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Issue Home August 25, 2010 Site Home

Accolades At SCCTC & ELSD
Big Changes In Susky Borough
Courthouse Report
NM Twp. Gets Calcium, Notary
Silver Lake Twp. Police Report
Sentencing Report
Hallstead Addresses Complaints
Bend Boro Buys Bearmobile
September Jurors Drawn

Accolades At SCCTC & ELSD
By Melinda Darrow

The SCCTC school board meeting on August 17 was rather short, once an executive session ended and the meeting recommenced. Dr. Davis stated that the SCCTC had 369 students enrolled at this time. The substitute list was approved, both support staff and professional staff. A permanent contract was approved for Mr. Steve Rhinehart, Building Trades One plumbing and heating instructor.

Dr. Davis introduced Dr. Gary Fenton, the Worksite Coordinator at the SCCTC, who received the outstanding instructor of the year award recently. Dr. Davis read aloud part of the letter she had written recommending him for the honor. In the letter she spoke of his passion, devotion, and sense of humor, and said that he had earned the admiration of his students. He and these students have been active in the community, participating in various civic projects. Mr. Fenton's job is the supervision of the house projects. Dr. Fenton expressed, in turn, his appreciation to the board, and gave his philosophy regarding student interaction. He said that he believed if he listened to them they would listen to him.

Mrs. Hollister read a letter from William King, the PIAA District two chairman for Cross Country, where the district was asked to consider hosting the PIAA District Two district championship meet. In the letter, he stated his opinion that Elk Lake would be the ideal site for this event. Dr. William Bush suggested that the board give their approval, as it would not only showcase the district but also allow the local schools and the district's runners to compete on a close and familiar course. It would require, however, that the district's calendar be changed to accommodate parking and traffic on school grounds. He proposed then, that there be no school on that day, October 27. The last day would then be June 3 for both schools. Mr. Tewkesbury made the original motion, saying that it was an honor to host it. The rest of the board confirmed the decision.

During the Elk Lake meeting, which was also unusually short, Mr. Charles Pirone reported that the elementary school was all set to go with the new initiatives and hoping for a good year. The middle school was to have its orientation coming up soon. All of the principals spoke in commendation of the maintenance staff in preparing the buildings. Mr. Place also mentioned how nice the grounds looked.

Mrs. Pamela Staats announced that Elk Lake had received an award from the Center for Independent Living. She brought a program from the event, which had a blurb within it regarding the Transitions program, and a nice plaque. Elk lake was the only school district honored.

Dr. Ken Cuomo announced that the following Thursday the installation of the bus cameras was to begin, with hopes that they would be in place for the first day. Mr. Arden Tewkesbury said that people had spoken to him regarding this initiative, and were in favor of it. Dr. Cumo said that the district was also looking into installing them into the cars and vans as well. He continued that the school cameras had contributed to a major reduction in issues.

For yet another year Dr. Cuomo requested approval for the dual enrollment agreements with Keystone and Lackawanna colleges; the agreements were the same as the previous year with no increase in tuition. When Dr. Bush inquired, Dr. Cuomo reported that around 110 students had received college credit. Some had spoken with him to mention the savings they had earned through the program, and he said that certain students had almost completed a year of college. Dr. Bush reiterated this point, emphasizing that students should realize the value of their education. Juniors and seniors are eligible for the initiative.

The board had approved Mark Weisgold for the dean of students position previously, and his job description was approved during this meeting. This basically broke down the position into two areas, discipline and attendance. His roles included student administrative liaison, student advocate, and working with academic issues.

Lunch prices were set to be the same as the previous year. Dr. Bush felt that this would be a nice benefit to parents and families during the current economic slump.

Mr. Tewkesbury also commended the maintenance department, for the grooming of the outside grounds. Mr. Charles Place noted that he had noticed the same thing.

Mr. Brian Mallery requested the approval of six athletic staff members, only two of whom were new. The board approved all.

