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100 Years Ago
From the Desk of the D.A.
The Healthy Geezer
Library Chitchat
Veterans’ Corner
What’s Bugging You?
Food For Thought
Earth Talk
Barnes-Kasson Corner

100 Years Ago

FOREST CITY: The teachers of Forest City are making their yearly collection of marbles that fall from the pockets of the unfortunate boys during school hours.

BROOKLYN: Miss Alice Louise Lee has a serial story appearing in the Christian Endeavor World entitled “The Servant of the Isle.” Miss Lee is a young but fluent and versatile writer, and contributes largely to the Youth’s Companion and other publications.

MONTROSE: Jacob Steine will soon open a Nickelet or theatorium in the store room in the Republican building. Motion pictures will be the attraction, together with good music. Mr. Steine contemplates giving three changes of program each week, and as it is something new for Montrose and takes well wherever operated, the outlook for a liberal patronage is excellent.

SUSQUEHANNA: Kenneth Green, a young man living here, was painfully injured Saturday afternoon. He was in the yard cutting wood, and as he swung the axe in the air it caught in the clothesline and in descending it struck his left foot, severing two toes and an artery. Dr. Miller dressed the injury and had to take several stitches to close the wound.

HARFORD: A Harford young man, Oliver Lewis, was run over by the cars at Binghamton on Sunday afternoon and received injuries from which he died a short time later in the City Hospital. The young man, who was about 19 years of age, had jumped a milk train and was riding to that city to visit a cousin, Edward Buck, who lives on Court street. When the train was passing Gaylord street, in order to save a walk back, young Lewis jumped from the moving train. He missed his footing and fell under the wheels, both legs being severely crushed and the right one completely severed. He was placed on the train and taken to the station and a physician, realizing the young man’s serious condition, had him taken to the City Hospital, where he died a couple of hours after admission.

SPRINGVILLE: Last Thursday evening Ira Hungerford was taken ill and symptoms favored pneumonia, but good nursing seemed to have the desired effect, and on Monday he sat up long enough to have his bed made. Monday night he suddenly became worse and a little after noon, Tuesday, death came to relieve his sufferings. He was a veteran of the Civil War and was receiving a pension. Thus one by one the old boys are going on to the final camping ground.

SOUTH MONTROSE: The old blacksmith shop on the Loren Allen property, used by Mr. Allen for half a century as a shop, has been torn down. AND: Earle B. Conklin, a student at Lowell’s Business College, Binghamton, came home to spend Washington’s birthday, also his own, which occurs on the same day.

HOPBOTTOM: Washington’s birthday was fittingly observed by the school and a large number of visiting citizens helped to make the occasion a pleasant one. John Tiffany told of having seen Lincoln on several occasions and interesting facts connected therewith, and Rev. Ballou also gave a pleasant talk.

ELK LAKE: John Arnold and Mrs. Setser each recently lost a valuable cow; cause unknown.

ARARAT: Charlie Barry, of Gelatt, is in town trying to disentangle and tie up broken telephone lines. The ice storms left them in a bad mix-up.

EAST KINGSLEY: Ice is being harvested for the first time from Tingley’s pond. The pond is small and only recently made, but produces excellent ice, the cakes being about 14 inches thick and very clear.

UNIONDALE: L. P. Norton wishes it distinctly understood that it is “Judge” Norton hereafter. The old war horse of Democracy was chosen judge of election at the last election.

GREAT BEND: One evening between 6 and 7 o’clock, while the ticket agent was at supper, the Erie railroad station at Great Bend was entered and $34 taken from the safe. The money was missed by station agent Brewster shortly after 7 when he had occasion to make some change. Everything was neat about the office showing that the robbers were familiar with the lay of the land. A young man named Sutliff, about 19 years old and a resident of Susquehanna, who had been employed at odd jobs around town, was suspected and subjected to a severe cross-examination, during the progress of which he broke down and confessed he was the thief.

FLYNN/MIDDLETOWN/RUSH: Last week the people of Rush had their announcement in the Montrose Democrat, that the ladies of the Middletown parish would serve a chicken supper and dance at Friendsville, Feb. 22, for the benefit of the Middletown church. Now we wish to say that, that was a mistake. The supper and dance is not for the Middletown church at Flynn’s Corner, but for the Rush church, and the supper will be served by the Rush ladies, and not by the ladies of Middletown, and furthermore they try to mislead the outside people by insinuating that their supper and dance is for the Middletown church. Now, there never was a Catholic church in Middletown, but we are glad to say that one is under construction, and will be completed before many months that will be a credit to the whole community.

