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EVENTS, PROGRAMS, HAPPENINGS, SEMINARS: September 15 DINNER, Wed., September 15, 4:00-6:00 p.m. at Clifford UM Church. Ear in or take out. September 16-19 MUSICAL: Nashville 2, September 16-18, 8:00 p.m. & 19, 3:00 p.m. at Music Box Dinner Playhouse, Swoyersville. For info call 283-2195. September 17 SPAGHETTI SUPPER, Fri., September 17, 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Hallstead-Great Bend Rod and Gun Club, Hallstead. All you can eat. September 17-18 RUMMAGE & BAKE SALE, Fri., September 17, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. & Sat., September 18, 9:00 a.m. - noon at Franklin Hill Presbyterian Church. September 18 GUN RAFFLE, Sat., September 18, 4:00-8:00 p.m. at Forest City Area Emergency Services building. For info call 785-3226. CHICKEN & BISCUIT DINNER, September 18, 5:00 p.m. at Ararat UM Church. FOOD PICK-UP, Angel Food Ministries, Sat., September 18, 8:00-10:00 a.m. at Susquehanna UM Church. For info call 853-0919. BINGO, Sat., September 18, 7:00 p.m. at Blue Ridge Sportsmen’s Club, New Milford. All welcome. PITTSTON RIVERFEST, September 18, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Riverfront Park, Pittston. Rain date September 19. For info call 883-2784. GOOD NEWS LUNCH, Sat., September 18, noon at St. Mark’s Church, New Milford. Free, all welcome. BLUE GRASS MUSIC, Sat., September 18, 1:00-3:00 p.m. at Brooklyn UM Church. September 19 TINGLEY FAMILY REUNION, September 19 at Tingley Lake, Harford. For info call 570-434-4167. PROGRAM: Late Harvest, Sun., September 19, 1:00 p.m. at Salt Springs State Park Pavilion. Free. BREAKFAST, Sun., September 19, 8:00 a.m. at American Legion Post 357, Hallstead. PANCAKE BREAKFAST, Sun., September 19, 7:00-11:00 a.m. at Blue Ridge Sportsmen’s Club, New Milford. All you can eat. September 20 AWANA, every Monday night, 6:30-8:00 p.m. at First Baptist Church, Jackson Ave. Ages 3 through 6th grade. September 21 MOMMY & ME STORY TIME, beginning Tues., September 21, 9:30 a.m. at Susquehanna Branch Library. Ages 3 1/2 to 5 years. September 23 MEETING: Wayne/Susquehanna R.E.S.C.U.E., Thurs., September 23, 7:00 p.m. at the Forest City High School Auditorium. For more info call 570-798-2530 or 570-278-4494. September 25 PRESENTATION: Equine First Aid, Sat., September 25, 1:00 p.m. at Yar-Corte Acres, South Gibson. For info call 570-756-3036. GOOD TIME, GOOD MUSIC with Terry Rockwell, September 25, 7:00 p.m. at Susquehanna UM Church. All welcome. HARVEST DINNER, September 25, 4:00 p.m. takeout, 4:30 p.m. dinner at First Universalist Church, Brooklyn. HARVEST FEST, September 25, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Colonial Brick Inn & Suites, Hallstead. BUFFET DINNER, Sat., September 25, 4:30-6:00 p.m. at Gibson UM Church. Eat in or take out. HOAGIE SALE pick-up Sat., September 25, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at Clifford UMC Fellowship Hall. Orders due Sun., September 19, call 222-4344. ROAST BEEF SUPPER, Sat., September 25, 5:00 p.m. at Thompson UM Church. All welcome.
Senior Center Menu September 13 - 17 Monday, September 13: chicken & provolone sandwich, potato salad, breadstick, fruit salad. Tuesday, September 14: sweet & sour pork, snap peas, white rice, multigrain bread, peach. Wednesday, September 15: London broil, mashed potatoes, baby carrots, ww bread, mixed berry crisp. Thursday, September 16: spaghetti & meatballs, steamed garlic spinach, Italian brad, tropical fruit. Friday, September 17: bbq chicken, cole slaw, baked potato, biscuit, crackers, chocolate pudding. Senior Center Menu September 20 - 24 Monday, September 20: crab cakes, broccoli, cauliflower & tomatoes, sandwich roll, crackers, pineapple. Tuesday, September 21: steak & peppers, roasted potatoes, rye bread, crackers, nectarine. Wednesday, September 22: southwestern chicken, brown rice, cornbread, fruit pie. Thursday, September 23: stuffed tomato, green salad, ww bread, tropical fruit. Friday, September 24: Center is closed.
