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BRUSHVILLE YARD SALE: Endless Mts. Stone Co. June 21 and 22, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Like new dresses, shoes, stone gifts. Directions, call (607) 768–0181. (2T-J11) FOR SALE: Hay. Square bales from the field. If interested, contact (570) 727–2822. (4T-J11) 4 FAMILY YARD SALE: June 13 & 14, rain or shine. 504 Jackson Ave., Susquehanna, 9-3. Nordic Trac, hassocks, chairs, books, curtains, jewelry, knitting, cloth, x-lg. ladies clothes, household items, etc. (J11) PRIVATE COLLECTOR paying cash for your Colt Revolvers, Winchesters, antique guns, militaria, civil war swords and items, flasks, powder cans. 1 or many. Please call Rob at 607-760-1264. (N8-TF) FOR SALE: Heat ‘n Glo gas fireplace. Heats 1500 sq. ft. Propane/natural gas, remote thermostat, blower, conversion kit included. $800, negotiable. 253–1090. (J16-TF) FOR SALE: RCA 35” TV. Picture-in-picture. Excellent condition. $400, negotiable. 853–3907. (J16-TF) BUYING US COINS and collections. Highest prices paid. Silver, gold, mint sets, proofs and singles. Call (570) 434–2155. (4T-J4) MOTOR BOAT for sale: 14 foot runabout with 40 horsepower Yamaha motor. $1,900. Call (607) 341-0894 or (607) 625-4329. (4T-J4)
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