A parent asked what publication the Warrior News was mailed in. It was responded that it comes in the Shopping Guide, and some present said that they had only just received it the day of the meeting. The visitor broached the matter of a vo-tech career fair, and queried if there were other notifications. It was responded that yes, the students were made aware in other manners of events occurring within the district.

It had been asked whether backpacks still needed to be mesh or see through. It was stated that this had been revised to allow other bags, but one board member said that the website still stated that see through was required.

Mr. Place broached the topic of the bonfire, wondering where the school stood on it. He wanted to ask the question early after the public outcry which had developed a previous year. Dr. Cumo explained that at this point there was no location for it, and the district was looking into doing something else. The site it had been at, which had been safest for all involved he said, was no longer available. Mr. Matthew Curley suggested that the first week of school the students be asked where they want it, else he feared the board would be inundated with ideas of where it could be shortly after the students heard the plan might be changed.

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Big Changes In Susky Borough

Several significant changes took place at the August 17 meeting of the Susquehanna Borough Council. With President Roy Williams acting as mayor, Vice President Bill Perry presided. Secretary Roberta Kelly thanked council and the police department for all their kindness during her sister, Mayor Denise Reddon’s illness and passing. She said that Miss Reddon had loved the police and had loved being mayor. At Allen Wolf’s request, there was a moment of silence in honor of Mayor Reddon.

Council had received three letters of interest in regards to the open mayor’s position; interested candidates were Roberta Kelly and council members Mike Matis and David Scales. Each candidate was given the floor to state their qualifications as well as plans they would like to see implemented if they were appointed.

Mrs. Kelly said first that it would be an honor for her to try to fill her sister’s shoes and that it was her sister’s wish that she do so. As she had previously served as mayor herself, she felt that she could easily step into the position, that she had the right qualifications, care, compassion, and management skills, that she is fair but firm and would do a good job for the boro.

Mr. Matis said that he has been involved in boro government for the past eight years, that the mayor’s seat is the only one he has not held yet. He said that he is community oriented and saw it as a good opportunity to do good for the boro.

When Mr. Scales’ turn came, he requested that his name be withdrawn from consideration.

A motion carried to appoint Mrs. Kelly, with Sue Crawford and Allen Wolf voting yes, Dave Scales, Joe Varsik and Bill Perry voting no.

A motion carried to appoint Mr. Matis, with David Scales, Joe Varsik and Bill Perry voting yes and Sue Crawford and Allen Wolf voting no. Mr. Matis was appointed; the magistrate will be contacted to make arrangements for his swearing in.

Mrs. Kelly then resigned from her position as secretary, wished council much luck, and left the meeting. A motion carried to accept her resignation reluctantly, with Mike Matis, Dave Scales, Joe Varsik, Allen Wolf and Bill Perry voting yes, and Sue Crawford voting no. The motion carried.

During public comment, a resident asked why the voting had been conducted openly rather than by secret ballot; council responded that all votes must be taken openly, that secret ballot is not legal.

In regards to the mayor’s position, several council members remarked that they would have liked to see more interest from the community and not just from boro officials.

In other business, the rail cars have still not been removed by the Chemung Valley Historical Society; the holdup is that cars belonging to the New Jersey Transit Authority are parked in the way. The authority has been contacted to remove their cars and have tentatively set a date for late October/early November.

There were several complaints from the audience regarding summer help; one was about areas where grass has not been cut, and the other was about people apparently standing around, not working. Council’s response was that it would be discussed with the Streets Commissioner at the next codes meeting.

There was some discussion about the boro’s website and the need to update it. As the site was funded through the SCDA, it was agreed that they should be contacted to be involved in any discussion, and to advertise for bids for web hosting.

Under new business, motions carried to advertise for both Mr. Matis’ council seat and the boro administrator (secretary) position. As the job had only recently been filled, there was some discussion as to whether it would be sufficient to go through the applications that had been received at that time or to advertise the opening. Mr. Perry felt that since it had been over ninety days it should be advertised, and not just in the local newspapers but in larger ones, too.

