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July 11 - 17 KIDS KAMP, July 11 to 17 at Montrose Bible Conference for children who have completed first through fourth grades. For info or to register call 2781001. July 12 RENEWABLE ENERGY presentation, Monday, July 12 7 p.m. at the Wayne County Visitors Center, Honesdale, with guest speaker Dick Riseling. Free. For info visit www.rescue-nepa.org. July 12 - 16 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, Monday, July 12 through Friday, July 16, 9 a.m. to noon at the South New Milford Baptist Church. Children pre-K to sixth grade welcome. Call 4657246 for info or to register. July 13 HIKING IN THE NIGHT WOODS, Tuesday, July 13, 8:30 p.m. at the Woodbourne Sanctuary. For info call 2783384. All are welcome. MAN TO MAN Prostate Cancer Educational and Support Group meeting, Tuesday, July 13, 7:00 p.m. at Lourdes Hospital Lecture Hall, Binghamton. Speaker will be Dr. Shah, Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse. July 14 WETLAND HIKE With Llamas, Wednesday, July 14, 10:00 a.m. at Salt Springs State Park, with FSSP Board member Dennis Wilson. All are welcome. July 14-16 JASON MAILES NextLevel Hoops basketball camp, July 14 through 16, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Forest City Regional High School for boys and girls grades 3-6. For info or an application call 7853143. July 15 SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT AREA Historical Society picnic, Thursday, July 15, 5 p.m. at the Veterans Park, Kirkwood. Bring table service and dish to pass. All are welcome. July 16 SPAGHETTI DINNER, Friday, July 16, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the HallsteadGreat Bend Rod & Gun Club, Dubois St., Hallstead. All are welcome. July 16 & 17 GUYS AND DOLLS, Wednesday, July 16 and Thursday, July 17, 7:00 p.m. at the Tunkhannock Middle School. Tickets available at the door. All are welcome. July 17 CHICKEN & BISCUIT DINNER, family style, Saturday, July 17 at the Ararat United Methodist Church. Serving begins at 5:00 p.m. until all are served. All are welcome. WHEELS FOR CHRIST, Christian Motorcyclists Association meeting, Saturday, July 17, at McDonalds Restaurant, Montrose. Breakfast at 9:30 followed by meeting at 10 a.m. Call 2789534 for info. All are welcome. TOWNWIDE YARD SALE, Saturday, July 17, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Hop Bottom. All are welcome. BOOK SALE, Saturday, July 17, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Soldiers Orphan School, Harford. Hosted by the Harford Historical Society. All are welcome. DOO-WOP DINER Carhop barbecue dinner, Saturday, July 17, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Elk Lake School. 50s music, classic cars. Hosted by the Dimock and Springville UMC youth groups. All are welcome. DOO-WOP DINER Carhop lunch, Saturday, July 17, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hop Bottom Fire Hall. Sponsored by Hop Bottom area churches, with proceeds to benefit Habitat for Humanity. All are welcome. CRAFT FAIR, Saturday, July 17, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Starrucca Community Hall. For info call the Starrucca Civic Association, 7273158 or 7273523. All are welcome. July 18 CURSILLO PICNIC and Mass, Sunday, July 18, 1:00 p.m. at Holy Name of Mary, Montrose. Picnic will follow Mass. bring a covered dish to pass. Call 2781504 for info. All are welcome. BREAKFAST, Sunday, July 18, 8:00 a.m. to noon at the Binghamton Elks Lodge 852, Rte. 11 and Trim St. All are welcome. WOODLAND RESOURCE Adventure Camp, Sunday, July 18 through Thursday, July 22, at Keystone College. Students ages 12-15 welcome. For info call the Conservation District, 2784600, ext. 280. WALKING TOUR of historic downtown Starrucca, Sunday, July 18, beginning at the Community Hall at 1:30 p.m. hosted by the Starrucca History Group. Refreshments after the