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HEADLINES: It’s Year 23 For Feed-A-Friend The Feed-A-Friend program began its 23rd year at the annual kickoff luncheon which took place at The Montrose Bible Conference Tea Room on October 15. Some 40 enthusiastic volunteers attended, a diverse group ranging from high school students and their advisors to local business and service organization representatives as well as TREHAB staff who explained the program and answered questions about this long-term project. At the Feed-A-Friend kickoff luncheon, members of Susquehanna Community High School’s Student Council explained their club’s plans for fundraising and food collection. Accompanied by faculty advisor Ben Hibbard, top right, are, (l-r): front row – Angela Petriello, Ellen Biegert, Craig Soden; back row – Aaron Soden. TREHAB coordinates the Feed-A-Friend program in cooperation with WNEP-TV 16, Scranton. The program helps needy county families celebrate Thanksgiving with all the trimmings through donations of nonperishable food items and of money to purchase holiday turkeys. In a massive, month-long volunteer effort, food and donations are collected and baskets are readied for distribution right before the holiday. The food banks run by TREHAB in Montrose and Oakland have already started taking names of persons requesting the Thanksgiving baskets. Lists of potential recipients are also sent to the food banks by Aging Services, Children & Youth Services, and school nurses. In welcoming the attendees, TREHAB Executive Director Dennis Phelps pointed out that the holiday distribution provides about $200 in goods, money which can be used for other winter needs, such as heat and clothing. The program, he added needs at least $10,000 in donations to cover the cost of turkeys and other expenses. Attendees at the luncheon were invited to outline their fundraising efforts for this program. While some provided can collection help or monetary donations, the school students and advisors offered some creative ideas, from a badminton tournament fundraiser to a class collection competition, the prize being an ice cream party, to sorting and bagging right before the distribution day. On hand to thank the volunteers and offer their support were Debra Valunis representing PA Rep. Sandra Major, and County Commissioner Jeffrey Loomis. All food and money donations collected by TREHAB stay in Susquehanna County to help feed hungry families right here. Anyone interested in helping with or donating to the Feed-A-Friend program can contact Edlyn Flannery at TREHAB, at 1-800-982-4045 or 278-5235.
Evergreen Lane Farm Welcomes Visitors A great many of farms today are family owned and operated. Mark and Cindy Tompkins’ Evergreen Lane Farm is a family owned and operated farm in Susquehanna County.
Meadow View Senior Living Center resident, Anna Malina is guided through the dairy barn tour by Susquehanna Dairy Princess Abbey Puzo and Bradford County Princess Erica Kuhlman. The Tompkins family recently hosted the sixth “Day on a Dairy Farm” event sponsored by Susquehanna County Dairy Promotion. Over the past six years, the Tompkins family has welcomed thousands of visitors to the farm to tour their dairy facility. Some visitors have traveled from as far away as Poland and New Zealand. Highlights of this year’s “Day on a Dairy Farm” event included horse drawn wagon rides, an interesting petting zoo, craft activities for kids, free milk and cheese, plus some very special guests. The Meadow View Senior Living Center brought some residents to visit the dairy farm. Several of the Meadow View visitors were involved in dairy farming in the past, and were excited to see the cows in this modern facility. Mark and Cindy have two children, Trevor and Mariah. Both children are very active in the dairy industry. Trevor is on the Susquehanna County 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Team, 4-H Dairy Judging, and treasurer in the Born to Show 4-H Dairy Club. Trevor is also a Holstein Association Junior member, and shows both dairy and dairy beef animals. Mariah is a Susquehanna County Dairy Maid, member of Born to Show 4-H Dairy Club, a Holstein Association Junior member, and shows dairy calves from their farm. The Tompkins farm consists of 70 registered Holstein cows and 60 replacement heifers and calves. At chore time, along with Mark and Cindy you might find Trevor helping milk or feeding calves and cows. Mariah helps by feeding calves. 4-H members, Amos Lyon and Nathan Oleniacz also help out with feeding and milking, and enjoy showing animals housed at Evergreen Lane Farm.