Correspondence included a letter from a homeowner asking about the possibility of the boro vacating part of Sixth Ave., a portion that had at one time been a proposed street but was never officially designated as one. During discussion, it was noted that if it were vacated, it would then be split between the two adjacent property owners. Mr. Matis said that he would contact the homeowner who wrote the letter and discuss what is involved in the process if it is vacated.

Other correspondence included two letters notifying the boro that they are being awarded grant funds that had been applied for, one for $9,500 from DCED and one for $15,000 for police equipment.

Also received were an invitation to attend the county Economic Development and Progress Authority breakfast meeting on August 26, and a water quality permit renewal application.

Mr. Scales asked council to consider an ordinance to restrict exotic animals within the boro. He said that members of the ambulance company had encountered some that could be dangerous, such as a venomous snake, alligators, Gila monsters and a Burmese python. It was agreed to look at some sample ordinances, although anyone who currently owns such an animal would be “grandfathered” in.

Council also discussed complaints about cars parking too close to the intersection of Pleasant Ave. and Pine St., making it difficult for other vehicles to get through.

The meeting adjourned with council going into executive session to discuss a personnel issue.

The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, September 21 at 7:00 p.m.

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Courthouse Report
Compiled By Lauren Price Ficarro


Gerald E. and Gail Burke to Christopher Michael and Shara Blair Dudock, in Auburn Township for $125,000.00.0

Virginia Cooney Meeks to Virginia Cooney and Robert T. Meeks, in Ararat Township for one dollar.

George S. (by trustee) and Kristine B. (by trustee) Milochik to George S. and Kristine B. Milochik, in Rush Township for one dollar.

Kristine B. Milochik to George S. Milochik, in Rush Township for $67,000.00.

Robert G. Dean (trust by trustee) to Annette G. Dean, in Montrose for one dollar.

George F. Coleman (estate) to Kevin and George F., Jr. Coleman and Kelly Allen, in Rush Township for one dollar.

Ramon E. and Linda M. Tingley to R. Scott Tingley, in New Milford Borough for one dollar.

Donna M., Samuel J. and Christina Cosmello to Scott A. Lonzinski, in New Milford Borough for $35,000.00.

George H., Jr. and Judy Y. Stover to Laser Northeast Gathering Company LLC, in Great Bend Township for $34,706.66.

George H., Jr. and Judy Y. Stover to Laser Northeast Gathering Company LLC, in Great Bend Township for $34,706.66.

George H., Jr. and Judy Y. Stover to Laser Northeast Gathering Company LLC, in Great Bend Township for $34,706.66.

Charles L. and Sandra K. Parker to Laser Northeast Gathering Company LLC, in Forest Lake and Jessup Townships for $273,080.00.

Roger E. and Erin M. Scott to Laser Northeast Gathering Company LLC, in Great Bend Township for $47,360.00.

BPR LLC to Ryan Bidwell, in Lenox Township for one dollar.

William K., Jr. and Geraldine Kuiper to William K., Jr., Michael and Brian Kuiper, in Susquehanna for one dollar.

Catherine Dorothy Payne (AKA) Dorothy Payne (est by sheriff) to Citifinancial Services, Inc., in Forest City for $4,073.85.

Dora K. (AKA) Dora C. Hinkley to Sean R. and Kristine K. Morris, in Hallstead Borough for $119,000.00.

Alice L. Potter to Alice L. Potter (trust), in Jackson Township for one dollar.

Alice L. (AKA) Alice Potter to Alice L. Potter (trust), in Jackson Township for one dollar.

Alice L. Potter to Alice L. Potter (trust), in Jackson Township for one dollar.

Alice L. Potter to Alice L. Potter (trust), in Jackson Township for one dollar.

Gordon D. Eggleston to Jill E. and Julia S. Quigley, in Silver Lake Township for $75,000.00.

James and Janice Quigley to James D., Janice, Jill E. and Julia S. Quigley, in Silver Lake Township for one dollar.

