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COLUMNS: MONTROSE: Sheriff H. S. Conklin provided an elaborate Christmas dinner for the eighteen prisoners in the county jail last Saturday. Mr. Conklin had the table set in the corridor and the prisoners were permitted to leave their cells and partake of turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes with giblet gravy, etc., to their stomach’s content - or discontent - according to capacity. The “boys” are all good feeders and they had as good a time as a lot of college youths at a “frat” dinner. It is understood they passed a resolution endorsing the present sheriff for a second term. ALSO Snow commenced falling on Christmas day and before 24 hours passed nearly a foot of snow lay on the level. Although drifting some, it was not serious enough to impede travel and the sleighing has been fine. FOREST CITY: Thomas Meddleton, fireman at the Clifford colliery in Forest City had his left leg ground off at the knee Tuesday night by getting it caught in the rapidly moving coal conveyors. He was taken to the Emergency hospital, Carbondale, and the limb was amputated above the knee. SPRINGVILLE: Yes, we’ve got it last, and sleighs are just making merry. The snow that fell on Christmas day amounted to six or eight inches and with the hard roadbed the sleighing is fine. ALSO - The Lehigh Valley has issued an order that skunk skins must be put in air-tight boxes for shipment and not in sacks, as is usually the practice. RUSH: Quite an excitement in our town one evening last week when the Dimock stage horses and two wheels came in sight at a rapid rate. Later Mr. Harris came on foot with the mail bag. No one was hurt. HARFORD: The Harford orchestra has resumed regular Monday evening rehearsals. The orchestra, under the direction of Dr. H. H. Hooven, is doing some very nice work and an organization of its size and quality is very rarely found in a small town. FRIENDSVILLE/SUSQUEHANNA: This newspaper has been presented a handsome little volume called “Idylls of Lakeside,” the authorship being announced as by “the O’Byrnes.” It is dedicated to Laurel Hill Academy, of Susquehanna, for a golden jubilee which it celebrates next year, and it is published by the sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Besides being a volume of much literary worth, its local setting adds very much to its value and interest to the people of this corner of Pennsylvania. It is written by the children of Christopher Byrne, of Lakeside, Friendsville, which family, (a large one) for literary ability and good citizenship, has few equals. While the work is announced as of joint collaboration, as a matter of fact the greater part of it is written by the one who is a Sister of the Immaculate Heart. The various poems touch upon local affairs, including one of Silver Lake, also the “Green Meadow Farm” and the old Friendsville church. SILVER LAKE: John Murphy brought a cow to the Montrose stock yards and sold it. It seems that the cow was shipped all right, but made its escape from the cars at Alford, and within 48 hours after he had left home with the cow, it had returned. UNIONDALE: Harry Yarrington and wife spent Christmas with their daughter in Olyphant. Mr. Yarrington has three lunch wagons, one in Carbondale, one in Peckville and one in Olyphant. ALSO Ira Thomas was in Scranton during Christmas and over Sunday playing with one of the leading orchestras of the city. Ira is called quite often. Comment is needless. HOP BOTTOM: Earl Pratt, of the steamship “Vermont,” and shipmate, Mr. Childer, are spending the holiday vacation with Mr. Pratt’s mother, Miss Willard Gavitt. GREAT BEND: Walter Wilmot, arrested for robbing the Postoffice here, said he was a greatly wronged man and implicated Mrs. Ella Miner, his landlady, testifying that she stole the money, accomplishing the deed by disguising herself in man’s attire, taking his (Wilmot’s) clothes for that purpose. He also said that the money remaining could be found in Augustus Dobson’s barn in Great Bend (a wallet containing $125 was found there). Mrs. Miner’s residence was searched and $16.38 was found in a baking powder can buried in the dirt of a flour pot. She was arrested along with her son, he being held as a witness. All three went on a spending spree in Binghamton, the day after the robbery and the son said his mother did nothing more than go along with Wilmot to help spend the money. More public sympathy is naturally shown for the woman. DEATHS OF CIVIL WAR VETERANS: Jeremiah Cokley, of Springville died Monday evening after a brief illness at age 68. He enlisted in Co. H., 4th Pa. Res. and was transferred to the 2nd Regt. Cavalry. Lewis Price died at Cresco, Pa., a fortnight ago. Deceased resided in East Bridgewater for a number of years and was well known to the members of the Four Brothers Post, G.A.R. He enlisted in Co. H., 90th Regt, P.V.I. He was about 70 yrs. old. George Corey, a section employee in the Lackawanna yard at Hallstead, was hit by a car while working on the track. He was a member of Co. H, 4th Pa. Reserves and Co. E, 54th Pa. Vols. He had three other brothers in the army, two, John and Isaac, serving in the same company and regiment, while the third, James, a member of Co. D., was taken at Spottsylvania, Feb 4, 1865 and died at Scranton the March following. Both of the other brothers have since died. George was about 65 years old. NEWS