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Swimming In Kennedy Park? The possibility of reestablishing swimming in Kennedy Park generated much discussion at the July Forest City Borough meeting. The lake water has been tested periodically and found unsafe for swimming, and as of four years ago, the shower rooms do not meet specifications. These situations would have to be rectified in order to reestablish swimming in the park, explained Barbara Mihelc, councilwoman. Additionally, a lifeguard would need to be hired to monitor the lake. Mihelc asserted that park maintenance is expensive, and Robert Trusky, council president, cautioned that no state or federal money is received for Kennedy Park maintenance. “It’s all local,” he added. Nevertheless, Nick Cost, councilman, requested looking into reestablishing swimming in the park. Kelley Twilley, who also serves on council, suggested that work in the park, or fundraising for the park, could provide senior projects for Forest City Regional students. In the meantime, “no swimming” signs will be posted at the beach.
The Great Bend Township Supervisors discussed House Bill 2431 at their July 6 meeting; the bill, if it is passed, would create an amendment to establish counties as local government in the state, effectively eliminating the legislative powers of townships and boros. A sample resolution from the PA State Association of Townships in opposition of forcing local government mergers and consolidations (transferring legislative powers to the county level) was reviewed, and after a short discussion a motion carried to adopt the resolution.
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