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Blue Ridge Cafeteria In The Black
Sewer An Issue In Great Bend
Flurry Of Activity In New Milford Boro
Gibson Barracks Report
Courthouse Report
Starrucca Borough Council Minutes

Blue Ridge Cafeteria In The Black
By Ted Brewster

“We are looking at some tough times.” Those were the words of Blue Ridge School District Superintendent Chris Dyer at the very end of the School Board meeting on June 29. He was outlining the potential effect on Blue Ridge of Harrisburg’s failure to pass a budget on time, and what such a budget might look like whenever it is adopted - perhaps not until September, or later. If only the state legislature could take a lesson from the food service operation at Blue Ridge.

At the other end of the evening’s business meeting, Linda Cole-Koloski, Blue Ridge Food Service Manager gave a report on her year-end results, and they were nothing but good.

The summer breakfast and lunch program is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture under the rubric, “Hunger Doesn’t Take a Break.” It serves hundreds of free meals each summer to virtually anyone on the campus. This year participants in the community Summer Adventure program will also be eligible.

Through the 2008-2009 school year, Ms. Cole-Koloski’s kitchen served about 40,000 free breakfasts to Elementary School students; and participation in the Middle and High Schools is also up, about 20%. She noted that the free breakfast program is offered at no additional cost to the District.

Amazingly, she reported a zero balance on all student meal accounts at the end of the year. While some districts find themselves short by thousands of dollars in meal-account arrears, at Blue Ridge the food service staff “stays on it week to week.” Ms. Cole-Koloski said that following up with families takes a lot of work, but in the end is worth it. She hopes to make student meal accounts available to parents on the Internet, so families can keep better track of what is being spent in the cafeteria.

It’s worth it also, because for yet another year, Ms. Cole-Koloski is recommending no increase in meal prices. She said that at the start of the year she was worried about climbing food costs. However, in addition to keeping student accounts up to date, she has made volume purchases from the federal food commodities program at bargain prices, to the extent that her operation ended the year with a surplus of about $34,000.

The next school year will see some changes in food service. For one thing, “frozen treats” will no longer be sold separately; they will be offered as part of a meal. Ms. Cole-Koloski said that some youngsters would purchase the meal, then throw most of it away and go buy a treat. This way, at least the treats won’t be available only to those who can best afford them. There will also be a couple new “bars” like the popular baked potato bar, and these special offerings will be changed from month to month for more variety.

Ms. Cole-Koloski and her crew were given a rousing applause for such stunning results.

Elementary School Principal Matthew Button and Special Education Director Mark Fallon gave the Board a briefing on plans for bringing the “emotional support” program back to Blue Ridge. Mr. Fallon said that 5 students who have been going to Elk Lake, next year will be accommodated at Blue Ridge, with perhaps another 2 later in the year. He said that Blue Ridge has been paying about $19,000 per year per student for the service at Elk Lake, not including the cost of transportation.

One goal of the special education program at Blue Ridge in general is to get as many of the students as possible back into regular classrooms. A recent state audit criticized Blue Ridge for keeping too many of these students in special classes. Mr. Fallon hopes to train teachers to work with students in the emotional support program to help bring them into the educational mainstream.

Board member Joel Whitehead reminded his colleagues that in 2005 administrators expected to realize about $125,000 in savings by bringing some special education programs back to Blue Ridge from the IU (the Northeastern Instructional Unit). He expressed some skepticism about new claims of similar savings for the emotional support program.

A couple of the Board’s committees met prior to the business meeting. Facilities and Grounds heard a detailed presentation by Stacy Wolfe about the WeatherBug Schools system that is to be installed at Blue Ridge this summer. The system is a collection of equipment and software that includes a weather station to be installed atop one of the buildings that will feed data to a server and thence to any computer on campus. The system, in use at Elk Lake for some 10 years already, will offer data analysis, geographical, and other materials for classroom use.

