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Scholarship Awarded To Angela Petriello
Teachers Receive Cornell Certificate
FCR High School 3rd Period Honor Roll
Mt. View Elementary 3rd Period Honor Roll
Mt. View High 3rd Period Honor Roll
Susky High Third Period Honor Roll

Scholarship Awarded To Angela Petriello

Ms. Angela Petriello was named the recipient of the 2008 Claire O’Neil Scholarship. The scholarship is offered through the Claire Williams O’Neil Foundation, which was established by the extended members of the Williams family. The Williams family connections go back to the mid-19th century, to commemorate the contribution made during Claire Williams O’Neil’s lifetime to inspire young people. Claire Williams O’Neil was a former teacher in the Susquehanna Schools. In August of 2000, the Foundation entered into a partnership agreement with the Susquehanna Community High School to give an annual award of a college scholarship worth $80,000.00 throughout four years of schooling. The objective of the CWO Foundation is to contribute to the long-term well being of the community by enabling the best of its youth to develop their full potential through study at the highest quality colleges and universities in the country, an aim that might be beyond normal expectations. Oftentimes the aspirations of students to attend an elite “dream school” goes unaccomplished because of high tuition costs at these schools. The CWO Scholarship provides an incentive for college-bound SCHS seniors to consider the reality of upgrading their college choices to include more prestigious universities and raise their sights to attend the very best schools in America. Another objective is to have scholarship winners contribute back to Susquehanna Community. Previous CWO scholarship winners attend/attended Rochester Institute of Technology, Syracuse University, Texas A&M, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Notre Dame and Boston University.

Angela is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Petriello of Ararat. She is a lifetime student of the district. During her high school years she has been involved in Student Council, The Environment Team, The National Honor Society, The Reading Club and Track and Field. She has also been the Vice President of the Class of 2008 for three years. The O’Neil Scholarship has afforded Angela to attend her dream school of NYU, where she will major in premedical studies.

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Teachers Receive Cornell Certificate

Over thirty science and math teachers from all six Susquehanna County school districts received Cornell University certificates after participating in the Cornell outreach presentation held in Susquehanna County earlier this year.

Pictured are Susquehanna Science Teacher Leanne Rhone and Susquehanna Community School District Superintendent Bronson Stone.

The Cornell K-12 Outreach Program, sponsored by The Endless Mountain Technology Center (EMTC), offers high school teachers a unique opportunity for professional development which includes workshops, summer continuing education programs, hands-on, inquiry-based labs and an equipment lending library at no cost to the teachers or school districts. The Endless Mountain Technology Center is a non-profit community-based partnership of industry and education whose focus is to establish a Best-In-Class technology center in Susquehanna County that will be the catalyst for economic development.

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FCR High School 3rd Period Honor Roll

Anthony Rusnak, Forest City Regional High School Principal, announced the Honor Roll for the thirrd marking period of the 2007-08 school year.


GRADE 7: Kristen Bailey, Kylie Besz, Tiffany Davis, Kiana Marcho, Megan Marcinkus, Stephanie Ramos, Benjamin Terry.

GRADE 8: Courtney Andrews, Katherine DeMark, Elizabeth Heller, Richard J. Kresock, Sarah Kubus, Kristine Kuriger, Jennifer Natishak, Brian Nebzydoski, Kathleen Piatkowski, Tania A. Pollard, Dana Statkun, Taylor-Ray Tammero, Katie Zefran.

GRADE 9: Andrea Burleigh, Cassie Erdmann, Hope Hoanzl, Kevin Swartz, Jenna Tasso, Matthew Terry, Cree Townsend.

GRADE 10: Lyle Foster, Jessica Herbst, Nicholas Lowry, Andrew Salvi, Kaitlyn Schott, Jordan Underwood.

GRADE 11: Paige Baron, Ryan Baron, Jessica Butler, Amanda Cino, Brianna Demchak, Kelsey Logar, Kristen Majdic, Wade Malicky, David Moss, Christopher Rowe, Jacklyn Smith, Cassidy Strickland, Joseph Terry, Kelsey Trichilo.

GRADE 12: Ashley Hofer, Christina Kane, Marc A. Kilmer, Christopher Nebzydoski, Danielle Nebzydoski, Matthew Silfee.


GRADE 7: Kylie Borick, Virginia Caruso, Tyler Daniels, Joseph Faust, Nicolette Murray, Katherine Pecko, Morgan Saul, David Supko.

