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Letters to the Editor Policy

An Oxymoron

There are those, especially women, who will vote for Hilary R. Clinton. This makes no sense to me. In fact, to me, this is an "Oxymoron."

Now Christ is our Creator, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost according to all Christians of all denominations: Evangelists, Lutheran, Roman Catholics, etc. He is a pathway to redemption of ones sins and he is the giver of life. The key here is "Giver of Life."

Dear reader, "Life" is the greatest gift that you have ever received; your life, your child, puppy, kitten, etc.? Thus, answer this question: How can a Christian vote for Hilary, who supports abortions and wishes to force us through a government mandate to support "Planned Parenthood" that commits "First degree" murders?

Yes, it is a planned murder. Life is a "Gift" from our Creator. A heartbeat signifies a living entity, and we trash this gift. It is beyond my comprehension.

Are you to tell me that a caterpillar in a cocoon is not a living entity and when you smash this cocoon that you do not destroy this living organism, just because it did not become a full moth or butterfly?

Are you to tell me that a living entity with a heartbeat and tiny, teeny body parts in a cocoon (a woman's womb) that you do not destroy this living entity; just because it did not reach full maturity as a full grown baby?

May all of you who ask for forgiveness be forgiven for supporting abortions or those who have had one?

May all of you appreciate "The Gift of Life", whether you are an Atheist or any person of any Religious denomination?

Give Trump a chance for Religious Freedom, a better prosperous life, and in four years "if" he fails we can elect Ted Cruz or Pence.

Give Hilary a chance and we keep a corrupt government and a loss of "Freedom" for years and years to come.

"I will fundamentally change America," Barrack Obama.

"Are you ready to fundamentally change America," by Bernie Sanders.

Independent for "All Lives matter including those in a woman's womb."

Independent for a Free America

Independent for "Donald Trump"


Larry Gary

Gibson, PA

Dredging Up The Past

Once again the mainstream media have proved all too eager to scrounge in the gutter for anti-Trump copy. This time, they had to rummage through ten years of Trump's tapes before they finally hit pay-dirt.

And what is this banner headline pay-dirt? Trump uttered some lewd comments about women ten years ago. Heaven help us.

Let the hysteria begin.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, never one to miss a swing at Trump, was first at bat. “I am sickened by what I heard. Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified.”

That's a little over the top Paul; respected, of course, but “revered” is one rung below worship. A man may love his wife and children but not revere them. But revere puts you at the head of the pack. Congratulations.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who like Ryan had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the Trump camp, was equally mortified. Said McConnell, “These comments are repugnant and unacceptable in any circumstance.”

But I would like to ask Ryan and McConnell, how would they like to see all of their observations about women, public and private, during the last decade, published for all to see? Or is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

Senator Mike Lee called for Trump to “step aside so we can focus on winning ideas that will carry Republicans through to a victory.” Senator Lee I would ask you to do the same. “Focus on winning ideas” rather than distractions, as you are doing. It was Trump's platform that swept away all 16 primary contenders and is now pulling ahead of the Democrats in spite of fair weather friends, Mike.

Senator Mark Kirk said that Trump should drop out of the Presidential race and the Party should “engage rules for [an] emergency replacement.” Good thinking, Mark. With weeks to go before the election for President, we should start from scratch. I'm sure the Democrats would applaud that.

Senator Gary Herbert is withdrawing his support for Trump. He favors Trump's VP Mike Pence to step into his place. Never mind the fact that Pence was not even in the primary lineup. Yes, Pence is respected, but before Trump tapped him for the VP slot, he was nationally unknown.

And there are the RINOs like Senators John McCain and John Kasich who by vowing not to vote for Trump cast a de facto ballot for Clinton.

We humans are members of a fallible species, prone to mistakes, bad judgment, intemperate remarks. We can easily be drawn into situations that sway our conduct to be other than what we are.