Part of the cost of the WeatherBug system will be covered by grant funds. Ms. Wolfe had put together a package of materials that she presented to a number of local businesses to solicit support. She presented a letter from Rob Robinson, owner of Rob’s Market in Hallstead, pledging to “purchase” the system for the schools, a generous offer of nearly $5,000. She said that her own family’s business would cover the cost of the first year of maintenance, which is $350.

The committee also reviewed a letter from the District’s architects expressing doubt that two projects slated for this summer could be completed in time for the opening of school in August. These included renovations to the chemistry lab, and the Elementary School entrance. Board President Harold Empett said that the projects would be reviewed for bidding perhaps in January, for completion in the summer of 2010.

The committee then discussed the land at the east end of the soccer field and track. It seems that a small part of the track and some of the other athletic facilities in that area are on private land that belonged to Chester Grover. As a self-made man with an interest in education, Mr. Grover was content during his lifetime to leave the situation the way it was. Mr. Grover died recently, leaving the land in a trust that is now being managed by Sommerville Land Development. Cindy Allen, Mr. Grover’s daughter, a trustee and a representative of the company, looked over a survey map of the area, considering how much of the land the District should buy. She said the issue “wasn’t a big deal until he [Mr. Grover] passed.” Ms. Allen said the asking price is $5,000 per acre, not including mineral rights; she said the price is negotiable, however.

At the very least, the District will need about 3 acres to clear the title to the athletic facilities. Up to 15 acres are under consideration. The campus now covers some 49 acres. Ms. Allen’s map showed a parcel totaling about 42 acres overall between the school campus and Old Route 11. She said that she is in discussions with Lackawanna College, which may have an interest in developing a satellite campus in the area.

The meeting’s business agenda was short by recent standards.

The Board approved NEPA Community Health Care as the school physician for next year at $125 per hour. This is about 25% higher than last year, but, according to Mr. Dyer, in line with what other local districts are paying for physician services.

The Board adopted a letter of support for a legislative priority with its lobbying organization, the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA), to amend county assessment law to overturn a court decision that would limit the ability of municipalities to tax the extraction of minerals, including natural gas. As a “municipality,” presumably the school district would like to benefit from the gas operations in the area.

Members began a 30-day review of 3 part of their policy manual. One section, on student rights and surveys involving students, elicited some debate, particularly in light of a student survey last winter that caused some controversy in the community with regard to the creation of a “diversity club.” That survey solicited opinion on some sexually-charged topics that made some uncomfortable. Board members seemed to agree that, as Priscinda Gaughan said, the issue “should have been handled differently.” Laurie Brown-Bonner was a little more blunt, saying that the administration had “screwed up” on that one. Administrators agreed that they should have paid closer attention, and the policy is intended to ensure that they do, and that questionable matters be brought to the Board’s attention.

The Board renewed its agreement with Sweet, Stevens, Katz and Williams for legal services for the next fiscal year at the same rates. The firm’s fees range from $105 to $225 per hour, depending on the service.

There was an amendment to the Homestead/Farmstead exclusion, raising it to $8,892, or a tax saving of just under $400 for an eligible property.

The Board accepted the bid of Northeastern Exposure for photographic services for the new school year. Middle School Principal Matthew Nebzydoski said that a comparison of Northeastern’s bid with that of Craig’s showed little difference in prices. He said the team that reviewed the bids found some features in Northeastern’s offer that seemed more attractive. He said they also considered that Northeastern is a business local to the Blue Ridge School District.

An Elementary School teacher will be paid $26 per hour for 5 and a half hours of participation in interviews for the emotional support teacher position. While the Board accepted the recommendation, Ms. Brown-Bonner expressed some frustration at the nature of the item when she said, “It would be nice to see some volunteerism occasionally.”

Ms. Cole-Koloski always makes sure refreshments are available for Board meetings. Recent offerings have included strawberries and cream, but with the trend toward healthy eating, some of the more common snacks have been switched from pretzels and cookies to granola bars and fruit. Have supper before you come to the next meeting, scheduled for July 13, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Most meetings are held in the cafeteria in the Elementary School.