GRADE 8: Erica Alexis, Emily Baileys, Maria Bostjancic, Rose Campbell, Brian Carpenter, David Durko, Lauren Hornbeck, Jenna Lucchesi, Joseph Munifo, Nicole Reider, Justin Rieman, Madison H. Schott, Kaeleigh R. Schwartz, Seth Thomas, Anthony Vadala.

GRADE 9: Summer Demcevski, Adam Dix, Sarah Forsette, Jessica Gigliotti, Mitchel Goben, Rebecca Keller, Zachary Mendoza, Shannon Novak, Shauna O’Reilly, Tyler Parente, Amy Saam, Dominick Sparks, Andrew A. Trivisonno.

GRADE 10: Alexandra Coolican, Taylor Gerchman, Eric Graebner, Rachel Gulbin, Chelsea Jubinsky, Thomas Kubus, Cassandra laBar, Jeremy McGovern, Bradley Medved, Justin Merrigan, Benjamin Paul, Alexandra Powell, James Tasso, Donald Yestrepsky.

GRADE 11: Justin Debevec, Holly Demianovich, Alison Dombroski, Lindsey Dragwa, Michael Kubus, Chelsea Lucchesi, Cheryl Pantzar, Michael Pasternak, Allison Pierzga, Jason Rieman, Kenneth Saul, Koral Tyson, Ian White.

GRADE 12: Michael Davies, Ashley Dix, Christine Guzzi, Dustin Jubinsky, Jaimie Loomis, Lauren Orasin, Briana Salvi, Amber Sauls, Chelsea Soltus, Coty Soltus, Sarah Terry, Eric Torres, Brittany Yestrepsky.

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Mt. View Elementary 3rd Period Honor Roll

Following is the Mt. View Elementary School Honor Roll for the third marking period of the 2007-08 school year.

GRADE 4: Leanna Allen, Devin Ball, Dane Barhite, Shawny Barnes, Robert Belcher, Jeffrey Bevacqua, Courtney Bognatz , Amber Bollard, Jordan Bomersheim, Collin Burt, John Dougherty, Deon Faramelli, Seth Fluck, Andrew Graham, Travis Hartman, Anna Housel, Emmett Jodon, Eric Landes, Elijah Latimer, Emma Loch, Adam Lynn, Trevor Mills, Matthew O'Brien, Stephanie Ostir, Hannah Phillips, Alexandria Pollock, Blake Reed, Hannah Richner, Ewan Sands, Abigail Sekely, Alison Showalter, Emily Supancik, Schae Thomas, Lexis Thompson, Rebekah Tiffany, Colten  Traver, Alexis Twining, Marshall Ward, Karlee Weida, Morgan White, Autumn Whitehead.

GRADE 5: Jack Allen, Jacob Baranski, Edward Bognatz, Garrett Cameron, Matthew Cowan, Delaney Esslinger, Nikolas Estabrook, Sabrina Fallon, Keegan Ficarro, Ariana Gabriel, Jason Germain, Lindsay Hanas, Eliza Himko, Annie Johnson, Traci Kromko, Lucas LaRue, Ryan Lavin, Lindsey Leschak, Hayley Maloney, Robert Perry, Alyssa Royce, Masen Suhadolnik, Katelynn Taylor, Emily Tracy, Allison Virbitsky, Lauren Wallis, Thomas Ware, Makenna Whitaker, Chris White, Tori Wilder, Zach Williams.

GRADE 6: Andrew Adams, Derek Bradley, Kayla Brown, Paul Chichura, Aubrey Daniels, Zachariah Feduchak, Shawna Getz, Megan Getz, Katelyn Hartman, Jake Heller, Matt Heller, Julianna Jarnagin, Nicholas Jarrow, Christopher Kraft, Alyssa Kress, Giana Latimer, Matt Mecca, Jennifer Molenko, Ashley Nichols, Sarah Nichols, Alexis Oakley, Cheyenne Pfahl, Bobby Pfahl, Mikaela Phillips, Tyler Salak, Nicholas Schermerhorn, Colby Thomas, Cameron Walsh, Brandon Zentmyer.

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Mt. View High 3rd Period Honor Roll

Following is the Mt. View High School Honor Roll for the third marking period of the 2007-08 school year.

GRADE 7: Megan Atkins, Paige Belcher, Elizabeth Black, Shannon Bollard, Rebekah Brown, Owen Flannery, Nathan Goodenough, Sarah Hosie, Kerri Jarnagin, Lucas Jodon, Marshall Kupinski, Erin McHale, Caroline Miller, Laura Moser, James O'Brien, Bradley Pfahl, Jordan Roeske, Lee-Anne Sherman, Victoria Sterling, Caitlyn Tague, Kelsey Twining, Katie Valentine, Stephanie Virbitsky, Tyler Walsh, Kyle Watts, Kari Lynn Zupanovich.

