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Evil Must Be Opposed The Kansas Catholic Bishops have taken the lead of the America's National Conference of Catholic Bishops and issued a voter's guide, following their state conference, which states that a vote cast for a politician who supports abortion and same-sex marriage is nothing less than casting a vote for evil. They were clear in their admonition that Catholics would commit moral evil by voting for any candidate who embraces abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research, human cloning and same-sex marriage when a morally acceptable candidate is available. The Bishops made it clear that some matters of morality, such as affordable housing, immigration, universal health care, the use of reason allows for a legitimate diversity in our prudential judgments. Other acts, regardless of the motive or circumstances, always involve doing evil and must be opposed. These choices include elective abortion, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, the destruction of embryonic human beings in stem cell research, human cloning, and same-sex marriage. "Such acts are judged to be intrinsically evil, that is, evil in and of themselves regardless of our motives or the circumstances. They constitute an attack against innocent human life, as well as marriage and family," the Bishops stated. Catholic voters have to bring a correct conscience on matters regarding innocent human life and the family even when faced with the choice of two unacceptable candidates. "So when there is no choice of a candidate that avoids supporting intrinsically evil actions, especially elective abortion, we should vote in such a way as to allow the least harm to innocent human life and dignity," the bishops conclude. I have taken these quotes from an article by Peter J. Smith reporting on the Kansas Catholic Bishops voter's guide issued on August 12. I am very proud that our Bishops have finally spoken out clearly on the intrinsic evil of abortion as well as the other life issues. This is America and we have the right to believe as we wish. That is not so of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. To be a true Catholic one must follow the dictates of Jesus Christ. Truth is not relative – a matter of opinion, formed as we wish. If one is not in agreement with the doctrines and mandates of the Church they should not present themselves as Catholics, especially at Holy Communion time. Sincerely, Annette Corrigan Jackson, PA Charity Begins At Home I have seen red clothing boxes around town, so I wanted to take the opportunity to thank our local churches for their hand-me-down clothing drives. It is because of all your continual efforts and hard work that although my family and many others are poor, we haven’t had to look like it. Many thanks, and may God continue to bless you. Sincerely, Name Withheld Susquehanna, PA
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