BRIEFS: Frederic Remington, the artist, died suddenly at his country home in Ridgefield, Conn., on Sunday, after an operation for appendicitis. He was born in New York State. His father was a newspaper man of Canton, St. Lawrence county, and there his son was born on Oct 4, 1861. At age 18 he was permitted to go to the Yale art school but the death of his father interrupted his course and he returned home. Afterward he went west as a cow puncher in Montana. He got work as an illustrator for the Century and Harper’s and in 1891 painted “The Last Stand” for the Paris exposition. Numerous other well-known paintings resulted and in 1895 Remington published many of his stories and sketches. Later he turned himself to sculpture, two of them being “The Bronco Buster” and “The Wounded Bunkie.” ALSO Salt will save almost anything, says an exchange; but it is reported to be bad when used on snow or sidewalk, causing pneumonia and diphtheria.
From the Desk of the D.A. Last Thursday, I was saddened when I read the news that Luzerne County had agreed to remove a Nativity scene and a menorah from its courthouse lawn in order to avoid a legal battle with the ACLU. According to reports, Luzerne County did not have the financial means to get into a big court battle with America’s biggest litigation bully. Given what has transpired in Luzerne County over the past year, I suppose it is not surprising that the county bowed to the legal pressure. The complaining party was a young atheist student attending King’s College. In an interview with a local paper, he contended that he was not attacking any religion, and that it was “our duty as American citizens to stay true to the Constitution.” I agree that Americans should defend the Constitution, but disagree with his interpretation of it. I would suggest that the young man read a little history before he decides that the Constitution creates an absolute bar of any religious icons on government property. Even if he was not interested in reading, a tour of the monuments in Washington, D.C., would reveal countless religious references. He could even stop by the Congress and listen to them open a session with a prayer - a practice that dates back to the very first Congress. If he does not want to make the trip to Washington, I would suggest that he simply pull some change or paper currency out of his pocket - it was the government, not private citizens that printed “In God We Trust” on that currency. This young man, with all of his wisdom and now power, told the paper that he hoped that he could help Luzerne County design next year’s holiday decorations with symbols of “thematic unity.” Apparently, the things that are acceptable include plastic snowmen and wreaths. No mention was made of Santa Clause - and I expect Santa would be unacceptable given his origin as a Christian Saint. Perhaps, Santa’s reindeer are far enough removed from him to be considered “non-religious” symbols of the “holiday” season. The young man never indicated what “holiday” the decorations would commemorate - a question for which there is no good answer. As I read about Luzerne County losing its Nativity scene, I remembered reading an earlier news report that there had been concern that the White House was not going to display its 18th century Italian Nativity scene, and had intended on celebrating a “non-religious” holiday season. In the end, tradition won out and the Nativity scene went up in the East Reception Room of the White House. So I wonder why the ACLU decided to pick on Luzerne County and not the White House. Well, the answer is fairly simple - bullies pick on weak targets. After reading the news about Luzerne County, I went home that night and my daughter and I watched Dr. Seuss’s “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” It was an appropriate ending to a sad day - and I thought a lot about modern day Grinchs in America. They can steal our decorations, they can take Christmas music out of schools, they can demand only “holiday” trees, and, in the end, they can take all of the physical trapping away from us. In the end, Christmas will come regardless of their efforts. Christmas lives in our hearts - not on our trees, lights, decorations or even in Nativity scenes. No matter what they take away from us, come Christmas morning, like the Whos, we will lift our voices up in celebration of the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. In Luzerne County, the Whos are already planning to do just that - and there is an attempt to organize a live Nativity scene with citizen volunteers coupled with Christmas caroling on the courthouse lawn. The organizer contends that citizens have a right to assemble peacefully and express their religious beliefs. So, the Grinch may have taken the Nativity statues from Luzerne County, but not the love in their hearts. If the organizers are successful, Luzerne County will have a very special Nativity scene this year - and the Grinch, sitting high atop his perch, will hear them singing and praising God, and wonder why he failed again to stop Christmas from coming. Have a blessed and holy Christmas. Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments to Susquehanna County District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 218, Montrose, Pennsylvania 18801 or at our website www.SusquehannaCounty-DA.org or discuss this and all articles at http://dadesk.blogspot.com/.
