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Scranton Diocese To Hold Conference

Scranton Diocese To Hold Conference

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Scranton will hold their annual conference at the University of Scranton, Scranton, PA on August 5, 6, 7. The theme of the conference “I Am the Living Bread, Come Down From Heaven” is taken from John 6:51.

Conference speakers include Aggie Neck of Marksville, Louisiana, in full-time ministry at Servant House where she serves as co-director; Chairperson of the National Service team and a member of the steering committee for the Southern Regional Conference in New Orleans. Aggie has an extensive teaching ministry and was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1972.

Linda Schubert is a lay Catholic Evangelist and author of the best seller “Miracle Hour, a method of prayer that will change your life.” She has ministered as a keynote speaker at various conferences as well as conducting retreats and seminars throughout the world. Linda is a member of the Council to the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

Peter Herbeck, Vice President and Director of Missions for Renewal Ministries, a lay organization devoted to Catholic renewal and evangelization throughout the world. Peter works to equip Catholic lay people to respond to the Holy Father’s call for a New Evangelization and oversees the work of lay mission teams throughout the world. He serves as co-host for the weekly television program “The Choices We Face.”

Bob Canton is the National Coordinator for the Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities; a member of the National Service Council of the Catholic Charismatic renewal; active in the healing and teaching ministry; conducting seminars, retreats, workshops, crusades and healing rallies.

Msgr. William John-Lewis, ordained to the Priesthood in August of 1986 is the Rector of Our Lady of Fair Haven Cathedral, Diocese of Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica. He has studied extensively; holds an MA in Theology from Notre Dame University; is fluent in English, Kweyol, French and Spanish. He has studied guitar and voice and in 2000 launched his first Compact Disc, “The Journey of the Soul,” a collection of traditional hymns. He has been a guest speaker in the Caribbean, USA, England and Ghana, West Africa.

The conference also offers a Children’s Tract for ages 5 through 11 and a Youth Tract given by a gifted team of youth ministers for ages 12 through 18.

For registration or further information please call the Catholic Charismatic Renewal office at (570) 344–2214, or write to CCR, P.O. Box 3306, Scranton, PA 18505–0306.

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