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HEADLINES: President Mike Matis presided at the June 28 meeting of the Susquehanna Borough Council; also present were members John Bronchella, Bill Kuiper, Shane Lewis and Allen Wolfe, Mayor Hurley, Secretary Collins, Streets Commissioner Steve Glover, and several residents. During approval of the bill list, Mr. Kuiper had some questions about the cost of mercury vapor versus sodium vapor lights. He asked if it would be possible to change the lights on Main St. back to sodium vapor to save money. Mr. Glover responded that council had looked into doing that several years ago; Penelec will change mercury lights to sodium, but there would be an additional charge for replacing the heads. Mrs. Collins’ report included an update on plans for the fishing derby that council is sponsoring during Hometown Days, and of the latest SCDA meeting and the local garden club. Three applications for building façade improvement have been approved for the Main Street project. Mayor Hurley reported that she had met with two PENNDOT representatives during an inspection of the Main St. bridge. There are some concerns, she said, particularly with heavy equipment being used in the creek; it was determined that it would be safe to do so. The bridge has been and will be inspected every six months, rather than the customary two years. “If the engineers felt this was a dangerous situation,” she said, “they would recommend that it be taken care of immediately.” Mrs. Hurley also contacted PENNDOT for information about storm drains on state roads; she was waiting for a response to her inquiry. And, the newly formed local council on the arts will be meeting with a similar group from St. Martin of Tours Church to discuss working together. Mr. Matis reported that the Parks and Rec. Committee will be able to provide manpower to make replacement picnic tables for the Prospect St. park. A motion carried to adopt changes to Ordinance 397, regarding banning right-hand turns onto Erie Ave. from Main St. Three bids were received for a new(er) street sweeper, for a 1991 at $14,500; a 1997 at $28,000; and a 1999 at $19,500. A motion carried to proceed with purchase of the 1999 model. Also carried was a motion to accept a three-year loan from Pennstar at 3.9% to finance the remainder of its cost, after a down payment is made. Mr. Glover said that the payments could be made out of liquid fuels funds. And, the loan could be paid off in less than the three-year period. In response to an inquiry from a resident, council discussed the possibility of changing the “yield” sign at the intersection of Front St. and Erie Blvd. to a “stop” sign. Mr. Matis said that a traffic study would need to be done, which Mr. Lewis said would cost $6,000, or LTAP could do it. Mayor Hurley suggested that council check into how many accidents had occurred there in the past few years. Mr. Lewis asked if “yield” could be painted on the road itself. Mr. Glover said that, most likely it would be difficult for a driver to see as there is a sharp bend at that intersection. Mr. Matis said that council would look into it. Permission was given for the SCDA to post additional signs below the “Welcome to Susquehanna” signs, listing the boro’s website address. Mr. Glover said that his department has been busy with pothole patching and fixing catch basins. He added that the blue “Susquehanna” banners will be put back up along Main St. after July 4, in time for the Hometown Days celebration. Correspondence reviewed included a notice from the PA American Water Co., regarding their application for renewal of a (Act 14) permit. A resident asked about the progress of a previous complaint; an individual who is remodeling a home has been burning debris. Mr. Lewis said that the burning has been stopped. The resident said that the same individual has also been dumping debris over a bank onto a neighboring property. Mr. Lewis said that he would check into it. Mrs. Collins read a report on behalf of the Parks and Rec. Committee detailing various repairs that have been done at the Prospect St. park, as well as the costs of those repairs. The committee also asked if the benches that used to be at the Drinker Creek park could be used at the Prospect St. park; Mr. Glover said that they have been in storage at the boro garage. Some may need to have the wood slats replaced, but they are in usable condition. The final topic of the evening appeared to come as a surprise to council: Mrs. Collins read a letter of resignation. She said that she had not actively looked for another job, but one had been offered to her that was too good to pass up. She thanked council for their patience and support. A motion carried to accept, with deep regret, and a motion to advertise for a new secretary also carried. The meeting adjourned to an executive session for an undisclosed reason. The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, July 12, 7:00 p.m. in the boro building.
