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Help Wanted HELP WANTED: Carpenter/helper, transportation needed, local. ABCO Construction, (570) 727–3232 or (607) 743–0747. (4T-S3) PRIVATE PARTY can help you sell your mortgage or trust deed. Call (570) 853-9069. (6T-S3) HELP WANTED: Stone stackers needed. Drug test required. Must be 18 years old or older. Apply at Edward Green & Sons. (570) 727–2352. (2T-S17)
FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment, $390.00 per month plus security deposit. No pets. References. Appliances not included. (570) 853–3694. (S17-TF) FOR RENT: Upstairs apartment, one person. Includes heat, hot water. Pay own electric. Hookup for washer, dryer, stove. Info call (570) 853-3319. (S17) FOR RENT: Thompson. Two bedroom apartment. $500 a month, includes heat, water and sewer. No pets. Call (805) 814-0492 or (570) 727-2915. (2T-S17) FOR RENT: Starrucca. Brand new, 2000sqf home on 2 1/2 acres for rent. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. New appliances & washer/dryer included. 2 car garage. Sewer and water included. $850. (570) 727-2915 or (805) 814-0492. (2T-S17) FOR RENT: 2 bedroom duplex in Susquehanna. Near hospital. Available October 1. $400 per month plus utilities. 465–2152. (2T-S17)
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