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New Milford Talks Codes, Roads
Great Bend Buys A Truck
Gibson Barracks Report
Court House Report
Large Turnout At Commission Meeting

New Milford Talks Codes, Roads

The full complement of New Milford Borough Council members met for its regular meeting last Thursday night that saw a lot of discussion about roads and codes.

After codes enforcement officer Shane Lewis made his report of recent activity – basically, routine follow up on a few outstanding matters, council member Mary Ann Warren brought up the current process of following up on possible codes violations. The current procedure requires, for the most part, a written, signed complaint or a complaint brought to council’s attention at a meeting.

What prompted this query is a building in the borough to which an addition to a second floor has been added and which, apparently, hangs out over the first floor. Warren did not think that a permit was received for the addition and was concerned about whether it was up to the borough’s codes.

Thus, while she didn’t want the CEO to go looking for possible violations, she asked whether, if he came across something like the second-floor porch, it made sense for him to do something about it when he saw it. Warren added that sometimes residents were hesitant to file a complaint in order to maintain cordial relations with their neighbors.

Some council members could understand Warren’s point. Member Teri Gulick noted that it wasn’t right or fair to the majority of residents who followed procedure and obtained permits "the way they are supposed to, and a few just go ahead and build without a permit."

Council member Rick Ainey, however, noted that the current complaint procedure is a clear process with rules applicable to all. He reminded members that, before the process was in place, anyone could make an anonymous verbal complaint, and that resulted in some people thinking they were being singled out. "Should we tell the CEO to take care of something if he sees it? Yes. But how do we do that uniformly?" he asked. "I’d like to stay with the process we have now: you have to come to a meeting, you have to fill out a complaint form."

Warren said that she would fill out a complaint form about the addition to the second floor and drop it off at the borough office. Ainey noted that he, as well, had received a complaint from a resident about chickens running wild in the resident’s neighborhood that appeared to be a nuisance to but one of the chicken-owners’ neighbors; Lewis noted that he believed that chickens had to be penned in. Secretary Amy Hine added that Mayor Taylor, who was unable to attend the meeting, passed along a complaint he received about junk cars in a yard. So, Lewis will have a few more things to do between now and the next meeting.

To refresh some residents’ memories, Warren suggested that perhaps it was time to do another borough newsletter that included reminding residents that permits are required. Council president Scott Smith thought that perhaps it was time to include this information in a water bill.

In other matters concerning building codes, Ainey brought members up to date on COG’s new billing rate -- $36.50 for the first hour, $25 thereafter – for work done on any day on behalf of the borough, as well as the need to designate a COG contact for the borough. A motion was made and passed naming Hine the Codes designate. She will coordinate required codes work in the borough, screening the need for CEO services and efficiently and effectively scheduling his work. In turn, COG Codes will refer any borough resident who comes to their offices to Hine.

Council also voted to vacate the end of Washington Street – a smallish parcel of land where there is no street, per se, and which is abutted by three property owners: the Roman Catholic Diocese of Scranton, the railroad, and the Donley family. By vacating the end of the street, the Diocese and Donley’s will the piece that now divides their property down the middle. Both the Donleys and attorney Frank O’Connor, representing the Diocese, attended the meeting and they will work together on determining where the centerline of the vacated property lies.

Todd Schmidt, representing Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, was at the meeting to provide more information to members about a recent certified letter the borough received from the state Department of Environmental Protection. Schmidt reported that the federal government has imposed upon states the need to establish control over storm water discharges to natural water bodies – such as streams. The state DEP is turning to the municipalities, telling them that if they have storm water discharging into a stream, they need a permit to do that. While it’s fairly easy to get a permit, he said, there are several conditions that come along with receiving the permit, such as public education, and a requirement that the municipality pass an ordinance restricting activities that would have an adverse impact on the stream.

And New Milford’s stream is the Salt Lick Creek, designated a high-quality watershed by the state.

Smith asked what options the borough had. Schmidt replied that some municipalities are writing letters to the state complaining about the permitting conditions and resisting them; others are ignoring it, which is not an option the borough is currently taking.

