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Harford Tires Of Road Warriors The primary function of second-class township government in Pennsylvania is to maintain its roads. The state provides a subsidy for that purpose, and most of a township’s human and financial resources are applied to its roads. Such is the case in Harford, which is “second-class” only in a legal sense. Harford’s Roadmaster is also chairman of its Board of Supervisors, and Terry VanGorden is so exasperated with some local drivers that he vowed to start “taking names” at the Supervisors’ meeting on May 26. Mr. VanGorden said that his road crews are endangered by drivers who speed through construction zones, leaving a cloud of dust in their wakes. “It’s scary out there,” he said, pleading with residents to “slow down!” Supervisor Garry Foltz, who developed a recent update to township ordinances to allow the township to better control traffic, particularly in construction areas, suggested that, under the ordinance, a section of road can be closed until work is completed. Mr. VanGorden said he had done that in some cases, but has tried to be accommodating to residents. He can’t accommodate everyone at the same time, however. Calls for dust control are increasing, as usual this time of year. As Roadmaster and Supervisor, Mr. VanGorden has tried to maximize the efficiency of his operation by working roads in one section at a time. Mr. Foltz, however, recommended that roadwork be concentrated first on the most heavily traveled roads. One of the more heavily traveled is Stephens Road, the 3-mile thoroughfare from Kingsley to Tingley Lake. Stephens Road was paved long ago, but some years back the township ground up the heaving pavement, leaving another gravel road, albeit with a crushed-asphalt surface. The township later applied some material from construction on the Interstate to part of Stephens Road. But it remains fundamentally a dirt road today, and residents constantly complain of choking dust lifted by heavy trucks working the stone yards in the area. Mr. Foltz told one Stephens Road resident who attended the meeting that if he can get descriptions or license plate numbers from the trucks, he will personally take the issue of speeding to the stone yard operators. Otherwise, Mr. VanGorden said that he couldn’t make any promises about when his crew might be in any particular location. He said he had just completed 9 days of work on the 4.7 miles of Upper Podunk Road, which hadn’t had much attention in recent years. He said he would be applying the AEP oil for dust control on Upper Podunk and on Blanding Lake Road first. Mr. Foltz said that he would be applying for grant money available through the Susquehanna County Conservation District for use on the roads. He said that $110,000 is available county-wide for work that would help minimize runoff from roads into adjoining wetlands. Supervisor and township Secretary Sue Furney said that Richardson Road scored “highest” in the township in a survey done for the purpose, citing a swamp and creek near the road that need protection. Mr. Foltz also filed an application with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) for funds to assist in the reconstruction of a sluice under Stearns Road at the outlet of Tingley Lake. Engineers have estimated the cost of the project at over $200,000. The need for the reconstruction was demonstrated during the flooding of June 2006. The other major project that resulted from that flood is now complete. Mr. Foltz said, “I’m pleased with what I saw” at the site of the new bridge over Butler Creek on Pennay Hill Road. So the Supervisors authorized paying the contractor’s final bill, bringing the total project cost to the bid price of $392,494. The entire cost of the new bridge should be reimbursed by the Federal and Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agencies. Mr. Foltz also announced that the township has been awarded a grant of $750 to help pay for the new computer system in the office. He is looking for yet another grant to help pay for needed upgrades at the sewer plant. In the meantime, the monthly bills show expenditure of over $1,600 for electrical work on the plant’s blowers. The sewer system also purchased 8 new pumps for a total of $11,422.08. Each pump is priced at $1,240; the control boxes that go with it cost $187.76 each. Those numbers may be important to some sewer system subscribers if they aren’t careful what they dump into the system. There are restrictions on what the sewer system can accommodate. Rate-payers will receive a letter with their next bill reminding sewer users what can and cannot be flushed away. Comparing expenditures with the budget, Mr. Foltz noted that legal expenses are higher than projected, due in part to reviews of two new ordinances. A significant over-expenditure for unemployment insurance is so far unexplained. The Supervisors ask that residents remind themselves that ATV “four-wheelers” are not permitted on township or state roads. The next public meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors is scheduled for June 9, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at the township office on Route 547.
Commissioners Meet May 28 According to information gathered by this reporter from the agenda of the May 28 meeting held at the EMA Conference Room, The Susquehanna County Commissioners meeting quickly prevailed. Seminar requests were approved for Emergency Management’s Charlene Moser and Scott Aylesworth to attend PEMA Exercise Design and Evaluation Course at a cost of $480.00 to the County. Charmarie Bisel of Children and Youth will be attending an Introduction to the Safety Assessment & Management Process, total cost $184.95 with a $36.99 cost to the County. Susan Adamec, Charmarie Bisel and Michelle Grazing will be attending an Ethics in Working with Those with Childhood Trauma, total cost $254.00 with a county cost of $50.80. Resolution 2009-22 in support of the Area on Agency on Agency Governing Board’s action seeks a non-profit status. Resolution 2009-23 urges the General Assembly to adopt a reasonable budget which will maintain funding for core government services and does not shift the costs to the local level. Resolution 2009-24 authorizes the filing of an application for the Financial Fiscal Year 2009, Pennsylvania Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program Funds and CODGER with funds totaling $368,440. Commissioners authorized signing the 2009-2010 Joint Agreement dated July 1, 2009, between the commissioners of counties of Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna and Tioga for the administration of the Area on Aging. This allows for the four county Area Agency on Aging to administer funds designated for programs for the elderly including a complex of services providing a continuum of care for the aged in all communities. Sheriff Lance Benedict and Dr. Richard Hacker, Hallstead, were appointed to the County Child Death Review Team effective immediately in compliance with the Public Health Child Development Review Program Act 87 0f 2008, which took effect January 6, 2009. Commissioners also signed a Memorandum of Understanding agreeing to the use and upkeep of interoperable communications equipment procured with Federal Public Safety Interoperable Communications Grant Task Force Equipment funding awarded to the Northeast Pennsylvania Counter Terrorism Task Force (NEPACTTF) through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and designated for Susquehanna 911.
