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Great Bend Clarifies Permit Regulations At their June 2 supervisors’ meeting, resident questioned Great Bend Township’s use of COG as their representative for building inspections; a family member was in the process of changing the use of a commercial building to a daycare facility and was unhappy with the costs involved. An engineering study would be needed, cost $3,250 as well as a sewage inspection. The supervisors explained that COG does not set the regulations in situations like this, they must follow the state’s mandates. When a property is to be used for childcare, there are (more) stringent rules that must be followed and when a commercial property’s use is changed, there are rules that must be adhered to. In this case, the study was to require that the bathroom facilities were up to the standard for a daycare facility. The resident said that the building owners were so upset over the costs involved that they were considering not following through with their plans. The supervisors agreed to contact COG for more information.
New Milford Moves Forward The June 6 New Milford Borough Council meeting included many discussions concerning the best interests of the taxpayers, the introduction of a new baseball league, park improvements, safety issues, and the status of the bridges’ repair.
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