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Swimming In Kennedy Park? The possibility of reestablishing swimming in Kennedy Park generated much discussion at the July Forest City Borough meeting. The lake water has been tested periodically and found unsafe for swimming, and as of four years ago, the shower rooms do not meet specifications. These situations would have to be rectified in order to reestablish swimming in the park, explained Barbara Mihelc, councilwoman. Additionally, a lifeguard would need to be hired to monitor the lake. Mihelc asserted that park maintenance is expensive, and Robert Trusky, council president, cautioned that no state or federal money is received for Kennedy Park maintenance. “It’s all local,” he added. Nevertheless, Nick Cost, councilman, requested looking into reestablishing swimming in the park. Kelley Twilley, who also serves on council, suggested that work in the park, or fundraising for the park, could provide senior projects for Forest City Regional students. In the meantime, “no swimming” signs will be posted at the beach. Council passed ordinances concerning waste dumpsters and junk motor vehicles. Solicitor Paul E. Smith stated that a volunteer zoning officer position and three volunteer hearing board positions are still available. Individuals applying do not necessarily have to reside in Forest City. Smith stated that he has heard many questions about the slow progress of the sewer project. He explained that DEP is reviewing the final plans for the project and that the project cannot be bid out until the plans are approved by DEP. Smith defended those involved in the project as “working extremely diligently.” Concerning Dundaff Street, Trusky is scheduled to meet with the contractor to receive an affirmative date for paving and to discuss the ditches, which frequently overflow onto the road. “Something has to be done,” Trusky said of the ditches, adding that he will contact Penn DOT in Harrisburg, if necessary. A resident requested that the police patrol Dundaff Street near Kennedy Park. “There are few pinches up there,” asserted Paul Lukus, police chief, adding that other locations in town have more speeders. Nevertheless, council promised to look into securing additional police patrols near Kennedy Park. A resident requested forgiveness for her late mother’s $10,000.00 Vision 2000 home improvement loan, which must be paid off before transfer of the property. Council explained that the Vision 2000 program was intended as an interest-free, revolving loan fund. Individuals had ten years to pay off the loan, and the funds were then loaned to another individual. Smith stated that he could find nothing about a loan forgiveness after ten years. As a final matter of business, council announced impending ten-day notices for water shut-offs for individuals not paying their sewer bill. It was pointed out that there are charges for both shutting off and turning on the water. In the event of a water shut-off, tenants will be evicted.
The Great Bend Township Supervisors discussed House Bill 2431 at their July 6 meeting; the bill, if it is passed, would create an amendment to establish counties as local government in the state, effectively eliminating the legislative powers of townships and boros. A sample resolution from the PA State Association of Townships in opposition of forcing local government mergers and consolidations (transferring legislative powers to the county level) was reviewed, and after a short discussion a motion carried to adopt the resolution. The supervisors also reviewed a notice from PSATS that information will be forthcoming regarding Act 44, which deals with municipal finances and underfunding of troubled pensions. Its intent is to lessen the financial impact on municipalities. In other business, a bid on salt was received, at a cost slightly less than last year. The supervisors set a date to work on a 2010 dirt and gravel road grant; applications need to be submitted before the end of the month. PennDOT will be hosting their annual equipment show for municipal officials and employees on July 29 in Tunkhannock. The Bridging Communities sidewalk project is moving along; work in Great Bend Boro is just about complete and was set to move on to Hallstead. One permit was issued during the month, a bluestone small noncoal mining permit to Michael Mackenzie. Correspondence included a notice of settlement paperwork for a class action lawsuit regarding certain heavy duty trucks. Emerson Fiske has consented to represent the township on the board of the Hallstead-Great Bend Joint Sewer Authority. The township is still in need of an Emergency Management Coordinator. And, a letter will be sent to Summerset Regional Water Source, one of the companies locally drawing water from the river for well drilling, requesting that a meeting be set up with the supervisors. The next meeting will be on Monday, August 2 at 7:00 p.m.
