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New Milford Quarry Resurfaces
By Melinda Darrow

The B&S (quarry) controversy, so prevalent a topic in New Milford Township meetings in the last year, reared its head again on June 18. The supervisors announced that they had received notification that this company had applied for another large, non-coal mining permit. The township, at the time of the meetings, was in the 30-day period in which they could send back their concerns about this application to DEP, and offered to include visitor and resident concerns in a formulated letter. This led to a discussion which, while it paled in comparison to the passionate debates of months before, resurrected some of the familiar conversations. Township solicitor Mike Briechle pointed out that what was desired at this point was concerns about land use practices, etc., and that residents could also send in their own objections to DEP directly. Such letters must be received by the organization within 30 days from the newspaper announcement. Also, in response to a comment made about another public meeting with DEP, solicitor Briechle explained that a request for a public meeting would also have to be submitted in writing.

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ELSD Faces Fuel Woes
By Melinda Darrow

At 8:35 on Tuesday June 17, the Elk Lake and SCCTC school board had not yet moved past the second item on the first meeting's agenda. This uncommon occurrence was due to two executive sessions within that first hour and a half, and a somewhat lengthy discussion over the hot topic of the night – transportation costs. Several of the district's contractors attended the meeting to ask the board what could be done to compensate for the increasing costs of fuel, and to express their concerns over soon being unable to continue to operate.

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