Smith noted that the borough received a notice of violation from DEP about its missing a filing date included with information DEP said it previously sent. However, the borough did not receive the information packet. It responded back to DEP, stating that it never received the initial package, and copied state representatives in the letter it sent by certified mail to the DEP.

Thus, for the time being, the ball is in DEP’s court.

In Streets Committee activity, member Chris Allen reported that a bid has been obtained on repairing storm damage on Peck Hill, and a grant application has been filed for the repair. In the meantime, Allen said that he went up to the area with Bob, and it is in bad shape, with water flying all over the place, starting in the woods that is on private property. Allen thought that putting in a ditch where the extreme water runoff starts, and adding catch basins down the hill, would help a lot in alleviating the problem. Hine noted that the borough already has permission from the property owner to go on his property.

And while the borough will have to wait until the spring to make effective and lasting repairs to the road and some of the paved ditches, it will work on short-term fixes and patches now to carry the road through the winter.

In other community matters, Ainey reported that he was appointed to the Rail Authority, and that its focus seems to be the New Milford transloading facility. He will keep council apprised.

He also informed members about the roundtable discussion that he and Warren attended, sponsored by the Endless Mountain Business Association. He noted that groups are forming in the region to develop plans, and one of the options discussed at the roundtable was a coalition of municipalities from the Blue Ridge district. The Blue Ridge group, at this initial stage composed of elected officials and business owners, will next meet at the school on October 29 to discuss its options.

In community-sponsored events, Warren reported that the Senior Citizen Fair, sponsored by the council, is set for October 16. The Parade of Lights will be held on October 25.

This month’s Good Neighbor Recognition was given to Sea Explorership 90, a nautical-oriented Boy Scout group celebrating its 60th anniversary in the borough, and which, said Ainey, has made a lot of good citizens in our community. On hand to accept the recognition was Ronnie Hall a 40-year member of the group, who noted that 600 young men and women have gone through the program – an accomplishment, indeed.

In community input, an audience member brought to council’s attention an article that recently appeared in Township News. The article focused on sewage systems for small municipalities, and included alternate systems, at least one of which was quite cheap at $11 a month. Bids for the sewer project are scheduled to be opened on October 14.

The next regular meeting of the New Milford Borough Council is scheduled for November 6, 7 p.m. at the borough office on Main Street.

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Great Bend Buys A Truck

"Nothing in the budget." So said Councilman Mike Wasko when the Great Bend Borough Council was considering the purchase of a new truck at its meeting on October 2nd. They found the money to replace their aging workhorse anyway. Councilman Ray Holtzman presented bids from several vendors. Council chose to purchase a 4-wheel-drive F350 chassis from Gibbons Ford. Plow, spreader and dump box will come from Powells, of Clarks Summit. The whole package will cost the Borough just under $37,500, an unbudgeted expense that will be met without loans through some creative financing.

The Borough has long maintained accounts originally established with funds from a now-defunct state program intended to help low-income or otherwise strapped homeowners to refurbish their houses. One of the funds provided outright grants; the other provided loans. Together, the two accounts now total some $36,720. All of this will be applied to the purchase of the new truck. Additional money will come from a small contingency fund. As part of the measure that arranged this deal, Council agreed among themselves to pay back the Borough over time. Council hopes to have the new truck available for the first measurable snowfall. They will decide on the disposition of the old truck at a later time. Council spent another $400-450 for weights for the back-end of the Borough's tractor. Mike Lonzinski, the Borough's Emergency Management Coordinator, spouse of the Council President, and oftimes nearly an 8th council member, recommended adding weight as a safety measure on the rear axle either with attached weights, or by filling the rear tires with a brine solution. He volunteered his own time to install the weights, which would be purchased from his equipment company.

Mr. Lonzinski also reported that the Borough can expect a $500 grant from the county as a reward for submitting a properly-formatted Emergency Management Plan. He said that the money must be used for emergency management purposes. He recommended starting off with a radio.

