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Sportsmen Hold Youth Field Day Susquehanna County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs A shuttle bus service was required to take care of a large crowd of youth ages 8 to 16 together with their parents or guardians for the annual Susquehanna County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs Youth Field Day held Saturday, September 26 at the Harford Fair Grounds. Like a mini-hunter trapper education course, volunteers from eleven different sportsmen’s clubs offered an all free mentoring class to inspire youth in Pennsylvania’s great outdoor resources. For some youth this was their first opportunity to learn things about the exciting topics of fishing, hunting, trapping, and other outdoor skills. Susquehanna County Sheriff Lance Benedict was present. In addition to donating many items to the youth, he appeared pleased seeing so many youth learn valuable lessons of the great outdoors. Also present were PA Game and Fish Commission wildlife personnel. In addition to being instructors, they furnished numerous .22 caliber sporter rifles, boats, and canoes. The daylong program included free prizes, awards, and refreshments. Every youth received a free T-shirt. Federation President Bob Tiffany said it was an awesome day seeing so many smiling faces. National Rifle Association qualified instructor taught students in safe loading and firing .22 of caliber sporter rifles. They learned proper methods for shooting and the correct handling of firearms. With plenty of ammunition, they could shoot several rounds becoming somewhat comfortable with shooting a gun. Instructors taught students how to hold, sight, and shoot a shotgun using flying clay birds as a target. Sporting clays is fun and can nurture joining leagues, as well as small game and bird hunting. PA Game Commission and Sportsmen’s Club members outlined a trail course in nearby woods for teaching orienteering skills. Orienteering builds survival and life skills with students becoming familiar using topographic maps and compass. This information is important knowledge when out hiking, hunting or camping. PA Fish Commission personnel helped students in launching canoes on a nearby pond. They gave emphasis to safe paddling, maneuvering boats and canoes. They practiced casting using fishing pole, rod, and reel. Learning the valuable lessons now assures safe boating and fun with fishing as well as other water sports. The sportsmen regret the absence of mentors from the Quality Deer Management Association. They have a lot to offer on propagating deer populations by using biological nutrients and food supplies, a program all in harmony with landowners. The program can assure future generations with healthy deer and animal populations and provide quality hunting as well. Still they presented the top prize to Alan Tiffany, age eleven, and his dad, a winner in a drawing, a brand new .22 caliber rifle with scope. Trapping mentors demonstrated the legal use of traps, attractant animal lures, along with explaining several species of furbearing animals. Trapping furbearing animals is an effective way to manage wildlife species controlling diseases associated with over populations of animals. Competent archery instructors encouraged students in shooting several rounds using bows and arrows. Students realized it takes practice placing an arrow in the targets bull’s eye. Archery hunting can include hunting from tree stands. Understanding the proper use of a fall restraint system is wise for an avid tree stand hunter. Instructors guided students through the Cherokee challenge with correct throwing tomahawk hatchets, using slingshots, plus bow and arrow. The tomahawk reminds us this was a war club used by our Native Americans. The weapon deserves just as must respect as handling a gun. The students enjoyed petting coonhounds. A quite submissive coonhound turns it on big time when treeing a raccoon. Demonstrations included types of purebred pedigrees, the latest head light gear, and GPS tracking collar devices. Hound doger’s admit there is nothing like the thrilling high pitched penetrating sound that a howling coonhound delivers when he strikes a hot trail of a raccoon. An avid overnight tent camper and mentor encouraged students to shoot a round or two using flintlocks and muzzleloaders. They loved shooting a muzzleloader. The sportsmen remind you that we conquered our independence as a nation with the forceful use of black powder flintlock firearms! The volunteer mentors did a nice job. Parents and guardians thank you for joining in and encouraging your sons and daughters to participate. Let them experience the great outdoors more often. The youth gained a lot of information, ethical behavior and showing respect for others - valuable knowledge that will last for a lifetime. All are thankful sportsmen can enjoy Pennsylvania’s great outdoor resources. Pennsylvania sportsmen have the best there is to offer. For more information about hunting clubs, call Federation Sportsmen’s Club chairpersons Joe Morrison at 570-465-3552 or Lew Davy at 570-465-2958.