Lynn M. Neal and Francis G., Sr. (AKA) Francis G. Loftus to Francis G. Loftus, Sr. (trust) and Lynn M. Neal (trust), in Clifford Township for one dollar.

Richard W. and Barbara A. Wilkins to Richard W. and Barbara A. Wilkins, in Harford Township for one dollar.

Nicholas B. and Alicia Quackenbush to Nicholas B. and Alicia Quackenbush, in Dimock Township for one dollar.

HSBC Bank USA National Trust Company (trustee) to United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in Ararat Township for one dollar.

Diane Laytos to Roger Owen and Elizabeth A. Sherman, in Springville Township for one dollar.

Fannie Mae (AKA) Federal National Mortgage Association (by POA) to Lawrence R. Holbrook, in Bridgewater Township for $64,900.00.

Donald T. and Janice V. Obrien to Donald T. Obrien, Jr., in Bridgewater Township for one dollar.

Emory Thorn, Sr. to Emery Thorn, Jr., in Hallstead Borough for one dollar.

Michelina R. Tori (estate) to Pine Camp LLC, in Middletown Township for one dollar.


Angela J. Stuckey of New Milford vs. James E. Stuckey of Binghamton, married 2007.


The Susquehanna County Domestic Relations Section has bench warrants for the following individuals as of 9:34 a.m. on August 20, 2010.

Erika L. Back, Keith Bryant Beach, Harold R. Bensley, David Shawn Blaisure, Ryan T. Brooks, James W.Donahue, III, Deborah L. Drish, Robert W. Evans, Jonathan Fathi, Shawn Fiorentino, David J. Fischer, George Graham, David Haines, Jr., Keith G. Harms, Kaci Jo Howell, Erik E. Krisovitch, Joshua S. Lee, Charlie J. Legere, Carlos L. Leiser, Jason Lindquist, Jennifer M. Miller, Shane Nelson, Anthony Neri, Sheri Pabon, Arthur D. Quick, David J. Shiner, Richard D. Shoemaker, Kristopher M. Slocum, Duane Spencer, Justin Thompson, Christina L. Trayes, Keith W. Vroman, Jamie L. Williams, Kenneth L. Wilmot, Jr., Karl D. Zantowsky.

Please contact the Domestic Relations Section at 570-278-4600 ext. 170 with any information on the location of these individuals.

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NM Twp. Gets Calcium, Notary
By Melinda Darrow

Jim Hunter was absent from the August 18 New Milford Township meeting. Only two visitors were present, one of whom was staff. This made total attendance at the meeting, which lasted around fifteen minutes, five persons. Still, the short, sparsely attended meeting did bring forth some items and decisions of note.

The supervisors had been checking around for a new loader, due to difficulties with the current one. It was announced that they were in the process of purchasing one, and a motion was made to that effect. The purchase was not put out to bid because it was purchased through the state, through the Costars program. Under this system items are pre-bid.

The township had received some phone calls inquiring as to why some roads were tar and chipped, while others were not. Mr. Conroy explained that the process is being applied to areas where a definitive benefit is seen. It is being done to sections of road where it is needed to hold materials onto the road, thus certain inclines have been treated. Also, it is being done to intersections to keep dust down.

Mr. Shibley then spoke up that if any resident did have troubles with dust they could contact the township. The township now has a water truck, which can be filled with calcium and dispatched to areas where treatment is required. This is expected to be more convenient for residents.

The secretary was to be appointed treasurer on September 1, such that she will fill both roles within the township. Also, it was announced, Julene Graham, the secretary, has become a notary, so if notary services are necessitated while she's at the township she could be contacted through the township.

A flyer was referred to, regarding the centennial committee's sock hop. This is a repeat of the sock hop held at Green Gables during the centennial celebration. The event is scheduled for September 12.

A visitor asked if the bridge on Bailey's road had been finished. It was replied that DEP had paid a visit, and the project is thus set to go.

A visitor had also asked in the past about moving a building. Ms. Graham had done research for her, and had discovered that whether or not a permit was needed depended on the type of building. She referred her to contact the codes enforcement officer.