Courthouse Report DEEDS Leon H. Carrar, Jr. to Laser Midstream Company LLC, in Liberty Township for $10.00. James K. and Sharon L. Carty to Laser Midstream Company LLC, in Liberty Township for $10.00. Marlene E. Ruebel to Laser Midstream Company LLC, in Forest Lake Township for $10.00. Egon P. and Eugenia M. Haldenwang to Laser Midstream Company LLC, in Forest Lake Township for $10.00. Ann Wilbur to Laser Midstream Company LLC, in Forest Lake Township for $10.00. Mary Ellen and Paul J. (by POA) Kersavage to Erica McGraw, in Clifford Township for $126,500.00. Power Line Hunting Club to Christopher C. Smith, in Apolacon Township for $26,000.00. Jennifer Elizabeth Dilley to Michael J. Norella, in Forest City for $72,000.00. Ronald C. Steele to Clair V. Steele (AKA) Claire V. Hinkley, in Auburn Township for one dollar. Diane R. Pierson (AKA) Diane R. Godoy to Godoy Family Trust, in Auburn Township for one dollar. Laser Midstream Company LLC and James F. Kaeser to Laser Northeast Gathering Company LLC, in Forest Lake Township for $10.00. Laser Midstream Company LLC and Leon H. Carrar, Jr. to Laser Northeast Gathering Company LLC, in Liberty Township for $10.00. Laser Midstream Company LLC and James K. and Sharon L. Carty to Laser Northeast Gathering Company LLC, in Liberty Township for $10.00. Laser Midstream Company LLC and Ann Wilbur to Laser Northeast Gathering Company LLC, in Forest Lake Township for $10.00. Laser Midstream Company LLC and Egon P. Haldenwang to Laser Northeast Gathering Company LLC, in Forest Lake Township for $10.00. Laser Midstream Company LLC and Marlene E. Ruebel to Laser Northeast Gathering Company LLC, in Forest Lake Township for $10.00. Andrea Welch to Joshua and Andrea Welch, in Forest Lake Township for one dollar. Shelly A. Korzenowski to Douglas L., Jr. and Gay Wood, in New Milford Township for $83,500.00. Roberta J. (AKA) Roberta Jean (estate) and George C. Housen, Kimberly J. McCarey and Valerie J. Hall to Valerie J. Hall, in Bridgewater Township for $69,000.00. Paul H. and Inez Jean Lyne to Larry S. Lyne, in Auburn Township for one dollar. Joseph (by POA) and Marie (by POA) Owens to Cummings Family Trust LLC, in Herrick Township for $200.00. Jeremy Paul Dabulewicz (by sheriff) to Fannie Mae, in Forest Lake Township for $1,171.83. Daniel R. and Stacey Rybnick to Daniel R. Rybnick, in Lenox Township for one dollar. Susann M. Davis-Palevac (NBM) Susanne M. Davis to Mark D. and Suzanne E. Phillips, in Clifford Township for $299,000.00. Garth D. White (trust by trustee) to Wayne J. White, in Auburn Township for one dollar. Glen Lerner to Robynn Lerner, in Ararat Township for one dollar. Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company and JPMorgan Chase Bank to Walter S. and Karen Sosnowski, in Forest City for $61,000.00. Barbara Vanbrunt Clifford to Carlton Farms Limited Partnership, in Bridgewater Township and Montrose for one dollar. Peter Paul (AKA) Peter P. Dubic to Peter P. and Doreen O. Dubik, in Great Bend Township for one dollar. Joseph C. and Susan L. Zukosky to Donald J., Jr. and Susan E. Bergmann, in Herrick Township for $365,000.00. David and Reuben G. (by POA) Torrey to David and Reuben G. Torrey and Morris Slade Johnson, Sr., in Montrose for one dollar. DIVORCES Andrew G. Seamans of New Milford vs. Pelagia Cabras of Tacloban City, Leyte, married 2006. John Sherman vs. Deborah Sherman, both of Union Dale, married 1995. Clover Loomis vs. Mark A. Loomis, both of Waymart, married 1996. BENCH WARRANTS The Susquehanna County Domestic Relations Section has bench warrants for the following individuals as of 10:09 a.m. on July 9, 2010. Erika L. Back, Harold R. Bensley, Tonya S. Birchard, David Shawn Blaisure, Allen S Bowman, Ryan T. Brooks, Howard A. Burns, III, Deborah L. Drish, David J. Fischer, Racheal L. Frisbie, George Graham, David Haines, Jr., Keith G. Harms, Erik E. Krisovitch, Joshua S. Lee, Charlie J. Legere, Carlos L. Leiser, Jason Lindquist, Mark C. McCarey, Matthew S. Miller, Jennifer M. Miller, Shane Nelson, Anthony Neri, Sheri Pabon, James E. Purse, Arthur D. Quick, Neil D. Shaffer, David J. Shiner, Richard D. Shoemaker, Kristopher M. Slocum, Duane Spencer, Garrett M. Thomas (aka Staudinger), Justin Thompson, Christina L. Trayes, Tamara Tyler, Keith W. Vroman, Jamie L. Williams, Kenneth L. Wilmot, Jr., Karl D. Zantowsky. Please contact the Domestic Relations Section at 570-278-4600 ext. 170 with any information on the location of these individuals.
There was an error in last week's report of the Great Bend Borough Council meeting. A typographical error had the next police meeting on July 5. It should have read July 15. In last week's edition of The County Transcript, in the article on Blue Ridge, we reported that the food service prepared "50,000 meals during the school year." The 50,000 figure is only the number of free "universal breakfast" meals served. The Blue Ridge food service actually served 231,849 meals altogether.
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