GRADE 8: Tess Berish, Sarah Bowman, Jonathan Chipelo, Katherine Cure, Allison Davis, Tabitha Drum, Michaela Gates, Brian Goble, Deanna Hansen, Joseph Jarrow, Shannon Kavetski, David Kern, Angelica Kester, Jennifer Kochmer, Megan Kress, Ryan Lahnemann, Stephen Landis, Elizabeth Lockwood, Joel Madas, Liam Maloney, Melinda Miller, Nathan Moyer, Jordan Noldy, Carmelitta Oakley, Tyler Puorro, Kelly Purdy, Crysta Santarelli, Jeff Smalley, Gary Smith, Devon Suhadolnik, Alixandria Taylor, John Valentine, Michael Wakalowski, Melissa Walker.

GRADE 9: Gregory Adams, Thor Banks, Andrea Beeman, Taylor Brainard, Paul Fontana, Karch Frantz, Ryan Gonliewski, Aaron Goodenough, Lindsey Harvey, Christopher Herman, Carly Jesse, James Johnson, Megan Karhnak, Michael Keogh, Samantha Knowlton, Alexandria Lynn, Hunter Marcy, Daniel McWhirr, Michael Mikloiche, Brian Miller, Christopher Powers, Michael Purdy, Brittany Resseguie, Cody Robbins, Cheyenne Santoriello, Mary Skurnowicz, Joseph Valentine, Megan Walker, Olivia Zick.

GRADE 10: Alena Beeman, Stephanie Bianco, Jonathan Buzzerd, Brittany Chubirka, Ravi Figgles, Miranda Fisher, Hanora Gaynor, Colleen Haley, Luke Jenkins, Sharon Jones, Jacqueline Kochmer, Jonathan McBride, Kelly Morgan, Jessie Porth, Alyssa Regan, Leah Tantanella, Seth Tiffany, Kelsey Whitaker.

GRADE 11: Michael Aherne, Elaine Arsenault, Shawnna Benedict, Darlene Bloxham, Bryan Brozonis, Jamie Buzzerd, David Corbin, Bryce Edwards, Angela Ferrence, James Gething, Michaelene Gongliewski, Nicholas Hancock, Joseph Harvey, Misty Karhnak, Richard Keogh, Michelle Lahnemann, Alexandra Laske, Erika Lewis, Scott Martens, Daisy Matulevich, Brittany McGraw, Chase McLaud, Brandon Miller, Victoria Novajosky, Michael Oakley, William Owens, Alexander Pashchuk, Kenneth Robbins, Amanda Schmidt, Tessa Sheridan, Jessica Short, Zakkary Snedeker, Melissa Sohns, Donald Tantanella, Shelbey Twining, Jacqueline Wayman, Colleen Whitaker, Mariah White.

GRADE 12: Alecia Beeman, Maura Bocan, Allison Bodt, Cassandra Bostjancic, Katelyn Briggs, Michael Brown, Alisha Burgess, Krystal Chubirka, Gina Cicco, Stephanie Diehl, Esther Erdos, Christopher Fallon, Nicole Feduchak, Dale Fisher, Benjamin Garrison, Carly Gaughan, Derek Gaughan, Patrick Gibser, Kelly Griffin, Joshua Harris, Kyle Holgate, Joshua Jarnagin, Amy Kern, Brittany Kozlowski, Patrick Lambert, A'Leia Lewis, Brian Lockwood, Dustin Mack, Amanda Makosky, Christie Marcho, Zachary Matulevich, Matthew Morgan, Andrew Nichols, Saleta Oakley, Sara Parsons, Justine Pevec, Matthew Powers, Kelly Rafferty, Kendra Rafferty, Kristin Repchick, Nicole Rhodes, Jennifer Roberts, Casey Schweppenheiser, Ashlee Sherman, Megan Shipsky, Rudolph Testa, Rachel Vauter, Justina Wadge, Mason Webster, Michelle Wedin, Christina Zick.

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Susky High Third Period Honor Roll

Following is the Susquehanna Community High School Honor Roll for the third quarter of the 2007-08 school year.