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Silver Lake Twp. Police Report
Submitted By Silver Lake Twp. Police Department


On June 11, Domenick Griffin of Friendsville, was arrested for DUI after operating his ATV on the roadway in Forest Lake Township. After a short pursuit, Mr. Griffin was apprehended in a nearby field.


On July 3, it was reported that younger individuals were drinking alcoholic beverages and being disrespectful at Brookside Park in Franklin Township. It is illegal to have alcohol at the park and it is posted such. Upon SLTPD arrival, a family swimming at the time stated that several people had just left in several cars and headed north on SR29 towards NY state.


On July 3, a loud music disturbance was reported on Laurel Lake after 2200 hrs. The participants complied with a request to reduce the volume.


On July 4, it was reported by Mary McCarthy on Laurel Lake, that a brown lab dog, owned by Joanne Burr, had attacked her on July 3 and had to be pulled away by the owner. The incident was turned over to the Dog Warden.


On July 4, Kirk Vanzanberger, from Brackney, had a confrontation with a motor vehicle driver while riding his bicycle near Murphy’s Corner. Apparently the vehicle came close to striking the bicycle.


July 4, Alexis Delousia was returning home with some friends when a deer jumped off of a bank on SR29 directly in front of her vehicle, killing the deer. No one was injured and the car sustained some minor damage.


On July 6, Edward Giblin of Brackney reported that someone has been stealing gas from his vehicle while it is parked on his property. On July 12, Mr. Giblin reported that gas again has been taken from his vehicle. SLPD will increase patrols in the area as well as Mr. Giblin making some security adjustments.


On July 7, Donald Herne reported that someone had entered his home on Hamlin Road, Forest Lake Township, and took material items belonging to him. He suspects it was a previous friend. This incident is still under investigation.


An attempt to stop a vehicle, for a routine traffic speeding violation on SR29, Franklin Township, resulted in multiple agencies pursuing the vehicle on several roads before it was stopped at a residence on Buckley Road, Franklin Township. Several individuals were questioned at the residence while others had run off into the wooded area. The vehicle registration and plate were not valid. Multiple warrants and charges are pending and this incident is still under investigation.


On July 7, Ed Miner’s home in Forest Lake Township suffered some minor damage from an ATV accident after the vehicle was inadvertently left on a hillside without the brakes engaged. The company owning the ATV paid for all restitution and damages.


On July 7, Donald Herne reported trespassing at his property in Forest Lake Township. Items were missing from his property that he states were probably taken by a former friend. This incident is still under investigation.


On July 10, a response to an ambulance call in Silver Lake Township resulted in an investigation showing that a minor had been riding a Suzuki ATV of another when he lost control of the vehicle at the intersection of Rhiney Creek Road and Patton Road. The vehicle crashed into several trees off of the roadway. The youth suffered a broken leg and ankle and was transported by Silver Lake Ambulance to Wilson Hospital after being helped by a passing motorist.


On July 12, a house setter in Silver Lake Township reported that a former friend was harassing her and friends. Repeated efforts to stop the harassment had failed. The individual was contacted and advised of the consequences if the activity continued.


On July 13, it was reported that a seismic testing crew might have been harassed by youths carrying guns in the area of their work activity. Investigation of the incident showed that youths with pellet guns had been in the area on their own property with no ill intent.


On July 13, a Forest Lake Township resident reported that a very young youth had been running up and down Fraser Road and spinning around on her property. SLTPD identified the ATV and talked with the owner and parents of the youth and the situation was rectified.


On July 16, a black Pontiac driven by Tara McPherson of New Milford, PA, ran into the back of a red Chevy p/u truck driven by Richard Clark of Hallstead, PA. The accident happened on Franklin Hill Road, Franklin Township. Clark stated an animal ran in front of his vehicle and he slammed on his brakes. McPhearson was unable to stop in time to avoid the collision. The drivers and passengers were not injured.