On the other hand, according to Mr. Lonzinski, emergency communications have been a problem in the area generally. He described some of the difficulties the Fire Company has had maintaining reliable communications, and told Council that the county has been unresponsive to the complaints of local fire companies. He asked that the Borough send a letter to the county commissioners - and current candidates for commissioner - to add some pressure for more county support and to cover the Fire Company in case a liability case arises out of a communications failure.

The Borough Secretary was asked to contact the county health department and office of family services about conditions at an apartment house in the town. According to the Secretary, Mary Jean Fleming, a family with children is living in the building that has bare wires, and several broken windows and water leaks. According to Ms. Fleming, the family has been living in the building for a few months and paying $450 per month rent. Council suggested that the tenants themselves should also be encouraged to contact the county about the conditions.

Vandalism in the Borough's 3 parks is an on-going problem, with most of the damage apparently concentrated in Memorial Park, with its pavilion, playground equipment and basketball courts. Recently, two named witnesses identified one local youngster who may be responsible for some of the damage. Mayor James Riecke insisted that police be called to investigate, if for nothing else than as an example. There was some skepticism that the State Police would, or could, do anything about the incident, but it was thought that the availability of eyewitnesses might strengthen the case.

The meeting closed with an executive session that was reported to have discussed vacation and compensatory time issues for the Borough's employees. When the public session was resumed (for adjournment) some Council members seemed a trifle stressed. But the meeting ended with a laugh anyway.

Come have a laugh with the Great Bend Borough Council when they meet in public session on the first Thursday of each month, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Borough Building on Elizabeth Street.

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Gibson Barracks Report


At 6:00 a.m. on September 24, a tractor trailer driver backed into the marque of the South New Milford Baptist Church, New Milford, while attempting to turn around. He then fled the scene. An investigation continues.


A 1992 Ford Taurus, driven by Sarah Daniels, 16, Thompson, was traveling northbound on State Route 92, Gibson Township, on September 27 at 11:45 p.m. The vehicle veered off the road and struck an embankment and trees. After hitting the trees, the car flipped over onto its roof. Daniels received minor injuries.


Lacey Craig Forkal, a 15-year old female from Springville Township, was last seen by a friend on September 28 at about 8:00 p.m. She was walking south on EL Johnson Rd, toward West Nicholson Rd., Springville Township. Forkal is 5'3" tall, 145 pounds, shoulder length dyed blonde hair, brown eyes, possibly wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Lacey Forkal is asked to contact the PA State Police, Gibson, at 570-465-3154 and refer to incident number R05-0514262.


A 2002 black, Yamaha Rapture, 660 cc, was recovered by the Gibson Station on September 28 off old Route 11, South of Hop Bottom Borough. It was abandoned in a wooded area. Anyone who may have observed this ATV may be able to provide details as to the operator. Please call the PA State Police with any information: 570-465-3154.


Someone entered an unlocked barn on Colwell Hill Rd., Susquehanna, and removed several bags of aluminum cans and glass bottles that were prepared for the recycling center. They belonged to Merna Colwell, and the incident occurred between 5:00 p.m. on September 12 and 2:00 the next morning. Call the Gibson Barracks with any information.


Between 12:45 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on September 7, someone removed a black purse from the residence of Dwayne and Deborah Acosta, Oakland Trailer Park, State Route 171, Oakland Township. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Gibson State Police.


On September 29 between 2:00 and 2:30 p.m., someone scratched the drivers and passenger side doors along with the left front fender of a green 1998 Ford Explorer belonging to Gary Lee Decker, Susquehanna. It occurred while the vehicle was parked at Rob's Market, Great Bend Township.


Aimee Larkin, Hallstead, was traveling north on State Route 81, Lenox Township. While traveling around a right curve, there was a tire and rim lying in the highway. The 2000 Honda Civic traveled over the tire and rim, then the airbags went off. No injuries were reported.


Raymond Wilson, 62, Cleveland, OH, lost control of his vehicle on Interstate 81, New Milford Township, and hit a guide rail. Wilson was not seriously injured in this September 25 incident.


Someone removed/stole a 5000 watt generator from a storage trailer on Tea Pond Rd., (Township Rd 452), Lenox Township, between September 25-27. The generator is valued at $1000.


