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HEADLINES: Stearns Road Revisited In Harford For the past couple of months, residents at Tingley Lake have been attending meetings of the Harford Township Supervisors anxious to hear what, if anything, the township is going to do about relieving the threat of flooding. Four years ago, heavy rains raised the level of the lake, damaging several low-lying homes along the shore. The problem is a sluice under Stearns Road at the lake’s outlet. The township subsequently engaged an engineering firm to design a replacement for the sluice, but so far the township Supervisors have balked at the estimated cost - upwards of $200,000. The township has applied for grants to help out, so far with no luck. Last month Supervisor Garry Foltz said he would look further into the matter. At the July meeting on the 13th, he reported having examined the dam and the road; he said he will ask his colleagues to look at it again. He said that he would be contacting a representative of the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for an opinion, hoping to come up with a less-expensive alternative approach. After the 2006 flood, the Supervisors took out a no-interest “infrastructure” loan from the state in the amount of $500,000 to help with the restoration of the washed-out bridge over Butler Creek on Pennay Hill Road, as well as the Stearns Road project. The Butler Creek bridge project was completed and the township fully reimbursed from federal and state emergency management funds. Stearns Road so far is the responsibility of the township and Mr. Foltz said that the township “can’t just slam the taxpayers with the extra cost.” There is some hope that some money might become available by leasing the township’s few acres to a natural gas exploration company. Mr. Foltz said that a proposed lease is being considered, but would not commit to allocating all of the lease bonus to anything in particular. In fact, during question time, a resident asked what might be done to protect the water supply of Harford village from contamination due to natural gas exploration. She was particularly concerned about Tyler Lake, which used to be the town’s reservoir. According to Mr. VanGorden, the town has long since been getting its water from 3 wells instead of the lake. The wells are near the lake, however, and reports of contaminated wells elsewhere have raised awareness. State Senator Lisa Baker has apparently introduced legislation in Harrisburg that would prohibit drilling within a half mile of a domestic water supply source. Mr. Foltz noted, however, that state surveys and other documents show that water wells throughout the area have contained methane (the major component of natural gas) for a very long time, well before any natural gas exploration came to Susquehanna County. Mr. Foltz also reported that a project to replace a sluice under Richardson Road is still awaiting a DEP permit. That project is supported by a grant from the county for maintenance of wetlands. The Supervisors enthusiastically signed onto a resolution proposed by the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) opposing legislation that would encourage merges and consolidations of local governments in favor of government at the county level. “Harford Township is against this action,” said Mr. Foltz. In furtherance of local governance, Mr. Foltz is proposing yet another ordinance. A brief document, this one would prohibit the theft, defacing or otherwise damaging of public or private property in the township. Violation of the ordinance would incur a penalty of between $50 and $500. The ordinance is a result of frustration over theft and damage to many of the new street signs that the township is installing in compliance with new state and federal regulations. Supervisor and Roadmaster Terry VanGorden said that some of the portable “road work” signs have been stolen as well; he said they cost about $250 each. Mr. Foltz said the supervisors will also be looking into refinancing the 40-year loan that supported the installation of the township sewer system. Some time ago when the issue was studied interest rates were too high to warrant the move. Now it appears that Peoples National Bank has made an offer that might be more attractive. In a brief mid-year budget review, Mr. Foltz said that, except for repairs to equipment, the budget looks okay. Repair expenses have been high this year. An accident last winter led to major repairs to one of the township’s large trucks, but that was covered by insurance. The Harford Township Supervisors usually meet in public session on the second Tuesday of each month, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at the township building on Route 547.