On July 16, a Silver Lake resident reported that PGS Onshore gas well personnel had trespassed onto her private property and left markers on it. The company liaison was contacted and they agreed to rectify the situation and that it was a boundary identification mistake on their part.


On July 17, SLTPD was dispatched to assist Montrose PD with an unlicensed driver and unregistered vehicle with resistance and a probable DUI suspect.


On July 17, SLTPD were dispatched for a minor hit-and-run parking lot fender bender at the Forest Lake Fire Company Field Days Grounds. William Robinson of Hop Bottom had his Ford Escort damaged while it was parked in the lot.


On July 19, Kory Kibler of New Milford, lost control of a 1999 Oldsmobile coup he was driving while traveling south on SR29 attempting to turn onto Potter Road. He and a passenger, John Sutton of New Milford, were not injured when the vehicle rolled over after entering Potter Road. Kibler was driving at an unsafe speed.


On July 21, a Silver Lake Township resident reported a serious domestic situation that had not yet resulted in any physical injuries. She was advised as to her courses of action.


On July 24, a report of possible assault abduction by two different parties resulted in only an upset individual over her own vehicle tire blowout. Investigation showed that it was a bizarre misunderstanding by observing parties.


On July 26 and 27, multiple calls came in for trespassing by seismic testing personnel. The liaison was contacted by SLTPD to help investigate the situation.


On July 31, a one-car motor vehicle accident on Britton Road resulted in Joshua Peters, Jr. of Montrose being arrested for DUI. He and a passenger, John Wittenberg, Jr. of Montrose, were arrested for multiple resistance and assault related charges which took place at the scene, at the hospital and at the Montrose Police Station. Both were arraigned and placed in the Susquehanna County Detention Facility.


On July 31, SLTPD responded to a dispute at a graduation party on Forks Hill Road, Franklin Township. Upon arrival, police found Stephen Mohr, of Poolville, Texas, was severely cut about the face eye area and in need of medical attention. He was transported to Montrose EMHS with the assistance of SLTPD. There had been a confrontation with other individuals who had already left the area for NY state. Binghamton Police went to a local NY hospital to help with the investigation. This incident is still under investigation with several individuals facing possible assault and other charges.

Any information or questions for the Silver Lake Township Police, please call 570-278-6818 or e-mail All information will be held strictly confidential.

Visit the Silver Lake Township Website at to see all of the Silver Lake Townships’ news, profiles and resources, including the police reports.

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Sentencing Report

Following is the Susquehanna County sentencing report for August, 2010 as submitted by the county District Attorney’s office.

Kristy Skiro, 36, of Tunkhannock, PA to 6 months probation, pay $100 Act 198 fee, pay $50 CAT Surcharge, pay $10 EMS, pay $300 fine, pay cost of prosecution, attend alcohol safe driving school program, receive a drug and alcohol evaluation for Driving Under the Influence in Springville on January 1, 2010.

Ashly Jack, 20, of Windsor, NY to 2 1/2 months to 23 1/2 months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, pay $500 fine, pay cost of prosecution, pay $50 Criminal Justice Enhancement Act fee, pay $100 Act 198 fee, complete New Horizons Program, maintain employment for Delivery of a Controlled Substance in Hallstead Borough on July 15, 2009. The defendant also received 2 1/2 months to 23 1/2 months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, pay $350 fine, pay cost of prosecution, pay $50 Criminal Justice Enhancement Act fee, pay $100 Act 198 fee, complete New Horizons Program, maintain employment for Delivery of a Controlled Substance in Hallstead Borough on July 15, 2009. Finally, Ms. Jack received 12 months probation to run consecutive to the above sentences, pay $200 fine, pay cost of prosecution, pay $100 Act 198 fee, pay $50 Criminal Justice Enhancement Act fee for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia in Hallstead Borough on August 26, 2009.