Mt. View To Sponsor Series For Parents Times are tough, and parenting is hard work. Today parents face challenges in family living, cyber safety, developing a child’s strengths, dealing with risk factors regarding mental health, drug and alcohol use and abuse, and encouraging school success. How can today’s parents keep up, become more informed, and nurture our world’s most precious resource - our children? Mountain View School District is proud to have a wealth of information among their ranks - their own school counselors! These counselors have partnered with some of the county’s professional expertise to bring a free, 6-week program to not only their stakeholders, but all Susquehanna County Parents. Each Wednesday evening from September 22 through October 27, the MVSD Counselors will host parents in their high school library from 7-8:15 p.m. Since some of the impediments to attending such a program are often sports schedules, dinner time, and child care, the program is being held mid-evening and childcare will be provided, as a community service activity, by high school students involved in the National Honor Society and FBLA. Registration is not required, and parents can attend all or any session. There will be a prize raffled off during each session. For further information contact any of the Mountain View Counseling Staff at www.mvsd.net or 434-2501.
Library Fiends Luncheon Upcoming The Library Friends will host its second annual Local Author’s Luncheon on Wednesday, October 13 at The Inn at Montrose. This year’s guest speaker will be Suzanne Staples Fisher, an award-winning author of novels for young adults. The program to benefit the Susquehanna County Library begins at 11:30 a.m. with an informal, hospitality time. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. and Ms. Fisher will speak at 1:30. The reservation deadline is October 6. Ms. Fisher’s seven novels deal with the lives of young women in Afghanistan and Pakistan and, although written for young adults, are of interest to a much wider audience. She served as the Chief of UPI’s Southeast Asia bureau, reporting on news from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. A graduate of Keystone College and Cedar Crest College, she and her husband live on a farm in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Tickets for this program can be obtained from Ann Vitale by calling her at (570) 278-3184 or e-mailing her at ann.e.vitale@gmail.com. Registration forms are also available at any of the Susquehanna County Library branches.
Did you know that seven out of ten children are not buckled up properly when riding in a vehicle, but a child safety seat can reduce the chance of death for an infant by more than 70%? Did you know that most child safety seats are not installed properly? Did you know that a free safety seat check by a certified technician only takes a few minutes, but could save your child’s life? As a part of National Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week, the Pennsylvania State Police at Gibson are hosting a Free Child Safety Seat Check, September 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. It will be at the Gibson State Police Barracks, State Route 848, New Milford. Also on hand will be members from Susquehanna County CARES (Childcare, Agencies, Resources and Information Services) and Susquehanna County Safe Kids Coalition. They will be providing free books for families, goodie bags for children and chances to win a bicycle helmet. For more information, call (570) 465-5040. Take time to make sure your child is safe, because every child is Pennsylvania’s future.
R.E.S.C.U.E. To Host Natural Gas Forum Wayne/Susquehanna R.E.S.C.U.E. will host a public forum on Thursday, September 23, 7:00 p.m. at the Forest City High School Auditorium. The topic is natural gas drilling and how the regulations of the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) affect the process. The featured guest speaker Ms. Carol Collier, Executive Director of the DRBC, will give a power point presentation detailing the “vision, mission, and core values” of the DRBC and will be available following her presentation to answer questions from the audience. Prior to her 1998 appointment to the DRBC, Ms Collier was Executive Director of Pennsylvania’s 21st Century Environment Commission. Ms. Collier has a B.A. in Environmental Biology from Smith College and a Masters in Regional Planning from the University of Pennsylvania. She is a Professional Planner licensed in the State of New Jersey, a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) and a Certified Senior Ecologist by the Ecological Society of America. In 1997 she was presented the Touchstone Award from the Society of Women Environmental Professionals and in 1998 the Woman of Distinction Award from the Philadelphia Business Journal. Most of the proposed wells in Wayne County are under the jurisdiction of the DRBC, which was formed in 1961 by the signatory parties to the Delaware River Basin Compact (Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and the United States) to share the responsibility of managing the water resources of the Basin. The DRBC regulations may influence the standards for the Susquehanna River Basin as well as other parts of the nation. This event is free and open to the public. Come and bring a friend. For more information visit www.rescue.org or call 570-798-2530 or 570-278-4494.