OES Members Hold Reunion Meeting Nearly one hundred fifty members gathered for the Regional 11 reunion meeting of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star held at the St Mary’s Center, Scranton, September 30. Pictured above: Kathy Whitney, Deputy Grand Matron and Shirley B. Capo, Worthy Grand Matron Order of the Eastern Star. PA Order of the Eastern Star Worthy Grand Matron Shirley B. Capo gave high honors to Deputy Grand Matron Kathy Whitney, Hallstead. Kathy was ushered into the Chapter room by her sister Tina Haley, Susquehanna. The ceremony included initiation of two new candidates into the Order of the Eastern Star. OES is the largest fraternal organization in the world, which both women and men belong. Local Chapters of the OES organize charity fundraisers, visit Veterans homes, provide food banks, and donate monies to the needy in the community. There are approximately one million members worldwide under the General Grand Chapter, which is dedicated to charity, truth, and loving-kindness.
Senior Living Center Celebrates Milestone Meadow View Senior Living Center, Montrose, PA congratulates their employees for their milestones in continuous years of service. The center is proud of their dedication to the residents and families of Meadow View and thanks them for giving of themselves through their kindness, engagement, enthusiasm, sense of purpose, excellence in care and sense of responsibility. Pictured above (l-r): Maureen Belknap, 5 yrs; Wynetta Stone, 10 yrs; Trish Smith, 15 yrs; Tom Benio, 5 yrs; Mary Noble, 10 yrs; Joanne Ladner, 10 yrs; Lenny Laky, 5 yrs; Bonnie Freeman, 5 yrs; Peggy Konrad, 5 yrs; Fawn Forsyth, 15 yrs; Mary Lou Tiffany, 20 yrs.
Harford Fair Baking Contest Winners Harford Fair is pleased to announce the winners of this year’s baking contests. In the Hershey “Greatest Cocoa Cake” contest, the winner was Amy Hine, from New Milford, PA, with her Black Magic Cake. The Hershey “Greatest Cookie/Brownie/Bar” contest, open only to youth ages 8 to 18, was won by Isabella Cosmello, of New Milford, PA. Isabella’s entry was Bellamintastic Chocolate Brownies. Isabella Cosmello with prize-winning Bellamintastic Chocolate Brownies. The fair also held its annual Blue Ribbon Apple Pie Contest. The judges choose from the first prize winners in the traditional and non-traditional categories. This year’s winner was Amy Wood, from Montrose, PA. The Annual Angel Food Cake contest, sponsored by PEQAP (Pennsylvania Egg Quality Assurance Program) was won by Panda Loomis, Montrose, PA. All contest winners are eligible to compete at the 2010 Pennsylvania State Farm Show in January. Harford Fair wishes all contest winners good luck at the state level.
District 8 Director Makes Official Visit Business and Professional Women's District 8 Director Antoinette Mackar paid an official visit to the Nellie Jane DeWitt BPW, Susquehanna on September 24. The local club held their dinner meeting at Lakey's on Front Street with Lori Hubal chairman for the month. Mackar, a member of the Peckville Club, said it is always exciting to travel to the Nellie Jane DeWitt Club. "I see new faces at every visit," she said. How wonderful it is to have a member on state board, she added. Past District Director Lori Hubal has been elected State Recording Secretary, a first for the local club. The District Director gave a rundown of the upcoming events and said she would like to have attend the Fall Conference, held on October 3, at Keystone College. She also encouraged the club to sell at least five tickets to the District Tea to be held in Forty Fort. She offered her help if needed and left members with her toll free phone numbers. Gifts were exchanged at the conclusion of the District Director’s remarks. Pictured above: Sherry Hoopes, Antoinette Mackar, Lori Hubal. Lori Hubal presented a program that recounted many historical club happenings with founding members Josephine Cooke, Kathryn Haynes, Alice Williams and Jessie Keyes. These four served on the first membership committee and covered the school district, business area and the hospital looking for members. A history of the club would not be complete without mentioning Louise Gelatt. Louise was a faithful member who left the members with amusing stories to tell for years after the club lost her. Lori spoke of Susquehanna native, Captain Nellie Jane Dewitt and her role in the US Navy Nurse Corp; the club's involvement in what was known as the area’s largest arts festival; and the club's participation in many other local activities. During the business meeting the audit report was presented by Brenda Tiffany, Mary Mushala and Alice Deutsch. With all in order the report was given to the secretary for file. Linda Chesnick gave a report on the golf tournament, a very successful event that realized a profit of $710 for the club's many community commitments. Also approved by the members at this first meeting of the club year was the list of club projects that included: Christmas Tree Lighting; SNF Valentine Party; Cancer Society Daffodil Days; Friends of Susquehanna County and Susquehanna County Harvest of the Arts; National Business Women's Week and Women's Resource Center. A club sign for the Lanesboro soccer field, similar to the one at Prospect Street Park, arranged by Colleen Wilkes, was approved.