MAHS Senior Hosts United Open House The United Fire Company, based in Montrose, held an Open House for residents and visitors on Saturday, October 13. Montrose Minutemen Ambulance and staff also participated in the event. There were over 200 people in attendance throughout the five-hour program, which lasted from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. The United Fire Company Open House was planned by Alyssa Sprout of Montrose Area High School as her Senior Project for this year.* Alyssia chose the open house for United because she grew up pretty much “with the fire company.” Her brothers had both been involved with the fire company and/or Montrose Minutemen Ambulance. United Fire Company’s Fire Chief is Preston Sprout, who just happens to be Alyssia’s father. “I also felt that these emergency service volunteers need to be recognized for what they do and have done for the Montrose community, “ Alyssa said. “They are not paid,” she added, “yet they respond to over 50 calls or more per month, between the two volunteer organizations.” The fire company has reported 250 calls so far this year, as of September 30; that number is equal to an average of 37 calls per month. The Minutemen figures were unavailable at press time. Demonstrations included: firemen suiting up, discussion and information about the trucks, what the equipment is and its use, fire truck rides, numerous child safety issues, and children were allowed to sit on the fire truck with Sparky, the firedog. In addition, handout tables filled with not only child-related concerns, but information concerning 911 calls, fire alarms for the home, getting out of a home safely when there is a fire, and some bicycling activity and coloring sheets. A very historical and interesting part of the event was the opening of the United Museum, which houses years and years of antiques from United’s past including photos of the first crew of volunteers to ever fight a fire in the area, uniforms, old antique equipment and numerous other fire-related information. Many people also took advantage of the opening of the museum as well. A slide show depicting fire scenes and other related materials was also available for interested residents to check out. “We even had people from Alaska visiting, and they said that this open house is a really good idea.” Sprout related, “They even took advantage of the free smoke alarms and took some home.” Smoke alarms for homes were available for free to those who needed them. Alyssia stated that the project was a complete success. “It turned out with a bigger crowd than I ever imagined.” PA state law requires every senior to decide upon, plan and carry out a community-based activity consisting of strict regulations for their senior project. The seniors have a choice of 24 hours of community service, a job shadow internship, or to accomplish something which will benefit the community as a whole. Records and information must be written and finalized, along with a summary report after the event.
Penn Dixie Band Finishes Season Susquehanna County-based "Penn Dixie Band" finished its parade season at the annual Catawissa Harvest and Halloween Parade. Penn Dixie participated in 49 parades this summer in the Tri-State area, and several in Connecticut and Massachusetts as well. Pictured (l-r) are: top – Rev. Tim Williams, Barney Wilkins, Hank Malitsky; bottom – Jerry Kaminski, Tom Harmon, Teresa Marino.
Winner of the 50/50 Alan Heller benefit raffle drawing was Sarah French, Susquehanna.
Susquehanna Continues Revitalization Projects Neighborhood renewal efforts continue in Susquehanna Borough with the removal of another blighted building through the DCED “Elm Street” Program. The Elm St. program, administered by The Trehab Center, works with the borough and Susquehanna Community Development Association (SCDA) for downtown and neighborhood revitalization. The Elm Street program is geared towards the neighborhoods directly surrounding the Main St. business district, while the Main Street program deals specifically with the business district. This year’s Elm Street budget includes removal of two blighted buildings, several façade challenge grants, and a gateway beautification project throughout the Elm St. district. It also includes promotional material, events and a sidewalks/curbing and public improvements project on Erie Ave. The Susquehanna Community Development Association has partnered with Trehab and the borough to strive to accomplish community renewal through established committees including Neighborhood & Economics; Organization; Promotion & Events; Design and Safe, Clean & Green. With the assistance of Trehab Center the borough and SCDA has recently submitted an application to the PA DCED for another round of $25,000.00 for additional façade funding and have received $34,000.00 for a container garden at the shops plaza wall and $63,000 for phase I of the Roundhouse River Park project. Commissioner Roberta Kelly, a borough resident, came to congratulate the group on their renewal efforts. She stated that true progress can be seen throughout the county with each of the communities planning and rebuilding on their own unique character.
These are Australian Cattle Dogs. They came in as strays. They are both male. The white one is more laid back, whereas the other is more outgoing. They are shy to begin with, but very friendly when they know you. They seem to have some training. To see these dogs, stop by the Susquehanna County Humane Society, 278-1228.
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