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Help Wanted CAREGIVER NEEDED for a female in Susquehanna, PA. Full-time and part-time, all shifts. Call Peggy at (570) 798–2120. (2T-M7) CREATIVE-PLAY PRESCHOOL registration for the 2008-2009 school year is now being taken. Curriculum for 3-5 year olds includes: kindergarten readiness, music, art, crafts, story/circle time, small and large muscle coordination, indoor/outdoor play, dance and more! Small, personalized setting, with a safe, state certified playground. Your child will always receive loving care, individualized instruction and attention. Licensed facility, free, approved breakfasts, lunches and snacks served daily, full/partial year scholarships available. Experienced teacher: Norma Chacona, B.A., M.A. Ed. Call (570) 853–3237 for more info. (M7)
YARD SALE: Saturday, May 10, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. 419 Washington St., Susquehanna. Many children’s items, family clothing, something for everyone. (M7) PRIVATE COLLECTOR paying cash for your Colt Revolvers, Winchesters, antique guns, militaria, civil war swords and items, flasks, powder cans. 1 or many. Please call Rob at 607-760-1264. (N8-TF) FOR SALE: Heat ‘n Glo gas fireplace. Heats 1500 sq. ft. Propane/natural gas, remote thermostat, blower, conversion kit included. $800, negotiable. 253–1090. (J16-TF) FOR SALE: RCA 35” TV. Picture-in-picture. Excellent condition. $400, negotiable. 853–3907. (J16-TF) FOR SALE: two 13 inch TV/VCR's w/ remotes $75 ea., DVD player with remote $25, laptop backpack $25, push mower needs work $35, call evenings, 853-2853.
FOR RENT: 3 bedroom apartment in Susquehanna, PA. Heat and sewer included in rent. Phone 853–4888. (M7)
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