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Help Wanted HELP WANTED: Porosky Lumber is currently hiring lumber handlers for the sawmill with the possibility of advancement available through in-house training. Competitive wage, health insurance, paid vacation, paid holidays. Apply at the office located at 1903 Crosstown Hwy., Preston, Park PA. (S5-TF) EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Assistant Plant Operator at the Tri-Boro Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. Please send résumé to Tri-Boro Municipal Authority, 282 Erie Blvd., Susquehanna, PA 18847 or fax to (570) 853–4833. Résumé deadline September 10, 2007. For more information call secretary Marti Stanford at (570) 853–4719. (S5) WANTED: Substitute Childcare Worker. Willing to work for hugs, kisses, and a modest wage. If you are able to multitask and retain a good sense of humor, call Miss Kathleen at 727–3322 to apply or send your résumé to: Miss Kathleen’s, RR 2 Box 142, Thompson, PA 18465. (S5) DRIVER WANTED: Driver with clean Class A CDL wanted. Includes local work and overnight trips to MA. This is a part-time position, no benefits. Call (570) 879–4711, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., M-F. (S5)
PRIVATE COLLECTOR paying cash for your Colt Revolvers, Winchesters, antique guns, militaria, civil war swords and items, flasks, powder cans. 1 or many. Please call Rob at 607-760-1264. (N8-TF) YARD SALE: September 7, 8, 9, Campsite Road, off 171 between Susquehanna and Thompson. Guns, tools, fishing and hunting, scuba gear and tanks, household goods, air tools, children’s clothing, compressors and generators, 1994 Ford cube van vehicle, runs excellent. ABCO Construction shop. (S5) PIANO LESSONS: In my Susquehanna home on weeknights beginning 09/06/07. All ages welcome. Please call 853–3763. (2T-S5)
HOUSE FOR RENT: Susquehanna, two bedroom, w/d hookup, off street parking. $400.00/month plus security. References. No pets. 853–3210. (2T-S5) ROOM FOR RENT at Clifford Township Municipal Building. approximately 800 square feet available space. To view room, please contact Clifford Township secretary at (570) 222–9364. (2T-S5)
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