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Sewer An Issue In Great Bend
By Ted Brewster

Last month a proposal by the Hallstead-Great Bend Joint Sewer Authority to increase rates to pay for major upgrades to the sewer plant, and a request by the sewer authority for a loan guarantee, came in for sharp criticism by the Great Bend Borough Council. A few of the council members had attended a meeting of the sewer authority and felt their concerns and requests for information had been casually rebuffed by the sewer authority board of directors. Some have questioned why some members of the sewer authority board are not even sewer system subscribers and rate payers.

This month a member of the sewer board who also lives in Great Bend Borough, attended the Council meeting on the 2ndwith the sewer system’s engineer in an attempt to clarify what they consider misunderstandings. To some extent they succeeded, but not before creating some additional confusion.

Great Bend Borough has an intimate interest in the sewer system. Not only do all residents of the borough use the system and pay its fees, but the sewer plant itself is located within the borough. And a large part of the borough population are senior citizens on fixed incomes, so increases in taxes and fees of any kind are an especial burden in the little town.

It isn’t simply the fee increase that worries Borough Council members, however. In order to pay for the upgrade project, the sewer authority will have to borrow more than $1 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service. The lender requires that the 3 municipalities that use the system sign onto the loan package to guarantee payment through their taxing authority. The sewer authority expects that user rates will cover the debt, but all 3 municipalities must back up the note or the project cannot go forward. And the municipalities are reluctant to backstop the sewer authority.

According to Shane Rumage and system engineer Doug Smith, the sewer authority is under pressure from the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to correct significant problems at the plant and to comply with increasing regulatory requirements. For one thing, the plant was originally built using some “experimental” technology that has never really worked properly. “It had some flaws right out of the gate,” said Mr. Rumage. And some of the plant’s aging equipment needs significant upgrading.

As part of the project, much of the critical equipment will be lifted above the flood level of June 2006, when the plant was out of service for a time because of high water. The project will also add some capacity for future growth. Another component of the project will extend the system to the Harmony Village mobile home park, which was promised in the late 1990’s.

The sewer authority has already issued letters to subscribers announcing a rate increase of $5.70 per month, beginning with the October bill. The rate in Great Bend is now $111 per quarter, or $37 per month. The authority hopes the new quarterly rate of $126 will be enough, but has said that rates could rise to as much as $154 per quarter by the time the project is completed. And that’s where the confusion appeared.

At first, Mr. Rumage said the increase was to be $5.70 per quarter rather than per month. Then council member Mike Wasko asked if rates would remain stable, or if they could rise again before the project is completed. At $5.70 per month, the new quarterly rate would be $126; and then the $154 figure in a “second phase” was a concern.

The sewer authority has scheduled a special meeting for Monday, July 13, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Great Bend Borough building (the Blue Ridge Senior Center) to present the plan and answer residents’ questions. The authority hopes that the municipalities will sign up at that time so the project can go forward. Contractors have already been waiting for some time to begin work.

No one was willing to predict what might happen if the 3 municipalities don’t sign on, except that the project will be cancelled. Mr. Rumage speculated that in that case the system could be taken over by the government in some way. The regulatory requirements are not optional; the plant has to be upgraded to meet constantly rising standards.

The sewer authority is still paying off the loan that made the sewer system possible in the first place. The authority keeps a large sum in a bank account under the terms of that loan as a reserve against debt service. It cannot be used for this project. The Authority has petitioned state representative Sandra Major and state senator Eugene Yaw for help identifying sources of financial support. Recent federal stimulus funds are difficult to get, and the state “doesn’t seem to want to listen.” The local representatives have simply “passed the buck,” by referring inquiries to other agencies.

According to Mr. Rumage, the system supports some 2,070 EDU’s (equivalent domestic units; a one-family residence accounts for 1 EDU; some commercial connections - and the Blue Ridge School campus - pay for more than 1 EDU). New Milford Borough residents pay part of their fee to New Milford to pay for the construction of the extension of the system to that municipality.

Sewers weren’t the only subject of discussion at the council meeting. The agenda was nonetheless light on the advent of a holiday weekend.