tour. Rain date, July 25. All are welcome. July 20 WELL WATER TESTING workshop, Tuesday, July 20, 6:30 p.m. at the Montrose Bible Conference. Free; open to participants who took part in the testing program held in April and May. For info, call the Conservation District office, 2784600, ext. 280. July 21 TREASURE HUNT, Wednesday, July 21, 10:00 a.m. at Salt Springs State Park. Follow clues to find a special surprise. All are welcome. CRIMEWATCH meeting, Wednesday, July 21, 7:00 p.m. at the Susquehanna Borough Building. All residents and business owners welcome. July 21 & 22 AARP SAFE DRIVING class, July 21 and 22, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Lakeside Methodist Church, New Milford. Reservations required, call 4657375. July 22 LADY RAIDERS recognition banquet, Thursday, July 22, 5:30 p.m. at the Green Gables Restaurant. Call 4653144, ext. 601 or 626 to make reservations (required). LAWN SUPPER, Thursday, July 22, at the Starrucca Baptist Church social rooms. Serving 5:00 p.m. all are welcome. July 23 ED CAMP final performance, Friday, July 23, 7:00 p.m. at Blue Ridge High School. Presented by the Endless Mts. Theatre Co. Free. For info call 4342422. All are welcome. July 23 & 24 HOMETOWN DAYS in Susquehanna, Friday, July 23, beginning at 6 p.m. and Saturday, July 24, beginning at 11 a.m. Live music, games, pony rides, crafts, arts, more. All are welcome. July 24 & 25 AUDUBON FESTIVAL, Saturday, July 24 and Sunday, July 25, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Wallenpaupack School Complex. Admission, children under 12 free (with parent). All are welcome. July 25 - 30 CHRISTIAN WRITERS CONFERENCE, July 25 to 30 at the Montrose Bible Conference. For info call 2781001. July 17 - August 1 BROOME COUNTY FAIR, July 27 through August 1 at the Whitney Point Fairgrounds, Whitney Point, NY. Open Tuesday at 6 p.m., then daily 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. All are welcome. July 28 SPAGHETTI DINNER, Wednesday, July 28, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge 852, corner of Rte. 11 and Trim St. All are welcome. EARTH WALK, Wednesday, July 28, 10:00 a.m. to noon at Salt Springs State Park. Experience the natural world with your senses and from a slightly different perspective. All are welcome. July 28 - 30 JASON MAILES NextLevel Hoops basketball camp, July 28 through 30 for boys and girls, grades 6-9 at the Forest City Regional High School, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For info call 7853143.
Monday, July 19: pork chop, mashed potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower, ten grain bread, graham cracker with peanut butter, mandarin oranges. Tuesday, July 20: barbecue chicken breast, home style baked beans, coleslaw, dinner roll, pineapple, granola bar. Wednesday, July 21: Salisbury steak with gravy and noodles, tossed salad, spinach, seeded rye bread, fresh apple. Thursday, July 22: slice ham, cooked peas, sweet potatoes, ten grain bread, graham crackers, apricots. Friday, July 23: brown bag day; macaroni and cheese, cut green beans, grape juice, honey wheat bread, applesauce.
Gibson Barracks To Conduct Academy Troop R, Gibson Barracks, Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) will be conducting a Citizens Police Academy in Susquehanna County from August 3 through September 7. The classes will give attendees an "inside look" at the resources the PSP utilizes to serve the citizens of the Commonwealth including, but not limited to: Recruiting, K-9, Special Emergency Response Team, Criminal Investigation, Fire Marshal, Forensic Services, Patrol and Aviation Units. Classes will be held on Tuesdays, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. for six weeks. Interested applicants must be at least 18 years old and can obtain applications at PSP Gibson. The application deadline is July 20. Class size will be limited, so apply early.