Fee Borne By Delinquents The Susquehanna County Commissioners voted to add a delinquency administrative fee on delinquent real estate tax accounts, effective Jan. 1, 2011, at the July 14 meeting. In order to enhance collections by the Susquehanna County Tax Claim Bureau (SCTCB) and increase distributions to all county taxing districts, beginning on January 1, 2011, the SCTCB will no longer charge municipalities and school districts the statutory five percent commission on monies collected by the SCTCB upon face and penalty amounts for delinquent real estate taxes. Rather, a delinquency administrative/contingency fee of five percent will be added to the penalty amount for all delinquent tax payers as they relate to all taxing districts (municipalities, school districts and the county of Susquehanna). This means the burden of the collection fee will no longer be imposed on the taxpayers who pay their taxes on time and will be transferred to the delinquent tax payers. The county allows a delinquent tax payer two years to catch up on unpaid taxes. The addition of the five percent fee directly to the delinquent tax payer's cost is expected to serve as an incentive for delinquents to pay what they owe in a more timely manner. When people fall behind on payment of real estate taxes, the taxing district loses income and is forced to raise tax rates on all taxpayers to make up for the shortfall. "We've done a lot of research on this," said Susquehanna County Treasurer Cathy Benedict. "The alternative of bringing in a private entity to collect delinquent taxes would be worse, as they could operate with no cap in place as to the percentage they could charge for collections. Their rates could go up to 40 or 50 percent and we would have no control over it," she said. July 26 has been proclaimed Americans with Disabilities Act Day in the county. Since its enactment in 1990, the ADA has proven to be the most sweeping piece of civil rights for people with disabilities ever passed and continues to improve the lives of millions. The act prohibits discrimination in employment, state and local government, public accommodations and telecommunications. Its influence now reaches all aspects of daily life by promoting greater access in the private sector as stores, restaurants, theaters and hotels comply, benefiting customers with disabilities. Communication access has improved for people who are deaf or hard of hearing by requiring telephone companies to provide accessible telecommunication services 24 hours per day. Two magisterial districts will see changes in personnel. In Magisterial District Judge Jeffrey Hollister's office, the resignation of Gail Shields was accepted with regret. Mildred Fetterman, a clerk/typist in Hollister's office resigned her position and was rehired as office manager. Dawn Bronzonis, Clifford Township, is the new full time clerk typist in Mag. District Judge Suzanne Brainard's office. Linda Gardner has been hired to the temporary part-time position of Tax Claim Clerk for the period of July 6, 2010 through the September '10 Upset Sale, estimated to be Sept. 15. The Tax Claim Bureau has also hired two temporary workers to process antlerless deer applications. Sharon Stockholm and Jeanette Jacobs-Cox will be employed until the applications are processed, probably by Sept. 13. Marissa Franchek of Brackney is the new part-time dispatcher trainee in the 911 department. Judy Hobday, Montrose, was hired to the full time clerk typist position in the Children & Youth department. During the Salary Board meeting, commissioners agreed to extend one part-time temporary clerk position, with varied hours, in the 911 department to work on mapping and re-addressing issues, at a rate of $8.50 per hour with benefits, per the Residual Bargaining Unit Contract. The re-addressing process is near completion, but there are still many concerns and questions from residents to be dealt with. The extension begins August 1, 2010, and will change to a union position on that date, and will end no later than December 31, 2010. Commissioners authorized signing of the Lackawanna/Susquehanna office of Drug & Alcohol Programs providers contracts for fiscal 2010-2011, as well as agreements between the Lackawanna/Susquehanna Counties Mental Health and Mental Retardation Program and the nearly 50 entities who provide services over the course of a year. The contract to replace carpeting in the lower conference room in the county office building went to the bid of $5,400 submitted by Rug Fair Commercial and Industrial, Inc., Endwell. N.Y. Guyette Communication Industries will provide repairs and routine maintenance to telephones at the Susquehanna County Correctional Facility for a monthly service fee of $30 through June 30, 2011. The next Susquehanna County Commissioners meeting is 9 a.m., Wednesday, July 28, in the lower conference room of the county office building, 31 Public Ave., Montrose.