RUSH: There was an error in the ad of last week, in regard to the dance at Friendsville, Feb. 22. It should have read for the benefit of St. Patrick’s church in Rush, instead of Middletown.

NEWS BRIEF: Christy Mathewson, the star pitcher of the New York Giants [formerly of Factoryville, PA] is making a stand for a salary of $8,000 for the 1909 season. Several other players of the same team are holding out for big increases. The club management realizes that a half dozen teams would willingly pay Mathewson $8,000 but they fear if they are to accede to his demands they will have to raise the salaries of nearly every player on their roster. Though Mathewson has refused to sign his contract, the management does not anticipate any trouble in adjusting the difference. Mathewson is at present at Harvard University coaching the varsity base ball candidates.

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From the Desk of the D.A.
By District Attorney Jason J. Legg

The Roman goddess of justice was Justitia. When depicted today, she wears a flowing toga, a blindfold, and carries a scale in one hand and a sword in the other. Does this figure sound familiar to you? We call her Lady Justice, and she has become the symbol most closely associated with the legal profession. Her blindfold symbolizes her impartiality. The scales represent the careful weighing of both sides in order to reach the right decision. Finally, the sword, which is usually held low and at her side, demonstrates the ability to enforce her decisions if necessary. She epitomizes the virtue in justice through equality, truth, fairness and equity.

While Lady Justice may serve as a strong symbol of the legal system, it is all too often the broken parts of the system that get all of the attention. Last year, there was the District Attorney (Mike Nifong) who used his prosecutorial powers in order to advance his own personal agenda, namely using an arrest as a political tool to win a primary election. The stench associated with the entire Duke Lacrosse scandal was not limited to Nifong alone – soon there were people questioning the integrity of prosecutors everywhere. Prosecutors are called to the highest standard of being ministers of justice – and Nifong demonstrated what occurs when the system goes bad. Nifong became the proverbial bad apple that threatened to ruin the entire bushel. Nifong went from being a minister of justice to being sought out by Lady Justice herself – and he was rightly stripped of his position and his license to practice law.

Now, as the public trust begins to return, the legal system in Northeastern Pennsylvania has been struck with unthinkable corruption at the highest levels. Two judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County have pled guilty to federal fraud charges relating to unlawfully taking monies in connection with juvenile matters over which the judges presided. In other words, the judges were taking bribes or kickbacks for placing juvenile offenders in detention centers or other similar juvenile facilities. According to the reports, the judges were having juvenile offenders come before them without legal counsel and then sending them off to detention centers. Children are entitled to special treatment in the criminal justice system – and these judges were feathering their own nests rather than looking out for the rights and interests of these children.

When a prosecutor becomes unethical, as in the Nifong case, at least the public knows that there are judges to oversee such conduct and stop it. When judges become corrupted, the integrity of the entire legal system is placed in jeopardy. To its credit, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has sent in a senior judge to review all of the questionable juvenile cases in Luzerne County to determine whether any remedial action is needed. Regardless of these steps, the public trust in the judiciary has suffered a serious blow.

Many people are already cynical about the criminal justice system – and actions like those of Nifong and the two Luzerne County judges serve only to heighten the public suspicion and doubt. The public needs to see Lady Justice with her blindfold and scales – not crooked politicians who have unfortunately been wrongfully elevated to positions where they can take advantage of trust, privilege and power. As with the Nifong case, public confidence can only be restored when the offenders meet with Lady Justice herself and feel the sting of her sword.

The saddest part of this entire affair is that the vast majority of those who work in the legal system are good and honest people – despite all of the jokes that you have heard to the contrary. They believe in something solemn and sacred and pursue it vigorously. The tale of corruption is as old as mankind – and these two judges are simply another sad chapter in that history. But remember, in the end, Lady Justice will be there waiting for each and every offender and she will eradicate it from her midst.

Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments to Susquehanna County District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 218, Montrose, Pennsylvania 18801 or at our website or discuss this and all articles at

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The Healthy Geezer
By Fred Cicetti

Q. I spent many hours at my computer and got this awful pain in my forearm that made me stop. Do you think I have carpal tunnel syndrome?

I’m not qualified to diagnose, so I suggest that, if that pain persists, you see a physician and get it checked. However, I can tell you about carpal tunnel syndrome.

The median nerve runs from the forearm into the hand. This nerve controls impulses to the palm side of the thumb and fingers, but not the pinky. The median nerve goes through the carpal tunnel, which is a narrow opening at the base of the hand. When tissues in the carpal tunnel, such as ligaments and tendons, get swollen or inflamed, they press against the median nerve.

If the nerve is compressed, you can suffer the following symptoms: pain in the wrist, palm or forearm; numbness or tingling in the hand and fingers; worse symptoms at night than during the day; intensified pain when you use your hand; thumb weakness; difficulty gripping.

Symptoms usually start gradually, often at night because many people sleep with flexed wrists that compress the median nerve. Some who suffer from the syndrome say they wake up with a need to shake their hand to get relief. Others report being unable to discriminate between hot and cold with their hands.

Worse-case scenario: In chronic and untreated cases of carpal tunnel syndrome, the muscles at the base of the thumb can degenerate.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, there is little data to prove that repetitive movements can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. A Mayo Clinic study found that heavy computer use did not increase a person's risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. However, repetitive movement can cause bursitis and tendonitis.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is probably caused by inheriting a small tunnel. Other contributing factors include: a wrist fracture or sprain; a growth in the canal; rheumatoid arthritis; heavy use of vibrating hand tools; glandular problems, and fluid retention.

Carpal tunnel syndrome usually occurs only in adults. Seniors are more likely to develop the syndrome than younger people. Women are three times more likely than men to develop the disorder. Those who suffer from diabetes are also at high risk.

The first treatment for the syndrome is rest. This includes splinting the wrist to keep it straight, which reduces stress to the median nerve.

Over-the-counter pain relievers may ease symptoms. Water pills can decrease swelling. Corticosteroids can be injected into the wrist or taken orally to relieve pressure on the median nerve.

The efficacy of acupuncture and chiropractic for carpal tunnel syndrome is unproven. However, yoga has been shown to reduce pain and improve strength.

If symptoms last for six months, surgery is often recommended. Carpal tunnel release is one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States. The majority of patients recover completely.

The operation cuts the band of tissue around the wrist to reduce pressure on the median nerve. The procedure is usually same-day surgery under local anesthesia. There is a minimally invasive form of this surgery.

Occasionally the wrist loses strength from the surgery. Patients should undergo physical therapy after surgery to restore wrist strength.

Here are some tips for preventing carpal tunnel syndrome: avoid bending your wrist all the way up or down; relax your grip - most people hold onto things too strenuously; write with thick pens with oversized, soft grips and free-flowing ink; pistol-grips on tools are better than straight-handle tools; avoid vibrating tools, if possible; don't rest your wrists on hard surfaces for long periods; take breaks from repetitious hand movements; at a computer, adjust the height of your chair so that your forearms are level with your keyboard and mouse so you don't have to flex your wrists; keep your hands warm; wear fingerless gloves if you can’t raise the temperature in your environment.

If you have a question, please write to

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Library Chitchat
By Flo Whittaker

Editor’s Note: We are pleased to bring you a new column submitted by the Susquehanna County Library. It will appear twice a month.

Change is the current buzzword in America. Change is good, but sometimes it is nice to be able to count on an “old friend.” Your local library. The Susquehanna County Library was established more than 100 years ago. It has developed into a library system that has embraced new technologies, while keeping the familiar things that we expect in libraries. Over the years, three branches have been added to the original library in Montrose –Susquehanna, Forest City and Hallstead-Great Bend.

We may not think of it as such, but the Library is a service agency. Its very existence is geared to meet the needs of its patrons. The library also changes to meet the needs of its community. Just what can our expanded library system do for you? Do you need computer access? Are you interested in viewing some of the latest movies on DVD? Does the print on books seem to have shrunk? Do you have a lengthy commute and would you like to use the time to the max?