My Antonia Offers Coping Mechanism for Change Kristin Sanner, Ph.D. Most people assume that nostalgia and change are at odds with one another, but in actuality, as Willa Cather's early twentieth century novel, “My Antonia” demonstrates, nostalgia occurs when change threatens a cherished past. For Cather's characters, nostalgia becomes a way of coping with changes that might otherwise overwhelm and disappoint us. In Susquehanna County we see evidence of this almost everywhere. Turbulent economic times have resulted in many personal changes as residents scale back on purchases, realize significant cuts in social services and in the worst cases, deal with job loss. We also see changes to the countryside as natural gas drilling expands and leaves tracts of cleared land for pipelines and a ragged crop of well heads. Perhaps surprisingly, reading and discussing Susquehanna County Read's selection for this year's community reading program will leave participants with a better understanding of the way nostalgia for the past can actually help shape and offer comfort in our present times. Cather’s exploration of change amidst a determined holding on to the past ironically brings her novel out of late nineteenth-century Nebraska, a time of wagons, mass immigration and westward expansion, and places it in the present. The questions raised in “My Antonia” resonate with a twenty-first century audience precisely because they deal with universal issues that we still struggle with and experience today. We have all been faced with change, whether welcomed or resisted. We have all felt nostalgic for a former time or place. We may even have been guilty of treating “outsiders” who represent change unkindly or may have been treated unkindly by “insiders." We wonder what it means to form a community and ponder its importance during times of change. We celebrate our beloved, Endless Mountains landscape and wonder, right along with the novel's protagonist, what happens to a relatively wild and untamed place during times of expansion. Finally, we wonder how to reconcile change with nostalgia. One of Cather's answers to the last question rests in her characterization of the book's title character, Antonia Shimerda, a young female immigrant who experiences multiple hardships but whose resilience and autonomy lead readers and the book's narrator to identify with her, no matter our differences. As one of my colleagues, Judith Sornberger, recently noted, Cather elevates Antonia to a mythical level, and in doing so she demonstrates the universality and importance of hard work, honesty and faithfulness. Despite the adversities Antonia faces, she maintains a purity that the novel's narrator, Jim Burden, finds admirable even after years of changes have separated them geographically, economically and socially. When Jim visits Antonia after a twenty year absence, he (and we) realize that his nostalgia for the person he remembers is justified. Though she has changed, she continues to represent the core values he grew to admire in her during their shared childhood. Ultimately, Cather's novel leaves readers with the almost impossible realization that even times of difficult, unwelcome change may provide both fodder for nostalgia in the future and solace for the loss we feel in the present. As Jim Burden reflects, "In the course of twenty crowded years one parts with many illusions. I did not wish to lose the early ones. Some memories are realities, and are better than anything that can ever happen to one again." Perhaps, suggests Cather, the personal revelations that define our human existence occur as we bring memory together with change to rewrite a present that would otherwise leave us feeling empty.
November is pancreatic cancer awareness month, a disease that has no known cure. Promoting a public awareness campaign, Deputy Grand Matron Kathy Whitney, Hallstead, and other members of the Order of the Eastern Star organization are selling purple scarves. When a scarf is purchased, half of that amount goes to the Lustgarten Foundation. The Lustgarten Foundation applies one-hundred percent of all donated monies to advance the science related to the diagnosis, treatment, cure, and prevention of pancreatic cancer. The scarves are warm too, just what is needed for the chilly winter months. Pictured above (l-r) wearing their purple scarves are Kathy Whitney, Tina Haley, Karen Worden, Robert Whitney, Pat Kiefer, Ida Rupakus, Cordelia Herbert and Janet Corby. Members of the Order of the Eastern Star promote the personal welfare of all humanity, and feel privileged to help one another whenever they can. The website provides more information.