Courthouse Report DEEDS Michelle J. Galanter and John T. Reynolds to Patricia Galanter, in Herrick Township for one dollar. Louis Eglesia (estate) to Diane T. Atkinson, in Auburn Township for one dollar. Peoples National Bank to Gregard LLC, in Susquehanna for $40,000.00. Ruth H. Radicchi to Joann Radicchi, Michael Hargrove, Carol and Richard Tingley, Linda and Stephen Zilla, Sharon and Richard Soden and Sandra and Vito Zaccheo, in Jackson Township for one dollar. George Carlton, Jr. (AKA) George C., Jr. and Louise H. Shafer to Jones Creek Partnership, in Liberty and Silver Lake Townships for one dollar. Geraldine B. Hill to John R. Hill, in Bridgewater Township for one dollar. Jeffrey A. Tyler (by sheriff) to Beneficial Consumer Discount Company (DBA) Beneficial Mortgage Co., in Ararat Township for $5,287.84. Anna Valentine to Marianne Lukus, Karen Valentine, Marlies Gregory and Linda Andzulis, in Lenox Township for one dollar. Russell L. Aults (estate) to Randy E. and Betty L. Eichelberger, in Gibson Township for one dollar. William M. Ruark and Alderdice, Inc. to WLR Family Partnership, in Dimock Township for $85,368.00. William Ruark to WLR Family Partnership, in Middletown Township for $66,096.00. William Ruark to WLR Family Partnership, in Dimock Township for $124,913.60. Alderdice, Inc. to WLR Family Partnership, in Dimock Township for $13,300.00. Jessie M. Cook (by atty) to Richard L., Audrey L., Gerald R., Susan L., Daniel W. and Mary K. Cook, in New Milford Township for $1,500.00. Donald J. Frantz (by sheriff) to Lawrence T., Christine M. and Thomas J. O’Reilly, in Springville Township for $156,000.00. Shirley Silipo to Shirley Silipo and Daphne S. Cowperthwait, in Lanesboro Borough for one dollar. James Tyler and Holly Ann Reese to Blackwood Enterprises LLC, in Herrick Township for one dollar. David M. and Joann Myers to Amori & Riegel LLC, in Herrick Township for $10.00. Alar Family Limited Partnership to Alvin Tilley, in Bridgewater Township for one dollar. Linda S. and Richard Avery to Richard (trust) and Linda S. (trust) Avery, in Ararat Township for one dollar. Linda S. and Richard Avery to Richard (trust) and Linda S. (trust) Avery, in Ararat Township for one dollar. Ernest W. and Helen H. Hausmann to Peter D. and Alexandra J. Vanderlyke, in Forest Lake Township for one dollar. Kevin J. and Elizabeth S. Spickerman to Elizabeth S. Spickerman, in Montrose for one dollar. Bradley L., Joy J., Mark A. and Lori A. Marcy to Bradley L., Joy J., Mark A. and Lori A. Marcy, in Lenox Township for one dollar. Bradley L. and Joy J. Marcy to Bradley L. and Joy J. Marcy, in Lenox Township for one dollar. Susan Pfahl to Susan Pfahl, in Lenox Township for one dollar. Lawrence T., Christine M. and Thomas J. O’Reilly to Mario Fasullo, in Springville Township for $166,000.00. Stella K. Jones (estate) to William J., Patricia M. and Scott L. Odell, in Harford Township for $127,500.00. Evelyn J. Polovitch to Evelyn J. Polovitch (trust), in Lathrop Township for one dollar. BENCH WARRANTS The Susquehanna County Domestic Relations Section has bench warrants for the following individuals as of July 16, 2010 at 10:15 a.m. Erika L. Back, Keith Bryant Beach, Harold R. Bensley, Tonya S. Birchard, Shelley Marie Bixby, David Shawn Blaisure, Allen S Bowman, Ryan T. Brooks, Howard A. Burns, III, Deborah L. Drish, Robert W. Evans, Jonathan Fathi, David J. Fischer, Racheal L. Frisbie, George Graham, George Graham, Andy Lee Groff, David Haines, Jr., Keith G. Harms, Erik E. Krisovitch, Joshua S. Lee, Charlie J. Legere, Carlos L. Leiser, Jason Lindquist, Mark C. McCarey, Matthew S. Miller, Jennifer M. Miller, Kristine M. Nelson, Shane Nelson, Anthony Neri, Anthony E. Olszewski, Sheri Pabon, Arthur D. Quick, Neil D. Shaffer, David J. Shiner, Richard D. Shoemaker, Kristopher M. Slocum, Duane Spencer, Justin Thompson, Christina L. Trayes, Charles VanWinkle, Jr., Keith W. Vroman, Jamie L. Williams, Kenneth L. Wilmot, Jr., Karl D. Zantowsky. Please contact the Domestic Relations Section at 570-278-4600 ext. 170 with any information on the location of these individuals.