ACS Relay For Life Honors Survivors In a nation where more than one million people will be diagnosed with cancer this year, Susquehanna County is invited to celebrate life. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a unique fundraising event in which teams of participants take turns walking the track overnight in an effort to fight cancer. Teams camp out, eat and play games. This years tenth annual Relay For Life, sponsored by Donald Dean & Sons will take place at the Montrose Area High School on Friday, July 16 through Saturday, July 17, 3 - 3 p.m. The message of the event is cancer can be conquered. This theme of hope is ignited as Susquehanna Countys cancer survivors (anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer) join together for a dinner, provided by Barnes-Kasson Hospital at 7 p.m., Friday the 16th. At 7:45 they will take to the track and walk their Celebration Lap. This emotional lap honors the courage of all who have defeated cancer. Each survivor is introduced as they proceed around the track unified in victory and in hope. The atmosphere of the Relay For Life is one of camaraderie and celebration, providing an opportunity for cancer survivors to pass the torch of hope on to those still battling cancer or those that might be touched by cancer in the future. Another special feature of Friday evening is a luminaria ceremony, remembering those lost to cancer and honoring those who have survived. Luminarias representing these individuals will be lit at 8:30 p.m. "It will be beautiful when all the bags with candles are illuminated around the track," said Elizabeth Ralston, luminaria chair. "We are planning a very inspirational ceremony with vocal selections by Ken Robinson and Mary Kay Osburn along with our local hand bell choir, Hallstead Note-a-Bells." The public is invited to attend both ceremonies as well as to walk around and join in the festivities. The campsites will have activities and games available as well as a variety of food being sold. A silent auction is planned from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Friday evening. Jason Miller - Main Street DJ will be providing the music throughout the 24 hours. For information about purchasing a luminaria, or if you are a cancer survivor and would like to take part in the Relay For Lifes survivor celebration, call your American Cancer Society at 1-888-227-5445.
ACS Relay For Life Taking Registrations The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Susquehanna County sponsored by Donald Dean & Sons is just around the corner. Register your team today by calling the American Cancer Society at 1-888-227-5445. This "celebration of life" brings the residents of Susquehanna County together in a unified effort to fight cancer. Former and current cancer patients, their families, businesses, civic organizations, and the public are invited to take part in this exciting team event. Relay For Life takes place from 3 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, July 16 and Saturday, July 17, at the Montrose Area High School. Relay For Life is the American Cancer Societys version of an athletic relay, but with a twist. Relay For Life is a family-oriented event where participants enjoy the camaraderie of a team and also raise funds to support the activities of the American Cancer Society. Participants camp out at the Relay site, and when they are not taking their turn walking, they take part in fun activities and enjoy local entertainment. Teams from companies, churches, organizations, hospitals, families and schools collect donations and can win individual and team prizes for their efforts. "Relay For Life brings the progress against cancer to the forefront," said Suzanne Brant, event co-chair. "Many participants are our family, friends, and neighbors who have dealt with cancer themselves. Their involvement is proof of the progress that has been not only reducing death rates, but also in the quality of life following cancer treatment." "The funds raised enable us to continue our investment in the fight against cancer through research, education, advocacy, and patient services," said Robin Wallace, event co-chair. "Thanks to the generosity of corporate sponsors like Donald Dean & Sons and TREHAB, the money raised by participants goes directly to the American Cancer Societys lifesaving programs." Relay For Life started in May, 1985, when Dr. Gordy Klatt took the first step of his 24-hour walk around a track in Tacoma, Washington, raising $27,000 to support the American Cancer Society. The first Relay For Life is now entering its twentieth year, while the Relay For Life in Susquehanna County is proud to celebrate its tenth anniversary. Information about how to form a team or become involved in Relay For Life is available from the American Cancer Society at 1-888-227-5445. For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit www.cancer.org.
