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Senior Menu

Music Camp Coming To Historic St. Paul’s
Churches Announce Pentecost Observance


May 18

DINNER, Tues., May 18, 4:00-6:00 p.m. at Clifford UM Church. Eat in or take out.

CELEBRATION - Louise Bache Women’s Club will celebrate 65 years May 18, 7:00 p.m. at Green Gables, New Milford. Reservations needed, for info call 756-2003.

ELECTION DAY LUNCH, May 18, 12:00-2:00 p.m. at Ararat UM Church. All welcome.

PROGRAM - Active Parenting Now, Tues. nights, from May 18 - June 22, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Susquehanna County Office Bldg., Montrose. Free. For more info/registration call 278-1158.

May 19

RESERVATION DEADLINE, May 19, for 17th annual SOL Reunion to be held June 19, 2:00 p.m. at Summit Inn, New Milford. (Class of 1960 from Susky High School & Laurel Hill Academy) For info call Geraldine Parsons at 570-465-2138.

May 21

SPAGHETTI SUPPER, Fri., May 21, 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Hallstead-Great Bend Rod and Gun Club, Hallstead. All you can eat.

May 22

CHICKEN BBQ, May 22, 11:00 a.m. at Port Crane Fire Co. Aux., Rt. 369.

WORKSHOP: Garden Composting, Sat., May 22, 10:00 a.m. - noon at County Office Building, Montrose. Fee, to register call 570-278-1158.

PANCAKE SUPPER, Sat., May 22, 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Franklin Hill Presbyterian Community Building. All you can eat.

May 22-23

RABIES CLINIC, Sat., May 22 & Sun., May 23, 12:00-3:00 p.m. at Clifford Twp. Vol. Fire Co.

May 23

EMTC AUDITIONS for “The Wizard of Oz,” Sun., May 23, 6:00 p.m. at Blue Ridge High School. All ages, all positions, no experience necessary.

May 26

CHILD SAFETY SEAT CHECK, May 26, 12:00-3:00 p.m. at Gibson Police Barracks. Bring current child seat to be checked for proper installation or new seat.

May 27

CHILD CARE PROVIDER WORKSHOP, May 27, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at County Office Building, Montrose. Fee. For info/registration call 278-1158.

EMTC AUDITIONS for “The Wizard of Oz,” Thurs., May 27, 6:00 p.m. at Blue Ridge High School. All ages, all positions, no experience necessary.

May 28-29

FLEA MARKET & BAKE SALE, May 28 & 29, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at South Gibson UM Church. All welcome.

May 29

ROAST BEEF SUPPER, Sat., May 29, 5:00 p.m. at Thompson UM Church. All welcome.

May 30

SUNDAY SERVICES resume May 30, 10:30 a.m. at St. James, Dundaff. For info call 570-878-4670.

May 31

REUNION - Sampson/Whitaker family, Mon., May 31 at Starrucca Methodist Church, with dinner following at Starrucca Baptist Church. All descendents of Lt. Ezekial & Luranna Sampson and Squire & Elizabeth Whitaker welcome.

WREATH LAYING CEREMONY, Mon., May 31, 2:00 p.m. at PA Great Bend Welcome Center.

BUFFET DINNER, Mon., May 31, 12:00 noon at Gibson UM Church. Eat in or take out.

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Senior Center Menu May 24 - 28

Monday, May 24: pork cutlet w/gravy, succotash, Israeli couscous, wheat dinner roll, fruit cocktail.

Tuesday, May 25: spaghetti and meatballs, Caesar salad, Italian green beans, Italian bread, white chocolate chip cookie.

Wednesday, May 26: creamy paprika chicken, steamed broccoli, buttered noodles, rye bread, pineapple, apple juice.

Thursday, May 27: stuffed cabbage, whipped potatoes, steamed carrots, pumpernickel bread, breadsticks, bread pudding.

Friday, May 28: ham & Swiss pita, artichoke salad, French onion soup, crackers, raspberry sherbet.

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Music Camp Coming To Historic St. Paul’s

Children ages five to twelve are welcome to a Children’s Music Camp 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Monday, June 21 through Friday, June 25 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 60 Church Street, Montrose, PA.

Singing, dancing, games and snacks will fill each morning. The children will present a Friday night finale concert for parents and friends at 6:30 p.m. at the Lathrop Street Elementary School, Montrose, PA

Antonio Bennici will direct the camp this year. Mr. Bennici has been a music teacher for over twenty years. He is presently teaching at the Lathrop Street Elementary School where he is the general music/choir teacher. He has formed a new “Select Choir” at the school and they have presented many outstanding performances. Mr. Bennici also works with the Montrose High School jazz band, marching band as well as private students. He is currently the Pennsylvania Music Education Association District 9 president. He recently directed the District 9 chorus at Dallas, PA.

Ms. Molly Love-Birosak will be assisting with this year’s music camp. Ms. Love-Birosak is a graduate of Mountain View High School and graduated from Marywood University with a degree in music education, majoring in pipe organ. She has been a teacher at Mountain View since 1991 teaching general music, pre-K through 6th grade, 5th and 6th grade chorus and chimettes. She is currently organist for Christ Church in Susquehanna and St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in New Milford, PA.

Father Paul Walker of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church welcomes the music camp children as part of St. Paul’s Spirit of Summer, a summer-long program of music, children’s activities and participation in community events. The women of St. Paul’s Church furnish daily snacks to the children and are sensitive to the food allergies of individuals.

As part of the music camp, children are given tee shirts and invited to ride on St. Paul’s float in the July 4 parade; this year, the parade will be held on Monday, July 5.

Scholarships are available. If desired, a registration form may be obtained by calling St. Paul’s Church at 278-2954.

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Churches Announce Pentecost Observance

The Episcopal Churches of upper Susquehanna County have announced their observances for Pentecost Day. The observances will be held on Sunday, May 23. The Eucharist with Renewal of the Baptismal Covenant will be held at 9:00 a.m. in Montrose and Susquehanna, and the Eucharist with the Sacrament of Baptism will be held at 11:00 a.m. in New Milford. The Rev’d Paul Walker will officiate at the service in Montrose, and The Rev’d Randy Webster will officiate at the services in New Milford and Susquehanna.

Pentecost, which falls fifty days after Easter, marks the day when Christians believe that the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples and empowered them to go into the world and tell the news of Jesus’ resurrection. It is a Principal Feast of the Church’s calendar.

The Episcopal churches are welcoming and affirming churches in the Anglican tradition, and are located at 60 Church Street in Montrose, at 115 Main Street in New Milford, and at 1107 West Main Street in Susquehanna.

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