
24 July 2024

Blue Ridge Board Welcomes New Teachers, In The Dark

The Blue Ridge School Board was treated to a light show as a severe electrical storm passed over during its July meeting on the 15th. With the Elementary School building undergoing some renovations, the meeting was held in the High School Library. Lights blinking on and off interrupted Nick Swaha's report on spring sports; until all but some emergency lighting left most of the meeting in darkness.
24 July 2024

Creamery In Harford To Be Restored

Visitors to School Street in Harford have noticed that the old creamery building is boarded up. Josh Olivo owns the building that had been lately used for apartments. At the Harford Township Supervisors meeting on July 16th, he described his plans to restore the structure to its historical appearance. He doesn't know yet just how the building will be configured, whether for a smaller number of apartments, or something else. But first he needs help with a neighboring property.

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