For one thing, the Pennsylvania American Water Company has asked the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) for authority to rate water rates. Council was provided with a PUC form for the borough’s comments or objections. Council member Bea Alesky, who owns a tavern in town, said that her sewer fees are already almost triple her water rates, and a lot more than her property taxes. It was no comfort that her water rates may rise, too.

The water drainage problem on Washington Street has gotten a response from state representative Sandra Major, and PennDOT is developing a position.

The hole on Bridge Street over the railroad tracks is being investigated by both the railroad company and PennDOT. CP Rail, the current owners of the track can’t seem to find any responsibility for the bridge in records going back many years and several different companies that have run the railroad. PennDOT so far has not offered a position on the issue.

There have been many compliments about the new signs at both ends of town on Main Street. Council member Mike Wasko would also like to replace smaller signs directing visitors to what used to be Recreation Park. New signs should reference its new name and sponsor, the local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).

It seems there has also been a misunderstanding about the big new town signs. They replaced signs provided by the VFW many years ago, and some members of the VFW were upset that the new signs don’t mention their organization. The old signs were purchased by the VFW and donated to the borough. Because the VFW has always been such a major contributor to the town, the borough will find a way to recognize the veterans’ organization on the new signs.

An observer also asked what the borough pays the county Council of Governments (COG) for its services in building code enforcement. He was told that the borough pays a nominal fee of about $125 per year to maintain its membership. Otherwise COG costs the borough nothing, and permit fees paid to COG are forwarded to the borough so that membership in COG is essentially cost free to the borough.

The next meeting of the Great Bend Borough Council is scheduled for Thursday, August 6, beginning at 7:00 p.m. All meetings are held at the Borough Building at Elizabeth and Franklin Street.

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Flurry Of Activity In New Milford Boro
By Carole M. Canfield

The New Milford Borough Council met Thursday evening July 1, at the Borough Building with President James Carr, Secretary Amy Hine, Council Members, Teri Gulick, Sue Abbott and Barb Jayne present.

Secretary Amy Hine reported that the owners of 14 Park Place are slowly but surely cleaning up their property. President Carr asked that a letter be sent to them requesting that the property be completed by the Bi-Centennial Celebration the first weekend in August.

Speaking of the Bi-Centennial, The Grand Marshall for the parade will be Goldie Small, New Milford resident, who is 101 years young. Plans for the Council float, as well as the entire celebration are “coming along nicely.” There will be many activities during the three day long event including dances, radio personalities, band personalities, food and other vendors, entertainment, special programs and historical information available.

It was noted that Police coverage throughout this weekend will be provided, including not only regular patrol hours but extended hours, which will also be followed up to include Fire Police to help reduce any acts of vandalism throughout the weekend. “We have enough hours within our budget to put the police out there the entire weekend to help prevent any problems,” Teri Gulick Police liaison reported.

In other police matters, it was reported that the police are checking the parks, but the Council would like them to walk through more than they do. “There is nothing they are doing wrong, it is just that there are a few kids out there who just keep going back and they are ruining the area for themselves,” Gulick explained. “We used to let them skateboard and be there a little, as long as they do not bother anyone or cause damage, but they have started to try to screw in ramps, and that is not acceptable. They have ruined it for themselves. We don’t want them in there now.”

Questions were raised about building permits on a location within the confines of the Borough. Although the two “new” buildings are just on the outskirts, the main property including the land is accessed in the borough tax records and the matter will be examined.

New Flags for New Milford will be ordered as well as three new flagpoles. Discussion between using cloth flags for $40.00 or nylon flags for $30.00 resulted in ordering six new cloth flags.

Forever Bouquets By Judy was commended for donated flowers to Mid-Town Park to spruce the park up a little.

The biggest news is that the bridges are finally coming around to working status - some have received okay’s to begin, some are closer to receiving those “paper okays,” some are just closer and one is being held up allegedly by DEP.

Johnson Street’s Bridge construction phase will soon begin, the Railroad got its permit, South and North work is awaiting work permits and Maple Street, although still waiting, looks for paper clearance to be coming this month.

