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Stearns Road Revisited In Harford
By Ted Brewster

For the past couple of months, residents at Tingley Lake have been attending meetings of the Harford Township Supervisors anxious to hear what, if anything, the township is going to do about relieving the threat of flooding. Four years ago, heavy rains raised the level of the lake, damaging several low-lying homes along the shore. The problem is a sluice under Stearns Road at the lake’s outlet. The township subsequently engaged an engineering firm to design a replacement for the sluice, but so far the township Supervisors have balked at the estimated cost - upwards of $200,000. The township has applied for grants to help out, so far with no luck.

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Fee Borne By Delinquents
By Susan E. Gesford

The Susquehanna County Commissioners voted to add a delinquency administrative fee on delinquent real estate tax accounts, effective Jan. 1, 2011, at the July 14 meeting.

In order to enhance collections by the Susquehanna County Tax Claim Bureau (SCTCB) and increase distributions to all county taxing districts, beginning on January 1, 2011, the SCTCB will no longer charge municipalities and school districts the statutory five percent commission on monies collected by the SCTCB upon face and penalty amounts for delinquent real estate taxes. Rather, a delinquency administrative/contingency fee of five percent will be added to the penalty amount for all delinquent tax payers as they relate to all taxing districts (municipalities, school districts and the county of Susquehanna). This means the burden of the collection fee will no longer be imposed on the taxpayers who pay their taxes on time and will be transferred to the delinquent tax payers.

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