containing various pieces of women’s and children’s clothing, a fur boa, knives, forks, spoons, etc., these articles had evidently been lost from a sleigh. Later on Frank Fassett, who has recently come from N. Y. State and made his headquarters in the Hollow, claimed part of the articles - claiming he had lost them from his sleigh, but no owner for the chickens has appeared. The night before a number of clothes lines along the river road below the State line were stripped, but whether any or part of the articles went over the State line is not yet known. NEWS BRIEFS: Susquehanna County is one of twenty-two counties that have less than 50 people to the square mile. Pike is the least populated, having but 13 people to the square mile. AND, The following telephones have recently been installed by the Merchants Telephone Co.: Herbert Walton, F. B. Smith (residence and store), Morris Catlin, Fred Dean, Montrose; Robert Reynolds, South Montrose; E. E. Stevens, Elk Lake; Ed Rogers, Brooklyn; Homer Reynolds, Dimock.
From the Desk of the D.A. I can remember as a child that waiting for Christmas seemed like an eternity. My parents (and grandparents) made sure that there were lots of things to keep us occupied leading up to Christmas. We went through the catalogs to select things for Santa. While we kept our eyes out year round for the perfect toy, the search and list compilation certainly started in earnest after Thanksgiving. As a child, it never struck me as odd that my Christmas list for Santa came from a Sears & Roebuck catalog (or other national retailers) - not from some publication from Santa’s workshop. This activity certainly occupied us for hours as we carefully scrutinized every catalog with anything resembling a toy, amending and revising our lists with each new publication. While we knew that there was no possible way that we would ever get everything on our lists, the mere prospect of the Christmas present was enough to keep us working diligently. We would also get to visit Santa and get our pictures taken on his lap. For me, this was a little confusing because in the Choconut area back then, Santa Claus was my Uncle George. And I can guarantee you that there has never been a better rendition of old Saint Nick. When we questioned why Uncle George was Santa, we were told that Santa was very busy and he could not be everywhere at once - so Uncle George was one of Santa’s helpers. Imagine the joy of knowing that your Uncle worked for Santa! The problem here was that we were told that we could not tell our friends as it was a secret. Looking back, this seems like a form of inhumane torture on a child. Do you think any child could keep something like that secret? WikiLeaks was nothing compared to how fast we let all of our friends know that we had a Santa connection. We helped with the Christmas decorations, and, at my grandparents’ house, this was really quite an endeavor. It entailed bringing boxes and crates of decorations from the garage and lugging them to the house where they would be unpacked by our eager little hands. And when it came to the Christmas tree, there was never enough tinsel to meet our decorating standards. Then, there was the Christmas cookie baking and, perhaps more importantly, “painting.” This was an activity that would normally require several days of work, but the “pay” was tasty. I never enjoyed an art class as much as I enjoyed “painting” my grandmother’s sugar cookies. But then I never made anything is art class that I could eat either. Even with all of these things (and so many others) to do, the days still seemed to drag toward Christmas morning with painful slowness. The anticipation of that morning only increased the level of excitement and joy that was experienced when it finally arrived. There are only a few things in life that fill you with the same excitement that you felt as a child when you woke Christmas morning. Now, as a parent myself, I sit back and wonder at how many things my parents and grandparents did with us before Christmas day. Where did they find the time? Now, the days leading to Christmas seem to fly by at a blinding speed and I struggle to get things done. Where did the time go and when am I going to find the time to put up the tree, get the decorations up, take the kids to see Santa, get some cookies baked, get presents purchased, get Christmas cards mailed out, and the holiday “to do” list sometimes seems more daunting and insurmountable than my Santa list compiled so many years ago. Every adult knows the feeling - and somewhere amid all of our uncompleted holiday tasks, we risk losing the lessons that our own parents so painstakingly taught us. The joy that comes with Christmas - not from the gifts, but from just sitting down with Mom and Dad to eagerly talk about the list; not from the perfect outfit and smile for the picture with Santa, but just from a child’s joy that comes from meeting the mystical jolly old soul; not from having the best Christmas lights, decorations and tree in the neighborhood, but from the opportunity to laugh as we hang them up together as a family; not from having the perfect cookie tray, but from the laughter that decorates the entire kitchen. Christmas is God’s gift of love to the world. It seems to me that children understand this better than adults - they really get it. There is really only one way to celebrate Christmas and that is like a child. May your Christmas be filled with a childlike joy and sense of wonder! Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments to Susquehanna County District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 218, Montrose, Pennsylvania 18801 or at our website or discuss this and all articles at