Lawn ornaments were stolen from the lawn area of Sharon Delaney, Thompson Township, on September 17 at 9:00 a.m. They were valued at $177.


Someone entered a parked vehicle belonging to Anthony S. Landon, Binghamton, NY, and removed several items, which were Landons and Katherine L. Nichols, Binghamton, NY, then fled the scene in this September 26 incident. The vehicle was on State Route 11, in front of the Main Grill, New Milford Borough.


On September 24-25, someone pried open the side door of the concession stand and the front counter window on Church St., New Milford Park, behind the Health Club in New Milford Borough. Removed were several cases of beverages, frozen food and candy.


Ali Giamanco,16, was traveling eastbound on State Route 706 and failed to negotiate a left handed curve. His 1997 Hyundai Elantra then left the roadway and slid across the grass berm for about 80 feet until it struck shrubs and trees before coming to a stop. Giamanco and a passenger received minor injuries in this September 23 incident.


John G. Mangels, Howell, NJ, stopped on Interstate 81, New Milford Township, causing Joseph King, Cinnanatus, NY, driving a tractor/truck, to rear-end Mangel's vehicle, on September 24 at 1:15 p.m.


A 17-year old male was in possession of marijuana and paraphernalia while at Blue Ridge High School, New Milford Township. An investigation continues on this incident which occurred about 10:00 a.m. on September 24.


Two people wearing dark colored baggy clothes were seen near a vehicle belonging to Daiane M. Pashinski, Hallstead. One person picked up a rock and smashed the rear window of the victim's Nissan Pathfinder. Anyone with information please call the police. The incident occurred on September 24 at 11:00 p.m. off State Route 11, Hallstead Plaza Apartments parking lot, Great Bend Township.


Clifford Johnson, 39, New Milford, lost control of his pickup truck while traveling on a curve on State Route 1012 (East Lake Rd.), and Township Route 824, New Milford Township, on September 19 at 10:50 p.m. An investigation resulted in Johnson being placed under arrest for DUI.


Wayne Hallstead, Kingsley, had his vehicle parked in his driveway at State Route 2022, east of the intersection with State Route 2020, Lenox Township, on September 14 between 12:01 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. While Hallstead was sleeping, someone entered his unlocked vehicle and removed an in-dash compact disc player, then fled the scene. Call the Gibson State Police with any information.


An investigation continues into a May 2-9 incident when a member of the family of victim Donald M. Arthur, 62, Uniondale, used Arthur's information to apply for a credit card, which was then used to make unauthorized purchases.

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Court House Report



Mary E. Lathrop, Executrix of the Estate of Helene E. Schlegel, and Mary E. Lathrop and Edward B. Lathrop to Fred F. Mittman in Montrose Borough for $40,000.

Mel Martinez, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, to Grasso Revocable Living Trust in Bridgewater Township for $44,000.

Evelyn F. Osterhout to Richard A. Osterhout and Pamela J. Osterhout in Great Bend Township for $1 (transfer tax paid on fair market value of $74,460).

Jeffrey Haberle tdba Neway Homes, to Douglas L. Haberle in Liberty Township for $1.

Joan Chilson aka Joan B. Chilson, Executrix of the Will of Catherine Wasil and John Bender aka John E. Bender aka John E. Bender, Jr. to Norman Bender and Dawn Bender in Silver Lake Township for $1.

Joseph C. Zukosky and Susan L. Maxted nbm Susan L. Zukosky to Andrew R. Whitehead and Tracy L. Whitehead in Jackson Township for $139,500.

Nancy Wood to Kelly Wood and Cynthia Wood in Lathrop Township for $1 (transfer tax paid on fair market value of $11,050).

Paul A. Kelly and Pamela E. Kelly to Pamela E. Kelly in Dimock and Jessup Townships for $1 ogvc.

Timothy C. Dominick and Jodi Dominich to Raymond G. Sheridan in Susquehanna Borough for $1,000.