Susky Boro Finally Meets Susquehanna Boro Council could not hold their April 28 meeting due to lack of a quorum; the rescheduled meeting on May 4 could also not be held due to lack of a quorum. The meeting was finally held on May 11. According to minutes of that meeting, significant action included accepting the resignation of council member Bill Kuiper and advertising the vacancy; accepting the resignation of Bruce Moorehead (streets dept.); hiring of police officer Bob Sweet as Codes Enforcement Officer; approving the vacating of the upper portion of Second Ave. at the adjacent property owners’ expense if they agree, as the boro does not have the funds to do so. The regularly scheduled May 26 meeting eventually took place after some difficulty. It had been delayed to start at 7:30 due to a scheduling conflict, but with only members Dave Scales, Mike Matis and Bill Perry present, it looked as if it, too, would have to be rescheduled due to lack of a quorum; the late arrival of Allen Wolf made it possible to proceed. Two residents, John Ackley and Richard Flanders requested time on the agenda. Mr. Ackley is one of the owners of the properties adjacent to the upper portion of Second Ave., and he informed council of his intention to claim the land through Adverse Possession. He has owned his property for more than the required 21 years, and has maintained the Second Ave. portion for that period of time. The land in question has not been utilized by the boro for 60 years, he said, and he feels he is the only one who has the right to claim it. As the owner of record, the boro is the only entity that can contest his intended action; the other property would not be landlocked if he were to claim the tract. He had received correspondence from the boro’s solicitor stating council’s position on vacating the property, and in response has submitted a letter to council regarding his intent to pursue adverse possession. After discussion, Mr. Ackley said that he would conduct further research on the matter in answer to some of the questions raised by council. Mr. Flanders asked council if there were boro ordinances about spraying of toxic substances to remove foliage. The owner of the property adjacent to his home had been spraying and refused to share information about what was being used. Mr. Flanders had concerns, as some of the foliage on his property died when the substance was airborne, and there is a spring on the adjacent property that runs through the basement of his home. He is concerned about the possible contamination of the water, whether or not his garden vegetables are safe to eat, and that his grandchildren play in the wooded area above his home. He was advised to contact EPA and DEP for information. The meeting adjourned to a short executive session to discuss a personnel issue. When the meeting resumed, council approved researching a lot on West Main St. with the intention of making an offer for it. If the boro does acquire it, their intent is to use it for residential parking. Council will obtain prices on a commercial-grade door for the library and submit an application to the Main St. façade improvement program for partial funding of it. One letter of interest was received to fill the council seat left vacant by Bill Kuiper’s resignation. A motion carried to approve appointment of Sue Crawford to the position. A motion carried to hire Dan Crawford to a part-time janitorial position, hours to be determined on an as-needed basis. A motion carried to promote police officer Lance Penzone to the position of Assistant Chief, with the new rank effective immediately. Salary will be determined when the mayor and the full council are all present. The 2009 boro audit has been completed and is available for inspection. A motion carried to approve updating the boro’s existing ordinance for proper display of address numbers to reflect the new 911 readdressing. Residents will be advised through an advertisement that they have 30 days to properly display the new addresses, after which time fines will be levied for failure to comply, as emergency responders have reported difficultly locating some homes when they are on call. The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, June 23, 7:00 p.m. in the boro building.
