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COLUMNS: FAIRDALE: Dexter Very was elected State College [Penn State] football captain for the year 1911. According to the State Collegian, “the choice is a popular one on all sides, since Very has gained the admiration of his team-mates by his excellent work during the last two seasons, but has also been extremely popular through the college at large. Although only 21 years old, and thus one of our youngest captains, his ability has been sufficiently tested to enable us to predict for him a most successful career in the new position.” FOREST CITY: Miss Margaret Kleinbauer, of Vandling and Edward F. Callaghan, of Forest City, quietly slipped away to Windsor, NY on Monday and were united in marriage. The affair was kept so quiet that even their intimate friends were surprised by the announcement, on their return, but all will hope that each successive New Years will be a milestone marking many years of happy wedded life for them. They will reside with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Callaghan. FRANKLIN: Miss Julia Wheaton left last night for Pocatello, Idaho, where she will be employed in the department of domestic science in the Academy of Idaho. Miss Wheaton, who is a graduate of Pratt Institute at Brooklyn, NY, will complete a group of three Pratt graduates who are instructors in the academy. RUSH: The public sale of property of the late Mrs. Almira Smith was well attended. Household goods brought good prices. The house and lot was sold to Charles McCarthy, of Auburn, for $536. FAIR HILL: The Fair Hill Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Len Hart on Jan. 19. The men are invited to cut wood for the Fair Hill church. Will Valentine donates the wood. NORTH JACKSON: Hon. E.E. Jones has appointed George V. Larrabee bill clerk in the House of Representatives at Harrisburg for the coming session. This office, which carries with it not a little responsibility and labor, was filled during the last session by E. W. Lott, of Springville. Mr. Larrabee is business manager of the Susquehanna Transcript-Ledger, a man of wide acquaintance in the county, and a man deserving of the recognition which his geniality and ability merits. MONTROSE: The great attraction at the Cnic Theatre, Jan. 18, is the wonderful picture, “Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Wild West Show.” Manager Caruso says it’s worth regular tent show prices to see, but 10 cents is the Cnic price. Bring yourself and a party of friends. Special music. SUSQUEHANNA: One of the prettiest home weddings that has ever taken place here was solemnized last evening at the residence of Hon. and Mrs. C. F. Wright, when their daughter, Florence M., became the bride of Dr. James Hutton Curtis, of Patterson, N. J. The ceremony was performed in the reception hall, the room being tastefully decorated with white roses and similax. The music room was banked so heavily with Easter lilies that the orchestra was almost hidden from view. Tulips and jonquils predominated in the library, while the dining room was a bower of pink roses. The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of white satin trimmed with dutchess lace and wore diamond and pearl ornaments, the gift of the groom. She carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley and orchids. At the conclusion of the ceremony an elaborate dinner was served by Caterer Mazetta, of New York City. After an extended trip the couple will be at home at Patterson after Feb. 1. HALLSTEAD: The ice that went out of the river here last week is dammed at Stillwater, just below the State line, and unless it is broken up it may duplicate the flood of last year by backing up the water. There is some talk of using dynamite to break the gorge. HOPBOTTOM: The dairy company has decided not to bottle any more milk here. The milk will be shipped in cans. Only three or four men will be employed after April 1. FLYNN, MIDDLETOWN TWP.: Josie Lane gave a party to some of her most intimate friends one evening the past week. Some of those present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelly and daughter, Catheryn. Music and dancing were indulged in until a late hour. Refreshments were served of all kinds. Miss Catheryn Kelly amused the guests with some fancy dancing of which she is an expert. All present were satisfied that it was one of the most up to date events of the season. HERRICK CENTER: During the absence of some of the teachers the members of the senior class of the high school are getting some practice substituting at which they are proving themselves quite capable. ROYAL, CLIFFORD TWP.: The New Year’s dance at Hotel Royal was largely attended and a very enjoyable time is reported. The next one will be Friday evening, January 13. BROOKLYN: New Years passed off quietly in town with only one celebration and that at the corner of Turnpike Street and Willow Avenue, when the husband began by insisting on his wife building the fire and the wife held that without kindlings or oil she could not build the fire. The husband used force and after submitting to some hard thumps and considerable hair pulling, the wife asserted her rights by hitting the lord and master of the house over the eyes with a stick of the wood that would not burn, cutting quite a gash in the tender flesh; then without as much as a Happy New Year greeting, she took the baby and left his bed and board and now there is a vacant house. UNIONDALE: Considerable danger attends the practice of coasting on our roads. Edwin Corey was struck by a party and thrown down and violently hurt. ALSO, A sleigh load of Uniondale people enjoyed a sleigh ride to Forest City on New Years night and attended the local amusement places. HERRICK TWP.: The will of Hannah Day, late of Herrick, bequeaths $10 each to Floyd Day, Flossie Day and Lizzie English to be placed on interest until each reaches the age of 21. Hattie Walker, for her use during her life time, old fashioned set of blue dishes and upon her death to go to Emma Walker, residue of property to be divided as follows: To daughter Hattie three-fifths and to daughter Lucy, two-fifths.