There is one other bridge being held up, apparently waiting for a permit from DEP, but “hopefully” that will be in the works soon.

Council President Jim Carr read a very nice thank you letter from Donna Erat, thanking the Council for acknowledging her as “Citizen of the Month.” Mrs. Erat informed Council that she was very honored and heart felt, as she grew up in New Milford and she told of many memories she had and said she was very honored to be selected.

The New Milford Borough Council meets the First Thursday of the Month at 7 p.m. in the Borough Building on Main Street.

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Gibson Barracks Report
Compiled By Melinda Darrow


It has been reported that one or more unknown person(s) charged internet services to the home billing address of Roberta Housen of Montrose.


Sometime between June 19 and 21 an unknown person entered both the Evergreen Cemetery and the Old/West Cemetery in Brooklyn Township. It appears that entry was made with an ATV or vehicle of some type, which was then utilized to knock over tombstones.


Sometime between the 18 and 20 of June, a small fire was lit in the mailbox of Rebecca Shadduck of Montrose, perhaps with fireworks. The inside of the mailbox was slightly charred.


On June 21, at approximately 6:39 a.m., a 1997 Ford Explorer was traveling south on SR 3005 when its operator lost control of the vehicle and exited the roadway, causing the SUV to roll onto its right side. The driver fled the scene. Lacyville Fire responded. Route 6 towed the explorer from the site.


On June 20, at approximately 5:55 a.m., Benjamin Whitaker of Eynon was traveling westbound on SR 106 in Clifford Twp. when he exited the lane of travel onto the westbound shoulder. The Chevrolet C10 impacted a roadwork sign, entered back onto the westbound travel lane, began a counterclockwise rotation, and traveled up an embankment. It then proceeded to strike a tree and cross both travel lanes, continuing its counterclockwise rotation. During this process Whitaker, who was not utilizing his seatbelt, was ejected from the vehicle onto the roadway, while the C10 continued its westward travel, finally making rear impact with Utility Pole #58853N54647 and coming to a rest. Whitaker suffered injuries and was transported via Clifford ambulance to Community Medical Center in Scranton prior to police response to the scene. Another vehicle, a 2008 Ford Focus, was legally parked and unattended in a driveway on Main street and suffered damage from the debris field projected during the crash.


On June 19, at approximately 11:53 p.m., Stuart Capron of the Hop Bottom area reported that while at the Exxon gas station in Harford Twp. he had two checks on his vehicle dashboard. One was from People's National bank, and one from a customer labeled ASA Precision Machine; both checks were completed to different payers with no blank endorsement. Capron arrived at his residence and discovered the checks missing.


On June 20, at approximately 3:34 p.m., Nancy Williams of Jackson took a radio from a truck belonging to Ethan Meagley of Thompson. The radio was taken as collateral, as Meagley allegedly took money from her and did not do the work. Meagley did not want Williams arrested, and the radio was returned.


On June 13, at approximately 12:30 p.m., Nancy Woosman of New Milford was traveling north on SR 11 in Harford Twp. when she lost control of her vehicle and traveled onto the east berm. Woosman attempted to regain control of the Subaru Outback, swerving to the left and then counter-steering to the right. The vehicle then went back onto the east berm, striking the embankment and flipping over. It came to an uncontrolled upright rest facing southwest, partially in the northbound lane. Woosman was wearing a seatbelt; she was not injured.


On June 18, at approximately 10:12 p.m., a silver Motorola cell phone was stolen, while it lay on a window ledge outside of the Arcade on Main Street in Susquehanna .


On June 17, at approximately 9:54 p.m., an unknown driver was traveling in a vehicle of unknown model West on SR 0167 in Bridgewater Twp. At the same time a juvenile was traveling east on that road. The first vehicle entered the juvenile's lane of travel, striking the girl's Ford Contour before continuing its westward travel. The victim did not get a description of the other person's car. Anyone with information please contact PSP Gibson at (570) 465-3154.