Pickett Disappointed In House Action “Landowners Will Be Harmed” HARRISBURG - Rep. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna) expressed her disappointment in the House's action to approve a number of new taxes and tax increases on Pennsylvania's working families and businesses. Pickett, who co-chairs the House Policy Committee's Energy Task Force, was most disappointed in a new tax that would be imposed on the extraction of natural gas within the Marcellus Shale formation. The tax, which would be imposed both at the wellhead and on the amount of gas extracted, would seek to discourage the many new drilling companies in the region and pose an additional hardship on the landowners who receive royalties. Pickett said the tax could create a negative ripple effect in the local economy with the many related businesses and jobs being created from the booming industry. "Imposing a tax would stunt the growth of this emerging industry and it is counterproductive to any economic benefits we will see," she said. "While some argue that the bigger companies will not be impacted, there are a number of smaller, local drillers who will be devastated by this new tax, as well as the property owners who lease their land. Our focus must be on creating jobs and strengthening our tax base, not driving away one of the growing engines of our economy." House Bill 1531 also raises the Capital Stock and Franchise Tax on businesses, increases the state cigarette tax another 25 cents, adds a new tax to cigars and cigarillos and revises taxable regulations on Medicare and Medicaid, which could raise health care insurance premiums. In total, the bill seeks to raise taxes by almost $1 billion. The bill also dramatically reduces the Educational Tax Improvement Credit (EITC), thereby discouraging businesses from contributing to local educational scholarship programs. "During this time of economic uncertainty, none of the items on this tax menu are palatable," Pickett said. "Although this legislation does not include a sales or income tax, it will still affect a large majority of our residents. From the energy they use to the businesses they patronize to the scholarships for their children, the people of Pennsylvania are continually the ones forced to pay." House Bill 1531 now heads to the state Senate where it faces an uncertain future. Pickett said negotiators should consider the House Republican option, House Bill 1943, that balances revenues and expenditures, does not contain any tax increases, funds essential state government services and provides increased levels of funding for education. "House Bill 1943, the real compromise budget plan, needs to be given serious consideration," Pickett said. "This plan was developed by fiscal conservatives on both sides of the aisle and reflects our current economic situation. This is a responsible plan that the people of Pennsylvania need to have enacted as soon as possible."
Turnpike Terrace Update Turnpike Terrace has a new game called Wii. It has a lot of games on it and is a lot of fun. We spent the afternoon bowling and having a good time. We’ve been getting some fresh veggies from a lot of people with gardens. We thank them all. We have had a lot of flowers blossoming. It looks nice outside. We have had some people in the hospital, but they are home now. Stay well guys. We have our bingo’s on Monday at 1 p.m. and Thursday at 6 p.m. - they get you out of your apartment for a while. We also have dominoes and phase ten (a card game) - a lot of fun. Our hearts go out to Jim and Babe Carpenter on the loss of their son-in-law. June Skasko won our kitchen basket, congratulations June! Two of our ladies were in the hospital, but they are out now. One of them moved away. I have been having problems with my back. I hope it gets straightened out soon. We went on a bus to Parks’ vegetable stand and to Hallstead for lunch. Some up here had their air conditioners taken out. I still have mine in, I am thinking maybe Indian summer may be hot. Monday afternoon, we had a pancake supper. Around 30 people attended. We had pancakes, French toast, scrambled eggs and sausage with juice and coffee. Every one went home full. Also Donna Gelatt played the organ for us. She comes out sometimes in the evening and plays for us. We love it. Seven of us from Turnpike Terrace (Alias the Turnpike Terrorists) went to a Soulfire concert at South New Milford Baptist Church. We all had a good time. There were refreshments and we also had our picture taken with them. Ellen Kelley went to Tennessee last night. One of her grandsons is getting married. She went with her daughter and her family. We had a fire drill here and everyone acted according to the rules. Good going everyone, and thank you to all the firemen and others that were here for us. Marian Glover and I went to the Fire Company’s open house. It was very nice. They dedicated three of the vehicles that they have and also told how many people were in the Company and how many are still active. We are well protected. Take care - see you soon.
