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Commissioners Pass ’08 Budget The Susquehanna County Commissioners, minus one, ended the 2007 reign with a balanced budget. "We are in good shape," Commissioner Roberta Kelly stated. The motion (by Kelly) to accept the proposed Susquehanna County budget for 2008 was passed (by Warren) and the millage for Susquehanna County will be as follows; 11.5 mills for General Real Estate for the General Fund, 1.01 mills for Debt Service, and .33 mills for the Library Fund, with a total millage for real estate of 12.84.
Oakland Meeting Rescheduled Oakland Boro Council was to have met on Thursday, December 13 but the meeting was postponed due to weather conditions. They met instead on Saturday, December 22. First item on the agenda was a rundown of codes violations; some are proceeding; one is being handled by the police department; yet another property has changed hands since the situation began. The owner, who lives out of state, did not show up for a court hearing and has been found in contempt. Council will file the necessary paperwork with the county to have a stipulation put into the deed, that the property is in violation and must be cleaned up. This action was taken because it appears that the property will soon be sold at a tax sale.
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