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Human Error = Mistakes
By Carole M. Canfield

The Susquehanna County Board of Elections met on Friday November 9 to verify the accuracy and check the write-in votes to make sure all "good" votes were counted and no mistakes were made.

The finalized, official results of the 2007 election may not be known until Monday or even Tuesday (after press time), an official stated. "It is hard to tell at this time, it totally depends on what problems or concerns may come in."

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Rail Authority Looks Forward
By Carole M. Canfield

The Rail Authority's November meeting was held on November 9 at the Susquehanna County Office Building. Attending were Authority members: Chairman Rowland Sharp, Kenneth Bondurant Vice Chairman, Thomas Wooden Secretary/Treasurer, Bob McNamara and Joseph White.

Also in attendance was Robert Templeton, County Planning and reporter Staci Wilson. Member P. Jay Amadio was excused from attendance for health reasons. Janet Haulton was absent again this month for a total of four missed meetings.

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