Perhaps in this current economic climate, you are looking for ways to cut down on expenses while keeping up with the world around us. The Library can be your answer. Why buy when you can borrow? Only slightly more than one-third of Susquehanna County Library residents have a “free” library card. We would like to increase this number. Stop in today. See what your library has to offer. Remember, the Susquehanna County Library is your resource for lifetime learning.

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Veterans’ Corner

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What’s Bugging You?
By Stuart W. Slocum

Fleas: Olympic jumpers

Anyone who has ever had a dog or cat as a household pet is probably all too familiar with the notorious insect pests, fleas. Not only are they swift afoot, but can leap tall collies with a single bound and are nearly impossible to crush between you fingers.

An adult flea.

As despised as they are, fleas are also a wonder of adaptation. Their flattened, thin, disc-shaped bodies allow them to “flee” with ease through the fur or feathers of their hosts. Their tough exoskeleton protects them against the teeth, beaks and nails of their hosts, trying to dislodge them. When viewed under magnification, the comb-like structures of the head reveal the flea’s secret for tightly clinging on to your pet’s fur. The gaps between that comb are closely matched to the thickness of the animal’s hair, thus providing a tight anchor for the flea, and preventing its expulsion, despite all the scratching and biting for that purpose. Further, the combs serve to protect the insect’s eyes and joints. The length and width of the comb teeth have evolved to match the fur or feathers of each flea species’ preferred host. Particularly noted for their extreme ability to jump, some fleas are able to leap to a height of 8 inches and a horizontal distance of a foot. This ability stems from the muscles of their hind legs and the presence of a rubbery protein called resilin, which is located in a mass above the hind legs. When the flea cocks its legs to jump, the resilin is compressed and, like a “superball,” releases a great deal of extra energy upon the straightening of the legs. Another flea superlative is noted in the male fleas, which are recognized by zoologists as having the most complex and proportionally large genitalia of all animals.

The flea in its larval stage.

Fleas, classified in their own order of Siphonaptera, are found worldwide, with at least 300 species occurring in North America. As ectoparasites (living on the outside), fleas are attracted to their hosts by detection of heat and exhaled carbon dioxide. While the majority attack mammals, there are a few species that parasitize birds that reuse their nests on an annual basis. Less than 10% of the flea species attack birds.

The cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, is the most commonly encountered species in our area. Despite its name, the cat flea not only feeds on the blood of cats, but also that of dogs, humans, livestock, and numerous species of wild mammals. There are even documented cases of cat fleas attacking lizards! Rodents, for some mysterious reason, appear to be immune to attack by the cat flea. Ironically, the cat flea is the most common and important flea parasite of dogs.

Fleas have complete metamorphosis. A female cat flea can lay several dozen eggs per day over the period of a month. Sometimes the female flea may leave the host animal to deposit her eggs in cracks and crevices near the host’s habitat. When a flea lays eggs while still on the host, the eggs just fall down around the nest or bedding. Flea eggs are very small, oval and white or yellowish. They are coated with a sticky coat that adheres to surrounding dirt or dust. Hatching after about 5 days, the tiny, legless larvae feed for several weeks on detritus (small organic particles), including dried blood, skin pieces, and especially the bloody excrement of the adult fleas. The larvae have small, blackish heads with a pair of small antennae and no eyes. The body is made up of 13 pale brown segments, with each containing a circle of tiny setae (hair-like bristles). The end segment has a pair of finger-like struts protruding rearward. Larvae cannot tolerate extremes in humidity and will die if it is either too high or too low. Although very active, the larvae avoid light and will hide in cracks, crevices, carpets and under the material of a host’s nest. Larvae usually molt three times before they spin silken cocoons and begin pupation. Since the newly spun cocoons are sticky, dust adheres and camouflages them. Depending on the temperature, adult fleas can emerge from the cocoons anytime from a week to a year. The adults require a stimulus to emerge from their cocoons. Usually vibrations, caused by the movements of potential hosts, are sufficient to release the adult fleas. The adult fleas can remain alive in their cocoons for up to a year. Consequently, people returning home after an extended vacation or moving into a previously vacated building are sometimes met with an onslaught of ravenous, bloodthirsty fleas.

Unlike mosquitoes, both male and female fleas are blood feeders. The newly emerged adults require a blood meal to stimulate sperm and egg production. Many fleas feed several times during the day or night. While feeding, the fleas defecate semi-digested blood or excess ingested blood. This disgusting mix is noticeable on the skin or in the fur of infected animals. It can also show up on the clothing or bedding of infested people. Developing eggs cause the females’ bodies to swell, with a gravid female containing up to 1,000 eggs.

