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Help Wanted HELP WANTED: The Borough of Susquehanna will be accepting applications for Part-time Streets help. Application deadline is Friday, April 25. Applications available at the borough office located at 284 Erie Blvd. (2T-A16)
PRIVATE COLLECTOR paying cash for your Colt Revolvers, Winchesters, antique guns, militaria, civil war swords and items, flasks, powder cans. 1 or many. Please call Rob at 607-760-1264. (N8-TF) FOR SALE: Heat ‘n Glo gas fireplace. Heats 1500 sq. ft. Propane/natural gas, remote thermostat, blower, conversion kit included. $800, negotiable. 253–1090. (J16-TF) FOR SALE: RCA 35” TV. Picture-in-picture. Excellent condition. $400, negotiable. 853–3907. (J16-TF) FOR SALE: two 13 inch TV/VCR's w/ remotes $75 ea., DVD player with remote $25, laptop backpack $25, push mower needs work $35, call evenings, 853-2853. FOR SALE: White Cruise-Matic lawn tractor, 12 HP, 38 inch Cut Well Kent. New battery. Ted, 879–5180. (2T-A16)
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