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Financial Law & Order

We are in a fiscal crisis beyond imagination. The collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers are neither the first, nor the last in the housing and credit crisis. Fasten your seatbelts!

Remember not long ago when ENRON cheated their way into extinction? And when Worldcom, Global Crossing, Tyco, Adelphia, and Health South pulled the same sneaky tricks?

And remember the Savings & Loan scandal of the late 80's that cost the taxpayers many billions?

One colossal financial failing after another is the inevitable result of the right-wing Republican fetish for unregulated business. And it will keep on happening, and keep costing us all, until law and order is restored to the economy.

Imagine you were playing in a football game without any referee. It would quickly turn into chaos. Well, that's what we get when the government fails to serve as referee for the economy. For too long, they've been off the field, blindfolded, and hog-tied as shenanigans occur.

And why? For years, the GOP has been pushing, as an article of faith, the gospel of laissez-faire: the notion that business, left to their own devices, always works out for the best. But experience amply shows that it just doesn't work! What we get is recklessness, corruption, bankruptcy, and us left holding the bag for the crooked and incompetent. With the GOP working to keep profits private, while socializing risk. That's manifestly unfair.

How long do we have to put up with this state of affairs before we wise up? Do we need a total economic collapse that turns the whole country into a basket case? I can't say we don't deserve it.


Stephen Van Eck

Rushville, PA

Que Sera, Sera

I am just one small pea in this pod of the Wall Street rich and famous. As an entrepreneur in our area, I am strong, as are many of the stone men and farmers and those with farming backgrounds. The railroad men, the miners, and on and on.

We work because we have to, and we know how to work, work is something many people are falling short of these days.

That, to me, is the indicator of how strong our economy is. Yes, we the people in 2008 are strong, but not as strong as “we the people” in 1776 when the Constitution was signed. (Did you know there was a difference?) However, most citizens today can't support themselves as far as growing food, or have abundant tasks or odd jobs for everyone to do. That was real work, and that work started our economy. It started commerce as we know it today, once again, however not as many people share the wealth. Commerce started Wall Street! Small town America now sees Wall Street sweat, not from hard work, but from the lack of money.

I say yes, we are strong as a country because we still have the small business thinkers who know exactly what “work” is, and can do it. Wall Street took a fall. Billions of dollars changed hands.

I can't even feel sorry for the richest of the rich. Yet, when the poor people or the guys out of work say our economy is bad, we get the blame. It’s a shame, when their jobs were sent to other countries by the Wall Street big shots and tree huggers because of clean air and water at the poor guy’s expense.

Where are the speculators tonight, any guesses?


Peter A. Seman

Thompson, PA

Family Fun, Close To Home

With the price of gas going up more every day, many are looking for things to do with the family that are close to home. We have just the answer. Old Mill Village, a Pennsylvania historic museum, located one mile outside of New Milford on Route 848, is the answer. We have some great programs coming: September 27 and 28, a Fall Festival with a craft show, and on Sunday a music contest. Registration is 12 to 1 p.m. for musicians, singers and dancers. Three judges will award ribbon prizes. Pumpkins grown at the village will be on sale on Sunday, and as usual, enjoy the “Pumpkintown People.”

October 4 and 5, enjoy “Civil War Living History.” We expect over 125 re-enactors from all over. See the war between the states that shaped our history and changed life for many in our area. Battle reenactments each day. On Saturday, the 4th, we will also celebrate “stamp month.” The New Milford Post Office, now at Old Mill Village will open for one day, with a special commemorative postmark for all outgoing mail. October 10 and 11, and 17 and 18, “Ghost Walks of Pennsylvania” will give you a nighttime, spine-tingling walk of the village, while being told tales from our area and around the state. End the evening with hot chocolate or cider and donuts around a campfire. Our last program of the season will be held for the third year, at the church in the park on Main Street in New Milford, “Victorian Christmas and Tea.” There is no admission charged for this event (donations greatly appreciated). Enjoy an elegant interlude, tasting delectable treats from the 19th century, live Christmas music, and a silent auction of a wonderful variety of donated items.

For information on any of these programs, visit our website at www.oldmillvillage.org or call (570) 465–3448.


Dixie Russell

Old Mill Village

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