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Help Wanted HELP WANTED: Porosky Lumber is currently hiring lumber handlers for the sawmill with the possibility of advancement available through in-house training. Competitive wage, health insurance, paid vacation, paid holidays. Apply at the office located at 1903 Crosstown Hwy., Preston, Park PA. (S5-TF) OFFICE & ACCOUNTING services, your office or mine. $15/hr. Flexible schedule. Call Cindy, 853–4736. (4T-O24) HELP WANTED: Susquehanna County Housing/Redevelopment Authority has an employment opportunity for a full-time maintenance man at Prospect Park Apartments, 950 Prospect Street, Susquehanna, Pa. Position requires total upkeep of buildings including structural, plumbing and electric repairs. Work also includes upkeep of the grounds around the buildings. Excellent salary and benefit package. Send resume or apply in person at: 11 Public Avenue, Montrose, PA 18801, (570)278-4096. (2T–N7) STORAGE UNITS available, Red Rock Storage, Rte. 171. Call 879–4705. (3T-N7)
PRIVATE COLLECTOR paying cash for your Colt Revolvers, Winchesters, antique guns, militaria, civil war swords and items, flasks, powder cans. 1 or many. Please call Rob at 607-760-1264. (N8-TF) FOR SALE: Used, heavy-duty work trailer. Size 4 X 10, in N. Jackson. Call 800-969-9873, $300.00. (2T-O31) FREE upright piano. Oakland, PA. (570) 853–4440. (4T-O31)
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