GRADE 12: Shayna Benson, Ellen Biegert, Ashley Blewett, Mary Jo Cotter, Michael Ervin, Christopher Felter, Emily Mead, Angela Petriello, Ashley Price, Craig Price, Ashley Repa, Samantha Rieman, Chelsey Saam, Tamara Sager, Craig Soden, Kristy Tyler, Jessica Welch.

GRADE 11: Ashley Aldrich, Christine Biegert, Sydney Carmody, Christy Glidden, Diana Greene, Hannah Price, Lacey Sholtiss, Aaron Soden, Leann Terpstra.

GRADE 10: Scott Arthur, Kelly Conklin, Nicholas Felter, Thomas Kelly Jr., Kyla Kemmerer, Shawn Norton, Andrea Walker.

GRADE 9: Sean Leonard, Nicholas Marco, Timothy Sager, Steven Skurski, David Winn.

GRADE 8: Courtney Arthur, Alexandria Dominick, Rex Fullam V, Matthew Hilling, Thomas Maby, Morgan Ofsharick, Gatanya Sedlock, Stephanie Skurski, Jeffrey Wayman.

GRADE 7: Kyleigh Fiske, Lindsey Glidden, Melissa Kukowski, Amanda Marco, Caitlynn O’Dell, Raymond Polak, Ryan Swanson, Ashley Sweeney, Andrzej Tomczyk, Zachary Vaughn, Amberly Warner.


GRADE 12: Caryn Conklin, Daniel Gall, Robert Glover, Aleshia Napolitano, Danielle Roy, Cynthia Williams, Megan Zappe.

GRADE 11: Heather Bixby, Jennifer Glover, Jessica Hubal, Angela Leonard, Samantha Neal, Jeffrey Williams.

GRADE 10: John Herbert, Adam Macazan, Lauren Reddon, Brandon Stone, Jamie Towner.

GRADE 9: Brooklynne Baker, Kelly Burke, Kelsey Carmody, Susan Greene, Kyle Napolitano, Derek Williams, Shane Wolf.

GRADE 8: Jamie Boener, Karlene Cottrell, Brandon Deakin, Timothy Flanagan, Alexis Gerhardt, Ashley Kapcsandi, Sierra McConnell.

GRADE 7: Megan Canfield, Emily Carmody, Chelsea Matta, Patricia Pauswinski, Brooke Sampson, Casey Williams.


GRADE 12: Dustin Barton, Brittany Belk, Kayla Bibalo, Amanda Canfield, Amanda Depew, Daniel Downton, Kristen Edwards, Kirk Fallon, Joshua Jenkins, Alexandria Kotran, Lucas Marion, Kenneth Scro, Shawnee Soules, Brady Stark, Rashel Swanson, Ashley Troup, Jamie White.

GRADE 11: Stephen Andujar, Carlos Cuevas, Matthew Gumaer, Brittany Heller, Kayshia Kruger, Kaylin Lindquist, Rosalee Mead, Frank Schmidt, Mary Tarbox.


Philip Barnes, Nicole Conklin, Garrett Cuevas, Tyler Dibble, Courtney Dininny, Justin Falletta, Melinda Fitch, Megan Garcia, Patrick Johnson, Kristianna Lake, Matthew Leet, James Marion Jr., Michael Nagel Jr., Courtney Slocum, David Szili, Ashley Westbrook.

GRADE 9: Kimberly Aldrich, Zachary Baker, Jordan Boerner, Kacie Chesnick, Kalyn Cina, Christine Compton, Sharon James, Sean MacDonald, Kirstin McCormick, Kacey Norris, Paige Payne, Basia Polak, Alex Price, Jesse Redington, Amanda Roth, Alex Sheriff, Robert Skiba, David Vales, Nicholas Vales.

GRADE 8: Jeremy Acone, Elizabeth Acosta, Aaron Arthur, Ashley Ballard, Daphne Barnes, Matthew Bennett, Dustin Burdick, Kayla Coleman, Danielle Conklin, Duane Consla Jr., Austin Cowperthwait, Brett Deakin, Brenda Kochmer, Megan Kutney, Jon-Michael Marino, Vincent Matta Jr., Zachary Ord, Austin Sampson.

GRADE 7: Brett Archambault, Tyler Barber, Danielle Barnes, Brianne Bianco, Kevin Bush, Derek Case, Brendan Conklin, Mark Conklin, Daniel Cordner, Michael Frye, Kara Gow, Dylan Haynes, Dessine Herzog, Tyler Hines, Valerie Hines, Caleb Scepaniak, Chelsea Sparks, Chantal Stith, Allen Westbrook.

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