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Blue Ridge Cafeteria In The Black
By Ted Brewster

“We are looking at some tough times.” Those were the words of Blue Ridge School District Superintendent Chris Dyer at the very end of the School Board meeting on June 29. He was outlining the potential effect on Blue Ridge of Harrisburg’s failure to pass a budget on time, and what such a budget might look like whenever it is adopted - perhaps not until September, or later. If only the state legislature could take a lesson from the food service operation at Blue Ridge.

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Sewer An Issue In Great Bend
By Ted Brewster

Last month a proposal by the Hallstead-Great Bend Joint Sewer Authority to increase rates to pay for major upgrades to the sewer plant, and a request by the sewer authority for a loan guarantee, came in for sharp criticism by the Great Bend Borough Council. A few of the council members had attended a meeting of the sewer authority and felt their concerns and requests for information had been casually rebuffed by the sewer authority board of directors. Some have questioned why some members of the sewer authority board are not even sewer system subscribers and rate payers.

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