G. B. Focus On Police, Again The Great Bend Borough Council held a second meeting this month, this one focused almost exclusively on creating a police department for the borough. Council added $20,000 to the local property tax this year specifically to pay for some kind of local police coverage. Now that all other efforts - including a nascent regional system - have failed, Council has decided to press forward to create its own police force, and is determined to see it through. And Jerry MacConnell, the driving force, led the meeting with his characteristic doggedness. Council had been told by Jon Record, chief of police in Lanesboro and a sort of consultant to Great Bend, about a car that would become available at Port Dickinson, NY. Mr. MacConnell visited that town, inspected the vehicle, and was so impressed that he was prepared, as he said, to “pony up the money right now,” to purchase the thing. It’s a 2007 Ford Crown Victoria (known familiarly as a “Crown Vic” in the trade) police model, outfitted with lots of lights and sirens, only 56,000 miles old, and available for only $7,000. So “immaculate” was it that Mr. MacConnell recommended that Council not bother with a mechanic’s inspection. Trouble is, for an expenditure that large, the Borough has to solicit bids. So Council moved to advertise for bids for a car exactly like that one - or better - and expects to be able to open the bids by mid-August. Had Port Dickinson been in Pennsylvania, the Borough could have simply purchased the vehicle through an inter-municipal transaction. Alas, to make the car available to Great Bend Borough across state lines, Port Dickinson will have to submit a formal bid. Bids or no bids, “our intent is to buy that vehicle,” said Council chair Rick Franks. Indeed, a long-time borough resident said that he, too, had looked at the car, and was second in line to buy it; and, if Great Bend couldn’t get it, he would, and then make it available to the borough himself. A police department can’t be officially established without a nationally-unique identifier, called an ORI number. ORI numbers are issued by the state and Great Bend already has one from its now long-defunct former effort at a local police department. However, because of a cloud still hanging over a pension for the former police chief, no one wanted to resurrect that number, least of all the borough’s solicitor, Frank O’Connor. Thus, Borough Secretary Sheila Guinan was tasked with finding out what it takes to get a new ORI number. Council has been told that it could take as long as 4 months, but Mr. MacConnell is certain that can be cut down. A police department next needs an office. The borough’s part-time maintenance employee is assisting in the redesign of a part of the borough garage for the purpose. Mr. MacConnell already had two quotes for the renovation, both of them in the neighborhood of $3,500. Mike VanGorden had been tasked with finding another necessary item: badges. It looks like they will cost between $60 and $100 each. And patches, which only come in batches of at least 30; Council determined that a batch of 200 would be the best buy. Furniture is expected to be donated. Ms. Guinan suggested that a computer could be had for the allocated amount of about $500. They’ll need a chronometer, a shotgun, some breathalyzers, and a number of other items to get the police department up and running. Most of all, however, a police department needs officers. Mr. Record recommended 3, or at most 4, part-time employees, presumably including himself. Council heard concerns, however, that candidate officers should be carefully vetted and interviewed, and pledged to do so. One business owner expressed a fear apparently shared by the VFW that officers would park outside the town’s two bars, perhaps follow patrons home. Similar suspicions have been laid at the officers patrolling New Milford on a contract basis. Council still has to hear from solicitor O’Connor about the legal aspects of creating a police force in town, and the borough’s insurance company also has to weigh in. Council will consider the matter further at its next meeting on Thursday, August 5, beginning at 7:00 p.m. In the meantime, there is a parade to consider. The tail end of the meeting was devoted to Council’s participation in the festivities commemorating the town’s 150th birthday this weekend. If you attended the celebration, you’ll know how the discussions came out.
FCR PSSA Scores Noticed At a Forest City Regional school board meeting July 12, high school principal Christine Acevedo and elementary principal Kenneth Swartz discussed PSSA test results. Both schools made Adequate Yearly Progress. Overall high school averages were 68 percent in math and 79 percent in reading. However, Acevedo cautioned that eleventh grade scores were weak and “seriously need some improvement.” An overall average for the elementary school was not available, but Swartz stated that every grade level from third through sixth grade scored advanced or proficient on the PSSAs. “I think the elementary has done an outstanding job,” praised Swartz. A parent of an FCR pre-K student asked why aides will not be on the bus with the students this school year. “I don’t feel that it’s safe [not to have them],” she said. “We’re the only district that had aides to begin with,” Vadella stated. He explained that Head Start provided the aides last year. However, due to funding cuts, neither Head Start nor Forest City Regional can supply aides on the buses this year. EZ PC Recycling, which has been hired to remove the school’s outdated technology equipment, has offered to hold a free community pick-up. Details will be advertised. Most extracurricular appointments were approved by the board, although a few had been made at previous meetings, and some have yet to be approved. One individual asked why a varsity basketball coach has yet to be chosen. Vadella stated that a coach probably will be appointed at the next school board meeting. A motion was made to approve a revision to the District Policy concerning V-Linc