Harriet Kielceski to Ann M. Reed, M. Kathleen Kubly, Joseph T. Kielceski, and Stephen W. Kielceski in Bridgewater Township for $1.

Marion Kaditus, by her Attorney in fact John M. Bennici, to R & J Marcho Family Limited Partnership in Gibson Township for $45,000.

Mary E. Reinwald and Charles E. Reinwald, Dawn Tresch and Peter Tresch, Charles B. Reinwald to Mary E. Reinwald and Charles E. Reinwald in Franklin Township for $1.

Chystle A. Ross and Timothy W. Ross to Timothy W. Ross in Oakland Township for bluestone mining operation.

Jennifer Schmidt to Michael Schmidt and Jennifer Schmidt in Lenox Township for $1 and natural love and affection.

Roland J. Burton, Trustee of the Burton Family Trust, to William F. Wallace in Ararat Township for $460,000.

Jason Gregerson and Nicole Gregerson to Linda Gregerson in Auburn Township for $1 ogvc.

Darcy Remetich and Amy S. Long to Richard C. Quinn and Dianna J. Quinn in Forest Lake Township for $53,000.

Walter D. Stein and Carolina M. Stein to Phillip Stein and Richard Stein in Susquehanna Depot Borough for $1.

Suzanne R. Breese and Pamela Griffis, Co-Executors of the Estate of Miller Rosendale aka Albert Miller Rosendale to David J. Dibble and Jessica A. Dibble in Montrose Borough for $73,500.

Mark A. Hendley to Mark A. Hendley in Liberty Township for bluestone mining operation.

Wayne W. Wilcox and Jackie Wilcox aka Jacqueline T. Wilcox, Keith W. Wilcox, Anthony J. Wilcox and Pauline Wilcox and Mark R. Wilcox to David R. Banicky and Sheila A. Cashin in Ararat Township for $128,500.

Eric Trusky and Mary E. Coslet-Trusky to Phillip C. Hodges and Donna Hodges in Forest City Borough for $7,000.

Patrice Kamins, individually and as Executrix of the estate of Diana Lemchak to Michael P. Brotzman and Jennifer M. Bevan in Middletown Township for $110,000.

Paul J. Schuler and Wilma K. Schuler to Rodger Blye and Colleen Blye in Middletown Township for $300,000.

William F. Morris and Audrey W. Morris to Paul L. Frederick and Hazel E. Frederick in Gibson Township for $55,000.

Merwyn A. Landay and Kathleen M. Landay to Martin A. Cohick and Mary Kelly Cohick in Herrick Township for $95,000.

Edward Szumega and Alfreda Szumega to Helen Dietrich in Bridgewater Township for $50,000.

Robert McAndrew and Marian McAndrew to Marian McAndrew in Clifford Township for $11,460.

Robert McAndrew and Marian McAndrew to Marian McAndrew in Lenox Township for $13,800.

Robert McAndrew and Marian McAndrew to Marian McAndrew in Lenox Township for $26,940.

Fred Robinson and Wanda Hilton to Jamie Schroeder in Great Bend Township for $59,000.

James T. Stiles and Judith Doherty nbm Judith Stiles to James T. Stiles and Judith Stiles in Brooklyn Township for $1.

William E. Jenkin Sr. & Joan Ann Jenkin to Kevin Sheehan & Lynn Marie Sheehan in Bridgewater Township for $155,000.

Anthony M. Pagliarella and Sarah A. Pagliarella to Richard W. Conklin in Silver Lake Township for $48,000.

PENNDOT to Edward Darling/Cathy Wildoner in Auburn Township for highway occupancy permit.

David J. Mowry and Sandry A. Mowry to Timothy L. Mowry and Stefani Mowry in Jackson Township for $1 ogvc.

Judy A. Hunsinger to Joshua R. Adams and Amy L. Adams in Dimock Township for $80,000.

David O. Depue and Esther W. Depue to Philip S. Depue and Michele K. Depue in Franklin Township for one dollar and love and affection.

Louis L. Raub and Carole H. Raub to Louis L. Raub and Carole H. Raub in Lenox Township for one dollar and love and affection.