Families who participate in the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program now have access to a wider variety of healthy foods. As of October 1, the food package offered to low-income families with young children includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other healthy choices. “This is the biggest change to the WIC Program in 35 years,” said Bette Cox Saxton, President & CEO of Maternal and Family Health Services, the agency that administers the WIC Program in 16 counties of Northeast Pennsylvania. “Timing is right for the change as WIC is serving more people than ever. This year, MFHS saw participation levels in the WIC Nutrition Program reach historic highs, serving over 58,000 people each month. These changes will allow families enrolled in WIC to receive a greater variety of healthier foods. This critical policy change will help WIC reduce obesity and the incidence of other chronic diseases impacting so many families across our network.” Since its inception in 1974, the federally-funded WIC Nutrition Program has provided eligible women and children with food vouchers for milk, cheese, eggs, beans, peanut butter, cereal and fruit juice. Starting in October, the program will add vouchers for fruits, vegetables, baby food, soy-based beverages and whole-grain products like whole grain bread, whole wheat or corn tortillas, oats and brown rice. The new food package also promotes breastfeeding by offering the greatest number of foods to mothers who breastfeed exclusively, as well as providing baby food meats to breastfed infants at 6 months of age. The new foods are the result of changes made by the federal WIC Nutrition Program and reflect the most recent dietary guidelines for Americans. In making the first major nutritional update to WIC in nearly three decades, the government sought guidance from experts at the Institute of Medicine. The new choices encourage breastfeeding, support infant feeding practices recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, and are well suited to the food preferences of the diverse populations served by the WIC program. The federally funded WIC program was developed in the 1970s, when health experts worried about children who were malnourished and deficient in key nutrients, such as iron, calcium and vitamins A and C. Today, concerns center less on the need for calories and more on the lack of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in the diets of many Americans. “The period from conception through the first few years of life is the most important from a nutritional standpoint. WIC is designed to improve children's nutrition during this critical period of development and is a resource for parents to establish healthy eating habits that last a lifetime. The new foods offered by WIC will reinforce our key messages to WIC participants regarding nutrition, including: Eat more fruits and vegetables. Decrease saturated fat and cholesterol intake. Increase your grains and fiber,” said Laurie Waskovich, RD, MSN, LDN, WIC Nutrition Education Coordinator for MFHS. Nationally, one in four pregnant women participate in WIC, and nearly half of all children born in the United States participate. Numerous studies have shown that pregnant women who participate have longer pregnancies, leading to fewer premature births; have fewer low birth-weight babies; and experience fewer fetal and infant deaths. “Maternal and Family Health Services is celebrating the 35th anniversary of providing the WIC Nutrition Program in Pennsylvania. MFHS was one of the first two agencies in the state to administer the WIC Program, and the agency now oversees the largest geographic WIC service network in Pennsylvania,” said Joe Kester, Director of WIC Administration for MFHS. WIC is a cost-effective, successful public health program that meets an urgent need for nutrition care and educates families about healthy food choices, healthy eating and healthy weight through sound nutrition. WIC improves birth outcomes, protects against nutrition deficiencies, improves infant feeding practices and child development and encourages healthy eating habits that last a lifetime WIC works to improve nutrition for low-income women in high-risk groups, along with their infants and children. WIC is for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and infants and children up to age 5. Income guidelines apply. For example, a family of four earning no more than $40,793, can qualify for WIC. Recipients must be Pennsylvania residents and have a nutritional need as determined by a WIC health professional. Once enrolled in WIC, participants meet with a nutrition professional who reviews their diets and health behaviors and offers advice and education on healthy eating, food choices, meal preparation, breastfeeding support, and provides referrals to health and social service agencies. Parents receive vouchers that can be redeemed at local grocery stores for specific foods that are rich in essential vitamins and nutrients, and promote healthy growth and development. WIC is a program of the Pennsylvania Department of Health with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In Susquehanna County, WIC Nutrition Centers are located at NEPA Community Health Centers: 155 Erie Blvd., Susquehanna; Lenox Plaza, Kingsley; and 7 Lake Ave., Montrose. For more information about the WIC Nutrition Program, contact Maternal and Family Health Services at 1-800-367-6347 or visit