The Stone Bridge Lions Club will hold their 14th annual Gun Raffle on October 2, at Lakey’s Bar, Susquehanna, beginning at 10:00 a.m. All funds raised will benefit local charities, local residents, and local projects. Your help is needed and greatly appreciated. For any additional information, contact Lakey’s at (570) 853-4142.
Old Mill Village Celebrates 50th Old Mill Village's Fall Festival, the weekend of September 18 and 19 will mark the commemoration of the 50th anniversary since the founding of Old Mill Village. The Fall Festival will take place Saturday, Sept. 18 Noon to dusk, and Sunday, Sept. 19 Noon to 5 pm. Both days will be filled with fun activities for the kids and adults. For the kids there will be face painting, games, entertainment, and more. There will be historic demonstrations, exhibits, and personal stories of Old Mill Village's first 50 years. A souvenir booklet has been compiled, that will be available at the event. Saturday will feature a visit from State Representative Sandra Major to present a commendation to the Village Board of Directors. Saturday's celebration will be capped off with a fireworks display at dusk. For more information, contact Sue at 570-434-2303 or visit www.oldmillvillage.org.
Health Care Hero Contest Announced Do you know an exceptional high school student that volunteers or works part time in the health care industry? In conjunction with Pennsylvania Health Careers Week November 8-12, the Northern Tier Workforce Investment Board and the Pennsylvania Center for Health Careers is sponsoring the third annual Student Health Care Hero Award for high school students. This contest honors Pennsylvania students in grades 9 through 12 who are contributing to the health care field through volunteer service or paid part-time work in a health care setting. Nominees are required to have a genuine interest in the field, a commitment to learning, and the desire to pursue a career in health care. Nomination requirements include: Must be a student in grades 9-12 from the Northern Tier Region which includes Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga and Wyoming counties. Home-schooled students are eligible. The student must volunteer or work part-time in a health care setting. Students may be self-nominated or nominated by a third party (employer, school, or organization). The student must have parental consent if under the age of 18. Entries must conform to all essay requirements. The first, second and third place winners will receive a cash award of $200, $100, $75 respectively. The first place winner will advance to the regional level. An independent panel will select five regional winners and one statewide winner. The essay contest entry deadline is October 8. No late entries will be accepted. Additional guidelines and submission forms are available through your high school guidance counselor, school nurse, or on the web at www.northerntier.org. For more information contact Sherry Felten, Workforce Program Manager at Northern Tier Regional Planning and Development Commission, 570-265-1516 or email Felten@northerntier.org. The goal of Health Careers Week is to raise student awareness of the important and rewarding job opportunities in the heath care field.