Is there so much as one among the 7.5 billion of us who is not guilty of all of those indiscretions during the last ten years? Perhaps one of the congressmen I cited?

How about it Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mike Lee, Mark Kirk, Gary Herbert, John McCain, and John Kasich? Who among you is without sin? “He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone,” (Jn 8:7). Hypocrites!

Congressmen, if it were you being stoned, not Trump, would you not want the support that you deny to Trump?

One evangelist (whatever that is) lamented, “He [Trump] is everything that we are not.” Beware, my friend. Christ “came not to call the righteous, but sinners,” (Mt 9:13).

How sad to see the establishment GOP scurry for cover instead of standing by their nominee.

And by the way, traffic on this street runs both ways. What women would like to air her siliceous remarks about men?

The Democrats have again set a trap into which Republicans have eagerly walked. We have allowed the MSM muckrakers to push aside substantive issues and rescued the Democrats from having to defend the indefensible---their political agenda.

And what is their agenda: open borders, streams of low-wage immigrants both legal and otherwise, higher taxes, bigger government, an unabated decline and forced feminization of the military, tax paid third trimester abortions, more suffocating regulations, Obamacare for four more years, gun control, several more port-leaning justices on the Supreme Court, support for TPP, and trade deals that will continue to favor Big Business and bleed the nation of dollars and jobs.

Why, in heaven's good name, would anyone vote for this?


Bob Scroggins

New Milford, PA

Extreme Silliness

One of Donald Trump's pet policy proposals is "Extreme Vetting" for potential immigrants from anywhere.  It will be extreme.  It's gonna be extreme, folks.  Really extreme, believe me.  (Sorry.  I was channeling the repetitive rhetorical style of a certain orange-faced bore.)

Never mind that we already thoroughly vet all legal immigrants.  Never mind that Trump's proposed ban on all Muslims makes it practically superfluous anyway.

Well, here's an example of how this "extreme vetting" will work.  They'll use a questionnaire!  It will ask questions like 1) Do you plan to blow stuff up?, and

2) Do you want to impose Sharia Law on us?  If the answer is "yes", then they're excluded.

Apparently it doesn't occur to the overgrown Oompa-Loompa how easy it is to just LIE  about it.  He has no solution to this defect, just like he apparently can't conceive that they'll just tunnel under his wall.  Trump worshipers don't grasp any of this, either.  Apparently they're not really interested in workable solutions, only blather.

And there's a  delicious irony to the fact that those who stew the most about Sharia Law strongly crave the Christian equivalent of it.  I wish I could "extreme vet" them out of my country!


Stephen Van Eck

Rushville, PA

Let The Readers Decide

Taken from last week's Letter to the Editor entitled "Valuing Diversity," is the following quote: "This isn't the big city. I'd have to go far to find some nice Jewish doctors."

In previous illogical, maniacal rants from the author of this letter (printed by this newspaper), readers have been regaled with all sorts of his "diverse" opinions. In particular, we remember how a supporter of Sarah Palin risked having his windshield smashed by a brick because the letter's author did not particularly care for Palin. Palin's supporter's freedom of speech be damned.

We have also been treated to the author's views on the religious, Republicans, Tea Party people, average citizens and anyone who does not support his "diverse" opinions. They have all been portrayed in the most reprehensible manner by this "author." You see, only his opinions and his freedom of expression matter.

It is my contention that readers have not responded to these outrageous rants and slurs, not because they agree with what he has written, but because they do not wish to sully themselves by engaging him. Now he has reached a new low, even for him. Just what did he mean by the quote above? Has he added anti-Semitism to his base, vile repertoire? And has this newspaper stooped even lower by printing this "diverse" opinion?

I'll let the readers decide.


Edna K Paskoff

Montrose, PA


Dear Edna,

We do let the readers decide, each and every week whether or not they agree with an author's opinion. Otherwise, we would be actively participating in censorship of any of those opinions we disagree with.

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Last modified: 10/17/2016