The Blue Ridge School Board gathered on June 27 for a brief business meeting followed by a similarly brief workshop kicking off the summer with strawberries and cream and a new Middle School Principal. The recent appointment of former Middle School chief John Manchester to the vacant High School post left an opening for the young and ambitious Matthew Nebzydoski, who moved up to his predecessor's place at the table as soon as the vote was taken. Mr. Nebzydoski hails originally from Pleasant Mount, and taught for several years at Forest City, where he says he expected to stay for his career. When his wife accepted a position in Montrose the growing family found a house there and he commuted for a while until he took a position at Elk Lake for a year. When the Middle School position opened up at Blue Ridge, Mr. Nebzydoski, eager to try his hand at administration, found it suited him. He was welcomed with a round of applause by the Board and his colleagues. Other administrators reported on maintenance projects gearing up for the summer, one of which will be to demolish the old sewer plant, no longer in use since the connection to the municipal sewage system was completed in the Spring. An engineering firm hired by the district to review and evaluate the campus physical plant has recommended that the building would be too costly to be renovated for some other use. It has already been cleaned out; further work awaits final environmental evaluation (it was, after all, a sewage plant). Activities and Transportation Director James Corse will be recommending switching to the use of "micro-buses" on some of the worst back roads in the district. The large 72- passenger buses are considered too dangerous to use in some areas in the winter. The smaller buses (not vans) carry between 20 and 28 passengers. The federally-subsidized summer lunch program is said to be serving an average of 160-180 youngsters each day. The pilot program offers free meals to anyone participating in a school-supported or sponsored activity during the summer at the campus. Closing out the 2004-2005 school year, Superintendent Robert McNamara announced that Board President Alan Hall was awarded the statewide William S. Vincent Award for Excellence in Support of Public Schools, presented by the Pennsylvania School Study Council at Penn State. The Blue Ridge School Board will meet only once in July, on Monday the 18th, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria in the Elementary School.
About three years ago, emergency management officials in Susquehanna County began planning a broad program to bring more consistency and predictability to addressing schemes that they hoped would help to make emergency response more efficient and effective. The initiative died away for a while, but has now returned under the leadership of Art Donato, the county's 911 coordinator, and Mark Wood, the county Emergency Management Agency coordinator. Mr. Donato and Mr. Wood attended the Harford Township Supervisors' meeting on June 28 to explain the program, and to request that the supervisors consider adopting an ordinance to enforce the county's resolution implementing it. They told the meeting that the county has received some grant funding that will be used to hire consultants to move the project forward. Municipalities have the option to decline to participate, for which there are expected to be no direct penalties. However, it was hinted that the postal service, and perhaps the phone company, may become increasingly insistent that properties that need service be addressed according to the common scheme. Mr. Donato and Mr. Wood said that they expected the project to take as long as two years to fully implement. It would start with consultations with participating municipalities to resolve conflicts with respect to the naming of roads. Some roads, for example, change names when they cross municipal boundaries; the names of some roads are sometimes spelled or pronounced (important for emergency calls) inconsistently. Addresses will then be assigned to each 5.28 feet along each road. Numbers will be assigned in order from South to North and from West to East. A house or business will use the address closest to its door or driveway. Once all the names and numbers are determined, the postal service will be asked to review the result. When the new scheme goes into effect, all roads will need standard signage, and properties will be required to display numbers in a prescribed prominent fashion. The county is not asking municipalities to decide immediately. The meeting was told that about 22 entities in the county have already signed up. Some have apparently taken the liberty to amend the suggested implementing ordinance before adoption. Under state law, municipalities have the right to name their own roads and streets. Mr. Donato and Mr. Wood tried to reassure the Harford supervisors that they will retain that right. However, some at the meeting thought that the implementing county resolution seemed a trifle coercive in some respects. Supervisor Rick Pisasik resolved to study the matter in more detail before recommending action for Harford. The only other item on the agenda for the meeting was the Odd Fellows Hall. Sue Furney reported nothing new on the project to clear the deed of restrictive covenants. The latest information was that the township's lawyers were in discussions with the fire company's lawyers. (The Fire Company transferred the property to the township with the deed restrictions many years ago.) A representative of the fire company said he has heard nothing from the lawyers so far. The Harford Township Supervisors meet on the second Saturday of the month, beginning at 10:00 a.m.; and on the fourth Tuesday of the month, beginning at 7:30 p.m. All meetings are at the township building on Route 547.
