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100 Years Ago
From the Desk of the D.A.
The Healthy Geezer
Straight From Starrucca
Veterans’ Corner
The Road Less Traveled
A Day In My Shoe
Food For Thought
Earth Talk

100 Years Ago

SUSQUEHANNA: It is now said that the citizens of Susquehanna, who have for months sympathized with the strikers, as against the Erie Company, have now been brought to an entirely different altitude since the Erie began removing its repair work and office force to other parts with a view to closing the shops at Susquehanna and are now telling the Company, through the Board of Trade, that if the Company will continue the shops at Susquehanna, the Company can send all the men it wishes to that town and the citizens will see that they are housed and protected. Another news items reports that 52 employees in different departments of the Erie shop, were laid off Monday morning indefinitely. AND: The fourth victim has died of typhoid fever here.

LAWSVILLE: The Lawsville Sunday school will hold a valentine social at Creamery hall Friday evening Feb. 14. The proceeds from the supper, which is 10 cents for each person, will go to help swell the library fund for a new library, and it being leap year the ladies will shoot cupid’s arrows and escort the gentlemen to supper.

LYNN, Springville Twp.: The ground hog saw his shadow last Sunday and we will have six weeks more of cold weather.

BROOKLYN: The members of the G. A. R. Post here will observe the anniversary of Lincoln’s birthday, Wednesday, Feb. 12, by holding a Camp Fire in Village Hall in the evening. A pleasing and appropriate program has been arranged for the occasion. AND: Wednesday morning, Feb. 5, was the coldest of the season. Thirty degrees below zero was registered at Horton Reynolds’; 24 below at Bert Oakley’s and all the way from 18 to 25 [below] in the village.

BRANDT: The westbound coal train in charge of conductor James Moran, of Susquehanna, undertook to take out the bridge at Jefferson Junction Monday. And the bridge was somewhat damaged, and two or three cars derailed, which tied up the road for five hours. No one was injured.

ELKDALE: The people of this place enjoyed a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Owens on Saturday evening, Feb. 1, it being Mrs. Owens’ birthday. Although the night was cold and stormy, about 40 were present. The evening was spent in games of various kinds, both old and young participating. The company also listened to some very fine selections on the phonograph by Glen Wells. Refreshments were served, after which the company presented Mrs. Owens with a purse amounting to nearly $5. Then, as it was nearly Sunday morning, the guests departed, wishing Mrs. Owens many happy birthdays.

EAST LENOX: Viewers were in this vicinity one day last week to pass judgment upon a new road leading from Round Lake to Lake Bennett.

SHANNON HILL, Auburn Twp.: The Ladies’ Aid met last Wednesday at the home of its president, Mrs. S. L. Overfield. A nice quilt was finished and some twenty pounds of carpet rags were sewed. The company was entertained with some music on the graphophone. Over 80 partook of a fine dinner. Those from out of the neighborhood were Mrs. Carrie Meade and children and Jas. Keough and wife. The table receipts were $5.65.

MONTROSE: Old Prince, the horse owned by W. W. Reynolds, is no more. After covering hundreds of miles in the way of usefulness and pleasure for a long period of 39 years, Prince decided to “cast the harness” on some other nag, young and frisky about the flanks. Old Prince was well known to the South Main street residents, and especially to the children, to whom he never displayed any viciousness of character.

SOUTH MONTROSE: The Lehigh train became stalled near South Montrose Sunday morning on account of the heavy snow drifts, but succeeded in reaching Montrose about 1 o’clock in the afternoon.

FAIR HILL, Jessup Twp.: I guess the bear saw his shadow by spells the 2nd of the month, but not very early in the day. However, he must be holed up now.

DIMOCK: James Gavitt, who is getting along in years, seems to stand the extreme cold weather well while driving the milk wagon from Parkvale to Dimock milk station daily.

SOUTH NEW MILFORD: The Ladies’ Aid met at the home of Lott Darrow and the men drew a lot of wood for Rev. O. J. Brush. George Carr had his machine there to saw the wood.

LAUREL LAKE: A leap year party was held at the home of Daisy Bramfitt Jan. 22. A very pleasant time was had. About thirty were present and refreshments were served.