courses, permitting the courses to count toward GPA and class rank. The motion died for lack of a majority vote. In his report, Vadella recognized the school staff for its role in improving PSSA scores at Forest City Regional, stating that the faculty is “teaching our [regular] program, and getting the [PSSA] scores up, also.” An SAT prep course will be held at the school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the first two weeks in August. Additional information is available on the school website. A grant application to put up a windmill on-site was drafted and submitted. Vadella stated that should the school receive the funds, it could expect to generate approximately thirty percent of its energy from the windmill. By passing an exam, students participating in advanced Project Lead the Way courses can now earn college credits for those courses. A final announcement concerned Forest City Regional’s Weather Bug system, which now is “up and running.” Student Brady Kuruts was congratulated for his work in obtaining the system for the school. Although data is not yet available on the school website, Forest City weather information can be accessed at
Choconut Kids Excel In Archery Every year the July meeting of the Montrose Area School District runs short; the work session is cancelled. The July 16 meeting was no exception. Most of the people in attendance were there to honor the student archer's from the Choconut Valley Club. The program was started four years ago when it had about 40 students and 5 instructors; it has really grown since. One of the most exciting parts of the program, Mr. McComb said, is the parent participation. This year, the program had just under 70 students involved. Along with that, all of the students excelled. In archery, not only can you compete against others, he said, you can compete against yourself. Even if you aren't the best, you can get a little better week by week. He called this one of the best parts of the program. He said we have a lot of talent in the program, and acknowledged the coaches, parents, and kids for their work and success. This year eleven students placed with individual first, second, or third grade medals. Also, the elementary team took first place overall in the state, and the middle school team took second. This later was a particular achievement, as it is the first year the middle school has fielded a team, and it did so with only nine participants, the least a team can have. The students acknowledged included: John Giangrieco, Nicole Kimmell, Andrew Fedish, Ben Foster, Katie Warner, Maddie Guinane, Katie Wruth, Spencer Quinn, Paige Yoemans, Makenzie Garner, Alexy Callaway, Kassidi Ramirez, Travis Carter, Julia Amorino, Jacob Hayes, Blair Pipher, Dominik Lippolis, Josh Giles, Emily Hare, Tyler Dovin, and Thomas Williams. The instructors also received the standard shake and certificate routine. They included: Maureen Quinn, Bob Kimmel, Mike Giangrieco, Glenn Weaver, Phil Yoemans, Fred Hayes, Karen Hayes, Diane Wurth, Mike Guinane, Tom Giles, Sue Giles, Ken Foster, and Jeff Williams. Four students went to the national competition in Louisville, KY, where just under 7,000 students were shooting. Those four students, Mr. McComb said, represented the school very well. Chris Caterson and Mary Homan were designated to be school board voting delegates, to participate in the PSBA Legislative Policy Council meeting. This meeting was to be held on October 14, 2010 during the School Leadership Conference in Hershey. A motion was approved to award a bid to Singer in the amount of $92,019.00 for replacement of dishwashers in each school building cafeteria, to be paid from the 22 Fund and the Food Service budget. This had been discussed and decided upon at a previous meeting. Several changes were made to extracurricular staffing. Ryan Soden was appointed as head baseball coach, Heather Bradley as assistant volleyball coach, and James Fluck as junior high cross country coach. Two resignations were accepted with regret: Emily Barile as junior high field hockey co-coach and Mark Ziminsky as junior high field hockey co-coach. Then, a motion was made to declare the head field hockey coach position vacant and advertise for applicants immediately. A few full-time staff positions were altered as well. The resignation for the purpose of retirement was accepted with regret from Carl Rinyu, night custodian at the Lathrop Street Elementary School. Ryan Griffiths was employed as a contracted social studies instructor at the Junior-Senior High School. The contract of Michelle Lusk as the Business Manager was approved. It was slated to run through June 30, 2016 as submitted. Chris Caterson spoke up expressing his opinion that Ms. Lusk had done a wonderful job. Mr. Wilcox and Ms. Truman seconded the emotion. One of the baseball volunteers, and a former paid assistant baseball coach, attended the meeting to protest the dismissal of the head coach at the June meeting. He stated that he would no longer be volunteering his time with the Montrose baseball team, and that he did not understand why he and other coaches were not approached as to what had occurred. He reported that when Jason Legg, the dismissed worker's brother, had contacted the board regarding the reason for the dismissal, he had been informed that it was due to inappropriate language. That evening's visitor spoke up, stating that the Montrose athletics policy does not state that a coach can be dismissed for this reason, and expressing his opinion that the Sunshine Law was violated. While Mr. Legg, he said, admitted to the language, he wanted to know why the other coaches had not been asked about the matter and why the board was enforcing a zero tolerance policy in this case when other coaches have said the same kind of things. The board listened politely to his statements, but then Mr. Wilcox stated that they could not, as the visitor himself had intimated, respond to him about the matter. The visitor replied that he understood, but accused the board of not backing its coaches, and left.