Partners In Arts Grant Applications The Bradford County Regional Arts Council (BCRAC) is pleased to announce the availability of grant funds through the Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts Program (PPA), to support arts and cultural activities occurring between September 1, 2004 August 31, 2005. Funds are available to prior PPA applicants/recipients as well as to new applicants. Grant requests may not exceed $3,000. BCRAC is one of twelve (12) regional service providers selected by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) to administer the PPA Program. BCRAC works in partnership with the PCA to design and create initiatives on a regional level that make a significant impact on arts and cultural opportunities in the Northern Tier counties of Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga and Wyoming. For an application or for more information, contact Brenda S. Thomas at (570) 2682787 or by e-mail at brenda@bcrac. Grant writing workshops are available to assist you in writing your proposal and are highly recommended. A workshop is scheduled in Susquehanna County on Monday, May 24, Noon 2:00 p.m. (bring a bag lunch), at the County Office Building, 31 Public Avenue, Montrose.
10,000 Friends To Meet In Montrose Recently the Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy reported to the Pennsylvania state government on statewide growth and development trends. The report has caused a bit of controversy and has been the topic of much discussion in both urban and rural settings. On Wednesday, July 14, 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania will present an overview of the Brookings report, specifically those topics that affect our area such as sprawl, fragmentation of government, "Smart Growth," and multi-municipal planning. 10,000 Friends encourages growth and development that supports the economic and social viability of Pennsylvania's cities and towns, conserves fiscal resources, and protects our states exceptional natural landscapes, environmental quality, and heritage resources. This is the first opportunity in Susquehanna County to meeting with 10,000 Friends and discuss local issues. The forum begins at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference room of the County Office Building, 31 Public Avenue, Montrose. For more information contact the Susquehanna County Department of Planning at (570) 2784600 ext. 290.
Fiber Festival At Harford Fairgrounds A Pennsylvania Endless Mountains Fiber Festival will be held September 11 and 12, at the Harford Fairgrounds, Harford, PA. There will be displays of raw and processed fibers, yarns, clothing, spinning and weaving, fiber arts and crafts, sheepskin products and more. Vendors, exhibitors, animals, workshops and competitions will be available for all who attend. For additional info, call 4653360 or 9426837.
Breast Cancer Survivor Night At L C Stadium The Komen NEPA Breast Cancer Foundation and The Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Red Barons have announced that they will once again team up to host Breast Cancer Survivor Night at Lackawanna County Stadium. This years event will be held on Thursday, August 5. The Red Barons will be taking on the Buffalo Bison in a doubleheader with the special program taking place between games. The first game is slated to begin at 5:00 p.m. Festivities will begin immediately following the conclusion of the first of the two 7-inning games that evening. Survivors wearing their Pink Survivor Komen NEPA Race for the Cure T-shirt will receive a free game ticket for that nights game and fans who wear any white Komen NEPA Race for the Cure T-shirt get half off their game ticket for that nights game. Ceremonies will be highlighted by the formation of the Pink Survivors Living Ribbon with the assistance of the Seton Catholic High School Cheerleaders. The Pink Survivors Living Ribbon is made up of Breast Cancer Survivors wearing their pink Survivor Komen NEPA Race for the Cure T-shirts. Survivors are encouraged to participate in this celebration of their hope and strength. Any Survivor who is interested in participating in the Living Ribbon should contact Dolly Woody, at the Komen NEPA Foundation 969-6072 or 1- 800-650-CURE (2873). Throughout the games, tables with various cancer-related support group and prevention information will be set up in the concourse and Komen NEPA Race for the Cure merchandise will be available for purchase. Fans will be encouraged to sign the Messages in Honor & Memory Banner. Additionally, registrations for the 2004 Komen NEPA Race for the Cure 1K Fun Walk/5K Walk / 5K Run, which will be held on Saturday, September 11 at 8:30 a.m. in Downtown Scranton, will be accepted. For more information on this special night at the Stadium call the Red Barons at 969-BALL or Komen NEPA at 969-6072.