Tunkhannock: Dr. John Corr [John Corrigan], who has been a familiar figure in this vicinity for many years, was found dead in a room at the Keeler House yesterday morning. His home was in Sullivan Co. and he was a very eccentric character. [The passing of Dr. Corr removes one of the oddest and most unique characters that ever trod the soil of Pennsylvania. According to his own statement, he was a native of New Jersey, in his 75th year, and no living relatives. He was slightly unbalanced mentally but was a clean, unobtrusive man who came and went periodically without doing harm to anyone. One of his favorite delusions was the belief that he was the candidate for some political office and this year he was circulating cards asking his friends to support him for the office of president. At the age of about 30 years he first came into prominence when he ran away from the jurisdiction of the poor authorities of Bradford Co. He became an herb “doctor” and roamed the country from Sullivan County, Pa., as far east as the Delaware River and north to Binghamton, frequently passing through Montrose. He seldom rode on the railway trains, going place to place afoot. It is a peculiar circumstance that pneumonia, which caused his death, is one of the ailments which Dr. Corr claimed could not be contracted if people would keep moving through the open air.] Montrose Democrat, Feb. 20, 1908. A large photograph of Dr. Corr is on display in the museum of the Susquehanna County Historical Society.

NEWS BRIEF: Burr Robbins, an old-time circus man, died in Chicago last Friday, where he was engaged in the real estate business. Mr. Robbins was born at Union, N.Y., near Binghamton, in 1837. In 1872 he entered into the circus business on a small scale, gradually increasing his stock with the tide of year. Finally he went out of the business altogether, disposing of nearly all the circus paraphernalia and stock to the Ringling’s, who now are the owners of the Barnum and Bailey shows

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From the Desk of the D.A.
By District Attorney Jason J. Legg

The United States Marine Corps is the oldest military institution in America, having been created on November 10, 1775 by the Continental Congress. From that date over 225 years ago, Marines have fought and died for this country in every battle, war or conflict at a high price; namely, over 40,000 Marines died in battle and over 159,000 were wounded. The motto of the United States Marine Corps is Semper Fidelis, or Semper Fi, which means “Always Faithful.” The commitment and sacrifice to this country over the last two centuries has proven time and again that none can question the dedication and loyalty of United States Marine Corps.

The faithfulness and devotion that the Marine Corps gives to this country is not always paid back in kind. Recently, according to the Mercury News, the City Council of Berkeley passed a resolution to inform the United States Marine Corps that its recruiting station “is not welcome in the city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome intruders.” The Council approved this resolution by a vote of 6 to 3. The Berkeley City Council also voted to investigate whether it could cite the Marine Corps with a violation of a city ordinance that prohibited sexual orientation discrimination because the Marine Corps follows the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy implemented by the Clinton Administration.

To add further insult to the Marine Corps, the City Council then voted to give Code Pink an official designated parking spot in front of the Marine Corps recruiting station once a week for a six-month period, to allow Code Pink to harass the Marines and potential recruits. Finally, the City Council also provided Code Pink with a free sound permit to enable Code Pink to protest from noon to 4 p.m. The vote conferring these special rights upon Code Pink was 8 to 1. For those who have not heard of Code Pink, it describes itself as a feminist, anti-war group that protests the United States military involvement in Iraq and elsewhere.

My initial reaction to this news story was bewilderment, followed by outrage, which burned itself into sadness. Bewilderment resulted from a general confusion over why a City Council would even be addressing this issue in the first place. In other words, Berkeley is a large city and, I would assume, there are many serious issues that the city government needs to address. Why would the council suddenly take time out of addressing the city’s business to consider and vote on a resolution to inform the United States Marines Corps that it is not welcome in the city, and, to go even further, by telling the Marines that they were “intruders.” At first glance, it is laughable that any city government would be so pompous as to even consider, let alone pass, such a resolution.

My humor was quickly replaced by outrage that any local governmental entity would treat the United States Marine Corps with such contempt and disrespect – and do so in such an overwhelming manner. Tens of thousands of Marines have died and over a hundred thousand have been wounded in battles to protect this country, and, by extension, that little pathetic city council. Rather than passing ridiculous resolutions attacking the Marines Corps and enabling Code Pink, the city council should consider a resolution that thanks the Marines Corps for its fidelity and sacrifice that have enabled liberty and freedom to survive in a hostile world.

Finally, as the anger dissipated, it was replaced with a lingering sadness that elected officials would pander so openly to Code Pink to enable them to engage in blatant harassment of Marines and recruits under the guise of free speech. But for the willingness and dedication of the Marines (and other branches of our armed services), Code Pink would not exist – nor would any of our liberties or freedoms. Yet, the Marines are demonized and Code Pink is exalted by the City Council of Berkeley.

The Marines Corps refused to comment on the resolution – and that is exactly what you would expect from the Marines. Semper Fi – even when they are told they are not wanted. Therein lays the real story.

Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments to Susquehanna County District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 218, Montrose, Pennsylvania 18801 or at

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The Healthy Geezer
By Fred Cicetti

No Healthey Geezer This Week




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Straight From Starrucca
By Danielle Williams

No Straight From Starrucca This Week

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Veterans’ Corner

No Veterans' Corner This Week

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The Road Less Traveled
By Bob Scroggins

Babies Are Our Business

I remember as a very young boy seeing newsreels of concentration camps. Electrified barbed-wire fences, the skeletal remains of inmates, some living, some dead, a crematorium, the ovens. But most vividly impressed upon my memory were not the surviving wraiths, not the crematorium, not even the ovens. It was when the oven door was swung open by a soldier and I could look inside. That's what I remember. Today I'd like to open an oven door and look inside.

About 35 years ago the Supreme Court of the United States made abortion legal. From that time, till now, this decision has spawned nothing but division and controversy. Both sides have posed questions that are all but unanswerable: Does a mother's wish have primacy over her unborn child? Exactly when does human life begin? At what stage in a woman's pregnancy, if any, should abortion be illegal? And what about the Constitutional right to abortion, does it really exist?

Efforts to answer such questions would prove as fruitless now as they have in the past. Rather, let us sidestep these land mines, open the oven door and peer inside an abortion clinic. Two questions are posed and two dispassionately answered: Exactly how are abortions performed? and, what becomes of the fetuses? (Fetus is Latin for baby. We shall use the English word.)

Abortions are performed using chemical or mechanical means.

Two chemicals are employed to terminate pregnancy. A premature birth may be induced by injecting a highly caustic salt solution through a woman's abdomen and into the baby's amniotic sac. Death occurs in about an hour. The other chemical commonly used is Prostaglandin. This causes extreme birth contractions, violent enough to crush the baby's head upon delivery.

There are three mechanical methods of abortion. During the first 3 months of pregnancy, suction aspiration is preferred. A tube is inserted into the uterus and the baby is vacuumed out. Since the vacuum is 30 times more powerful than a household vacuum cleaner, the baby is sucked out in shredded pieces and deposited into a receptacle.

If the baby is 4 to 5 months old, dilation and evacuation (D&E) is used. It may take up to 3 days for the cervix to be become sufficiently dilated for abortion. If during this time the woman has second thoughts, there are financial inducements for the abortionist to encourage the woman to complete the operation. First, there is the fee for the procedure. This varies between $100 to $2,000 depending upon the length of gestation. The average is $400. There is a second financial advantage to complete the procedure, but more about this later. There are no incentives to prevent an abortion.

Continuing with D&E; guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabs the baby's leg with forceps. The baby is pulled out of the birth canal. The head being too large to permit an easy exit, the brain is evacuated and the skull collapsed. The body is then removed.

Similar to D&E is dilation and curettage (D&C). Here the abortionist uses a knife to dismember the baby in the uterus. Alternatively, he may use his hand to wrench the arms and legs from the torso. The body is then removed piecemeal.

After 6 months, Caesarian section is used. It differs from the usual C-section only in that the baby's umbilical cord is severed. This cuts off oxygen and causes the baby's death.

But aren't partial-birth or late-term abortions (i.e., D&E, D&C, and C-section) illegal? Yes, since 2003. But they are permissible if a women's health may be adversely affected by the birth. However, the definition of "health" is vague and broad enough to permit abortions regardless of the stage of gestation.

Occasionally an aborted baby is delivered live. In these instances – as reported by a former abortion clinic employee – he is killed by drowning, breaking his neck, beaten, or left exposed until he dies. Live births are at a premium. They yield undamaged tissue, which is financially beneficial to the abortionist. Details follow.

All abortion techniques are invasive and dangerous. Complications arising from the anesthetic and perforations of the uterus, bowel, or bladder; and hemorrhage and infection are the most common. For some, the psychological impact of guilt and depression may be acute and chronic. In the US, approximately 150 women die every year during late-term (after 4 months) abortions. They are especially risky.

How are the remains disposed? They are sold. But isn't there a federal law forbidding the sale of human tissue? Yes, but it is easily circumvented. The "specimens," as they are called, are donated by the clinic to a middleman. He, in turn, donates money to the clinic. The middleman then supplies the body parts specified by the buyers: pharmaceutical companies, universities, medical schools, bio-tech companies, and government agencies. The buyers then reimburse the middleman's expenses. Technically, nothing is sold or bought in these transactions.

Body parts are individually priced. A brain is sold for $1,000, heavily discounted if fragmented. An eye is $300, or two for $275. And so it goes: lungs $400, heart $750, stomach $325, kidney $250, limbs $425 each. Unsalable remains are dumped in a garbage disposal unit, or if too large are picked up for incineration.

In the time you spent reading this column, 5 babies in the United States were legally aborted. In a year this will amount to 1.2 million babies. Their intact bodies and body parts will be sold and generate $500 million in sales.

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A Day In My Shoes

No A Day In My Shoes This Week

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Food For Thought
By Lauretta L. Clowes DC

No Food For Thought This Week

From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine

No Earth Talk This Week


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