DEEDS Michelle D. Fenton (nbm) Michelle D. Warren, Matthew Warren to John E. Skoczylas, in Middletown Township for $145,000. Ann Marie E. Thomas (nbm) Ann Marie E. Ford to Ann Marie E. Ford and Kenneth Ford, in Clifford Township for one dollar. Preston Realty Trust (by trustee) to Ronald W. Koller (TA), Robert E. Strunk (TA), David B. Strunk (TA), Hemlock Group (TA), Ronald W. Koller, Robert S. Strunk, David B. Strunk, in Ararat Township for $287,500. Scott Johnson and Mary Beth Johnson to Angelina Cutrona Hess, in Auburn Township for $106,000. Anne D. Shafer, Edwin H. Shafer II to William C. Wood, Nancy G. Wood, in Montrose for $80,000. Nancy Wilson to Wesley H. Silfee, Jennifere S. Silfee, in Auburn Township for $150,000. United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Jonathan W. Taylor, Linda D. Taylor, in Apolacon Township for $17,500. Elma E. Parker (by attorney) to James Pearson, in Great Bend Borough for $28,500. William F. Merrell, Leona M. Merrell, Katherine Merrell to William F. Merrell, in Hallstead Borough for one dollar. Byron J. Overfield to Benjamin J. Hawley, Michelle P. Hawley, in Montrose for $118,000. Cheryl A. Schrader to John S. Schrader, in Montrose for one dollar. Barbara E. McLaughlin, James E. McLaughlin to Mary Lee Fitzgerald, in Montrose for $310,000. William M. Kropa, Naomi E. Kropa to Thomas S. Kropa, Ronald L. Kropa and Carl F. Kropa, in Springville Township for one dollar. William M. Kropa, Naomi E. Kropa to Thomas A. Kropa, Ronald L. Kropa, Carl F. Kropa, in Springville Township for one dollar. Kathleen E. Burmeister to W. David Burdick, Robin A. Burdick, in Thompson Township for $74,000. Elaine Carpenter (nka) Elain Washburn, Gerald A. Washburn, Joyce E. Coager to Gerald A. Washburn, Joyce E. Coager, in Harmony Township for one dollar. David T. Baker Jr., Wendy D. Baker to David T. Baker Jr., in Oakland Township for one dollar. Russell L. Aults, Gretta M. Aults to Randy E. Eichelberger and Betty L. Eichelberger, in Gibson Township for $75,000. Audrey K. Kerr to Jeffrey J. Kerr and Joan E. Kerr, in New Milford Township for one dollar. Robert E. Baehler to Robert E. Baehler, Valerie Frances Ravenhill, in Harford Township for one dollar. Thomas G. Jordan, Mary S. Jordan to Justin J. Bishop, in Auburn Township for $110,310. Wells Fargo Bank (sbm) Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Inc. to United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in Silver Lake Township for one dollar. Daniel H. Wages, Katherine P. Wages to Robin L. Huston, in New Milford Borough for $40,000. Robin L. Huston, Robin Lee H. Hannigan (nka) to Robin L. Huston, in Brooklyn Township for one dollar. Mary Shatinsky to Bernard J. Shatinsky, in Auburn Township for one dollar. William E. Wilcox (trust by trustee), Priscilla Wilcox (trust by trustee), William E. Wilcox, Priscilla C. Wilcox to Stephen K. Wilcox, Jeanne C. Wilcox, in Jessup Township for $37,500. Frank