
HomeChurches ( May 8, 2024 )

Pastor's Corner

By Pastor Vince Chiaramonte

Good day dear hearts, I love you. Sometimes in a world which is so fast paced, slow can be good. We can get on the road, and we all know, living in a rural place like we do that's inevitable. The real issue is how quickly are we going to get there? Many of us cruise on these back country roads until we come upon a water tanker or a tractor trailer truck pulling huge boulders, or we get behind someone who insists on doing the speed limit. How dare they! Many times one of my grandchildren is in a car seat in the back and when we come up to someone doing 35 in a 35 we term them "slow poke." When you're caught up in slower traffic we feel frustrated and annoyed.

Maturing in our Christian walk is a time-consuming walk. For many of us it's an entire lifetime. Infants live on milk until they mature to the point where they can eat solid food. The same applies in our maturity in Christ. Yet in this world of "I want it now," we try to jump into the fast lane and attempt to reach our Christian maturity sooner. If I read this book, if I go to the seminar and so forth, I will reach my Christian maturity much quicker. The truth of the matter is part of our maturity is tied into the trials of life and as we go through these trials, we mature in our faith to deal with these things according to God's truth, not the worlds. Just like an infant who needs their dietary restrictions to be kept in order and as the child matures the diet changes, the food is stronger and more meaningful, and this gives the child a strong foundation. This is what happens as we mature in Christ and God's Word, we develop a strong foundation and overall become a stronger person on many levels. When you have a moment read Ephesians 4:14-16.

In a world of suddenness, remember that slow growth can be a good thing. In the verses I suggest you read Paul the apostle describes believers as children who must "grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head and that is Christ" (Eph. 4:15). We don't expect children to do everything like adults. It takes time for them to develop the strength, coordination and intelligence required for all adult tasks. When we become Christians, the process is similar. We don't mature overnight, and no one expects us to do so. Don't be like me on that country road because when I drive too fast, I miss the beauty I am whizzing by and don't get the full picture of where I'm driving through. You must admit we have some beautiful country here in Northeast Pennsylvania to see.

As we have been talking, we see the importance of sometimes slowing down. Paul the apostle tells us in another letter he writes that to accomplish the growth we need to be firmly rooted and built up in Him. In his letter to the Colossians, specifically Col. 2:6-7 Paul says, "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." This is the foundation Paul is speaking of.

Receiving Christ as Lord of your life is the beginning of life with Christ. But you must continue to follow His leadership by being rooted, built up and strengthened in the faith. How do we do that? By reading God's Word every day. One can never get enough of God's Word! God wants to guide and help you with your daily problems. No problem is too small or too big. Throughout Paul's writing, as evidenced in his letters in Acts, Romans and Galatians, he teaches us three things. 1) Committing your life and submitting your will to Him. We are a people who desire to be in control of our own destiny. But God our Creator has a different idea. He wants us to submit to His will not ours. That's easier said than done, but as we mature in our Christian walk it becomes part of our life. 2) Seeking to learn from Him, learning of Jesus' life and His teachings. We do this by reading, meditating and praying on God's Word. 3) Recognizing the Holy Spirit's power in us, who is the power of God who leads and guides us. Paul uses the illustration of us being rooted in Christ. Just as plants draw nourishment from the soil through their roots, so we draw our living, giving strength from Christ. As we grow in love through gratitude, patience and intentional acts of kindness, compassion and forgiveness, this is the maturity I'm speaking of today. It's a process, but I urge you to continue in your walk with God and mature to the levels we are speaking of. You will get there. God Bless.

Join us Saturday, May 18th at our free Community Dinner and then join us Sunday, May 19th starting at 10:00am with a Biker's Worship service followed by a free BBQ. Lord, watch over our community. Bless our children. Heal the sick and broken-hearted. Let your Spirit hover over our community. Amen.

Contact me anytime. Pastor Vince Chiaramonte, 570-853-3988, Susquehanna Christian Community Church, 1361 Main Street; clearmountain2158@gmail.

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