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Lanesboro Cemetery Update

The Lanesboro Cemetery has a new look! Through grants, donations and fund-raisers, the roadways are now paved, the surveying is complete and new fencing and gates are up. A beautiful monument greets its visitors at the main gate. Alongside each main gate, there is a walk-in gate for those wishing to visit loved ones while the main gates are locked over the winter. The main gates will be open from March 15 to November 1, depending upon the weather. This is done for the protection of the cemetery as well as visitors. New signs are posted.

Volunteers are  needed. The tool shed needs a new roof, and the shed needs to be painted before Fall. If anyone is interested in helping, either by labor or donations, please call. We also need to have some trees cut and landscaping done, as time and money will allow. Bids for mowing for the 2009 season will be taken until August 4. For details, please call.

We are asking everyone, once again, to please help keep our cemetery beautiful for all.

If you put something on, please keep it within the site, not in the walkway, and take it home within a reasonable time, as we have no garbage.

Please – no glass ornaments.

Flowers can be planted by the headstone, but absolutely no trees, shrubs or bushes.

We are compiling a list, as time allows, of each section to help locate a loved one. Once complete, we hope to post it on the Internet in the near future.

Anyone wishing to call on any of the above or have any questions, please call Bill at 853-4524.

Just a reminder to all lot owners, you are members of the Cemetery Association and we are hoping to hear from you. We volunteer, do you?

Next meeting will be August 4, at 7:00 p.m. at the Lanesboro Community Center. See you there!


Kathy Crawford

Lanesboro Cemetery Association

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