Harford, Pennsylvania Be a Kid Again at the Harford Fair, August 16 - 21. The 147th Harford Fair brings together the best in entertainment, music, rides, crafts, animals and food! This year come listen to a Rock N Roll Oldies Show and have a good time at the Salute to the Grand Ole Opry featuring Lynn Anderson, Bill Anderson, Little Jimmy Dickens, Tommy Cash and Ralph Emery. Entertainment highlights include a Classic Car Show, ATV Drags, the Redeye Rodeo, Local Farm Tractor Pull, MOD Tractor & MOD 4WD Truck Pull and the Demolition Derby. All week long you can come see fun jungle antics during the Baboon Lagoon, watch an assortment of Motorsports Exhibits, agricultural exhibits and craft demonstrations. Plus, dont miss the Full Midway with a giant Ferris Wheel presented by S&S Amusements, musical entertainment bands and other attractions! The Harford Fair Monday, August 16 to Saturday, August 21, with opening ceremonies on Sunday, August 15. Take Interstate 81 to exit 217, and follow the signs for Harford. For additional information, admission tickets, or family rates call (570) 434-4300 or (570) 434-4302. For reserved seating, call (570) 434-4318.
The Susquehanna County Library has a booth on the Library Lawn in Montrose each year during the KLR's Independence Day celebration (Monday, July 5 this year). This is a kick-off to the Blueberry Festival (August 6 & 7), with T-shirts, sweatshirts, pottery and more for sale. This year's quilt (a sampler pattern, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Festival) will be on display and chances to win it will be for sale. It's also a refreshing stop for the hordes of visitors, who can get cold drinks, coffee, scones, and other snacks. All proceeds benefit the Library. Volunteers to staff the booth are desperately needed! If you're going to be enjoying the festivities that day, why not contribute an hour or two of your time? Please call the library at 278-1881 if you are able to help.
Contests And Challenges At The Harford Fair Every summer the Harford Fair offers something new in contests, challenges, and activities for participants to try their luck and test their skills. This year there are several interesting items for fairgoers to try to win prizes. In the area of baking delicious treats is the "Blue Ribbon Apple Pie Contest," the certified first place winner of which will have the opportunity to enter an apple pie at the 2005 Pennsylvania State Farm Show. Each pie will be judged on overall appearance, crust color, flavor, texture, filling consistency, and creativity. Entries do not have to be limited to a "traditional" two-crusted apple pie; however, the pie must include at least 60% apples in the filling, which may include a variety of items. Also, this year bakers may enter the "Angel Food Cake Contest," sponsored by the Pennsylvania Egg Quality Assurance Program and the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs. This new competitive foods contest should be popular because angel food cakes, classic examples of foam cakes, are 100% fat free. Cakes must be made from scratch and must use PEQAP eggs. The recipe and the PEQAP symbol from the egg carton must be submitted with the entry. Cakes will be judged on overall appearance, texture, crunch, lightness, flavor, creativity, and topping, icing, or decoration. Again this year the "Hersheys Cocoa Classic Cake Contest" will offer cash prizes for the best "Hersheys Cocoa Cake" and the tastiest "Hersheys Baking Chips Cookies/Brownies Bars," made from scratch. Winners can then enter the 2005 Pennsylvania Farm Show next January in Harrisburg. For rules for these baking contests, please contact the Harford Fair office at 434-4300, or the website, www.harfordfair.com. Young ladies interested in entering the 13th annual Harford Fair Queen Contest are encouraged to return applications by the deadline of August 1. This very popular activity is always one of the highlights of the entire week, and contestants are given the opportunity to write and essay and to speak about "What the Harford Fair Means to Me" and "Why You should Come to My Fair." Those chosen as Queen and as Alternate make many special appearances at a variety of events during fair week. Harford Fair Directors are sponsoring a contest to design the cover for the 2005 Fair Book. A very worthwhile project, the design should represent a wide variety of activities that are available for fun and enjoyment when families are spending a day at the fair, e.g., animals, crafts, food, rides, arena shows, the Little Red Schoolhouse, floral and Vegetable halls, and, of course, various exhibits and contests. Included in the design must be 148th Harford Fair, August 22-27, 2005. An innovative feature of the 2004 Harford Fair will be the "Turkey Calling Contest," on Saturday, August 21, from noon to 2:00 PM in the Shade Pavilion. This contest, run by Quaker Boy-Staffer Jim Gilbert, will include the following calls; yelp of a hen, assembly of a hen, cutting of a hen, and callers best call. Come to the fair to try out your skills! Among the most enjoyable contests at the Harford Fair are all-time favorites, such as the Baby Show, tractor pulls, horse pulling, animal costume contest, the kiddy tractor pull, lawn mower racing, the Woodsmens Contest, and the Demolition Derby. Theres something for everyone! Come to the fair, and Enjoy!