Gibson Barracks Report FORGERY Sometime overnight on June 24 an unlocked GMC pickup truck at a Brackney residence was broken in to and a silver IPOD and two paychecks belonging to James Clark of that town and Cory Lewis of Friendsville were stolen. STATE POLICE VEHICLE On July 14 at 10:20 a.m., Elizabeth Easton of Honey Brook, PA was traveling south on I-81 in the left Southbound lane. At that time Gerald Powell of Dunmore was also traveling south on that road, in the same lane, with emergency lighting and siren activated. As he approached Easton, she lost control of her vehicle, and was subsequently struck by the police car, hitting a guardrail on the left side of the roadway. Powell, in turn, struck a guard rail on the right side of the roadway. Easton was utilizing a seatbelt; she was not injured. Powell was utilizing a seatbelt; he sustained minor injury. DUI On July 8 at 2:10 a.m., Katherine Murray of Conklin was traveling northbound on US Hwy 11 in Great Bend Township. She exited the roadway off the east berm and struck a utility pole. Murray failed sobriety tests at the scene and was transported to Barnes Kasson Hospital for a BAC test. The investigation was continuing as of the time of report. BURGLARY/THEFT On July 11, at 10:50 p.m., a blue Yamaha ATV was stolen while parked at a residence in Dimock Township. NEWS RELEASE July 7, 2010 - Pennsylvania State Police at Gibson are investigating a burglary that occurred on 06/20/10 at the Endless Mountain Pharmacy, Mt. View Plaza, SR 106, Clifford Twp., Susquehanna County. Two individuals gained entry to the pharmacy by smashing a front window. Once inside the pharmacy the actors rummaged around the counter area. They then removed two boxes of pharmacy labels before fleeing the scene through the point of entry. Attached (to the report) is a digital image retrieved form video surveillance. A copy of the video is available upon request. Anyone with any information can call State Police in Gibson at (570) 465-3154. COLLISION-TRAFFIC On July 13, at 3:00 a.m., an unknown driver was traveling south on SR 29 in Springville Twp., Susquehanna Co., PA. At this time the vehicle exited the road and impacted a series of trees. The operator fled the scene prior to police arrival to the scene. The investigation was ongoing as of the time of report. The vehicle is described as a 1996 black Chevrolet Cavalier, VIN #1G1JC1240T7181610. CRASH On July 12 at 7:40 p.m., Jeremy Knapp of Windsor was traveling south on SR01071 when he failed to negotiate a right curve in the roadway, and the 1994 Nissan Altima traveled off of the roadway and struck a guide rail and tree. Knapp was utilizing a lap and shoulder belt; he sustained minor injury. POSSESSION OF A SMALL AMOUNT OF MARIJUANA On July 1 at 6:34 p.m. Albert Christie of St. Albans, NY was operating a 2005 Toyota Camry, which was stopped for violations of the vehicle code. Indicators of criminal activity were present upon making contact with the operator. The accused was given a written warning for the traffic violation. He was asked at the conclusion of the traffic enforcement about anything in the vehicle that may be illegal. He voluntarily permitted and granted the trooper permission to search his vehicle. The search yielded the above mentioned contraband. He was taken back to PSP Gibson and processed, and later released. Charges were filed at District Court 34-3-03. CRASH On July 11 at 4:36 p.m., Nathan Revord of Twining, MI was traveling west on State Hwy 374 while Joseph Calamari of New Milford, PA was traveling east. Revor was trying to turn onto I-81 north, and didn't see Calamari's vehicle. The two vehicles collided head on. Both drivers were utilizing seatbelts; neither was injured. CRASH On July 10 at 4:25 a.m. James Cobb of New Milford was traveling southbound on SR3029 in Jessup Twp., where the road transitions into a bridge. At this time Cobb drove off of the roadway, impacting a bridge edge and rotating clockwise to block both travel lanes. He then fled the scene prior to police response. The vehicle was towed from the scene by High Tech Towing. HIT AND RUN On July 9 at 2:40 a.m., Ethan Meagley of Susquehanna was traveling northbound on SR 11 in Great Bend Township, when the roadway was wet from the occurrence of a recent rain event. The Ranger was driven from the roadway and impacted a utility pole. Meagley fled the scene prior to police response. The vehicle was towed from the scene by Vogel's towing. THEFT Between the 9th and 10th of July, the job trailer belonging to Smitty's Construction, Inc. and parked at Lake Montrose in Bridgewater Twp. was entered, and a large quantity of hand and power tools removed. Anyone with information is asked to call PSP Gibson and reference incident number R05=0775425. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF On July 10 at 4 a.m. the Pennsylvania State Police were called to investigate the discovery of a garbage can on fire at the I-81 southbound rest area in Lenox Twp. BURGLARY Between the 27th and 28th a garage located on Main Street in Thompson Borough was entered through an unsecured side window. Removed from within were a Dewalt Cordless 18v power drill, a Ryobi 18v cordless drill, a Chicago electric reciprocating saw, a Dremel multi-tool, a Ryobi 14v cordless drill, a Craftsman multi tool, a Craftsman shop vac, a Craftsman orbital sander, a Craftsman 3/8 inch electric drill, a Skill jig saw, a Ryobi 10 inch table saw, a weed eater, a Stinger flashlight, a Black & Decker belt sander, a Ryobi router, a Ryobi Router table, a Craftsman sump pump, 4 Motorola two way radios, 2 tool belts, 2 replica skulls, 1 Craftsman socket set, and numerous screw drivers. CRASH On July 9 at 2:30 p.m., Christopher Baily of Gwyneed Valley, PA was traveling west on SR 2024 in Dimock, PA when, unable to avoid colliding with a deer, he upended his motorcycle. Baily was wearing a helmet, and suffered minor injury. BURGLARY Between the 1st and 2nd of July, the rear door of a trailer belonging to Talmage Stewart of Blue Bell, PA was pried open with a small flat object. A 42” flat screen TV was removed from within the living room. The incident occurred in Springville, PA. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Between the 4th and 5th of July the mailbox and two wooden signs on the property of Bernard Sinkiewicz of Thompson were smashed with an unknown blunt object. BURGLARY Between May 29 and June 26 a silver and black 2008 Arctic Cat 750CC ATV bearing vin # 4ufo8mpv48t309331 and a Honda CR-250 were removed from a residence in Bridgewater Twp., along with an LG 32” Plasma TV and a VCR. THEFT On May 24 a red and black motorcycle was stolen from the front porch of the Daniel Strohl residence in Dimock Township. The 110cc motorcycle had AGB on the gas tank and the number 99 on the front. THEFT Between the 4th and 5th of July a 2000 Honda Foreman 450ES, yellow in color, was removed form the Ely residence in Bridgewater Township. RAPE On July 5 at approximately 1:05 a.m., Randy Lawrence of Factoryville was arrested for Rape and Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse for acts committed against an 11 year old female known to him. He was arraigned before District Judge Jeff Hollister and remanded to the Susquehanna County Jail, on $100,000 bail, pending a preliminary hearing scheduled for 07/12/10. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF On July 4 at 10:30 p.m. a criminal mischief incident occurred in which the roof of a victim in Rush Township was damaged. The estimated amount of damage was said to be approximately $150 total. Charges were to be filed in District Court 34-3-01 against the known but unnamed accused, as of the time of report. HIT AND RUN On July 3 at 11:52 p.m. Joseph Kapscandi, Jr. of Starrucca was traveling South on SR 1009 when he failed to negotiate a left curve and exited the roadway from the east berm. The Oldsmobile traveled approximately 80 feet before striking a utility pole with the right front end. After impact it continued approximately 20 feet before coming to rest down a slight embankment, facing in a southeasterly direction. RETAIL THEFT On June 21, at 11:19 p.m., a white female entered the Exxon Mini Mart in New Milford, PA and placed several items in her purse prior to fleeing the store. A short time later a white male entered the store and tried to return several of the items taken by the female. The clerk refused to return the items and the male fled the store. The investigation was continuing as of the time of report. ATV CRASH On July 3 at 3:26 p.m., Ronald Bray was traveling south on SR 1027 in Great Bend Township when his vehicle exited the east berm and struck a ditch. Both Bray and a passenger, Drema Correa of New York, NY, were transported to Wilson Memorial due to injuries sustained (the driver for minor injury and the passenger for moderate injury; neither is listed as utilizing safety equipment). Bray was to be cited for operating an ATV on the roadway as of the time of report. If you have information regarding any of these incidents please contact PSP Gibson at (570) 465-3154.