Patrick Striefsky and Mary Ann Striefsky and Bernrd Kilpatrick to Frank R. Puglia, Jr. and Michelle M. Puglia in Ararat Township for $95,000.

Lyle V. Brace to Eric J. Malinowski and Yvonne E. Malinowski in Harmony Township for $24,000.

Lance M. Benedict, Sheriff, to Key Bank USA, in Susquehanna Borough for $4,177.98.

David R. Mitchell and Heidi E. Mitchell to Curtis Automotive Center Inc. in Franklin Township for $74,000.

John B. Medynski & Margaret K. Medynski to Paul A. Jones in Rush Township for $225,000.

Kenneth W. Mason and Kathryn Mason to Patrick Mason Sr. and Dorothy Mason in Brooklyn Township for $130,000.

Kenneth Powers, June Powers, Dean Powers, David M. Powers and Diane Powers to David Powers in Jackson Township for bluestone mining operation (2 consent forms).

Jane VanGorden Carter nka Jane V. Pierson to Bethel I. Dodge, Cheryl A. Wiles, Susan O. Ball and Reid D. Carter in Auburn and Rush Townships for $1.

Maurice Tompkins and Loretta J. Tompkins to Pauline Dockham in Gibson Township for $136,900.

Roger K. Glover and Barbara A. Glover to Thomas Galiardo and Gina Galiardo in Thompson Township for $175,000.

George W. Stock to Robert J. Hanson, Jr. and Mary Jo E. Hanson in Herrick Township and Uniondale Borough for $165,000.

Estate of Tille K. Supancik aka Tillie K. Supancik aka Tillie Supancik, aka Matilda K. Supancik aka Tillie Matilda Supancik aka Matilda Supancik by Pauline Rollek, Executrix, to Amy Supancik in Forest City Borough for $1.

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Large Turnout At Commission Meeting

Pleasantly surprised by the large turnout (140+) at the public meeting held on September 9 to introduce the updated comprehensive plan to the public, Planning Director Robert Templeton has proposed that a series of meetings be held to allow a dialogue between the public and the Planning Commission. Templeton feels that this would build on the public interest that was shown and provide an opportunity for more public education. He suggests topics such as zoning, tourism, stone walls, the environment versus economics, property rights and recreation. Tentative plans are to hold these meetings in the evenings, downstairs in the County Office Building.

Regarding the comprehensive plan, it was decided at the end of the public meeting that an additional 30-day period was needed for the public to review the proposed plan update and submit comments in writing. In the meantime, Elizabeth Janoski of the Economic Development Office has put the entire proposed comprehensive plan on the county’s web site: and listed October 10 as an ending date for receipt of comments. Following this public review and comment period the Planning Commission will review the comments and decide whether or not the plan requires changes. After any changes are made the Planning Commission will recommend that the County Commissioners adopt the Plan at an advertised public hearing, most likely to be held at the same time as a regularly scheduled County Commissioners meeting. This will probably be October 22.

Also included in Templeton’s monthly report was the Montrose Greenway, which is a concept of creating safe and useable access to the natural resources, recreational facilities and historic sites in and around Montrose. In later discussion with Connie Barnes, Executive Director of the E.L. Rose Conservancy, it was disclosed that the conservancy has obtained a $15,000 Department of Community and Natural Resources grant to do a feasibility study of what would be most useful in this area.

Templeton reported that discussion had been held concerning combining the Conservancy efforts with those of the Montrose Restoration Committee and the Center for Anti-Slavery Studies. He would like to see more sharing of information among entities working toward the same goals.

The Planning Commission voted to pay expenses for Carolyn Doolittle to attend the workshop on Regional Economic Planning for Communities. Doolittle is relatively new to the Commission and is working hard to understand and implement her obligations as part of the Planning Commission.

In regular business, the Planning Commission concurred with staff recommendations on all land development plans presented.

In closing, Chairman Matt Curley reminded the members of the Planning Commission that long-time Commission member and former chairman, Ted Place, will be master of ceremonies at the Farm City Feast to be held on November 22 at the Mountain View High School.

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