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The July 5 meeting of the Thompson Boro Council meeting was a first for this reporter; a meeting held outdoors. Council’s meetings are usually held on the first Monday of the month, which this month was the Fourth, so the meeting was held the following day, Tuesday, July 5. But, due to a scheduling conflict, the banquet room of the Thompson Hose Co. was being used (by a martial arts class), so the meeting began at the picnic grounds behind the fire hall, under a tent. Which wasn’t bad, it was actually a cool evening (until the thunder storms began) and most of the insects in the boro were apparently unaware of the proceedings.
Anyone who has driven down Main Street in New Milford has probably admired its Midtown Park – newly spruced up with a new sidewalk and curbing – and the charming pavilion that occupies center stage there. The pavilion appears in photos dated 1909 and, as New Milford borough council president Scott Smith said at its July meeting (at which all members and mayor Joe Taylor were present) last Thursday, it has survived a lot of history, including the Depression and floods – but it’s having difficulty surviving today’s teenagers. This site is on a subscription only basis. The Obit and Classified pages have open access. You will need to be a paid subscriber to have complete access to the entire Susquehanna County Transcript website. Thank you for visiting!
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