The Healthy Geezer Q. What is the survival rate for ALS? Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) - also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease - usually strikes between the ages of 40 and 70. Respiratory problems usually kill those with ALS in three to five years after diagnosis. About ten percent of those with ALS live more than ten years. Some with ALS survive for many years. For example, the famed British physicist Stephen Hawking has had ALS since the 1960s. In a small number of people, ALS mysteriously stops. ALS destroys nerve cells that control muscle cells. In most cases, the cause is unknown. As the motor neurons are lost, the muscles they control weaken. Eventually, people with ALS are paralyzed. ALS doesn’t directly affect involuntary muscles, so the heart, digestive tract, bladder and sexual organs continue to work. Hearing, vision, touch and intellectual ability generally remain normal. Pain is not a major component of ALS. The usual early symptoms of ALS are weakness or spasms in a limb, and trouble speaking or swallowing. After the initial symptoms, the disease may progress in the following way: cramping of muscles, reduced use of the limbs; thick speech and difficulty projecting the voice; difficulty breathing. Q. What foods cause gas and the pain that often comes with it? The following are gas-generating foods: Legumes, especially dried beans and peas, baked beans, soy beans, lima beans; Dairy products such as milk, ice cream, cheese; Vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cucumbers, sauerkraut, kohlrabi, asparagus, potatoes, rutabaga, turnips, radishes, onions; Fruits such as prunes, apricots, apples, raisins, bananas; Foods containing wheat such as cereals, breads and pastries; Fatty foods such as fried chicken and anything in cream sauces and gravies; Any carbonated beverage. The following are some of the danger signs associated with abdominal pain. If you experience any of the following, get immediate medical attention: * Sudden and sharp pain * Pain that radiates to your chest, neck or shoulder * Severe, recurrent or persistent pain * Pain that worsens * Vomiting blood * Blood in your stool * A swollen and tender abdomen * Shortness of breath * Dizziness * High fever Q. What is the chief cause of deaths from injury in seniors? Among older adults, falls are the leading cause of injury deaths and the most common cause of nonfatal injuries and hospital admissions for trauma. Of all fall-related fractures, hip breaks cause the greatest number of deaths and lead to the most severe health problems and reduced quality of life. As we age, the power of our senses, reflexes and coordination diminishes. Maladies and the medicines we take for them can contribute to balance problems. Then there's osteoporosis - a disease that makes bones more likely to snap. There are many steps you can take to prevent a fall and the possibility of breaking a bone. Here are a few important ones: * Get your bones tested. Your doctor can prescribe medications that will make your bones harder to break. * Regular exercise makes you stronger and keeps your joints, tendons, and ligaments flexible. Weight-bearing exercise such as walking may slow bone loss from osteoporosis. * Alcohol impacts your reflexes and balance. Elaboration is unnecessary. * Get up slowly from lying and sitting to avoid feeling light-headed. If you have a question, please write to
Library Chitchat Christmas is just a few days away and we are all focused on giving. However, on behalf of the Susquehanna County Historical Society and Free Library Association (SCHS & FLA), I want to say thank you in a big way for all the community support during the past year. Susquehanna County residents have proved that they value the services provided by SCHS & FLA and have helped to fill in the gaps left by decreased state funding. Companies have stepped up and made significant contributions in order to keep our programs running. First of all, SCHS & FLA wants to acknowledge the countless donations of time given by dozens of volunteers that aid us in our fund raising activities and in our daily operations. We have even received donations of materials to be used in our programs and in maintaining our facilities and we are grateful for these as well. Thanks, too, to all of those individuals who help us regularly through their Shurfine Gold Card purchases. Secondly, SCHS & FLA wants to again thank the many businesses and individuals who have made special gifts to our organization this year that have enabled us to purchase a replacement van, additional books, and keep our buildings in good repair. Additional thanks to those who have already made your gift to our annual fund drive. Remember it is the goal of the Susquehanna County Library to be your resource for lifetime learning. Hope to see you often in the coming New Year. Rock Doc No Rock Doc This Week EARTH TALK No Earth Talk This Week Barnes-Kasson Corner No Barnes-Kasson Corner This Week
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