The Healthy Geezer [The is the second of two columns on the benefits of sunlight.] Most public health messages have focused on the hazards of too much sun exposure. But there is some sunny news about the sun. Sunlight increases the body’s vitamin D supply. In seniors, vitamin D protects against osteoporosis, a disorder in which the bones become increasingly brittle. Vitamin D also protects against cancer, heart disease, and other maladies. But there are other benefits a daily dose of sunlight. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that affects people when they don't get enough sunlight. Remember the John Denver lyrics: Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy...Sunshine almost always makes me high. Psychiatrists often recommend that, if you are depressed, you should spend a half-hour a day in the sun. Melatonin is hormone produced at night that makes you sleepy. Sunlight cuts off the production of melatonin in your body and helps you to feel tired when you should be - at bedtime. Getting about 15 minutes of sunlight every morning tells your body it’s no longer night. So sunlight is a sleep aid. Exposure to sun appears to suppress an overactive immune system. This might explain whey sunlight may help with autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis and lupus. One study also suggests it might help alleviate asthma. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that Alzheimer's patients exposed to sunlight got better scores on a mental exam and had fewer symptoms of depression than patients exposed to dim light. Some scientists are concerned that there is too much emphasis on preventing skin cancers and not enough on the danger of more life-threatening cancers such as lung, colon, and breast cancers affected by insufficient sunlight. Many studies have shown that cancer-related death rates decline as you move toward lower latitudes. “As you head from north to south, you may find perhaps two or three extra deaths [per hundred thousand people] from skin cancer,” says Reinhold Vieth, a nutrition professor at the University of Toronto. “At the same time, though, you’ll find thirty or forty fewer deaths for the other major cancers. So when you estimate the number of deaths likely to be attributable to UV light or vitamin D, it does is not appear to be the best policy to advise people to simply keep out of the sun just to prevent skin cancer.” A recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that those with the lowest vitamin D levels have more than double the risk of dying from heart disease and other causes over an eight-year period compared with those with the highest vitamin D levels. How much sun do you need? The government's dietary recommendations are 200 International Units (IUs) a day up to age 50, 400 IUs to age 70, and 600 IUs over 70. But many experts believe that these recommendations are far too low to maintain healthful vitamin D levels; they recommend consuming 4,000 IUs of vitamin D3 without sun exposure or 2,000 IUs plus 12-15 minutes of midday sun. If you have a question, please write to fred@healthygeezer.com.
Library Chitchat ‘Tis the season for resolutions - lists of things that you promise you are definitely going to do in the coming year. May I suggest some New Year’s resolutions with a library theme for 2010? Make visits to the Susquehanna County Library a regular part of your schedule. Remember we have four locations to serve you. Are you unable to get to any of the library locations? Books-by-Mail is available or you can borrow books at one of many “deposit stations.” Check the library’s web site at susqcolibrary.org or call (570) 278-1881 for more details. Don’t buy when you can borrow. Challenge yourself to learn something new in 2010. The Susquehanna County Library has thousands of books and audiovisual items available. If the items you are looking for are not at your nearest library location, items can be transferred between our four locations. We have a friendly and knowledgeable staff willing to help you. Don’t have a library card? Stop in at your nearest branch and sign up. Check our web site regularly to find out what upcoming programs are available. There are baby lap sits, toddler times, and story hours for pre-school children, summer reading programs, a county-wide reading program called Susquehanna Reads. Participate in our fund raising activities, such as the Spring Library Auction and the August Blueberry Festival. Remember that the Susquehanna County Library depends upon your continuing, generous, and regular support. We hope to see many new faces in 2010!
