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EVENTS, PROGRAMS, HAPPENINGS, SEMINARS: January 27 WORKSHOP: Your Business and the Marcellus Shale, beginning Wed., January 27, 8:00 a.m. at Northern Tier Regional Planning & Development Commission, Towanda. For info call 570-265-1542. SEMINAR - “The First Step: Starting Your Business,” Wed., January 27, 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Susquehanna Co. Office Building, Montrose. Fee, pre-registration required, call 570-941-7588. January 30 SOUP LUNCHEON, January 30, 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at Thompson UM Church. All welcome. BENEFIT for Linda Watkins and Kevin Mead, recurring cancer patients, Sat., January 30, 1:00-5:00 p.m. at Lanesboro Community Center. For info call 853-3858 or 396-6331. PASTHAPPY TRIVIA CONTEST, January 30, 6:00 p.m. at Whipple Performing Arts Studio, Tunkhannock. For info call 836-6986. PROGRAM: Black Soldiers of the Revolutionary War and Susquehanna Co. Historical Society & Free Library Association’s annual meeting, Sat., January 30, 2:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Hall, Montrose. Free, all welcome. For info call 278-1881. SQUARE DANCE and line dancing, Sat., January 30, 7:30-10:30 p.m. at Ladore Lodge, Waymart. February 7 HOAGIE SALE pick up, February 7, noon, at St. Martin of Tours, Jackson. Pre-order at 756-3047. PIZZA, WINGS & MORE, Sun., February 7, noon-6:00 p.m. at Thompson Hose Co. Pre-order by calling 727-2651.
Senior Center Menu January 25 - 29 Monday, January 25: beef stroganoff, peas & pearl onions, noodles, ww roll, yellow cake. Tuesday, January 26: south western chicken, vegetable medley, brown rice pilaf, corn bread, spiced apples. Wednesday, January 27: pasta w/meat sauce, salad, broccoli, garlic bread, spiced pears. Thursday, January 28: crab cakes, oven roasted potatoes, corn cobette, sandwich roll, cheesecake. Friday, January 29: smoked turkey sandwich, potato salad, lentil soup, ww pita, oatmeal cookie, banana. Senior Center Menu February 1 - 5 Monday, February 1: baked rosemary beef steaks, roasted potatoes, green beans, apple juice, butterscotch pudding, ww bread. Tuesday, February 2: meatloaf, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, rye bread, fruit cocktail, breadstick. Wednesday, February 3: baked flounder w/dill sauce, steamed broccoli, wild rice pilaf, grain bread, orange. Thursday, February 4: roast turkey, roasted red potatoes, peas, stuffing, biscuit, pumpkin pie. Friday, February 5: spinach pesto stuffed shells w/white sauce, salad, Italian beans, garlic bread, pears.
Penn State To Offer Water-Quality Webinars UNIVERSITY PARK, PA - Water quality and water conservation will be the focus of five web-based seminars produced by Penn State Cooperative Extension this spring. Topics will include water testing, septic systems, managing ponds and lakes, and safe drinking water. The first webinar will cover strategies to monitor water wells, springs and streams that are near gas-drilling sites. That presentation will air Wednesday, Jan. 27, at noon and again at 7 p.m. "We're starting to get a lot of questions about how people should monitor or test water wells or streams when there is drilling nearby," said Bryan Swistock, senior extension associate in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences. "This webinar will cover what they should do in terms of testing, what tests to run, who does it, how often and how much it will it cost." Swistock said there are many different testing options, depending on the water use. He said the simplest way to monitor water quality is to test for total dissolved solids. "If there is a spill or leak from a drilling site, the dissolved solids would indicate that," he said. "But if you want to test drinking water, you'll need a more thorough test than that." Swistock stressed that testing performed by the homeowner may have limited value if a case were to develop into a lawsuit. He suggested that in instances when legal action may occur, homeowners should hire a third-party lab or tester to collect the sample. Such precautions ensure that the water samples retain a "chain of custody" and that they are collected in the proper manner by a professional, he said. The water-testing webinar is part of an overall series targeting the most common water questions and concerns people have about water resources on their own property, whether those are water wells, septic systems or ponds. The series will discuss water-resource types, what kinds of threats exist to water supplies, and how property owners can manage them. Participants must pre-register for the webinars, but only one registration is required for the entire series. To register, visit http://water.cas.psu.edu/webinars.htm. Once participants have pre-registered, they may visit this Web site on the day of the presentation and simply click on the link with the title of that day's webinar. Penn State Cooperative Extension Water Webinars are held the last Wednesday of each month from January until May and will air at noon and 7 p.m. on each date. Dates, topics and presenters for the 2010 series include: Jan. 27, Water Testing and Monitoring Strategies Near Gas Drilling Activity, Bryan Swistock, Penn State water resources extension specialist; Feb. 24, Saving Money and Your Septic System through Water Conservation, Tom McCarty, Penn State Cooperative Extension, Cumberland County; March 31, Managing Your Pond or Lake, Susan Boser, Penn State Cooperative Extension, Beaver County; April 28, Safe Drinking Water Clinic, Peter Wulfhorst, Penn State Cooperative Extension, Pike County; May 26, Managing Your On-Lot Septic System, Dana Rizzo, Penn State Cooperative Extension, Westmoreland County. For more information, contact Bryan Swistock at (814) 863-0194, or by e-mail at brs@psu.edu.