Youth Participate In Northeast Dairy Show The 2009 Northeast District 4-H Dairy Show was held on Saturday, August 29 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds located near Honesdale, PA. One hundred twenty-three head were shown by 4-H members from Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming Counties. This show qualifies youth to participate in the 2009 State Junior Dairy Show to be held in conjunction with the All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg later this September. Topping the Holstein Show was Luke Sherwood, Meshoppen with his Senior two-year old cow, Markwell-LB Goldwyn Donna-ET. The Reserve Champion Holstein was exhibited by Eric Giangrieco, New Milford with his five-year old cow, JoSan Lartist Paige. Junior Champion of the Holstein Show was exhibited by Dominique Jonas, Pleasant Mount with her Fall Calf, Jericho-Dairy Dundee Emma. The Reserve Junior Champion was exhibited by Evan Castrogiovanni, Montrose with his Winter Calf, Castlemont Advent July-ET. This animal was also named the Best Bred and Owned of the Holstein Show. A total of 42 Holsteins were showed at this year’s district show, judged by Alan Hostetter of Annville, PA. The Red and White Show was also judged by Mr. Hostetter. Amos Lyon of Hallstead won the Red and White Show with his four-year old cow, Lyon Farms Advent Susanna-Red. The Reserve Champion Red and White was exhibited by Dominique Jonas of Pleasant Mount with her four-year old cow, Jericho-Dairy RL Alison-Red. The Junior Champion Red and White was exhibited by Carly Sherwood of Meshoppen with her Fall Calf, Long-Brook Advent Sugar-Red. This animal was also named Best Bred and Owned of the Red and White Show. The Reserve Junior Champion Red and White was also exhibited by Carly Sherwood, with her Lismore Advent Rose-Red-ET with her Winter Yearling. The Colored Breed Shows were judged by Robbie Shaw of Fairplay, Md. In the Jersey breed, Jenna Sprout of Montrose took the winners circle with her Junior three-year old cow, JBS Pasleys Prada. The Reserve Champion Jersey was exhibited by Jackie Chyle of Pleasant Mount with her four-year old cow, Chyle Land Jace Rachel. The Junior Champion Jersey was exhibited by Taylar Sherman of Springville with her Summer Yearling Heifer, Jemi Sycamore Taylar. The Reserve Junior Champion was shown by Jenna Sprout of Montrose with her Winter Yearling Heifer, JBS Penelope. Jenna Sprout’s Junior three-year old cow was named the Best Bred and Owned of the Jersey Show. Alex Bonavita of Meshoppen exhibited a Junior three-year old cow that topped the Milking Shorthorn Show, Jon-Ann Famous Rosetta-ET. This cow was also named Best Bred and Owned of the Milking Shorthorn Show. The Reserve Grand Champion Milking Shorthorn, Jon-Ann Red Ruben Rosaffer a Winter Yearling Heifer, was also exhibited by Alex Bonavita. Other winners in the Milking Shorthorn Show included Bethany Tewksbury with her Senior three-year old cow, J-Long-Vu Duke Pagan winning the Reserve Senior Champion award. In the Ayrshire Show, Emily Adams of Montrose won both Champion and Reserve Champion. Her Champion Cow was RA-Dream Victor Babe followed by RA-Dream Jericho Kye for Reserve Champion. The Junior Champion Ayrshire was exhibited by Cassie Clark of Springville with her Winter Calf, Kozy Kountry Juliet. The Reserve Junior Champion Ayrshire was exhibited by Montana Cole of Meshoppen with her Fall Calf, S&M AYR Sergeant’s Sparkle. Emily Adam’s Senior two-year old entry, RA-Dream Jericho Kye, was named Best Bred and Owned of the Ayrshire Show. The Champion Brown Swiss was exhibited by Taylar Sherman of Springville with her Spring Yearling Heifer, Top Acres Starsky Bella-ET. The Reserve Champion Brown Swiss was exhibited by Adam Dix of Pleasant Mount with his Junior two-year old, Ellday Zeus Eva. This animal was named best bred and owned of the Brown Swiss Show. Other winners in the Brown Swiss show included Reserve Junior Champion exhibited by Brandon Loch of Nicholson with his Fall Calf, CIE Fieldsbrook Bur Rozlyn. The winner of the Guernsey Show was Autumn Henning of Mehoopany with Autumns Sweet Luscious a five-year old cow. The Reserve Champion Guernsey and Junior Champion Guernsey was Friendly Manor Sunray Nette owned by Amos Lyon of Hallstead. The Reserve Junior Champion Guernsey was exhibited by Stephen Smith of Hawley with Golden Sun Challenge Kandy. Dairy show exhibitors were judged throughout the day on their showmanship and fitting skills to become master exhibitors. The following youth from Susquehanna County received a Master Exhibitor Award: Amanda Atkinson, Montrose; Alex Bonavita, Meshoppen; Evan Castrogiovanni, Montrose; Cassie Clark; Springville; Sabrina Clark, Springville; Callie Curley, Montrose; Kennidy Finch, Springville; Eric Giangrieco, New Milford; Cassidy Greenwood, Dimock; Allison Kiefer, Montrose; Brandon Loch, Nicholson; Amos Lyon, Hallstead; Dana Nunemacher, Dimock; Kellsie Posey, Elk Lake; Rachel Pompey, Springville; Steven Rezykowski, Dimock; Taylar Sherman, Springville; Jenna Sprout, Montrose; Alison Teel, Dimock, and Lydia Watkins, Dimock. The Master Exhibitor Competition was judged by Jill Middour, Lebanon and Amy Savage, Mount Joy.
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