Rock Doc A New Way of Making SupperIs It Bread Or Is It Cheese? We Scandinavians have several strange customs, including our hallmark fish dish, which is codthat’s been processed for days in caustic lye. This truly imaginative creation is known as “lutefisk,” which means lye-fish. Lutefisk is a jelly-like material with a pH so high it must be soaked in water for days before you stand a prayer of being able to choke it down. Even after the lutefisk has soaked a week, however, with daily changing of the water bath,never let silver touchthe lutefisk, or the silver will be permanently ruined. And, as a final warning, if lutefisk remains on a pot or dish overnight, it’s all but impossible to ever remove. Would you like a second helping? Although taste and smell are the factors we think about first when it comes to cooking, the texture of food is also a key factor in how we experience the process of eating. From that point of view, the interesting thing about lutefisk is the transformation of fish-texture to jelly-texture. And that leads me to explain that we Scandinavians have contributed another, quite different, food to the world, one that has some potential to be quite useful for certain people with special dietary needs. Here’s the story. Somepeoplebecome profoundly ill if they eat wheat. Folks withceliac disease have an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine sparked by gluten in grains. If you have the disease but avoid gluten, you’re fine. If you eat gluten-bearing wheat, you become sick -sometimesvery, very sick. But if you’re fond of wheat products, you know how discouragingit would be to give up the chewiness of pasta or the light texture of bread. Enter a food science technician, one Michael Costello by name, at Washington State University. Costello has the bright idea to borrow a traditional Scandinavian food- a good one let me quickly add-and retool it to help replace pasta and bread with a gluten-free substitute. Finns long ago created a cheese called juustoleipa, meaning bread-cheese.Some say the best bread-cheese is made from reindeer milk, but these days cow milk is the standard ingredient. Juustoleipa is a fresh cheese, meaning that it isn’t aged. Unlike most cheeses, the milk used for juustoleipa isn’t fermented. The cheese-maker just curdles the milk and then bakes or grills it to give it a crispy crust. That unusual approach to cheese-making is possible because, unlike virtually all cheeses you have known, juustoleipa doesn’t melt when heated. Swedes like the cheese with coffee (true, we like everything with coffee, but this cheese in particular). The custom is to put a few pieces in the bottom of a cup, pour your coffee over them, and enjoy it as what we cleverly call “coffee cheese.”The cubes stay firm and chewy and don’t melt, hence the idea behind the custom. Juustoleipa can become bread-like when it’s prepared in an oven - air gets worked into the cheese as tiny bubbles as it bakes. So, depending on how the cheese isprepared, it can be chewy and pasta-like or chewy but more bread-like. Because it’s really just a fresh cheese, it has a mild flavor that doesn’t detract from any prepared dish. And, of course, cheese doesn’t trigger gluten intolerance. Costello teaches cheese-making techniques and has whipped up juustoleipa from time to time for years. But lately he had the idea of using it in ways to help those with celiac disease. He has made several dishes to test out how the juustoleipa might substitute for wheat-products in prepared meals. His most successful concoction is probably his wheat-free lasagna. The juustoleipa, sliced thin, takes the place of pasta - it’s good, chewy, and the richness and oils of cheese is to be expectedin lasagna. Actually, I like Costello’s juustoleipa “bread,” too. It’s a bit like eating bread that has been spread with nicely browned butter. Perhaps it’s obvious, but we’re not talking low-calmeals. A full slice of juustoleipa “bread” will stave off hunger for a good, long while. But it’s sure better than lutefisk. Dr. E. Kirsten Peters is a native of the rural Northwest, but was trained as a geologist at Princeton and Harvard. Questions about science or energy for future Rock Docs can be sent to epeters@wsu.edu. This column is a service of the College of Sciences at Washington State University.
What’s Bugging You? No What's Bugging You This Week
Dear Dolly, At the beginning of every year I make a list of New Year's resolutions. I start out with every intention of following through with the expectation that "this" will be the year I reach my goals. Do you have any suggestions to help me out? -Grace Dear Grace, The idea of making New Year's resolutions sounds reasonable. We put the past behind us and start fresh with a pure heart and the desire to improve something that is important in our life. The reality is, with the occasional exception, we expect to wake up on January first and be magically cured of the bad habit we want to change. It's the Fairy Godmother Syndrome. I don't know about you, but I've had limited success with my Fairy Godmother and New Year’s resolutions, and it starts my year out on a negative note. My suggestion is to make New Year’s resolution time, a day to get things in order, so that the new year starts safe, happy and positive. These are a few suggestions of things you can accomplish on the first day of your new year. Check your life insurance, wills, power of attorney and guardianship papers. Clean out your medicine cabinet of all out-of-date medication. Mend broken fences - a simple phone call or a card. Make sure your children know their address and phone number. Rehearse a fire drill and make sure everyone knows the designated place to meet. Remember, "the smallest action is more important than the best of intentions." So, it's out with the old "resolution" system and in with the new "first day" action plan. Happy New Year - Dolly All Transcript readers are welcome to submit their questions to Dear Dolly at deardolly570@yahoo.com.