A. Micklo (by sheriff), Linda Micklo (by sheriff) to Community Bank & Trust Co., in Lathrop Township for $3,149. David T. Baker Jr., Wendy D. Baker to Fox Enterprises, in Susquehanna for $23,000. Gregg B. Deehan, Diane M. Deehan to Jeffrey Winemiller, Janet Winemiller, in Harford Township for $150,000. Jay Kenneth Goldsmith, Leda Goldsmith to Brian S. Hoffmann, Tina M. Hoffmann, in Montrose for $145,000. Ronald Kingsbury (by sheriff) to Federal National Mortgage Association, in New Milford Township for $1,439. Paul A. Kelly, Pamela E. Kelly to Robert Kilmer, in Clifford Township for $69,000. Randy Ball (by sheriff) to Washington Mutual Bank, in Great Bend Borough for $2,507. Joseph M. Cicon, Sandra A. Cicon to Joseph J. Cicon, in New Milford Township for one dollar. Anthony L. Garrison Jr., Janna Garrison to Dale E. Ferger, Kathryn E. Ferger, in Harford Township for $139,000. Joseph Paterno to Joseph Paterno, in Clifford Township for one dollar. Joseph Paterno to Joseph Paterno, in Clifford Township for one dollar. Joseph Paterno to Joseph Paterno, in Clifford Township for one dollar. Donald L. Messenger (by attorney), Mary Lou Messenger (by attorney) to Andrew Bednarz Jr., in Susquehanna for $69,000. David A. Burns (estate), Donald A. Burns, Mary A. Burns, Donna M. Brink to Ronald L. Crawford, Susan E. Crawford, David L. Burman, Dianne L. Burman, in Oakland Township for $3,000. David A. Burns (estate) Donald A. Burns, Mary A. Burns, Donna M. Brink to Ronald L. Crawford, Susan E. Crawford, David L. Burman, Dianne L. Burman, in Oakland Township for $7,000. Peoples National Bank to Benacquisto Masonry Co., in Great Bend Township for $75,000. Jade Brewer, Debra Brewer to David J. Rose, Deborah R. Rose, in Montrose for $14,000. Trehab Center Inc. to Wendy Baker, in Susquehanna for $72,000. Danny G. Knight, Judy Knight to Danny G. Knight, Judy Knight, in Bridgewater Township for one dollar. Arlene Blom, Robert Blom, John B. Osterholt, Jean Osterhold, Doris Hohmann, Guenter Hohmann to Holly Decker, in Rush Township for $83,000. Daniel T. Blount, Shirley R. Blount to Daniel T. Blount (rev trust), Shirley R. Blount (rev trust), Franklin Township for one dollar. Roger D. Bennett, Elizabeth S. Bennett to Charles Kritch, Nancy H. Kritch, in Lenox Township for $95,000. Erin Blaisure to Erin Blaisure, Kenneth M. Blaisure, in Bridgewater Township for one dollar. David M. Gregg (by sheriff) to Ingomar Limited Partnership (a Nevada Limited Partnership) in Little Meadows Borough for $4,172. MARRIAGES Bruce J. Hamilton and Lisa A. Hanekamp, both of Port Crane, NY. Richard Wayne Chandler and Diane Lee Hechler both of New Milford. James J. Kwitoski Jr. and Nicole Johanna Hall, both of Binghamton, NY. Brian Charles Bartels of Meshoppen and Katie Lynn Squier of New Milford. Bruce Edward Nelligan of Montrose and Nancy Ellizabeth Wood of Hallstead. DIVORCES David M. Swartwood of Hallstead vs Susan M. Bush of Susquehanna.
