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Students To Fight Fire At the April 20 Elk Lake and SCCTC school board meetings, Dr. Bush and Mr. Cuomo brought to the board’s attention a request by a few of the students serving as local volunteer firemen. The students requested that juniors and seniors be allowed to leave during the school day for emergencies. They wrote up, with assistance of a staff supervisor, rules and procedures for a pilot program where this would be possible. Dr. Cuomo explained this to the board, then, and received permission for it to be piloted through the end of this school year.
The Susquehanna Community School Board heard a great deal of good news at their April 21 meeting. Superintendent Bronson Stone reported that donations have been made to the district for Project Lead the Way; Peoples National Bank has donated $24,000 and the Tourje family has donated $800. Project Lead the Way is a pre-engineering and design program open to students in grades 9 through 12, and there are currently 27 applicants for 18 seats.
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