EARTH TALK EarthTalk® From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: I am very concerned about the amount of chlorine in my tap water. I called my water company and they said it is safe just let the tap run for awhile to rid the smell of the chlorine. But that just gets rid of the smell, perhaps, not the chlorine? -Anita Frigo, Milford, CT Thousands of American municipalities add chlorine to their drinking water to get rid of contaminants like nitrates, arsenic and pesticides. But this inexpensive and highly effective disinfectant has a dark side. “Chlorine, added as an inexpensive and effective drinking water disinfectant, is also a known poison to the body,” says Vanessa Lausch of filter manufacturer Aquasana. “It is certainly no coincidence that chlorine gas was used with deadly effectiveness as a weapon in the First World War.” The gas would severely burn the lungs and other body tissues when inhaled, and is no less powerful when ingested by mouth. Lausch adds that researchers have now linked chlorine in drinking water to higher incidences of bladder, rectal and breast cancers. Reportedly chlorine, once in water, interacts with organic compounds to create trihalomethanes (THMs) - which when ingested encourage the growth of free radicals that can destroy or damage vital cells in the body. “Because so much of the water we drink ends up in the bladder and/or rectum, ingestions of THMs in drinking water are particularly damaging to these organs,” says Lausch. The link between chlorine and bladder and rectal cancers has long been known, but only recently have researchers found a link between common chlorine disinfectant and breast cancer, which affects one out of every eight American women. A recent study conducted in Hartford, Connecticut found that women with breast cancer have 50-60 percent higher levels of organochlorines (chlorine by-products) in their breast tissue than cancer-free women. But don't think that buying bottled water is any solution. Much of the bottled water for sale in the U.S. comes from public municipal water sources that are often treated with, you guessed it, chlorine. A few cities have switched over to other means of disinfecting their water supplies. Las Vegas, for example, has followed the lead of many European and Canadian cities in switching over to harmless ozone instead of chlorine to disinfect its municipal water supply. As for getting rid of the chlorine that your city or town adds to its drinking water on your own, theories abound. Some swear by the method of letting their water sit for 24 hours so that the chlorine in the glass or pitcher will off-gas. Letting the tap run for a while is not likely to remove any sizable portion of chlorine, unless one were to then let the water sit overnight before consuming it. Another option is a product called WaterYouWant, which looks like sugar but actually is composed of tasteless antioxidants and plant extracts. The manufacturer claims that a quick shake of the stuff removes 100 percent of the chlorine (and its odor) from a glass a tap water. A year’s supply of WaterYouWant retails for under $30. Of course, an easier way to get rid of chlorine from your tap water is by installing a carbon-based filter, which absorbs chlorine and other contaminants before they get into your glass or body. Tap-based filters from the likes of Paragon, Aquasana, Kenmore, Seagul and others remove most if not all of the chlorine in tap water, and are relatively inexpensive to boot. CONTACTS: Aquasana, www.aquasana.com; WaterYouWant, www.wateryouwant.com. Dear EarthTalk: I’ve read that human breast milk contains toxins from pollution and other causes. How serious is this and what affect will it have on my baby? -Skylar S., New York, NY Researchers have found that those of us living in developed countries - men, women and children alike - carry around quite a toxic burden in our bodies from the constant exposure to various chemicals in our urban, suburban and even rural environments. If this weren’t alarming enough, the fact that these chemicals end up in breast milk and are in turn passed along to newborns is even more troubling. According to writer Florence Williams, whose groundbreaking 2005 article in the New York Times Magazine opened many women’s eyes to the environmental health issues with breastfeeding, breast milk tends to attract heavy metals and other contaminants due to its high-fat and protein content. “When we nurse our babies, we feed them not only the fats, sugars and proteins that fire their immune systems, metabolisms and cerebral synapses,” she reports. “We also feed them, albeit in minuscule amounts, paint thinners, dry-cleaning fluids, wood preservatives, toilet deodorizers, cosmetic additives, gasoline byproducts, rocket fuel, termite poisons, fungicides and flame retardants.” In the wake of such kinds of news reports, four nursing mothers came together in 2005 to form Make Our Milk Safe (MOMS), a nonprofit engaging in education, advocacy and corporate campaigns to try to eliminate toxic chemicals from the environment and in breast milk. The group educates pregnant women and others about the impacts on children of exposure to chemicals before, during and after pregnancy, and promotes safer alternatives to products such as cleaning