From the Desk of the D.A. In 1913, there was a cross erected on Mount Soledad overlooking the City of San Diego. In the 1920s, the cross was destroyed by vandals and replaced with a newer version, then that cross was blown down by the wind in 1952. A new 43-foot concrete cross was erected on Mount Soledad in 1954 “as a reminder of God’s promise everlasting life and of those persons who gave their lives for our freedom.” The cross stands in a breathtaking location and the memorial has served as a location where veterans’ groups have conducted memorial services for many years. Despite its beauty and long-tradition, the Mount Soledad cross has been the center of controversy and litigation over the past several decades. In 1993, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (the most reversed appellate court in America) determined that the cross violated California’s Constitution. This did not end the debate and the cross was not removed. Instead, there was a referendum supported by the good people of San Diego to sell the property upon which the cross rested to a private association so that it would not be removed. Seventy-six percent of the voters approved the sale of the cross - and the City sold the cross to the Mount Soledad Cross Association. Did this solve the problem? Nope. The City was sued because it did not solicit bids for the cross - and the crazy courts agreed and invalidated the sale. The City then solicited bids and again sold it to the Association, which then built an extensive veterans’ memorial with the cross as its centerpiece. Did this solve the problem? Nope, and back we go to the Ninth Circuit which determined that the sale was improper under the California Constitution. At that point, the city attempted to make arrangements to comply with the repeated judicial beatings and rip the nearly 100-year old monument from its glorious perch. At that point in 2004, Congress intervened and authorized the federal government to accept the donation of the cross and the memorial to the federal government. But the City of San Diego refused. Citizens were in an uproar and placed a referendum on the ballot that resulted in over seventy percent of the citizens voting to donate the memorial to the federal government to save the cross. Did this solve the problem? Nope. In 2006, a federal court enjoined the donation and prohibited the city of San Diego from making the donation. The court went further and directed that the cross be removed within 90 days or the city would be fined $5,000 a day for each day that the cross remained standing. The city of San Diego was in a pickle - its populace overwhelmingly wanted the cross to stay and the property donated, but a federal court had blocked the donation, directed immediate removal and backed that up with a serious financial penalty. It seemed that the battle was over. But Congress intervened again and simply took the memorial (and by extension, the cross) by eminent domain. The House voted 349 to 74 and the Senate acted unanimously. It was a staggering demonstration of bi-partisan political will - and the cross became federal property. Did this solve the problem? I think you already know the answer to that question - we are talking about the notorious Ninth Circuit here and the ACLU could never allow this horrific Christian symbol to stand so prominently on public lands. So, the Ninth Circuit recently penned another of its arduously ridiculous self-righteous opinions wherein it noted “[W]e believe that no broadly applauded resolution is possible because this case represents the difficult and intractable intersection of religion, patriotism and the Constitution. Hard decisions can make good law, but they are not painless for good people and their concerns.” Actually, there were “broadly applauded resolutions” proposed for several decades supported by the vast majority of San Diego citizens, the Congress, and the President - but the Ninth Circuit is something of a judicial Goldilocks searching for the resolution that it views as “just right.” While judges are trusted to make hard decisions, this one should not have fallen in the hard decision category. Well, actually it was a hard decision to the extent that the Ninth Circuit had to torture the First Amendment to get to its desired result. Good law rarely comes out of the Ninth Circuit - but it does make a disturbing practice of hurting good people. While the Ninth Circuit had to admit that other federal memorials include Christian crosses, the court pompously noted that “there is no other comparable memorial on public land in which the cross holds such a pivotal and imposing stature, dwarfing by every measure the secular plaques and other symbols commemorating veterans.” This is fancy judge talk for the cross is too big - and its bigness created an inappropriate endorsement of religion. It took them 50 pages of judicial gobbly goop to reach the conclusion regarding the imposing bigness of the cross. The brave jurists concluded by stating that they were not saying that there could not be a cross at the memorial - just not such a big one. Predictably, no guidelines were provided as to how big a cross these wonderfully open-minded jurists would tolerate - only the mere suggestion that they may in the future allow a religious symbol on federal land provided it meets their “just right” standard. The battle is not over - there is hope that the United States Supreme Court will take the case - and do as it did in the Mojave Desert Cross case last year - reverse the Ninth Circuit one more time. Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments to Susquehanna County District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 218, Montrose, Pennsylvania 18801 or at our website www.SusquehannaCounty-DA.org or discuss this and all articles at http://dadesk.blogspot.com/.
The Healthy Geezer No Healthy Geezer This Week
Library Chitchat We are now two weeks into 2011 and I noticed that there are many postings on the internet about New Year’s resolutions. Apparently, getting fit is considered by retailers to be one of the most popular of the annual crop of New Year’s resolutions. At the Library, although we can find books and tapes that will help you towards your fitness goal, our main focus is to provide you with the essential tools for a lifetime of learning. We hope that you again will make visits to the Susquehanna County Library a regular part of your schedule. Remember we have four locations to serve you. Are you unable to get to any of the library locations? Books-by-Mail is available or you can borrow books at one of many “deposit stations.” Check the library’s website at susqcolibrary.org or call (570) 278-1881 for more details. Keep up with the many activities going on at the various library branches by subscribing to the Susquehanna County Library’s e-newsletter. When you visit the library’s website, you will notice a box on the right-hand side labeled “join our newsletter list.” Insert the information asked for and you will receive regular updates about upcoming library events. Re-addressing is now complete in Susquehanna County. Have you stopped in to your local library and updated your library card to reflect your new address? If not, please add that to your list of “to do’s” in the next few weeks. We hope to see many new faces in 2011!
Rock Doc No Rock Doc This Week
EARTH TALK No Earth Talk This Week
Barnes-Kasson Corner No Barnes-Kasson Corner This Week
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