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Help Wanted HELP WANTED: Full-time positions for quarry workers. Must be experienced. Located in Susquehanna, (570) 561–0635. (2T-A20) LA AYUDA DESEÓ: Posiciones a tiempo completo para los trabajadores de la mina. Debe ser experimentado. Localizado adentro Susquehanna, (570) 561–0635. (2T-A20) PAINTING CONTRACTOR: John Mann, 20+ years experience. 727–3050 after 6:00 p.m. (5T-A20) CHILDCARE AVAILABLE in licensed family daycare home. Located on Rte. 171, Jackson St. Thompson. Accepting children age 2 and older. Call 727-3322, Miss Kathleen. Subsidies gladly accepted. (A27)
FOR SALE: 1/2 acre corner lot. Home livable, needs some repairs. New roof, gas and water heater. Four miles Elk Mt. $52,000. Will hold mortgage. (570) 756–3258. (2T-A27) FOR SALE: Large kerosene burning stove, ideal for garage or basement, stove pipe attached! Best offer, 853–3091. (A27) YARD SALE: Rte. 171, Jackson St. Thompson, behind Thompson Baptist Church, Saturday and Sunday, August 30 & 31/9 AM – 3 PM. Cribs, highchairs, toddler beds, girls clothes up to 4T. (No antiques.) Small household goods. (A27)
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