supplies, food storage containers and personal care products that contain offending substances. “Along with its antibodies, enzymes and general goodness, breast milk also contains dozens of compounds that have been linked to negative health effects,” reports MOMS, which lists Bisphenol-A (BPA, a plastic component), PBDEs (used in flame retardants), perchlorate (used in rocket fuel), perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs, used in floor cleaners and non-stick pans), phthalates (used in plastics), polyvinyl chloride (PVC, commonly known as vinyl) and the heavy metals cadmium, lead and mercury as leading offenders. Despite these concerns, some recent research has shown the toxic load in breast milk to be smaller than that in the air most city dwellers breathe inside their homes. Researchers from Ohio State and Johns Hopkins universities measured levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in breast milk and in the air inside the homes of three lactating Baltimore mothers, finding that a nursing infant’s chemical exposure from airborne pollutants to be between 25 and 135 times higher than from drinking mother’s milk. “We ought to focus our efforts on reducing the indoor air sources of these compounds,” said Johns Hopkins’ Sungroul Kim, the study’s lead author. He concurs with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and many other public health experts that, despite breast milk’s vulnerability to chemical contamination, the benefits of breast feeding - from the nutrition and important enzymes and antibodies it supplies to the mother/child bonding it provides - far outweigh the risks. CONTACTS: MOMS, www.safemilk.org; Study: Volatile Organic Compounds in Human Milk, www.pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es062362y; CDC, www.cdc.gov. SEND YOUR ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONS TO: EarthTalk®, P.O. Box 5098, Westport, CT 06881; earthtalk@emagazine.com. Read past columns at: www.emagazine.com/earthtalk/archives.php.
Barnes-Kasson Corner National Fruits & Veggies Week November 29 - December 5 Barnes-Kasson Hospital is observing National Fruits and Veggies Week November 29 - December 5. We all know that fruits and vegetables are good for you, but did you know that they are critical for promoting a healthy body? Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, fiber, and minerals, that may help protect the human body from chronic diseases. Not only can eating fruits and vegetables help limit your risk of disease, it also can help lead to weight loss. Vegetables and fruit are low in calories, and if they are replaced with fatty foods, you will naturally loose weight. But eating fruits and vegetables on top of what you already eat will make you gain weight. While they may be low in calories, fruits and vegetables still contain calories. So if someone was to still eat fatty foods, not exercise and add fruits and vegetables, they would gain weight due to the increase in their food intake. The key is to substitute high calorie fatty foods for lower calorie vegetables and fruits. Years ago, it was recommended that everyone received five servings of veggies, but new research has proven that is not the case. Because everybody is different, everybody needs a different amount of servings per day. For example, an average height, healthy weight female would need only 2.5 servings, whereas an average healthy weight male would need 3.5. It is encouraged that adults get their recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, but adolescents and children need to as well. It is essential for a healthy diet to eat fruits and veggies during the growing years. Keeping your children on a healthy diet can sometimes be confusing and challenging, especially since most children are not too fond of eating vegetables or fruit. To keep your entire family healthy, try slowly adding fruits and veggies in your family’s diet. Try replacing candy with veggies in your children’s lunch boxes or when you snack at work. To make fruit seem more appealing, try adding it to basic things, like breakfast cereal. Many schools are now participating in P.A.C.K., a program designed to encourage parents to pack healthier food options in their children’s lunch boxes. This program also helps fuel kids want for fruits and veggies by making them be more appealing and fun. P.A.C.K works by making a game and competition out of eating the necessary servings each child needs. One way is by calling certain weeks, “purple week” or “red week.” During these weeks children have to bring a fruit or veggie of that color to school for lunch. Children who have participated in this program claim that it evolved into a competition between classmates to see who could bring in the biggest or most unusual fruit or veggie. Many children, especially teenagers, are now taking the jump toward vegetarianism. This choice has been causing a sense of fear among parents. Many are concerned that their children will become malnourished, or not intake the necessary vitamins needed for growth. The truth is however, that a vegetarian diet is a very healthy choice, but one should always consult with their doctor before changing their diet drastically.
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