]At a prior meeting, Oakland Boro Council had approved the expenditure of up to $400 for purchase of a taser gun for the police department. At their July 15 meeting Mayor Randy Glover reported that he had checked one out that was within the price limit, but the model he saw has been discontinued and it would likely be difficult and expensive to get parts or other supplies for it. There is a more updated model, but its cost would be $150-$200 more than the designated limit. There was some discussion as to whether or not a taser was necessary; it was agreed that since only one officer is on patrol at a time and there may be situations where use of a weapon may arise, it would be preferable that a taser be used rather than a gun. Council reviewed the budget to see if there was some way to come up with the additional funding. The mayor said that the department would be willing to set up a booth at the upcoming Hometown Days to do some sort of fundraising. No formal action was taken on purchasing the taser at this meeting, but it will be discussed further at next month’s meeting. Police protection, specifically a service agreement with Oakland’s neighbor, was the next topic discussed. Mayor Glover said that Oakland Township might be interested in contracting for some hours of protection from the boro. An agreement similar to the one the boro has with Lanesboro for coverage from them was drawn up and reviewed. A motion carried to present it to the township to see if they are still interested. The boro is still in discussion with the township as well as Lanesboro and Susquehanna to form a regional police department and the committee has been meeting every month. A motion carried to appoint Matt Payett to represent Oakland on the board of River Bounty to fill the seat vacated by the resignation of Chad Crawford. Council approved a letter of appreciation to the county Housing and Redevelopment Authority for their efforts on the boro’s behalf in obtaining funding for and overseeing sewer line and sidewalk replacement projects. President Ron Beavan noted that the sewer project’s cost had been $622,806 and the sidewalk project had cost $258,217. He hoped that homeowners and residents in proximity to the sidewalks would show their appreciation by taking good care of the sidewalks, especially by not using rock salt, which will degrade the concrete. It was agreed to send out letters to those homes affected to ensure that rock salt is not used. Council discussed sealing the sidewalks; cost would be about $400 and would need to be done on a yearly basis. Correspondence included an invitation from the (Susquehanna Boro) Hometown Days committee, inviting contributions for St. Joseph’s Center in Scranton. TV meteorologist Joe Snedeker will be ending his “Go Joe” ride to raise funds for the center on Friday, July 23 in Susquehanna, right after the parade. Also received was an invitation to participate in Peoples National Bank’s annual golf tournament. Council also reviewed the budget for the water company, which led to discussion of the contract the boro had with Chesapeake Energy to withdraw water for gas drilling operations. The agreement expired in 2009; it was agreed that Chesapeake should be contacted to see if they are interested in renewing the agreement. If not, other companies drilling in the area will be contacted to see if they might be interested, especially since a system for withdrawing water had been installed that would make it easier than having to draw water directly from the river, and it would mean some extra income for the boro. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 12 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lanesboro Community Center.
At their July 13 meeting, the Oakland Township Supervisors continued discussion of House Bill 2431 which would, if passed, effectively eliminate government at the local borough and township level and transfer it to the county level. A resolution in opposition of the bill was reviewed and approved. In other business, correspondence included a proposal to institute an earned income tax in the township; notice of tax sale of a mobile home in the trailer park; notice that the PA State Association of Townships’ wage and salary survey has been completed; information about the annual PSAT youth award contest; information about Excel classes; an Unemployment Compensation notice of determination regarding a former employee; and notice that a township property has been entered into the Clean and Green program. Also received was a notice that Bluestone Gathering System is planning to run a gas pipeline through the township. Individual properties will be surveyed with the owners’ permission in preparation to run a major trunk line through the area. The supervisors also reviewed a draft of a letter the township tax collector will be sending out to delinquent taxpayers. There was further discussion about imposing weight limits on township roads and how many signs would need to be posted at the entrances to the township. Building permits for the month were reviewed and signed. The monthly list of codes violations was reviewed and current progress (or lack of) was discussed. The minutes of the last regional police meeting with Susquehanna, Lanesboro and Oakland Boro were reviewed, and there was discussion as to what topics the supervisors would like to see included on the agenda for the next meeting, such as a resolution covering the terms of the discussions, insurance coverage, members’ financial commitment, the percentage of service each municipality would receive, obtaining equipment, and whether fine revenue should go to the department or be turned over to the municipality in which the incident occurred. The other committee members would also be contacted to see what items they would like included on the agenda. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 10 at 7:00 p.m.
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