Most species of fleas have preferred hosts. However, in the absence of those hosts, fleas will feed on most anything in their vicinity. While feeding on the surrogate hosts keeps the fleas alive, it greatly diminishes their reproductive capacity. Fleas quickly abandon a dead host and seek a viable living one. Historically, this behavior was of great significance in the rapid spread of the plague.

In future articles, I will elaborate on the medical and veterinary impacts of fleas and some methods for their control. Questions, comments and suggestions regarding this article, identifications or any other insect-related matters are welcome. Please email them to

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Food For Thought
By Lauretta L. Clowes DC

No Food For Thought This Week

From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine

Dear EarthTalk: Is it true that some baby bottles contain chemicals that can cause health problems for babies? If so, how can I find alternatives that are safer?

Amy Gorman, Berkeley, CA

No links connecting specific human illnesses to chemicals oozing out of baby bottles have been proven definitively. Nonetheless, many parents are heeding the call of scientists to switch to products with less risk. A 2008 report by American and Canadian environmental researchers entitled “Baby’s Toxic Bottle” found that plastic polycarbonate baby bottles leach dangerous levels of Bisphenol-A (BPA), a synthetic chemical that mimics natural hormones and can send bodily processes into disarray, when heated.

All six of the leading brands of baby bottles tested – Avent, Disney/The First Years, Dr. Brown’s, Evenflo, Gerber and Playtex – leaked what researchers considered dangerous amounts of BPA. The report calls on major retailers selling these bottles – including Toys “R” Us, Babies “R” Us, CVS, Target, Walgreen’s and Wal-Mart – to switch to safer products.

According to the report, BPA is a “developmental, neural and reproductive toxicant that mimics estrogen and can interfere with healthy growth and body function.” Researchers cite numerous animal studies demonstrating that the chemical can damage reproductive, neurological and immune systems during critical stages of development. It has also been linked to breast cancer and to the early onset of puberty.

So what’s a concerned parent to do? Glass bottles are a tried-and-true chemical-free solution, and they are widely available, though very breakable. To the rescue are several companies making BPA-free plastic bottles (out of either PES/polyamide or polypropylene instead of polycarbonate). Some of the leaders are BornFree, thinkbaby, Green to Grow, Nuby, Momo Baby, Mother’s Milkmate and Medela’s. These brands are available at natural food stores, directly from manufacturers, or from online vendors.

Most of the major brands selling BPA-containing bottles are now also offering or planning to offer BPA-free versions of their products. Consumers should read labels and packaging carefully to make sure that any product they are considering buying says unequivocally that it does not contain the chemical.

Unfortunately, switching to a BPA-free bottle is no guarantee the chemical won’t make its way into your baby’s bloodstream anyway. BPA is one of the 50 most-produced chemicals in the world. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), it is used in everything from plastic water jugs labeled #7 to plastic take-out containers, baby bottles and canned food liners. It is so omnipresent that the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) has found that 95 percent of Americans have the chemical in their urine.

Also, nursing mothers – especially those who haven’t discarded their old BPA-containing Nalgene water bottles – may be passing the chemical along through their breast milk. And if that weren’t enough, BPA is also used in the lining of many metal liquid baby formula cans. The nonprofit Environmental Working Group (EWG) has posted email links to the consumer affairs offices of the major formula manufacturers so concerned parents can ask them to remove BPA from their product offerings and packaging.

CONTACTS: Baby’s Toxic Bottle Report,; NRDC,; CDC,; EWG,

Dear EarthTalk: How much “old growth” forest is left in the United States and is it all protected from logging at this point?         

John Foye, via e-mail

As crazy as it sounds, no one really knows how much old growth is left in America’s forested regions, mainly because various agencies and scientists have different ideas about how to define the term. Generally speaking, “old growth” refers to forests containing trees often hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years old. But even when there is agreement on a specific definition, differences in the methods used to inventory remaining stands of old growth forest can produce major discrepancies. Or so complains the National Commission on Science for Sustainable Forestry (NCSSF) in its recent report, “Beyond Old Growth: Older Forests in a Changing World.”