Montrose - USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator, Jonathan Coppess, announced that producers have until Thursday, Sept. 30, to submit an application for payment under the 2008 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Program. SURE provides financial assistance for crop production and or quality losses due to a natural disaster. "We want producers to be aware of this deadline so they are certain to visit their FSA county office to file a 2008 SURE program payment application no later than September, 30" said Coppess. "It is important to finish the current 2008 SURE program sign-up because the authority for the Recovery Act supplement for payment benefits expires at the end of the current fiscal year and the Department of Agriculture will then start the 2009 SURE sign-up application process." FSA began accepting and processing 2008 SURE program applications in January, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) allowed for a one-time increase in the calculation of 2008 SURE payments that are filed by Sept. 30. Producers who do not file a 2008 SURE program payment application by Sept. 30, will not be considered eligible for 2008 SURE program payments. Producers are encouraged to file an application for 2008 SURE payments regardless of whether they think they may or may not qualify. An electronic SURE program payment calculator and additional information regarding the SURE program is located at http://www.fsa.usda.gov/sure, or producers can contact their local county FSA office. In order to be eligible for the SURE program producers must meet all of the following criteria: Disaster or contiguous to a disaster county or suffer a 50 percent production loss - In order for a producer's farm to be considered located in a disaster county, the producer must have an interest in a crop in a county, or a contiguous county, included in a natural disaster declaration by the Secretary of Agriculture for production losses. Producers with a farming interest in multiple counties must have an interest in a commercial crop located in a disaster or contiguous county. Crops a producer grows under contract for crop owners are not included in that producer's farm unless that producer has a share of the crop. If a producer's farm is not located in a disaster county, that producer may still be eligible for the SURE program if actual production on their farm is 50 percent or less than normal production, as measured by overall revenue. The normal production on the farm is the sum of the expected revenue for each crop on the farm. The actual production on the farm is the sum of the value of the production produced adjusted for quality. The value of the production is based on the price election for an insured commodity and the NAP price for each non-insurable commodity. 10 percent production loss - In addition to primary counties receiving a Secretarial Disaster Declaration, including contiguous counties, or the 50 percent loss criteria, the producer must suffer at least a 10 percent production loss on at least one crop of economic significance in order to be eligible for the program. For a loss to be a qualifying loss, the loss in value must be attributable to a natural disaster. A significant crop contributes at least 5 percent of the expected revenue for a producer's whole farm. The qualifying loss does not have to occur in a disaster county. RMPR- To meet the RMPR eligibility, producers must obtain at least catastrophic risk protection (CAT) level of crop insurance for all insurable crops and NAP coverage for all non-insurable crops where NAP coverage is offered. Producers have the option to exclude certain crops from the RMPR criteria under a "de minimis" exception. However, producers may only make this election for crops that are not of economic significance, as defined above, or for which the NAP fee exceeds 10 percent of the value of the NAP coverage. Producers seeking a de minimis exception to the RMPR will need to specify the crop as such at the time the producer files the application for the SURE program payment. The value of any crop that was granted a de minimis exception will not be included in calculating the SURE guarantee and the total farm revenue. Buy-in For crop year 2008, producers who did not obtain at least CAT level crop insurance or NAP coverage, were able to participate in the SURE program by paying a buy-in fee by September 16, 2008. ARRA extended the deadline date to pay the buy-in fee to May 18, 2009. As a condition of ARRA, producers who bought in after September 16, 2008, had to agree to obtain crop insurance or NAP coverage for the next year for which insurance is available for the crops to which the buy-in applied. The buy-in fees did not entitle producers to crop insurance or NAP coverage. Producers, who meet the definition of a socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher, limited resource farmer and rancher, or beginning farmer or rancher, do not have to meet the crop insurance or NAP purchase requirement and, therefore, are not required to pay the buy-in fee. A socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher is a farmer or rancher who is a member of a socially disadvantaged group. For entity applicants, at least 50 percent of the members of the entity must be socially disadvantaged. A socially disadvantaged group is a group whose members have been subject to racial or ethnic prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities. A limited resource farmer or rancher is a producer with direct or indirect gross farm sales not more than $100,000 in both of the previous 2 years (as adjusted for inflation using Price Paid by Farmer Index as compiled by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)); and total household income at or below the national poverty level for a family of 4, or less than 50 percent of county median household income in both of the previous 2 years (to be determined annually using Commerce Department Data). Limited resource producer status can be determined in an automated system using the online tool found at http://www.lrftool.sc.egov.usda.gov/tool.asp. A beginning farmer or rancher is an individual or entity who has not operated a farm or ranch for more than 10 years and substantially participates in the operation. If the applicant is an entity, all members must be eligible beginning farmers or ranchers.
The Susquehanna Branch Library will be hosting a Mommy & Me story time for children 2+ years of age, beginning on Tuesday, September 21 at 9:30 a.m. and Wednesday mornings thereafter through October 27. Parent must have a valid library card to register their child. Registration begins immediately at the library.
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