On June 18, at approximately 6:55 p.m., both Daniel Hirschhorn of Philadelphia and Gary Gianduso of Drums, PA were traveling north on SR 0081 in New Milford Twp. Hirschhorn, in a Honda Accord, rear-ended Gianduso's Freightliner Sentry, causing the smaller vehicle to lose control, travel across the center median and southbound lanes, and strike a guide rail along the west berm. Both drivers were wearing seatbelts; neither person was injured.

Anyone with information regarding any of these incidents is asked please to contact PSP Gibson at (570) 465-3154.

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Courthouse Report
Compiled By Lauren P. Ficarro


Mary Ann T. Macnutt (AKA) Mary Ann Ely (By Sheriff) and Paul W. Macnutt (By Sheriff) to Nikolaos and Heidi Nikolaidis, in Forest Lake Township for $171,100.00.

Richard C. and Clair M. (AKA) Clair M., Jr. Rickard to Suzanne M. Morelli, in Great Bend Township for $157,000.00.

Clara May Lyman (Estate) to Linda Litwin, in Springville Township for one dollar.

Daniel and K’aan Strohl to Daniel L. Strohl, in Dimock Township for $80,000.00.

Forest City Partnership to Forest City Partnership LLC, in Forest City for one dollar.

John R. Glover (By Sheriff) and Mechele (AKA) Mechele D. Bonczkiewicz (By Sheriff) to John J. Prokopchak and James T. Davenport, in Rush Township for $50,001.00.

Ordie E., III and Maria G. Price to Eric M. and Marie L. Conklin, in Lenox Township for $97,500.00.

Jody R. and Eileen Haag (NBM) Eileen McCarthy to Eileen and Jody R. Haag, in Middletown Township for one dollar.

Mary Ellen Roach and Charlotte Jane Kiehle to Charlotte Jane and Christopher Kiehle, in Liberty Township for one dollar.

Vonda C. and William W. Nash to Randy A. Nash, in Forest Lake Township for one dollar.

Susan E. and Gregg A. Birchard to Susan E. Birchard, in Rush Township for one dollar.

Sandra M. and Dennis M. Coughlin to Sandra M. and Dennis M. Coughlin, in Forest Lake Township for one dollar.

Kyle L. Herbert to Benjamin R. and Robin J. Orner, in New Milford Borough for $145,000.00.

James Beardsley (By POA) and Lin Strasser to Richard D., III and Christina Priebe, in Forest City for $72,000.00.

Joseph E. Torhan to Earl and Tracy Hornyak, in Oakland Township for $20,000.00.

Eleanor Drann (Estate) to John and Arline M. Drann, in New Milford Township for $20,000.00.

Kathryn C. Schroeder to Michael A. and Catherine D. Shaw, in Jackson Township for $45,000.00.

Frank and Linda M. Kamarauskas to John and Alice E. Kamarauskas, in Rush Township for one dollar.


Melanie Kopp of Palisades Park, NJ vs. Shaheem Burgh of Montrose, married, 1999.


The Susquehanna County Domestic Relations Section has bench warrants for the following individuals as of July 1, 2009 at 11:00 a.m.

Michael A. Argust, David P. Atherholt, Jr., Erika L. Back, David Shawn Blaisure, Joseph Bonavita, Michael P. Bradley, Jr., David M. Brant, Howard Burns, Robert B. Carrier, Tony R. Clark, Mark T. Conklin, Mary Dallasta, Edward J. Dickson, Jr., Paul H. Donovan, Deborah L. Drish, Christina Elmy, Jonathan Fathi, David J. Fischer, Thomas Fisher, Nesbitt W. Fitch, Jr., Ryan M. Forder, Kelly Fox, Dominick M. Franklin, Tiffany M. Groover, David Haines, Jr., Suzanne R. Hansen, William N. Hendrickson, Ann Hightower, Steven L. Jones, Kenneth M. Kintner, Kevin D. Klein, Eric C. Kohlhepp, Erik E. Krisovitch, Charlie J. Legere, Carlos L. Leiser, Christopher Locke, Joseph Malloy, Jr., Tanika Marazzani, Patricia J. Marrero, Jason Marshall, Zada A. McDonald, Rollin E. Miller, Jr., Joseph C. Moore, Anthony Neri, Benjamin Newell, Tanya M. Novak, Todd M. O'Hara, Donald Palmer, Gary Perico, Amy S. Pompey, James E. Purse, Timothy W Rogers, Troy Rohmann, David J. Shiner, Brian Visakay, Keith W. Vroman, Steven G. Warner, Joseph Watkins, Jamie L. Williams, Kenneth L. Wilmot.