In 1991, for example, the U.S. Forest Service and the nonprofit Wilderness Society each released its own inventory of old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest and northern California. They both used the Forest Service’s definition based on the number, age and density of large trees per acre, the characteristics of the forest canopy, the number of dead standing trees and fallen logs and other criteria. However, because each agency used different remote sensing techniques to glean data, the Forest Service came up with 4.3 million acres of old-growth and the Wilderness Society found only two million acres.

The NCSSF also studied the data, and they concluded that 3.5 million acres (or six percent) of the region’s 56.8 million acres of forest qualified as old growth – that is, largely trees over 30 inches in diameter with complex forest canopies. By broadening the definition to include older forest with medium-diameter trees and both simple and complex canopies, NCSSF said their figure would go up substantially.

In other parts of the country, less than one percent of Northeast forest is old growth, though mature forests that will become old growth in a few decades are more abundant. The Southeast has even less acreage – a 1993 inventory found about 425 old growth sites across the region, equaling only a half a percent of total forest area. The Southwest has only a few scattered pockets of old-growth (mostly Ponderosa Pine), but for the most part is not known for its age-old trees. Old-growth is even scarcer in the Great Lakes.

It is hard to say whether the remaining pockets of scattered old-growth in areas besides the Pacific Northwest will remain protected, but environmentalists are working hard to save what they can in northern California, Oregon and Washington. The outgoing Bush administration recently announced plans to increase logging across Oregon’s remaining old-growth reserves by some 700 percent, in effect overturning the landmark Northwest Forest Plan of 1994 that set aside most of the region’s remaining old growth as habitat for the endangered spotted owl.

Protecting remaining old-growth is important for many reasons. “These areas provide some of the cleanest drinking water in the world, critical salmon and wildlife habitat, world-class recreational opportunities and critical carbon storage in our fight against global warming,” says Jonathan Jelen of the nonprofit Oregon Wild, adding that as much as 20 percent of the emissions related to global warming can be attributed to deforestation and poor forest management. “A growing body of evidence is showing the critical role that forests – and old-growth forests in particular – can play in mitigating climate change.”

CONTACTS: NCSSF,; Oregon Wild,

GOT AN ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTION? Send it to: EarthTalk, c/o E/The Environmental Magazine, P.O. Box 5098, Westport, CT 06881; submit it at: or e-mail: Read past columns at:

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Barnes-Kasson Corner
By Cara Sepcoski

Barnes-Kasson Hospital is observing National Eating Disorders Week, February 22through 28.

When most people hear of someone with an eating disorder, they almost automatically assume the person has a problem with food. Eating disorders are not a sign that a person has a problem with food, rather eating disorders are actually only the symptoms of underlying problems in that person's life. With proper treatment, people can fully recover.

Many people wonder why so many teenage girls become anorexics and bulimics. There are speculated theories, such as that parents that push their children to be perfect, or that parents that don’t seem to show enough attention. Other reasons are stress and a lack of self-confidence in their own life. The most common reason though, is a need for control. Diseases such as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are psychological disorders, in which the need for control and extreme fears are covered up by out-of-control dieting and purging.

The most common age for an ED to develop is around age 16. There are multiple reasons for this, but the main one is that adolescence is one of the most stressful times in a person’s life. Teenagers are under a massive amount of pressure to succeed and fit in. Many spend a lot of time worrying about what others think, and they desperately seek ways in which they can conform to society's unattainable "ideal" body image.

By the time most people are diagnosed with an eating disorder, their bodies have already begun to deteriorate. This is because women, especially teenagers, are very good at hiding their disorder. To someone with an ED, their mind doesn’t process the fact that they are starving themselves, and views themselves as overweight and in need of weight loss, making it hard for them to accept the fact that they have a disorder.

If you ever come across someone with an eating disorder, try to avoid discouraging comments, and give many complements. Try to realize that they didn’t get an eating disorder for attention. Don’t blame yourself or them, no one chooses to get an ED, it just simply comes along in life and becomes torturous.

Thousands of women, and even men, suffer from an ED, and thousands of them have recovered. If you think that you or one of your loved ones suffers from an eating disorder, immediately contact your doctor and remain calm. Know that you are not alone, and that there is help out there. There is hope for recovery, no matter how dark it may seem.

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