Jeremy P Hunsinger, 28, of Towanda, PA to 45 days to 15 months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, pay $400 fine, pay cost of prosecution, pay $50 Criminal Justice Enhancement Act fee, not to possess transport or consume alcoholic beverages, not to have contact with the victim in this case, not to have contact with anyone on supervision, supervision may be transferred to Broome County, NY for Criminal Trespass in Rush Township on May 7, 2010.

April Michele Kravchenko, 38, of Montrose, PA to 6 months to 23 1/2 months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, pay $350 fine, pay $50 Criminal Justice Enhancement Act fee, pay $100 Act 198 fee, pay cost of prosecution, continue with drug and alcohol counseling for Acquiring or Obtaining Possession of a Controlled Substance by Misrepresentation in Susquehanna Borough on December 10, 2009.

Gabriel Maginley, 18, of Montrose, PA to 6 months to 23 1/2 months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, pay $350 fine, pay $50 Criminal Justice Enhancement Act fee, pay cost of prosecution, receive anger management counseling, receive outpatient Drug and Alcohol treatment for Recklessly Endangering Another Person in Montrose Borough on April 17, 2010. Mr. Maginley also received 6 months to 23 1/2 months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, to run concurrent to the above sentence, pay $450 fine, pay $50 Criminal Justice Enhancement Act fee, pay cost of prosecution, receive anger management counseling, receive outpatient Drug and Alcohol treatment for Firearms not to be Carried without a License in Montrose Borough on April 17, 2010. Finally, Mr. Maginley received 2 months to 11 months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, to run concurrent to the above sentences, pay $250 fine, pay cost of prosecution, pay restitution to the victim in this case for Receiving Stolen Property in Montrose Borough on April 4, 2010.

Brian Eugene Repchick, 38, of Hallstead, PA to 11 1/2 months to 23 1/2 months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, pay $500 fine, pay $50 Criminal Justice Enhancement Act fee, pay cost of prosecution, not to have contact with the victim in this case, not to have contact with children under the age of 18, receive sexual offender treatment for Criminal Attempt/Sexual Abuse of Children in Franklin Township on February 13, 2009. Mr. Repchick also received 11 1/2 months to 23 1/2 months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, to run concurrent to the above sentence, pay $500 fine, pay cost of prosecution, pay $50 Criminal Justice Enhancement Act fee, not to have contact with the victim in this case, not to have contact with children under the age of 18, not to go within 3 miles of parks/schools, 10 p.m. curfew, receive sexual offenders treatment for Statutory Sexual Assault in New Milford on November 1, 2008. Finally, Mr. Repchick received 7 years probation to run concurrent, pay $350 fine, pay cost of prosecution, pay $50 Criminal Justice Enhancement Act fee for Possession of Child Pornography in New Milford on July 7, 2009.

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Hallstead Addresses Complaints

The August 19 Hallstead Boro Council meeting began with opening of bids for sale of the old boro truck. Five were received, ranging from $5,250 to $8,210. A motion carried to accept the highest bid; the new owner will be notified that he has one week to pick it up, and that it must be paid by certified check.

Numerous complaints had been received about a house near the Pine and Church Streets intersection; there has been an accumulation of trash and the grass has not been regularly mowed. The owner was contacted, but is out of town and will be unable to return soon due to health concerns. The boro does have an ordinance that covers such situations, but it allows for a thirty-day period (after notice) to clean it up. At the solicitor’s recommendation, the ordinance will be amended to allow only ten days from notice.

Discussion of the trash problem brought an intriguing proposal to the table. What if the boro were to erect a billboard and post pictures of problem properties along with the name, address and phone number of the owner? Neighbors would be able to contact the owners directly with this information when there was a situation that warranted a complaint. Unfortunately, there are those property owners who would not be shamed to see their houses posted, but council agreed that it was definitely an idea to consider.

Two of the boro’s three garage doors are in need of replacing; price quotes were obtained and a motion carried to approve the replacement. A price will also be obtained for replacement of the third, so that it can be considered in next year’s budget.

The sidewalk replacement project was scheduled to begin on August 9, but has been postponed until the middle of September.

