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Low PPM, Decent Tap Water

It’s pretty decent. I mean the tap water in the municipality of Susquehanna. Just so happens, I’m the reluctant owner of a device that measures the amount of total dissolved solvents, present in water. To get the average of a few readings, I took one about once a day for four days. The average comes out to about 70 ppm, i.e., seventy parts per million.

Some people might get a better grasp of the concept by exercising a little imagination. They might try imaging that 70 cups of lime Kool-Aid are about to be been mixed in with 1,000,000 (one million) cups of absolutely pure water. After that happens, it’s a good bet that neither the color nor the taste of the water would be noticeably altered. Oh, by the way, I spoke with an authoritative engineer for the company that manufactured my device. Well, Rob said that water with ppm that low is pretty decent.

All right now, I went through the foregoing with more than just a little chitchat in mind. If not dispel, l would like to attenuate a certain rumor about me. Thanks to a couple previous letters in this periodical, some people are claiming I’m obsessed with the turmoil and tumult and tension in the Middle East. True enough, I take an interest. But I’m far from obsessed to the exclusion of everything else.

Besides the quality of tap water in Susquehanna, I also notice changes taking place around town. For example, the proprietor of E.K. Owen’s True Value hardware store has already made a few improvements. On patch of naked earth adjacent to his store, he’s begun putting together a display that includes a couple dozen small stone blocks, a row of flowers, and even a blue bird bath with a perforated basin. I’m sure the display will look nice, when it’s finished.

Here’s a suggestion about putting up, and I mean this literally, a new welcome sign for the borough of Susquehanna Depot. Coming into town, the average motorist never notices the current one, which is way off to the right of the Veterans Memorial Bridge.

For that average motorist, it’s easy enough to spot the sign for MAIN STREET, which is hung from an armature. It shouldn’t cost that much to have somebody with a little talent come up with a design for a welcome sign. And then, that sign could be hung from that armature.

By the way, I do have a suggestion for the stairway that connects the Shops parking lot and Main Street. I promise to get around to that sometime soon.


A. Alexander Stella

Susquehanna, PA


As you know, we Americans had a real reason to start the war against Bin Laden. After the intent was proved, we moved in to find the leader of the attack.

I have to think after watching the news and hearing a message sent to America from, you guessed it, Bin Laden. That makes me sick. It makes me very angry. I am so ashamed to hear this spoken - the words of a man who has caused the death of thousands, if not millions, of lives - on a television and radio in America, and around our world. Our world leaders seem to be allowing him to live so they can justify their means, or better yet failures.

He probably is living in America and laughing at all of us. He could be living in any country, who is chasing him?

Smoke him out and bring him in to justice. This is at a time when we can split the atom - North Korea can too - yet we can't find him.

Or, better yet, we don't want to find him... yet. Shame. Sickened. Yet again!


Peter A. Seman

Thompson, PA

The following is a letter sent to State Representative Sandra Major regarding the Susquehanna Library system. The writer of this letter requested that this be published in order to inform and encourage others to lend their support to the Library.

Dear Representative Major,

A new program has recently been added to the services of the Susquehanna County Library. A weekly radio program that reads the local news to seniors, visually handicapped and housebound citizens is aired every Saturday morning across the County.

This community service, in one of Pennsylvania’s poorest counties, is one of many services our library system brings to all of us. The creative and imaginative radio program joins the many and varied services provided by our library - community services such as special programs for children, internet accessibility, video and DVD loans, a major resource center for the home-schooled - and the list goes on. The annual Susquehanna Reads program fosters literacy and good reading habits.

In these difficult economic times, it is shortsighted to reduce the programs and outreach of those community services that provide both immediate service but also build habits and skills for the future.

We are proud of our Library. In an economically depressed county, the private support base is very limited. The concurrent support of the State and the County governments is vital to keep our local, especially rural, libraries funded to foster an informed, educated and engaged citizenry.

I urge you to become a strong and vocal advocate for our libraries. Please do not allow our libraries to fall victim to insufficient funding in the State budget.

Can I count on your pledge to be our advocate?


(The Rev. Canon) Charles A. Cesaretti

New Milford, PA

Salt Springs Park, PA Will Remain Open

As a concerned member of the Friends of Salt Springs Park, I would like to comment on a published statement made recently relative to the proposed closing of state parks throughout the Commonwealth.

The article stated that the closing of Salt Springs Park, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, would save $45,000. In fact, Salt Springs Park receives approximately $ 3,500 in annual support from the state park system.

In recent years, the state has provided limited, one-time funding for special projects, such as repair of a flood-damaged stream. The Friends have raised their own funds for day-to-day operations and maintenance. Many of the improvements to the grounds and facility have resulted from the great effort of a group of dedicated volunteers, funded by membership and community support.

Asked how the closings would affect Salt Springs Park and its guests, a high level parks administrator responded as follows: "I am confident that we will continue to serve our guests in the utmost professional manner throughout this situation. If folks ask what they can do to influence the budget process, the answer is rather simple. They need to contact their state elected officials and let them know of their concerns." http://www.legis.state.pa.us/.

Asked if we would have to put up “No Trespassing” signs, the state representative said "No. It means that you would not get any support from DCNR." If the park had a crisis of some sort, the state would not send assistance. However, the Friends would have the State Police and the local 911 for support.

In short, the statewide closings will not affect visitors of Salt Springs Park in any substantial manner. Salt Springs Park will remain open to the public. The park grounds and facilities, the staff and volunteers at the park, and the wide selection of outdoor and indoor activities will continue to be available at the park. The Friends have already advertised an exciting schedule for the summer, available on their website, http://www.friendsofsaltspringspark.org.

Salt Springs Park is attractive to families who want to vacation together in a user-friendly, inexpensive outdoor facility that is within their travel budget. It would be a shame to give the public the impression that the park is closed when it is actually gearing up for one of its best seasons. The Friends are not closing the park. Come on down, folks.


Lillian Theophanis

Choconut Twp., PA

Letters To The Editor MUST BE SIGNED. They MUST INCLUDE a phone number for "daytime" contact. Letters MUST BE CONFIRMED VERBALLY with the author, before printing. Letters should be as concise as possible, to keep both Readers' and Editors' interest alike. Your opinions are important to us, but you must follow these guidelines to help assure their publishing.

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