Clifford Advisory Committee To Meet An initial township advisory committee meeting will be held on Wed., January 27, at 7 p.m. in the Clifford Township Building. The purpose of the meeting is to form a committee to prioritize and present the communities ideas and opinions to the Clifford Township Board of Supervisors. The committee will have no legislative power and will be made up of Clifford Township residents who are interested in setting goals and solving problems of the township. Everyone is invited to attend the meeting and share their ideas. Please consider volunteering to make your hometown an even better place to live and work.
New Mass Schedule For Area Churches Beginning the week of January 25, a new daily mass schedule will be followed at St. John the Evangelist, Susquehanna, St. Lawrence, Great Bend, and St. Martin of Tours, Jackson, Catholic churches. Daily masses will be celebrated at St. John at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. St. Lawrence will have daily mass at 8 a.m. on Wednesday and at 7 p.m. on Monday and Friday. St. Martin of Tours will have mass at 8 a.m. Tuesday through Thursday. Also, the third Thursday of each month, there is a Charismatic Mass at St. Martin of Tours at 7 p.m. In the event of a school delay, morning Mass will also be delayed, following the school schedule. These masses are in addition to the regular weekend masses: Saturday - 4 p.m. at St. Martin, 5 p.m. at St. Lawrence, and 6 p.m. at St. John; and Sunday - 8 a.m. at St. John, 9:30 a.m. at St. Lawrence, and 11 a.m. at St. Martin.
The Susquehanna Community School Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) will be holding their monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 2, at the elementary school conference room at 6:30 p.m. Upcoming events include a 4th, 5th and 6th grade dance; a pre-k to 3rd grade fun day; and a high school dance. If you cannot make the meetings please consider volunteering for one or all the events. Parents and guardians are encouraged to join and/or assist the PIC - women and men. Any questions or comments, please call Laurie Polak 570-727-2135.
“Drive Safe PA” Radio PSA Contest Harrisburg - Pennsylvania high school students are invited to help remind motorists to drive safely by participating in a radio contest sponsored by PennDOT. High school sophomores, juniors and seniors wishing to participate are asked to create a 30-second radio public service announcement, or PSA, focused on safety topics such as aggressive driving, buckling up or driving under the influence. The PSA must include the phrase “Drive Safe PA,” which PennDOT introduced last year as part of its continued commitment to highway safety. “The students’ creative approach to this contest last year was amazing,” said PennDOT Deputy Secretary for Highway Administration Scott Christie, P.E. “They found a unique way to talk about seat belts and aggressive driving that hopefully resonated with drivers and convinced them to change their driving behaviors for the better. We look forward to having another great contest this year.” One finalist will be chosen from each of PennDOT’s 11 engineering districts. The winning students will be offered the opportunity to travel to Harrisburg to have the PSA professionally recorded and then distributed to radio stations in their respective areas. Winning students from each PennDOT district will receive certificates and finished copies of their PSA. Entries may be submitted electronically as an MP3 or MP4 file, or a written script, to RA-penndotpress@state.pa.us. Students can also submit entries by mail to PennDOT Press Office, c/o Erin Waters, 8th Floor-Keystone Building, 400 North St., Harrisburg, PA, 17120. Entries must be received or postmarked by February 27. For the full list of contest rules, visit www.DriveSafePA.org.
Historic St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, corner of Church and Chestnut Streets, Montrose, PA will host the monthly vesper service on Sunday, February 14, at 5:00 p.m. The service will be presented in observance of African-American History month. The Rev. Paul Walker, rector of St. Paul’s, will officiate at the service and The Rev. Randy Walker will play the organ and direct the music. Evensong in Black-Church tradition will include the singing of a number of hymns in the tradition, the singing of Psalms, the reading of scripture and several prayers. Persons wishing to join the choir for the singing are asked to meet at the church at 3:30 p.m. A light supper will follow the service in the Parish House. All are welcome.
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