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Great Bend Gearing Up For Summer
By Ted Brewster

The Great Bend Borough Council covered a wide variety of topics at their meeting on May 7. If there was a theme, it was the coming Summer season, to get maintenance under way and spiff up the town for warmer days ahead.

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Can Montrose Go Modular?
By Melinda Darrow

It's not our responsibility. That was the answer which the Montrose borough council members, when the matter came up on May 4, seemed overall relieved to be able to give Penndot regarding a proposed traffic system. The proposed system would be erected near the golf course, where the roads intersect. The area is actually in Bridgewater Township, so the borough is exempt from any decisions or maintenance regarding the system, it was said. One borough member did suggest, however, that if it goes through this action outside of the borough it might warrant the erection of new stop signs within it, as people would likely drive more on back streets to evade the lights.

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