Please contact the Domestic Relations Section at 570-278-4600 ext. 170 with any information on the location of these individuals.

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Starrucca Borough Council Minutes

The Starrucca Borough Council met for their regular monthly meeting on June 3, at 7:00 p.m., at the Community Hall in Starrucca. President (Kirk) Rhone, Mr. Arthur Kopp, Mr. Donald Haynes, Mr. Peter Frank, Mr. Fred Rhone, Mr. Robert Buck and Mayor (MaryAnn) DeBalko were present. Mr. Anthony Palonis was absent.

President Rhone called the meeting to order, and after the pledge was given, an executive session with the Depositions Committee, to discuss legal matters, was announced.

The meeting was reopened and the minutes from the previous meeting were read and the motion to approve carried.

The Treasurer’s report was given and the motion to approve carried.

The bills were presented and the motion to approve payment carried.

The following Correspondence was received:

A notice of an annual Wyoming/ Susquehanna Equipment Show (July 30) was read.

A follow up to the Billing Resolution presented for consideration from the Thompson Hose Company. A letter from PSATS read (in-part) - Dear Ms. Travis: This letter is in response to a phone conversation where we discussed a billing resolution received from your volunteer fire department. During the conversation I stated that we would not recommend you sign such a resolution. The basis - the Code authorizes tax for fire protection, nowhere does it authorize a use tax for fire protection or emergency services. Other legislation, such as the Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning and Response Act, does offer limited and specific instances where fees can be charged. However, we are not aware of any authorization for municipalities or municipal emergency service providers to charge a fee for the response of a volunteer emergency agency. There was a discussion concerning the billing by the Fire Company that is already being utilized.

In Borough Reports:

Mr. Frank reported on the Waste Management meeting he recently attended in Wayne County. He stated that every ten years the County must re-evaluate and plan Solid Waste disposal for the next ten years. He said there were at least five more meetings planned, as the deadline is July of 2010. He also pointed out the County has a consulting firm working on the plan, and from what he understood, Starrucca Borough’s input will have little if no impact. He asked to be excused from the attendance at future meetings. It was agreed.

Building permits issued last month: William Davis was granted a “cabin exemption.”

In Unfinished Business:

The motion to purchase one load of “patching” aggregate and have it dumped at Mr. Palonis’ carried.

In New Business:

The Board welcomed Mr. Rhone back, and stated his input was missed.

Mayor DeBalko stated she researched the regulations and guidelines for Council members, and found if a Councilperson fails to attend three consecutive meetings, an “excuse” must be made by a written motion of Council. There was a discussion of the reasons a meeting might be missed, and President Rhone stated “good common sense” should be used.

Three quotes for the Buck’s Road Entrance were read as follows: Proseal, $4750.00; Como Construction, $2800.00; Zaczek Excv., $3220.00. After review, the motion to award the quote to Como Construction carried.

Mr. Rhone congratulated the Cemetery Association on the new sign and the new entrance stating “it looks good, they did a fine job.” He also stated “the volunteer work in the Cemetery is outstanding”.

Mr. Haynes pointed out that the Catholic Church had recently used the hall and wished to send their thanks and they commended the Borough on the fine care of the hall.

The Board expressed sincere appreciation to President Rhone, and Councilmen Buck and Kopp as they have worked tirelessly on the memorial park.

The Council committed to re-read the Wind Mill Ordinance and have a “work session” soon and also agreed to set up a “work session” with engineer Steve Knash.

No further business to come before the Board, the motion to adjourn carried.

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