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Volunteers “Green Up” Hallstead Rte. 11 Park
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Volunteers “Green Up” Hallstead Rte. 11 Park
By Sandra Kazinetz

The afternoon of October 27 was wet, windy, and muddy. It was the kind of day better spent staying warm and dry, perhaps watching a college football game or two in the living room. For certain, it was not the kind of weather for people to be out planting riparian buffers in.

Pictured are a few of the wet, muddy volunteers who gathered after a job well done, replanting almost three dozen trees and shrubs in the Hallstead park on Route 11.

Yet, it was the perfect weather indeed for the 32 trees and shrubs which community volunteers gathered to plant in the Hallstead Community Park on Route 11. As area residents know, the park was literally swept away in the flood of 2006. FEMA funds came through to replace the pavilion, play area and other structures that were swept away.

For its part, the Pennsylvania American Water Company came through with a very generous and important grant that enabled the purchasing and planting of trees, shrubs, and wildflowers, not only to provide shade and beauty, but also to act as a sturdy riparian buffer that will go far towards preventing soil erosion in the park, which lies along the bank of Salt Lick Creek. The water company also provided the topsoil and the wherewithal to have it delivered and spread, giving the young trees plenty of good dirt in which to grow tall and healthy. That these young trees and shrubs got a good dousing, courtesy of nature, was the extra insurance they needed to settle in well for the winter.

Community volunteers donated their time, muscle and gardening tools to plant the trees. Representatives from the Hallstead Library, the New Milford Sea Scouts, the Hallstead-Great Bend Civic Club, Hallstead Borough Council, and the Susquehanna County Conservation District joined several other borough residents as well as good neighbor PA American Water Company, in getting the trees and shrubs off to a great start.

After every last one of them was planted, the volunteers were covered in mud, but feeling terrific about their effort. The results of it will be enjoyed for years to come by anyone who uses or passes by the Hallstead Community Park.

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This is "Pepper". He is a nine-week old kitten. He is very playful and affectionate. He is litter box trained. He came in with his three sisters. Two are short haired grey and white, and the other is a long haired black and white. They are all very loving.

To see them, stop by the Susquehanna County Humane Society, 278-1228.

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