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For Sale
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Help Wanted

HELP WANTED: Carpenter’s helpers. 727–3232, leave message. Local work. (4T-M21)

HELP WANTED: Full-time lumber grader. Please call (570) 465–3698 or apply at John’s Sawmill, New Milford, PA. (J11)

HELP WANTED: Full-time equipment mechanic. Immediate opening. Year-round. Experience and tools needed. Edward Greene & Sons, (570) 727–2352. (J11)

BECOME A KIDSPEACE FOSTER PARENT: Call us in Tunkhannock for more info, 836–9987 or 800–551–2238. (4T-J4)

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For Sale

FOR SALE; Hallstead, PA. Rose Hill Cemetery, lot #804. Double lot with perpetual care $600.00. Call (570) 386–5020. (2T-M21)

WOOD CHIPS: $20 per pickup load. Delivery available. Call 879–4705 evenings. (3T-M28)

FOR SALE: Wurlitzer Spinet Piano. Call (570) 853–4627.(2T-J4)

3-STEEL BLDGS. Up to 70% off! 40X60, 50X100, 58X120. Best offer! Can deliver! Roy, (800) 499-2760. (2T-J4)

FOR SALE: Wolff Tanning Beds. Affordable, convenient. Tan at home. Payments from $25/month. Free color catalog. Call today, 1-800-842-1305. (J11)

ALL STEEL BLDGS: 24x30 was $7,900, sell $3,900; 29x 50 was $13,900, sell $5,980; 49x90 was $26,900, sell $12,900. 1st come, 1st serve! Tom (800) 392-7806. (J11)

FOR SALE: Dining room table with four chairs and china closet. Dinette table and four. (570) 853–4838. (3T-J11)

A BARGAIN GALORE: For a limited time only, ID (Dog Tags) $1.00 each, or 5 for $4. Get one for your child, for your pet. You write it, we will emboss it. Call Lou Parrillo, 853–3835. (J11-TF)

HERB’S MR. FIXALL: Handyman, small carpentry, plumbing, electrical, painting, lawn mowing. Call for appointment, leave message. (570) 448–2745. (4T-J11)

YARD SALE: June 14 and 15, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 28 Prospect St. (Oakland Side). A lot of toys, baby items, clothes, Home Interior, household items, misc. Large variety. (J11)

FOR SALE: 2000 Ford Explorer XLT, 4 W/D, V6, 45M. Very clean. Way under book. Call Bob Babcock, (570) 278–2780. (2T-J11)

FOR SALE: Double wide mobile home. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, L/R, D/R, all appliances, central A/C, 2 porches, skirting, all excellent condition. Call 465–3931 or 879–4409. (2T-J11)

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For Rent

FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment, $350.00 a month plus security. Washer/dryer, stove, refrigerator and water included. You pay heat and electric. Please call 853­3435 to see. (3T-J11)

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Classified Ad Rates

For $10 you can place a classified ad up to 20 words for 4 weeks on our website. Payment must accompany your ad copy — we do not bill for classied advertisements.

This is for NON-COMMERICAL Classifed Ads only. Business classified advertisers, please call us at 570-853-3134 or e-mail us at for rates and information.

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