Following is the Susquehanna Borough Police Report for June, 2005, as submitted. TRESPASS On June 1, a report was taken from 203 West Church St. for someone trespassing in the rear yard. The suspect was notified to stay off of the property. HARASSMENT On June 3 at 6:10 p.m. John Grene of Susquehanna allegedly struck Jason Eromenok of Susquehanna on Main St. Grene has since been charged with Harassment. DISORDERLY CONDUCT On June 6, at 7:59 p.m. Amy Plutino of 426 Elm St. was charged with Disorderly Conduct after she’d publicly caused annoyance and interfered with a routine traffic stop on Elm St. near her residence. NON REPORTABLE CRASH / PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS On June 7, at 8:25 p.m. , Susquehanna Fire and EMS were dispatched with Police to Shops Plaza on Erie Blvd. for a pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle. An investigation revealed that a non reportable crash had occurred between two vehicles (one unoccupied) in the parking area. Susan Palmer of Susquehanna then went to the scene and made false statements of being struck by a vehicle involved. She was charged and has since been convicted of Public Drunkenness. Palmer refused to make statements under “Miranda Warnings” to Police. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF** On June 9, Elsie Proppe of 517 Grand St. reported someone to have taken the ignition out of a Ford truck parked on her property on or around May 23rd of this year. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF** On June 10, 12 and 26 there were several reports of illegal fireworks in the 400 block of Grand and Elm St. occurring during afternoon and evening hours. DISORDERLY CONDUCT On June 12 at 2 a.m., Richard Hadlick of Hallstead was charged with Disorderly Conduct after causing a disturbance with his vehicle on Broad Ave. DUI On June 13 at 7:39 p.m. , Richard Frisbie of Susquehanna was stopped in a 91 Chevrolet for Careless Driving. During stop, he was found intoxicated and failed sobriety tests. Frisbie was arrested for DUI. PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS Also on June 13, Police responded to the area of Grand and Willow for reports of fighting, three different times in the evening. Thomas Theobald of Susquehanna was arrested for Public Drunkenness with Landlord notifications. TRAFFIC CRASH/DUI RELATED On June 18 at 10:51 p.m., Taronna Johnson of Susquehanna was traveling North on Jackson Ave. when she failed to negotiate her 1993 Chevrolet, causing it to hit a legally parked Chevrolet owned by Julie Maginley in the 300 block of Grand St. Johnson and passenger claimed no injuries. Johnson was arrested for DUI after failing sobriety tests. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF** On June 24, Julie Ann Collins of 910 Prospect St. reported a window smashed on her vehicle that possibly occurred on or around June 23 at 10 p.m. from a fight. ** Any information please call Police at 853-3147 or E-Mail:
Recyclers Oppose Gov.’s Bond Issue (Bellwood, PA) – The Professional Recyclers of PA (PROP) today announced their opposition to Governor Rendell’s proposal to fund Growing Greener II and the $625 million bond issue with the Recycling Fee. Governor Rendell has proposed using the Recycling Fee to fund some of the debt service associated with the bond issue. The governor’s proposal calls for permanent reauthorization of the Recycling Fee. In addition, he proposes using half of the fee to fund recycling and half to fund the bond from 2009 to Fiscal Year 2011-2012. After 2012, he proposes using the entire fee to fund the debt service, with elimination of the recycling fund. “PROP is vehemently opposed to using the Recycling Fee to fund Growing Greener II,” Executive Director John Frederick said. “It makes absolutely no sense to kill one program to save another and that’s what this proposal does.” The $2 per ton Recycling Fee is charged on every ton of trash disposed of in Pennsylvania. The fee supports thousands of local recycling programs through a series of grants that help municipalities and counties purchase equipment, fund special projects and provide waste planning activities. The current fee is set to sunset on January 1, 2009. Recycling is a thriving industry in Pennsylvania. Since its inception in 1988, recycling has grown to an $18 billion industry, employing 81,000 Pennsylvanians. Literally millions of the Commonwealth’s residents have access to recycling services. “There are few state programs that bring better return on the investment than recycling,” Frederick said. “To turn its back on one of the most popular and successful environmental programs in the state is incomprehensible to us.”
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