The old building at the ballfield will be taken down in early September once league play has ended, and footers and the floor should be in by the end of October.

The remainder of discussion concerned filling potholes on the dirt road near the cemetery, apparent activity at the foundry property, replacement of a sluice pipe at New York Ave. and Church St., and caved pavement on Main St.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, September 16 at 7:00 p.m.

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Bend Boro Buys Bearmobile
By Ted Brewster

In barely 5 minutes, the Great Bend Borough Council spent $7,000 to buy a 3-year-old police car.

The special meeting on August 16 was the shortest on record with a quorum; only Mike VanGorden was absent. Bids to sell the Borough a police car were due that morning, so, at their regular meeting on August 5 Council scheduled a meeting for 5:00 p.m. to expedite the purchase - short of officers, the most significant cost of starting up a police department of their own.

As expected, the lone bidder was the Port Dickinson (New York) Police Department, for a gleaming black Ford Crown Victoria. Once the vehicle is transferred, the borough will have to find a place to put it while it’s being suitably outfitted for its new place of business, and until the borough can formally establish a police department to use it.

In a roll-call vote, Council unanimously (and eagerly) accepted the bid. Maybe it will be available for inspection by the public at the next public meeting, scheduled for Thursday, September 2, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Borough Building at Elizabeth and Franklin Streets.

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September Jurors Drawn

Following is the list of names drawn to serve as Petit and Traverse jurors to appear in the Court of Common Pleas, Susquehanna County Courthouse, Montrose, on the seventh day of September at 9:00 a.m.

Apolacon Twp.: Gerald Nichols, Joann Walter.

Ararat Twp.: Esther Marcy, Rita Reavey.

Auburn Twp.: Dora Cobb, Marjorie Singer.

Bridgewater Twp.: Linda Blaisure, Effie Breeze.

Brooklyn Twp.: Janet Albert, Linda Albert, John Rosler.

Clifford Twp.: Robert Barrese, Michael Dec, Christian Kutch, Catherine White.

Dimock Twp.: Lisa Andrejack.

Forest City 1W: Ann Barnowski.

Forest Lake Twp.: Stacey Acker, Scott Davis, Francis Karpov, Lynn Powell, John Rihl, Rosemary Stewart.

Franklin Twp.: Steven Puterbaugh.

Gibson Twp.: David Stelmach.

Great Bend Boro: Roxane Davis, Nathan Miller.

Great Bend Twp.: Jason Auckland, Charles Emerson, Kevin Oakley, William Richner, Donald Tyler.

Hallstead Boro: Dolores Henderson, Cheri Penny, Marie Terry, Becky Tierney.

Harford Twp.: Elizabeth Montalvo, Brenda Payne, Bruce Wakalowski.

Herrick Twp.: Edward Price, Bernard Zembrzycki.

Jackson Twp.: Jason Bedford.

Lenox Twp.: Ursula Belivakici, Gail Davidson, Lee Mead.

Liberty Twp.: Charles Pratt.

Little Meadows Boro: Jacqueline Barnum.

Montrose Boro 1W: Christopher Welch.

Montrose Boro 2W: Carol Lake.

New Milford Boro: George Marble, Melissa Martin, Duane Snell.

New Milford Twp.: Joseph Callahan, Trudi Hepler, Mark Marshall, Scott Updyke.

Oakland Boro: Tobin Crawford, Beatrice Tross.

Oakland Twp.: Shirley Law, John Sedlock, Melissa Wolf.

Rush Twp.: Helen Barlow, Ann Gary, Edward Hogan, Arden MacGeorge, Jamie Roman.

Silver Lake Twp.: Thomas Dublin, Nicole Major-Stocks, Evelyn Martin, Michelle Mayes, Jennifer McPherson, Curtis Parvin, Nancy Posten, Jason Sodon, Stanley Vail.

Springville Twp.: Patricia Snee, Roger Williams, James Williams.

Susquehanna Boro 1W: Ruby Bishop.

Susquehanna Boro 2W: Edward Collins.

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