B/R Lady Raiders Recognition Banquet A Blue Ridge Lady Raiders Softball Team "State Champions" recognition banquet will be held July 22, with 5:30 p.m. get acquainted and 6:00 p.m. dinner, at the Green Gables Restaurant. Call 465-3144, extension 601 or extension 626 to make reservations. All reservations and money must be received in the high school office before July 15.
Free County Well Water Testing The Susquehanna County Conservation District will be offering Free Well Water testing to the first 256 people to pick up kits at the Conservation District Office located in the Susquehanna County Office Building, 31 Public Avenue Montrose. The County Office building is adjacent to the Courthouse in Montrose. Kits can be picked up starting now and the deadline for picking up the kits is May 13. The sampling and drop off dates will be May 13 and May 14. The kits will include the specific time and day to draw the sample and drop them off at the Conservation District. The results of your test will be mailed to the address you provide on the kit return papers. A Wells Watershed Day will be held July 20, at the Montrose Bible Conference to help residents understand the results of their tests. Professionals will be on hand to answer questions. Springs and wells are both included in the testing. Only samples from wells and springs in Susquehanna County will be accepted. If you have any questions or concerns call Steve Fisher 278-4600 ext. 289 or stop in the office.
Harford Fair Sets Opening Program This year's opening program of the 2004 Harford Fair on Sunday, August 15 will be a music and drama presentation by area youth, ages 10 through 19. It will start off your week at the Fair with an inspirational and thought provoking experience. Youth are encouraged to come out to the kick-off practice on Thursday, June 17 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Kingsley Community Church. Practices will be held there each Thursday evening through June and July, with the last few practices in August being held at the Fair grounds. There is no charge to be involved in the program. If you have any questions, please call the Fair office at (570) 289-4405.
Sen. Madigan To Hold Local Outreaches Harrisburg State Sen. Roger A. Madigan (R-23) will host outreach events in July to give Susquehanna County residents a chance to ask questions or discuss issues concerning state government. "Constituents are invited to stop by and discuss any problems or questions they might have about state issues or state programs," Madigan said. The senator said on July 9 and 23, staff member Chris McLaud will be available to speak with constituents, from 11 a.m. until 12 p.m. at the Susquehanna County Office Annex, 31 Public Avenue, Montrose and, from 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. at the Great Bend/Hallstead Public Library, 201 Franklin Street, Hallstead. No appointment is necessary. The senator added that constituents who are unable to attend but would like to speak with him or a staff member should feel free to call either of his district offices, located at One Progress Plaza, Suite 13, Towanda, (570) 2657448; and 330 Pine St., Suite 200, Williamsport, (570) 3226457 or 18004435772.
N. W. Library Summer Reading Program Set The Northern Wayne Community Library will be holding its annual Summer Reading Program for children during the week of July 26. The program will run from 10:00 a.m. until noon each day (Monday to Friday). All children, aged 4 to 12 years, are welcome and encouraged to attend. This years theme is "Discover New Trails at Your Library" and a variety of reading activities, games and crafts will be available. Skip Mendler will provide the kickoff on Monday, with a mime performance of "Serious Silliness" which includes lots of silliness, juggling, clowning and audience participation. Call the library at 7982444 to register. The program is free of charge and a snack will be provided.
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