Silver Lake Township Police Report MVA On March 2 at approximately 4:00 p.m. a two car MVA was reported on Sweeny Road Silver Lake Township. A juvenile female driver lost control on the icy roadway and slid across into the oncoming path of a pick-up truck driven by Jordan Brand. Bad road conditions played a role and both vehicles sustained serious damage with no injuries to the drivers or passengers. HARASSMENT BY COMMUNICATION On March 3 Cheryl Klenchik of Silver Lake Township reported that she had received numerous calls from out of the area with no response from the caller. When she called the number back she was told they knew nothing about it. This activity continued for a couple days after she called. SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE/ DUI On March 7, while on routine nightshift patrol, SLTPD came upon a vehicle parked in the roadway on Church Road. Investigation at that time showed two male occupants drinking in the vehicle. The driver, Robert S. Knapp of Montrose, was charged with DUI. LIQUOR LAW VIOLATIONS/UNDERAGE DRINKING On March 21 four individuals from N.Y. State were arrested for various alcohol violations. All four were charged and released to appear in court at a later date. Subsequently, all were found guilty and charged with summary violations. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF On April 2 someone intentionally drove onto the Harvilchuck property in Silver Lake Township and spun ruts across the lawn. This act has happened several times over the last few months. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF On April 3 two township youths broke both windshields out of a vehicle owned by Richard Hull of Brackney. This incident is being handled through the juvenile court system. DOMESTIC DISPUTE On April 5 SLTPD was dispatched to Laurel Lake near the lake bridge for a domestic dispute in progress. Investigation at the scene and a subsequent investigation showed that a dispute was taking place at the location while a vehicle was stopped and the call was via a cell phone. The vehicle was gone upon police arrival. MVA On April 20 Ronald Colewell of Hallstead was on his way home from work traveling east on SR4002 when he admittedly fell asleep just after the curve leaving Laurel Lake. His vehicle went off of the roadway and up an embankment. His vehicle was damaged but he sustained no personal injuries. MVA On April 25 Brande M. Cox of Binghamton, lost control of her 2000 Ford F150 pickup truck while trying to avoid hitting multiple deer on John C. McNamara Drive. Her vehicle ended up in a deep ditch against a concrete culvert. She sustained no personal injuries, but the truck was severely damaged. Anyone with information or questions for the Silver Lake Township Police, should call 570-278-6818 or e-mail silverlaketwppd@epix.net. All information will be held strictly confidential. Please look at the Silver Lake Township Website at silverlaketwp.org, to see all of the Silver Lake Townships’ news, profiles and resources.
Courthouse Report DEEDS Frank A. and Adelfine Summa to James M., Sr. and Joann Olivo, in Susquehanna for $37,000.00. William C. and Margo J. Burchell to Jessica E. and Joseph M. Burchell, in New Milford Borough for $106,000.00. P. Scott, Deborah and Kayla Baldwin to Michael R. and Sharon Panasevich, in New Milford Township for $55,000.00. Vera E. Everitt (By POA) to Christopher R. and Kimberly L. Dellapenna, in Forest Lake Township for $9,000.00. Arthur J. and David Rinaldi, Carol Fisher and OSC Company to Shamus 54 LLC, in Herrick Township and Uniondale Borough for $330,000.00. Tammy L. and Norman N. Norton to Scott A. Adams and Shelly A. Hollenbeck, in Bridgewater Township for $400,000.00. Rudolph Lasher to Rudolph and Raymond Lasher, in Auburn Township for one dollar. Paul A. and Pamela E. Kelly to Bessie Hart (Estate), in Choconut Township for one dollar. William and Kelly Conyer to William and Kelly Conyer, in Silver Lake Township for one dollar. Linda Ransom and Laird D. Shively and Beverly Ransom Madigan to James M. (Revoc Living Trust) and Pauline (Revoc Living Trust) Griffiths, in Lenox Township for one dollar. Linda Ransom and Laird D. Shively and Beverly Ransom Madigan to Linda Ransom and Eric D. Shively and Karin E. Grace, in Lenox Township for one dollar. Linda Ransom and Laird D. Shively and Beverly Ransom Madigan to Beverly Ranson Madigan, in Lenox Township for one dollar. BENCH WARRANTS The Susquehanna County Domestic Relations Section has bench warrants for the following individuals as of 11:10 a.m. on May 29, 2009. Duane M. Aldrich, David P. Atherholt, Jr., Erika L. Back, Keith B. Beach, David S. Blaisure, Joseph Bonavita, Michael P. Bradley, Jr., David M. Brant, Tony R. Clark, Mark T. Conklin, James J. Corridoni, Jeffrey A. Craig, Mary Dallasta, Edward J. Dickson, Jr., Paul H. Donovan, Deborah L. Drish, Christina Elmy, Jonathan Fathi, Kristoffer B. Fazzi, David J. Fischer, Thomas Fisher, Nesbitt W. Fitch, Jr., Ryan M. Forder, Kelly Fox, Dominick M. Franklin, Tiffany M. Groover, David Haines, Jr., Suzanne R. Hansen, Ann Hightower, Timothy M. Holmes, Kevin D. Klein, Eric C. Kohlhepp, Erik E. Krisovitch, James R. Lee, Charlie J. Legere, Carlos L. Leiser, Christopher Locke, Joseph Malloy, Jr., Tanika Marazzani, Patricia J. Marrero, Jason Marshall, Zada A. McDonald, Joseph C. Moore, Anthony Neri, Benjamin Newell, Tanya M. Novak, Todd M. O'Hara, Donald Palmer, Gary Perico, Amy S. Pompey, James E. Purse, Jeffrey A. Ransom, Timothy W. Rogers, Troy Rohmann, Duane Spencer, Earl H. Thompson, Jr., Christopher Trayes, Anthony M. Vaow, Keith W. Vroman, Steven G. Warner, Joseph Watkins, Glynn Wildoner, III, Jamie L. Williams, Louis Yachymiak. Please contact the Domestic Relations Section at 570-278-4600 ext. 170 with any information on the location of these individuals.
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